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What Are The Best Dual Pistols In Warframe?



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Akbolto/Akvasto/Akmagnus are all great. I've forma'd and potato'd each one, and find the Akbolto to be the most useful. Akmagnus has tons of recoil, and the akbolto just has a huge magazine size and can deal damage to enemies behind your target by throwing the ragdoll.

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The akmagnus is actually very good. I heard the same thing about the dual vipers but honestly they are just meh...ok at best. Use what fits your style, I used to think the akzani were just ok but after picking up a few nightmare mods they are really good.


My problem with the magnus is that I would always shoot someone and not miss but just when they're about to die, I have to reload.

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I'm avid AkVasto user and I love 'em. They can shoot as fast as you can click and are very accurate.


Also, they have more "badass" factor than AkMagnus in my honest opinion.



EDIT: And about that reload, AkVastos also do it faster than AkMagnus.

Edited by Roxorium
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Twin vipers suffer terribly for ammo efficiency.

I would suggest

1)Akvasto: even with zero mastery rank required, when modded they become end game weapons. They deal mostly slash damage, so very good vs infected.

Vs Grineer I would suggest:

2) Afuris: not really an end game weapon like the akvasto, but very good nevertheless. Reliable. 

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The Akvasto are one of my go-to secondary weapons.  They're very accurate, deal high damage per shot and are also very ammo efficient.  Mod for the correct types of damage for whatever faction you're fighting, aim carefully and most enemies will die in single shots.  They were one of the first weapons I built as a new player and I still use them now that I'm MR12.  I can't say that for any other gun that I can remember.

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Akvasto is a good all-around dual pistol , it also doesn't require any fancy mods ( as there's no status/crit build on it )


Akzani if you like automatic pistols , i haven't tried it yet but it's pretty much like the Dex Furis i have , the only difference is that Akzani trades some damage for a bigger ammo max 

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mmm I use to be huge devil may cry fan when I was younger and the lex reminds of dantes dual pistols. I'm torn betweent hose two and the vastos


I would suggest akvasto.

Aklex are hardly an end game weapons and their utility reach its end pretty soon in game, thanks to a strong recoil and long reload.

Instead, Akvasto have the highest slash damage of all the secondary weapons, so for infested, I strongly recommend them.

Afaik, atm the top weapons for impact (strong vs corpus) and puncture (strong vs grineer/corrupted) damage haven't a dual version: brakk and lex prime.

Other good dual weapons I would like to recommend are afuris and akmagnus, because they are reliable, albeit not as strong as some other weapons.

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personally, if you don't have any intention of buying more weapon slots any time soon, I'd recommend only building weapons that you can tell you don't want to keep. If you want one you can keep till late game, AkBolto is really good, but you'll perhaps want your slots for leveling up mastery first, before you start popping blue potatoes despite a lack of weapon slots.


get a mk1 furis to rank 30, sell it, get a regular furis to rank 30, build another one and craft akfuris to get it to level 30, sell it, etc.


after you've hit a wall with not knowing what weapons to sell, you can consider farming and trading for plat.


I'd only use plat on comsetics and unlocking new slots for warframes and weapons. you can get a catalyst once per week, so use them sparingly, but make sure you always get it per week and you will eventually be able to supercharge all your favorites (or save it for the primes and other end game weapons etc.)

Edited by Temphis
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I'm leveling Akmagnus at the moment and they rock!

Drawback is what another poster said, you often run out of ammo just before killing an opponent and reload time is quite long.


Fun Factor: Twin Gremlins!

They are not endgame weapons but I love the feeling. You need to increase firerate though.

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I'm not sure why everybody seems to think the Akmagnus run out of rounds too fast?


Akvasto is 50 damage per round, 12 rounds, above-average crit chance for weak crits, low status chance


Amagnus is 45 damage per round, 16 rounds, high crit chance for strong crits, high status chance


Really the ONLY thing "wrong" with the Akmagnus is that the reload time is longer, but a Quickdraw mod will have it reloading like the Akvastos with way better damage and status output, especially if you're a good shot.  With Pistol Gambit, Akmagnus has a 55% crit chance, and crits to the face do an additional x4 multiplier on top of the crit. Not uncommon to see thousands of damage per bullet (not per shot: per bullet)  coming out of the Akmagnus.

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Akmagnus are great when modded properly, but requires event mods, rare mods and a lot of fusion cores.


Akvastos are pretty good, I guess. I didn't really like them, but I hear they're awesome when done right.


AkZani are much better than Afuris, though you'll need an Argon Crystal.


Twin Vipers are the greatest looking machine pistols in the game, but you run out of ammo incredibly fast even with just one.


Aklex looks badass as, highly accurate and high power - sort of like dual wielding Desert Eagles. I recommend them for early and mid game.

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