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Data: Warframe Release Dates


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Amazingly, there seems to be no simple resource for Warframe release dates

So here it is




* Sadly, I was not able to locate precise release dates pre-Frost - I'm sure the information is out there, but I got tired of looking through Warframe Wiki Update pages. If you want to try and fill in the blanks yourself, I'd suggest starting here:


* To those of you who may be
contributors: Please add a "
Release Date
" section for all Warframes; no self-respecting Wiki wouldn't keep date records.
I would've added them myself, but most pages are locked.


»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««


[size=5]Raw Data: Comma-Seperated Values (CSV) [size=3]- check here for all data[/size][/size]

... because when you share data, you may as well share raw data so people can actually use it -.-


  #, Frame, Release Date, Update, Reference

  1, Loki, 10/5/2012, BETA, [size=3]*date estimated[/size]

  2, Mag, 10/6/2012, BETA, [size=3]*date estimated[/size]

  3, Excalibur, 10/24/2012, BETA, [size=3]*date estimated[/size]

  4, Rhino, 10/24/2012, BETA, [size=3]*date estimated[/size]

  5, Ash, 1/14/2013, BETA, [size=3]*date estimated[/size]

  6, Ember, 1/14/2013, BETA, [size=3]*date estimated[/size]

  7, Trinity, 1/14/2013, BETA, [size=3]*date estimated[/size]

  8, Volt, 1/14/2013, BETA, [size=3]*date estimated[/size]


[size=5]Statistics[/size][size=3] - check here for semi-interesting stats[/size]

Closed Beta
: October 24, 2012

: 152 days

frames released
: 12

avg. # days between frames
: 12.67


Open Beta
: March 21 or 25, 2013

: 567+ days

frames released
: 8

avg. # days between frames
: 70.88


Avg. Length [size=3]
[/size] between new frames

Since last frame [size=3]
: 87

Last 2 frames
: 82

Last 3 frames
: 71

Last 4 frames
: 60

Last 6 frames
: 62

Max length for any frame
: 100 days [size=3]


next frame release date
: [size=3]
(I shouldn't even bother guessing, but it's what everyone is most interested in anyway)

~ Oct 27 (Monday), 2014 [size=3]
(this is an estimated guess and, goodness-knows, probably not accurate)


I would think combining this data with more regarding game version histories [size=3](e.g. 14.10.2)[/size] would yield a more accurate predictor for when the next frame will come out.... maybe.


Here's hoping for a new frame soon =P


[size=2]tags: list, announce, patch, created, creation[/size]

Edited by Talaiar
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Amazingly, there seems to be no simple resource for Warframe release dates

So here it is


* Sadly, I was not able to locate release dates pre-Frost - I'm sure the information is out there, but I got tired of looking through Warframe Wiki Update pages. If you want to try and fill in the blanks yourself, I'd suggest starting here: Warframe Wiki Updates


* To those of you who may be Warframe Wikia contributors: Please add a "Release Date" section for every single Warframe; what kind of self-respecting Wiki doesn't keep date records? O.o I would've added them myself, but most pages are locked.


»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

Raw Data: Comma-Seperated Values (CSV) - check here for all data

... because when you share data, you may as well share raw data so people can actually use it -.-

  #, Frame, Release Date, Update, Reference
  1, Loki, 10/5/2012, BETA, *date estimated
  2, Mag, 10/6/2012, BETA, *date estimated
  3, Excalibur, 10/24/2012, BETA, *date estimated
  4, Rhino, 10/24/2012, BETA, *date estimated
  5, Ash, 1/14/2013, BETA, *date estimated
  6, Ember, 1/14/2013, BETA, *date estimated
  7, Trinity, 1/14/2013, BETA, *date estimated
  8, Volt, 1/14/2013, BETA, *date estimated

Statistics - check here for semi-interesting stats

Closed Beta: October 24, 2012

length: 152 days

frames released: 12

avg. # days between frames: 12.67


Open Beta: March 21 or 25, 2013

length: 567 days

frames released: 8

avg. # days between frames: 70.88


Avg. Length (days) between new frames:

Since last frame (Mirage): 87

Last 2 frames: 82

Last 3 frames: 71

Last 4 frames: 60

Last 6 frames: 62

Max length for any frame: 100 days (Mirage)


Estimated next frame release date: (I shouldn't even bother guessing, but it's what everyone is most interested in anyway)

~ Oct 27 (Monday), 2014 (this is an estimated guess which does not include version data, and goodness-knows, probably not accurate)

I would think combining this data with more regarding game version histories (e.g. 14.10.2) would yield a more accurate predictor for when the next frame will come out.
Here's hoping for a new frame soon =P



Nice data. I'd have to say that would have taken you a long time to come up with that. I'll be bookmarking this thread. Cheers!

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Yep, it did take quite a little while...


... I am a bit tired of sifting through stuff for now. Perhaps later I will try and fill in the blanks of the Closed Beta frame release dates. If anyone happens to know anything I can add to this post, let me know [size=3](preferably with supporting reference link)[/size].

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Nice, it kind of suck frame releases have been slowing down for the past year, wish more of that time was filled with stuff like frame/gun reworks/QoLs

While more content is always nice, I would prefer that DE take their time to get things right rather than rushing it to market. (Actually, this applies to all game developers)

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While more content is always nice, I would prefer that DE take their time to get things right rather than rushing it to market. (Actually, this applies to all game developers)

I agree with what your saying but I don't believe them picking up the pace with frame releases would be rushing anything. I'm perfectly fine with how it is now as long as the time between new frames is used to touch up old frames and gear

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It would be awesome if they released U15 on the 24th to commemorate Warframe's two year anniversary...
Edit: But it'd be Friday, like old times. 
Yeah, that would be quite nice. I'd be happy for anything within the next month, to be honest. The Archwing update has me a little worried they may have too much on their plate to create a new Warframe any time soon [size=3](hopefully I'm wrong)[/size].
Friday is definitely a possibility though. The past 20 Warframe releases have occurred on the following days:
# of Frames released
So I'd have to say, if we were looking at a new frame being released after a similar amount of time as the last one [size=3](Mirage)[/size] then my best guess would be Oct 27 (Monday), Oct 29 (Wednesday), or Oct 31 (Friday).
I do hope it's sooner though =D
Edited by Talaiar
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that's a lot of digging there.


however Volt HAS to be earlier than that. because i started playing Warframe in the first Week of Jan.2013 (either 5th or 6th), and Volt was my Starter frame.



i'll also update the Warframe Articles if i remember to and add the release dates to them.

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...however Volt HAS to be earlier than that...
I have no doubt you're right. The dates I found for the first 8 frames [size=3](everyone pre-Frost)[/size] were estimates. You can still view most of the archived update release announcements on the Warframe Forums, however they are not searchable via forum search. I had to do some guess-and-check Google searches just to find their links.
In the end, I utilized the Warframe Wiki's History data on each frame, and snagged the date each frame's wiki entry was created. I assume this is why Loki somehow shows up first [size=3](someone just happened to add him first)[/size], when I would assume that Excalibur, Loki, and Mag were all likely released at the same time.
I'll include the reference links to the first 5 DE official Updates, in case it might turn up some better dates. Sadly, however, I didn't see any mention of any new frames being 'released', which implies, to me, that they were already out.
I will try and correct any discrepencies in the Raw Data section [size=3](as best I can)[/size].

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Edit: of course I just realized the Digital Extremes - Perfect World thing seems to have gone through... so I'm gonna go ahead and read that now. I'll get back to this in a bit, lol.
DE - PW Deal[size=3] - links for those interested - i.e.: everyone[/size]
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I also did the same calculations for the last 2 updates, but it came to being meaningless. There is a lot more content in the new major updates, so of course they need more time. Also, take in mind holidays, Christmas and other complementaries (conferences, console releases, and so forth).


In the end this update will likely come on 29th October, taking in mind there's a Devstream on the same week. I'd love to see if  [DE] can comment on their normal timeline :). 

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Your posts are so colorful <3
[size=5]Why thank you[/size]

I always thought Excalibur was the first one added D:
Excalibur probably was one of the first frames released. It's just that any official announcement of frames pre-Frost are difficult to find. So far I have only been able to estimate frames that came out before Frost, based on anecdotal evidence.
It is my opinion that Excalibur was, in fact, released first, along with [size=3](probably)[/size] some or all of the following: Loki, Mag, and Rhino. Sadly, the Warframe Wiki did not used to collect date information when frames were released. Luckily that seems to be changing!

Also, take in mind holidays, Christmas and other complementaries (conferences, console releases, and so forth).
I definitely agree.
It's tricky to attempt any truly accurate prediction - it would require too much information which we are simply not privy to at the level that would be necessary. Archwing, for example, seems to be a rather large content update, which has me slightly worried a new frame may have to take the back seat for even longer than Mirage's 100 days =X
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  • 3 weeks later...
I have re-created this thread, you can find it here: »----» Warframe Prediction «----«




[size=3]Note: I will be making new predictions each time a new Frame is released, so - if you'd like those updates - Follow the new thread.[/size]


[size=3]Reasoning: I would have simply updated this thread, but because I basically overhauled the whole thing, I didn't want to nullify what was done here, or confuse people who may look at it for the first time.[/size]

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