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Is There Any Reason To Come Back?



Took a bit of a hiatus from Warframe because of the leak of interest. I love the game an all, but after update 8 and 10 almost ever update i saw didn't interest me. What does Warframe have planned for this current update? Will it be worth playing anymore?

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Again another person not willing too look at the all the U15 hype before posting another "Has Warframe Changed" post. Tenno common if you really want too know what's happening or if its worth coming back too just go look at well....everything! The website is filled with "Attention Tenno" pictures, theirs a countdown website, we even have videos if you don't care too read about anything.


Please if it takes others too tell you too come back too Warframe without you actually taking the time and looking for yourself then you might as well stay off Warframe, your not very interested.

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So, wait. Nothing past updates 8 and 10 interested you, but you have the Rhino Prime icon, which you could only get from Prime Access?




^^^^^^^^^  i lik dis guy, very intelligent


Why are we wasting our time trying to convince this guy to come back when he can't garner any interest in the game for himself?

To answer your question OP: No. No reason, don't come back. lol


nooooo, we want whale's like the OP to return, gotta feed the machine

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Yes, it will probably give 10 solid hours of enjoyment until it becomes all grind again.


Half of the "grind" problems in games are player caused.   

Rather than explore an area, people run to the exit over and over.  

Rather than mess with different frames and weapons, people rush to get the known farmer frame and "best" weapon.  

Rather than play various missions, they repeat a couple over and over. 

Rather than earn things, they get a "taxi" to bypass half the game. 

There is a rush to the reward mentality that just *can't* enjoy the game or the act of playing it because the LOOT IS UP AHEAD GOTTA GET TO IT NOW NOW NOW.   

and so on.  


Then they complain that there isnt anything to do and that the game feels grindy.    Well duh, if all you do is repeat the same content, it will be grindy.  


Archwing will be more of the same.  PPL will pay what they can in real money / plat to get as much as they can without playing.  Then they will bum rush the content to have the rest of it in a day or two.   Then they will complain.   Developers can't beat this mentality -- its not possible to add new expansions every 3 days to keep them busy, and nothing else will work either.   


Its a great game.  The developers are actively working to improve it and adding things.  Relax & enjoy it, its not a race to see who can get the newest stuff first.  

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Half of the "grind" problems in games are player caused.   

Rather than explore an area, people run to the exit over and over.  

Rather than mess with different frames and weapons, people rush to get the known farmer frame and "best" weapon.  

Rather than play various missions, they repeat a couple over and over. 

Rather than earn things, they get a "taxi" to bypass half the game. 

There is a rush to the reward mentality that just *can't* enjoy the game or the act of playing it because the LOOT IS UP AHEAD GOTTA GET TO IT NOW NOW NOW.   

and so on.  


Then they complain that there isnt anything to do and that the game feels grindy.    Well duh, if all you do is repeat the same content, it will be grindy.  


Archwing will be more of the same.  PPL will pay what they can in real money / plat to get as much as they can without playing.  Then they will bum rush the content to have the rest of it in a day or two.   Then they will complain.   Developers can't beat this mentality -- its not possible to add new expansions every 3 days to keep them busy, and nothing else will work either.   


Its a great game.  The developers are actively working to improve it and adding things.  Relax & enjoy it, its not a race to see who can get the newest stuff first.  


while i do want to say that you are definitely on the right track


i disagree that developers cant do anything to combat the behavior


games like Path of Exile have done A LOT more to give the players many more options to exhaust


some of the core problems with Warframe's game systems are their lack of depth or shallow-ness


certainly most frames can be modded differently, depending on how useful some of their powers are


but both primary and 2ndary weapons are incredibly 1-dimensional in terms of modding, this is a bad thing, and for whatever reason DE does not seem to have a problem with this... =/


melee is in a slightly better spot, but still i think it suffers from lack of build diversity, especially considering how critically important atk spd is for melee, and how melee animations are so clunky and 'locked-in' making it hard to have fluid combat without the fury mod, and sometimes even with


lastly DE's insistence on the endless wave style of missions has really transitioned the playerbase into a grindier mentality , always looking for the fastest/easiest way to get more loot, like u said


if mission types like exterm/cap/spy/rescue/etc [bRING BACK RAID] were more engaging and/or rewarding, then ppl might play them more often, or conversely DE could radically reduce the rewards from the survival/endlessDef style missions (IMHO surv and def need thematic reworks anyways)


it certainly looks like DE is hard at work on addressing many of these issues, but all in their own time it seems, U15 is going to work on some of them, and hopefully U16 on more, then maybe even more next year and so on


i just specifically mention PoE and GGG, since their game and Warframe are very similar from a design standpoint, even though the perspective and art direction are completely different

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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