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Archwing Melee Overshadows The Gun


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I think that (while most people may disagree with me) the range on the melee is too big and the homing is too strong. It is so strong in fact, that it feels almost like Ash's level 4 ability. When I am in a combat situation against opponent much higher level than me with no mods equipped, I can still kill entire waves of them just by tapping the melee button. Don't get me wrong, the melee is awesome, but it is unbalanced. I was thinking that moving toward an enemy and pressing melee would be useful for attacking specific enemies and that the range should be greatly reduced behind the player while keeping it the same in front. I think this would keep the "I want to be able to press ___ to win" players happy while still giving more freedom and control to the players who actually want to use skill in their melee fighting rather than button mashing. 

Melee is too big and the player doesn't have enough control over it.

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Archwing Melee as it is works fantastic and feels fantastic to use. The gun feels less interesting (atleast the base gun anyway, the other might be better), but I've had to pull it out sometimes in the higher difficulty missions.


IMO it's a hell of a lot more fun to be dashing around melee then having an infinite ammo gun that one shots everything like it is in the normal game.

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I really like how Archwing melee works. It feels right for space battle style melee.

So far I haven't had any trouble aiming it where I want it to go but it does seem to track a bit too well for enemies behind the character.


The guns are too weak though. I'd like to see them get more punch.

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The main thing I dislike about it is that you have zero control over it movement wise or directionally and it automatically snaps you on to any enemies that are within around 60 feet of you. The power is just fine with it, I wouldnt change that. As for the gun, I think that ammo regerates a bit too fast, but that is off topic lol.

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The ground melee has so much more control and you can aim it and move around while you are attacking. I hope that DE will eventually make the space melee have that much control and precision eventually too, but no players seem to want to have to fly up to the enemies to hit them, claiming that that would be too hard. But if you really think about it, that would still be a lot easier than aiming at them with your gun, and it would'nt snap you instantly on to the enemy either (so fast that I think there may be 2-4 frames to travel from where you are to the edge of your melee range.)

It just feels too automated. It's like "I disabled the melee lockon in the options for a reason, come on"

It should at least be an optional thing, like if you disable that melee lockon and melee camera snap in the options, than it should be disabled for both ground and space.



Edit: I am not flaming by the way. I actually want people to come in and state pros and cons other than "You suck if you don't like what I like!" or "Don't hate on the new update!" Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I think that it should reach out to more hardcore players and more casual players both. And I am not hating, I love the new update.I plan on making love to it every night for the rest of my life. The reason for this post is to help with developement so that DE can see all sides, bot positive and negetive.

Edited by TheHourMan
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Also: WhiteCopain: 

I don't disagree with you that I hit the right enemy most of the time, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm saying it's too easy to hit the enemies. That you only need to mash quick melee in a very wide vicinity to them, and they will stand no chance against you.

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Indeed. There is no point in bringing a gun when your melee can wipe out armies


Edit: And the Guns and melee both do sufficient damage in situations where you should use them, so buffing the guns wouldnt be a good answer to that, nor would nerfing the melee strength because it's already about where it should be. The only solution I could find for that would be to give the player more of an opportunity to use their guns in a regular (Non-boss) fight.

Edited by TheHourMan
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The range of the lock on could be reduced a bit (you get mods to extend it after all) and maybe make the lock on so it goes just after the stuff on the screen, or after the stuff in your large reticule (the triangle).


Other than that don't touch it. It feels pretty good right now and more changes could break it. It is pretty simplistic, but there's not much you can do, regular melee would be atrocious in space. 

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Melee is supposed to be stronger than ranged, as it takes more risk to stab a guy at point blank range while he points a gun at you than taking him out from 1000 feet away with your schneeper reefle.

This makes perfect sense. If they do any nerfs, they might ruin melee.


Do a wait n see approach.

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No I did not. You know what would be a very simple fix to this? Having the "Melee Auto Targeting" option in your options menu effect the archwing as well (right now it only effects ground melee)

Another thing I noticed that I am wondering about with all of you is: Does your aim button cause you to descend as well instead of your crouch button? If so, does this cause your boost to be interrupted if you try to descend while boosting.

And thank you all for being civil and intelligent. That's the opposite of what I got in the chat in-game with people. One dude even said "You are just a player, leave the development to the developers and stay out of it" (DE specifically said in the patch notes that they wanted as much feedback and idea shooting as possible from the community, they clearly did not read the patch notes)

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No I did not. You know what would be a very simple fix to this? Having the "Melee Auto Targeting" option in your options menu effect the archwing as well (right now it only effects ground melee)

Another thing I noticed that I am wondering about with all of you is: Does your aim button cause you to descend as well instead of your crouch button? If so, does this cause your boost to be interrupted if you try to descend while boosting.

And thank you all for being civil and intelligent. That's the opposite of what I got in the chat in-game with people. One dude even said "You are just a player, leave the development to the developers and stay out of it" (DE specifically said in the patch notes that they wanted as much feedback and idea shooting as possible from the community, they clearly did not read the patch notes)

They just love melee too much to let you tamper with it. It spent far too long sucking.

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Do all of them? The melee cold damage mod caps at +120%

Electrical melee caps at +60%, which is what I was using for my example.


This could be similar to the old set of elemental mods, in that fire and electrical end up at higher values than freeze and toxin, except this time around, the situation seems to be reversed. Not sure why that is.

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