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Why Only 2 Warframe At A Time


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The developers who give new players an intentionally tiny number of slots which they will hit during the new game content which has been developed  as a proper game and is fun, before they run into all the samey grind and paywall crap like defrosting kubrows, Van Hel beacons, guild research items  or the nightmare that is actually getting argon crystals?


Yeah I'm sure the developers worked really hard (on working out the best way to fleece new players)


The world never runs out of ungrateful and entitled players.  The game is free.  Completely free.  I have a friend who is a lvl 17 on PS4 and he hasn't spent a dime on it.  Requiring slots for additional warframes & weapons is not unreasonable.  70p for a color palette?  That's a bit crazy.  But DE doesn't care about inventory or mods slots.


Levels mean nothing...

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The developers who give new players an intentionally tiny number of slots which they will hit during the new game content which has been developed  as a proper game and is fun, before they run into all the samey grind and paywall crap like defrosting kubrows, Van Hel beacons, guild research items  or the nightmare that is actually getting argon crystals?


Yeah I'm sure the developers worked really hard (on working out the best way to fleece new players)


The world never runs out of ungrateful and entitled players.  The game is free.  Completely free.  I have a friend who is a lvl 17 on PS4 and he hasn't spent a dime on it.  Requiring slots for additional warframes & weapons is not unreasonable.  70p for a color palette?  That's a bit crazy.  But DE doesn't care about inventory or mods slots.


Levels mean nothing...



Actually levels do.  By mentioning the levels I was pointing out that my friend didn't play the game for just a month.  By mentioning the levels I was pointing out that he owns all of the warframes.  And all of the kubrows.  And all of the sentinels.  And almost all of the weapons.


In other words, you don't need to pay any money to get just about everything out of the game. 


Anyone complaining about having just two warframe slots in a free game is being petty.

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Are we really debating whether or not it's reasonable to ask someone to pay LITERALLY A FEW DOLLARS to expand their inventory space beyond the basic allotment in a good online game where almost everything else can be had for free?!?  Really?!!?  Yes, it would be nice if we all lived in Star-Trek-World, where everything is free and nobody has to work.  Sadly, that won't be available for a few hundred more years.


If spending five or ten dollars - the same price as a couple of Frappacinos or a few Happy Meals - is too much for you to pay for a well-made game from a developer that really pays attention to it's customers, then maybe you should consider that prying open your tight fist and forking over a small stack of quarters is really not your main problem.


I don't always get snarky.  But when I do, I prefer to get snarky on silly crap like this.  (Star-Trek-World quote: "I can waste no more time on you.")


EDIT:  Look, I get that we don't all of us have a few extra dollars that we can dump into video gaming.  Food, rent, children, gasoline/petrol, these are all Real-Life concerns that absolutely have to come first.  But getting nearly an entire online game for free is pretty amazing, to the point where complaining that you didn't get even more for free makes the OP sound churlish and ungrateful, and those are not character traits any of us probably want to be associated with.  So while we would all like to get more things for free, let's try not to complain too much when that doesn't happen.  Fair enough?

Edited by PanUmbrian
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What an outrage, those bastard developers who work all day for this actually want money for a free game.

Try use ur beginners plat, its the best use you can give it anyway.

I hope they ban you ._. You dont know how hard it is to make a game they need the money. No game is "Free"

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What an outrage, those bastard developers who work all day for this actually want money for a free game.

Try use ur beginners plat, its the best use you can give it anyway.

I hope they mute you.. ._. You dont know how hard it is to make an argument w/o saying they need money only from one item...


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 F2Ps don't survive entirely on cosmetics and good thoughts.

? Seems to me a lot of F2P survive on cosmetics.


Anyone complaining about having just two warframe slots in a free game is being petty.

Not really



How is it not being petty?


OP's problem come from ignorance I think

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How dare they let me play this game for free and expect me to pay money to support it in any way ever


People should step back and realize that without money there would be no game to play


And you can get all of these things entirely free if you work for it


Be glad thats an actual option in this game

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How dare they let me play this game for free and expect me to pay money to support it in any way ever


People should step back and realize that without money there would be no game to play


And you can get all of these things entirely free if you work for it


Be glad thats an actual option in this game

Be glad there is more than slots for sales. How dare they bank everything on slots. Dare they only make money off of slots.


"God forbid slots go free, they would go bankrupt if that happened. No more warframe, no future games. All because slots were made free. No wonder you cannot earn them via mastery. it makes perfect sense. If that one item goes free, it would spell disaster for the grineer, er, tenno. Even Darvo would cry, he's the one that sells it. So remember folks, free slots means no more warframe :) Even earning them is taboo"


"I don't quite know how Path of Exile does it, what I do know is that it's a different game so that must mean no other game can do it according to the internet"

Edited by Jinryusai
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How dare they let me play this game for free and expect me to pay money to support it in any way ever


People should step back and realize that without money there would be no game to play


And you can get all of these things entirely free if you work for it


Be glad thats an actual option in this game

Be glad there is more than slots for sales. How dare they bank everything on slots. Dare they only make money off of slots.


"God forbid slots go free, they would go bankrupt if that happened. No more warframe, no future games. All because slots were made free. No wonder you cannot earn them via mastery. it makes perfect sense. If that one item goes free, it would spell disaster for the grineer, er, tenno. Even Darvo would cry, he's the one that sells it. So remember folks, free slots means no more warframe :) Even earning them is taboo"


"I don't quite know how Path of Exile does it, what I do know is that it's a different game so that must mean no other game can do it according to the internet"


7 million players x 1$ something per slot purchased ( not including discounts)


Thats an awful lot of money


Its not even hard to get plat entirely for free


Youre just being cheap and lazy and complaining on the forums


If path of Exile is better than go play that


Its been explained exactly how easy it is to get plat entirely for free


How to get slots entirely for free


If you or OP or anyone else doesnt want to do that then thats on them

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How dare they let me play this game for free and expect me to pay money to support it in any way ever


People should step back and realize that without money there would be no game to play


And you can get all of these things entirely free if you work for it


Be glad thats an actual option in this game

Be glad there is more than slots for sales. How dare they bank everything on slots. Dare they only make money off of slots.


"God forbid slots go free, they would go bankrupt if that happened. No more warframe, no future games. All because slots were made free. No wonder you cannot earn them via mastery. it makes perfect sense. If that one item goes free, it would spell disaster for the grineer, er, tenno. Even Darvo would cry, he's the one that sells it. So remember folks, free slots means no more warframe :) Even earning them is taboo"


"I don't quite know how Path of Exile does it, what I do know is that it's a different game so that must mean no other game can do it according to the internet"


7 million players x 1$ something per slot purchased ( not including discounts) - 7 million players x 5$ something per cosmetic item purchased ( not including discounts) )now multiply player purchases of boosters, weapons, etc. and you'll see that your whole post prior to this one is irrelevant due to other things in the cash shop and not only slots and remember cosmetics are the hottest items in any game. "People should step back and realize that without money there would be no game to play" - As if there are no other things in the shop.


Thats an awful lot of money


Its not even hard to get plat entirely for free


Youre just being cheap and lazy and complaining on the forums


If path of Exile is better than go play that


Its been explained exactly how easy it is to get plat entirely for free


How to get slots entirely for free


If you or OP or anyone else doesnt want to do that then thats on them


I see you haven't noticed the sarcasm in the post, you would have seen it wasn't about if slots should be free or not.


he posts you made were all pointless because you assumed he wanted everything free, but he is only talking about slots. just imagine, if slots were free, perhaps reciprocity" would kick in and he would actually spend money on this game. But you people always assume the worst of these people that never mention any other cash shop item and if they want them free.


You people should read things through and come up with a better response that helps the poor lad, not crucify him.

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The developers who give new players an intentionally tiny number of slots which they will hit during the new game content which has been developed  as a proper game and is fun, before they run into all the samey grind and paywall crap like defrosting kubrows, Van Hel beacons, guild research items  or the nightmare that is actually getting argon crystals?


Yeah I'm sure the developers worked really hard (on working out the best way to fleece new players)


The world never runs out of ungrateful and entitled players.  The game is free.  Completely free.  I have a friend who is a lvl 17 on PS4 and he hasn't spent a dime on it.  Requiring slots for additional warframes & weapons is not unreasonable.  70p for a color palette?  That's a bit crazy.  But DE doesn't care about inventory or mods slots.


Levels mean nothing...



Actually levels do.  By mentioning the levels I was pointing out that my friend didn't play the game for just a month.  By mentioning the levels I was pointing out that he owns all of the warframes.  And all of the kubrows.  And all of the sentinels.  And almost all of the weapons.


In other words, you don't need to pay any money to get just about everything out of the game. 


Anyone complaining about having just two warframe slots in a free game is being petty.


So you meant Mastery Rank, well forget this conversation happened...

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Instead of buying a new game that you know nothing about...spend that money on Plat for warframe and if you only buy Slots and Catalyst/Reactors then it will go far and you will have more fun and waste alot more time then any other game.


If you buy other games then you are not allowed to complain about not haveing money to invest in warframe.


<-------Vet with 1,600 hours

Edited by TriggerHappyWhiteGuy
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I just wished I would have known and would have saved up the 60P they gave us to begin with. That would have atleast covered me for 3 additional warframe. Well whatever then I guess it is time to walk away and evaluate if I am going to drop actual cash on this game.

Seems to be unneccessary. Being a trader in Warframe is quite easy. I have never spent any money on this game and I have traded 5000+ platinum in my playtime.





Keep in mind that as a relatively new player, he probably doesn't have much stuff people want.

Yup, that's how I started out, making platinum from sitting in a new market selling these duplicate rares I had for 10p each.

As long as you have others happily paying for platinum and trading it off, I think the XB1 market will be quite profitable in these early months.



but here's the thing about that. when i started, and this was WAY back in i dont even remember what update, i got that beginner plat and i had NO IDEA what the hell to do with it. so i wasted it on credit boosters and other things that i didn't need at the time because i didn't know. New players who get that free plat have too much temptation and not enough patience to wait and see what they can do that may be influential to their game play from then on, thus, the need to give them recommendations on what to spend their plat on as new players becomes crucial to their gaming experience, which, if done so correctly, can boost the amount of new players you have, income you get from people buying plat, and the beginning players opinions of the game, which again, can get you more players than you already have, increasing the amount of cash you can obtain

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I see you haven't noticed the sarcasm in the post, you would have seen it wasn't about if slots should be free or not.


he posts you made were all pointless because you assumed he wanted everything free, but he is only talking about slots. just imagine, if slots were free, perhaps reciprocity" would kick in and he would actually spend money on this game. But you people always assume the worst of these people that never mention any other cash shop item and if they want them free.


You people should read things through and come up with a better response that helps the poor lad, not crucify him.

Complaints about a game thats truly free2play gain little tolerance especially when put in whine form with a touch of laziness


Its one of the thigs warframe does right

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FYI I have put money down on this game, what annoys me is how much of a grind wall they put in front of EVERYTHING. Also the pathetic amount of initial slots does not let you experience the game at all before you need to buy more, trading for platinum requires you to grind a fair bit more than that, which if you're actually willing to pay money seems a bit pointless. However the game is set up so that the start is a completely different experience after Jupiter as you go from a fair bit of story and reasons behind the missions to place holders and grind-fests.


That's just misleading people to get money out them and f*** you DE for that!


Research items, hydroid parts and Kubrows are easily the worst offenders.


Hydroid requires an insane amount of grinding, both for the beacons and the argon crystals to make the damn parts.


Research items require you to purchase the same blueprint dozens of times and can take weeks to make one item.


As for the Kubro 3 hour defrost time.... seriously F*** you DE with a rusty telegraph pole, that's a blatant paywall in front of an in-game feature for absolutely no reason other than to make money every time the player wants to use it.


Often with this game it's not free-to-play but free to grind and/or wait.

Edited by WereFowl
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Evidently, people don't understand that "consumers" aren't an end-state for a business.

Money is the end-state. Meaning that even if you stop playing right now, you will never have entered DE's business cycle.


You love the game to death, but not enough to shell out $5.00 for it?

How much did you pay for your XBox One?


There's too much failure of mental comprehension in this thread for my tastes.

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Actually not treating your customers like cattle, that you can milk for money whenever you want, should be a good state for business, as is not intentionally misleading them.


In fact I'm pretty sure there's a number of laws regarding the last one, but DE get around it by claiming the game is in Beta and throwing in the odd item or interface upgrade now and then so they can keep saying that,

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