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How Do You Think Tenno Procreate? Do We Procreate?

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We're subject to the rigors of entropy.  We might very well be biologically immortal, but we can still perish in combat. 

So comes the question, do we replenish our numbers?  Are we a single wave of warriors, destined to die out eventually?  Or are we a race?  This is very much something I'd like the devs to answer.  Sounds like it could be an interesting quest, if it's in one context at least. 

If we do, how?  If you look at many interpretations of how the Tenno work, we would most definitely be sterile.

if you look at a Dark Sector and Warframe disconnected stance, we're children disfigured and mutated by the void.  Mutations often lead to sterility. 

If we look at Dark Sector and Warframe being connected -- The "Papa Hayden Theory" if you will, we're definitely not going to reproduce.  Technocyte renders things sterile.  It has to assimilate other life to carry on.

Which says something sinister about the Tenno.

So, unless by chance we're not sterile, we just do it normally.  Or as close as normal as Tenno can get.

If we are, we might clone Tenno.  But look at what happened to the Grineer.  Clones seem inherently unstable, even Kubrows need gene stabilizers.

And if neither of those are avenues, there's only one thing left that I see..

We take children and expose them to the void, recreating our own birth.

Is that what we are?  Do we kidnap children that possess some trait, and throw them into the void?  Seems like a $&*^ move.  But if there's no Tenno, who else will take all the loot in the solar system and shoo off the sentients when they come back?

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There is no spoon lore.  (Since most of it is inferred, as you rightly pointed out, speculation on it brings us nearly nowhere)


I shall introduce my own idea of the Tenno, took me some time to think it out properly, which is why my initial repsponse is near pointless to the direction of this thread..;


Tenno are sand. They turn to dust and navigate through the breaches of the universe. When one dies permanently, that sand recompiles in the void and is sent back out of it, like black wholes absorbing suns then ejecting plasma out in great rings of light, and when that sand recompiles, a breathing, fully grown organism that does not need to eat , drink, or feel emerges.


Tenno are sand, because the sands of time change and alter but always remain. They are permanent and timeless. They are the the grains that remain and shift as the landscape changes, and they will always be there watchign over the solar system as the Lotus' peacekeepers.


The end.


And I started this thread to hear relevant thoughts, so if we could please not derail it?  Thanks.



Your tone suggests disdain. You couldn't care less about anything i post here, relevant or not after my initial post. 

Edited by Somedude1000
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back to the question about "what is tenno?" a human? an energy? or some other sentient being? does tenno even have gender? because supposedly we players only control 1 tenno per player but somehow we could use a lot gendered warframe suit so that would mean its the warframe that have gender not the tenno itself. creating lore for each individual warframe is also pointless because warframe is just a suit not a living being. tenno is the living being and i dont have problem if tenno got more explored lore but for warframe suit to have a lore? that's just ridiculous. 

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back to the question about "what is tenno?" a human? an energy? or some other sentient being? does tenno even have gender? because supposedly we players only control 1 tenno per player but somehow we could use a lot gendered warframe suit so that would mean its the warframe that have gender not the tenno itself. creating lore for each individual warframe is also pointless because warframe is just a suit not a living being. tenno is the living being and i dont have problem if tenno got more explored lore but for warframe suit to have a lore? that's just ridiculous. 

My take on what I think you're saying:


Edit: Tenno'd.  I see you've already commented.

Edited by Gaminus
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Unless DE reveal a new Chitty Chitty Bang Bang "Childcatcher" warframe then I'm going to assume that we don't reproduce, at least not in the way you suggest.

Given the dark setting of Warframe, it would add an element of fitting tragedy if the finite number of Tenno remaining face an inevitable silde into extinction. 

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 Tenno are, as far as anyone of us could know, cloned.


 When you're a demigod in a ninja suit flying around space killing people you don't like you find that you aren't left with much time for babymaking. Besides that, if the method by which Tenno are created works the way the lore seems to hint at - it's very, very possible they aren't normal humans anymore underneath. Much closer to an elemental in a human body.

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Where'd you get that idea?


 Because every time how a Tenno is actually made is brought up it sounds a bit like a miracle process. Like each person who survives the ordeal becomes their own specific thing. The reason there is no female Rhino? Because the Tenno who donned the Rhino suit was male. I mean the first one. The Prime.


 So how are there so many damn Rhino? Well the obvious thing would be cloning, which is already extremely common in the Game World. The Grineer use it, it's fair to presume the Corpus may dabble in it. It's a working process.


 Ask yourself, do you find it a stretch? Review the things we see constantly in the world itself and ask yourself how possible it all sounds that this is how the Tenno work.


 Your collections of Tenno? All clones based off an original strain that the Lotus protects and controls. Unlike the Grineer, who suck at using the cloning Tech gleaned from the Orokin Lotus is the real deal. An Orokin AI with knowledge on how to operate the cloning systems with little failure.


 "But what about when I switch Tenno?" - Different clone. Another process we see constantly in game that is something used almost casually by the Tenno is the process they use to transfer a capture target into energy that they can then turn around and send to the Lotus. Is it tough to believe the Tenno may also use this to lie in a dormant state?


 Like anything, it's all just me taking shots in the dark. There is too little solid information. Too many conflicting possibilities. Too much retconned without anyone really being told.

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One of the early videos, Lotus says tennos are on the brink of extinction, ElHefe wrote in general discussion a thread "are tenno clones?" very speculative but stems from the idea that Orokin are expert genetic manipulators and seems to be something several people at guessing at.


If they are in fact clones, and we know tennos can´t prevent their puppies from turning to mush without a dna stabilizer, i don´t think they would clone themselve knowing that could happen to them.

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One of the early videos, Lotus says tennos are on the brink of extinction, ElHefe wrote in general discussion a thread "are tenno clones?" very speculative but stems from the idea that Orokin are expert genetic manipulators and seems to be something several people at guessing at.


If they are in fact clones, and we know tennos can´t prevent their puppies from turning to mush without a dna stabilizer, i don´t think they would clone themselve knowing that could happen to them.


 The Tenno are a very different sort of creature than a Kubrow though. It's very possible that they are cloned with a process specific for cloning a Tenno.


 Perhaps it's a process that takes a few days. Say, three to four days? About as long as it takes to make a copy of the suit they'll need.

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 Because every time how a Tenno is actually made is brought up it sounds a bit like a miracle process. Like each person who survives the ordeal becomes their own specific thing. The reason there is no female Rhino? Because the Tenno who donned the Rhino suit was male.


 So how are there so many damn Rhino? Well the obvious thing would be cloning, which is already extremely common in the Game World. The Grineer use it, it's fair to presume the Corpus make dabble in it. It's a working process.


 Ask yourself, do you find it a stretch? Review the things we see constantly in the world itself and ask yourself how possible it all sounds that this is how the Tenno work.


 Your collections of Tenno? All clones based off an original strain that the Lotus protects and controls. Unlike the Grineer, who suck at using the cloning Tech gleaned from the Orokin Lotus is the real deal. An Orokin AI with knowledge on how to operate the cloning systems with little failure.


 "But what about when I switch Tenno?" - Different clone. Another process we see constantly in game that is something used almost casually by the Tenno is the process they use to transfer a capture target into energy that they can then turn around and send to the Lotus. Is it tough to believe the Tenno may also use this to lie in a dormant state?


 Like anything, it's all just me taking shots in the dark. There is too little solid information. Too many conflicting possibilities. Too much retconned without anyone really being told.

An interesting take on it.  I mean, I personally think that the warframes work like http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Phoenix_Lord


Meaning, that Tenno Powers are based on personality.  We use the original bearer's personality to focus our energy and format it through certain channels or frequences.  Gender affects psychology.  So, perhaps we literally change gender to suit our needs. 

Though I can see us just changing bodies.  If we're energy beings as Vor says, we could simply possess different bodies.  But if that's the case, how do we die?  Maybe we still can, if we don't possess a body or something similar.  We just disseminate into the void if there's nothing to help congeal our energy.  One could say Vor disproves that, but it'd be reasonable to say he's either very powerful, or uses the janus key as an anchor of sorts.

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 The Tenno are a very different sort of creature than a Kubrow though. It's very possible that they are cloned with a process specific for cloning a Tenno.


 Perhaps it's a process that takes a few days. Say, three to four days? About as long as it takes to make a copy of the suit they'll need.

Probably you have heard that humans share 90 something % or our genes with monkeys and different % with the rest the living creatures, i believe i heard also with plants, so if genes are all the same for all creatures and we only change which ones are active, why would tenno use a different process for them and for kubrows.

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An interesting take on it.  I mean, I personally think that the warframes work like http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Phoenix_Lord


Meaning, that Tenno Powers are based on personality.  We use the original bearer's personality to focus our energy and format it through certain channels or frequences.  Gender affects psychology.  So, perhaps we literally change gender to suit our needs. 

Though I can see us just changing bodies.  If we're energy beings as Vor says, we could simply possess different bodies.  But if that's the case, how do we die?  Maybe we still can, if we don't possess a body or something similar.  We just disseminate into the void if there's nothing to help congeal our energy.  One could say Vor disproves that, but it'd be reasonable to say he's either very powerful, or uses the janus key as an anchor of sorts.


 Haha. Very neat. Though that'd imply a bit more complexity to the Warframe suits then I'm aware of there existing. That is one of the issues with guessing at lore. We don't yet possess nearly enough details about our characters themselves. Warframes are just a gap in knowledge.


 I've always imagined that a Tenno free of their suit is an incredibly powerful thing, however they do not necessarily control this force that well up around them. The little girl who was exposed to the Void burned that Woman's face in Ember Prime's codex. I think this is a common thing. The Warframe suit is a limiter. A focus. It allows the Tenno to move through the world and shape their new powers into more specific forms comfortable for them.



 Anyway, it's actually my belief that Vor's comment about Tenno - the one implying we're energy - is not supposed to be taken literally. Vor is cool as hell, but he is also an obsessed madman being kept alive through sheer guts and the void energy stored within the Janus key.


 If it's true that a Tenno free of their suit is something like a human shaped elemental it's perfectly possible an insane onlooker would come away with an outlook on it like his.


 Especially since that very same character in past lore commented with disappointment on how a Dead Tenno in it's suit is nothing more then a squishy, human-looking corpse with nothing special about it.


 Tenno are Human - or, well, Orokin - who were exposed to the Void and lit like a Torch. The flame that consumes them allows them to wield insane power and destroy anything they may meet, it only gets stronger when it's light is focused through a Warframe tailored to it's needs, but it is still a Frame. When the Tenno it consumes dies - truly dies - the fire dies out. All that's left is the barely human remains, like half charred firewood.

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An interesting take on it.  I mean, I personally think that the warframes work like http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Phoenix_Lord


Meaning, that Tenno Powers are based on personality.  We use the original bearer's personality to focus our energy and format it through certain channels or frequences.  Gender affects psychology.  So, perhaps we literally change gender to suit our needs. 

Though I can see us just changing bodies.  If we're energy beings as Vor says, we could simply possess different bodies.  But if that's the case, how do we die?  Maybe we still can, if we don't possess a body or something similar.  We just disseminate into the void if there's nothing to help congeal our energy.  One could say Vor disproves that, but it'd be reasonable to say he's either very powerful, or uses the janus key as an anchor of sorts.

Do you remember how old Darvo said he was?, and he was treated almost like a teenager, and the stalker has been awake for centuries, the thought that tenno might be immortal in the sense of a long life span, not in the sense of being indestructible seems plausible.

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Probably you have heard that humans share 90 something % or our genes with monkeys and different % with the rest the living creatures, i believe i heard also with plants, so if genes are all the same for all creatures and we only change which ones are active, why would tenno use a different process for them and for kubrows.


 Because Kubrows don't release massive amounts of energy. They aren't like demigods. Remember, a Tenno is NOT Human. It WAS a human, however the Void made them different. 

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Well, warframes are manufactured. (We build them in the Foundry.) "Tenno" are essentially the player though, so I think it's safe to say that they're an otherworldly being whose interactions with the physical realm are poorly understood, though so far they've only ever manifested inside warframes.

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Actually I´m adherent to the idea that void energy doesn´t exist, that the void is an enviromental hazardous dimension (not an energy or a substance) where laws of nature are warped or the quantum mechanics function differently and the tennos that returned whole, remain humans but mutants, with abilities akin to psionic powers, or esp or psychic powers, whatever you name it.



So if the void imploded and dissapeared completely, with no realm no channel energy from, would tenno lose their powers?


Edit. sorry i´m kinda tired, and not editing right .

Edited by Pavelord
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So if the void imploded and dissapeared completely, with no realm no channel energy from, would tenno lose their powers?


Edit. sorry i´m kinda tired, and not editing right .


  No idea. They recieved their gift from the Void, however I don't think they are reliant on it existing. 


 In fact, the Void is still harmful to the Tenno. That they survived it once gave them insane power - however the game seems to imply would rip them apart all the same even now.


 I believe it was Excalibur Prime's Codex that spoke of the Void with the nickname "Hellspace". It's just a torrent of insane, reality bending energy. A dimension of pure, undiluted force and power. The entire cycle of creation and destruction happening at unthinkable speeds at every possible point in it's entire expanse. Like someone took our own world and cranked up the fast forward so much that the death of galaxies and the light of newborn stars bleeds together so much that the blackish void of space is replaced with white.



 This is just me guessing though.

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Adding my thus far unwelcome opinion from the first pos i madet;


Tenno are sand. They turn to dust and navigate through the breaches of the universe. When one dies permanently, that sand recompiles in the void and is sent back out of it, like black wholes absorbing suns then ejecting plasma out in great rings of light, and when that sand recompiles, a breathing, fully grown organism that does not need to eat , drink, or feel emerges.


Tenno are sand, because the sands of time change and alter but always remain. They are permanent and timeless. They are the the grains that remain and shift as the landscape changes, and they will always be there, watching over the system as the Lotus' peacekeepers.


The end.

Edited by Somedude1000
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