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Old Content And The Future Of Warframe.


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wow this thread is really harsh.....i agree that the core gameplay needs to be improved but adding new content is also important when it comes to F2P games. i love that despite all the bugs that come into the game DE is still working hard and they squash the bugs as quickly as they can. there will always be bugs when an update is sent out because the dev team can't possibly find them all so it's up to us the players to play and report them in the most mature and clear way.




i love interception! idk what your talking about you must be intercepting wrong :P

I know each and every update will have it's bugs, you can't expect it to be perfect. However, every patch comes with a FLOOD of bugs. I'm just done giving them a pass, if you like the game then I won't bash you for that. I wish I felt the same way about it, I really do. Yes, new content needs to come out but the degree that DE has neglected to do some serious refinement is pretty ridiculous. I'm sure I come off as harsh, I wasn't always harsh but they have made some very, very poor choices as far as execution on a lot of things and it's about time someone put their butts on the burner to make them stop neglecting old content and fix it. I just know this game could be better if DE actually did some refinement. Till then, this game will just be a grindy bug infested game. Harsh? Yes. I just care about a game that I know that has great potential and would hate to see it wasted due to really bad choices.


Glad you're enjoying the game though. No sarcasm intended.

Edited by TheDoctah
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Sadly Warframe will never satisfy and please everyone's expectations, you happen to fall into this category.


I happen to enjoy interception, it's a change from the trench runs.


Codex Scanner? Again it's for convince sake, you don't have to touch it. You do have Google.


 Dojo? Eh, it's cool I guess to prat about in, not really bothered about how it looks. I just want my new gear from it, so it does it's job.


Ancients are what they are, they're ancients of the technocyte virus, so it would morph eventually?


Void gear? Stop running yourself dry, I waited for Nyx Prime to come out before I farmed Rhino Prime parts. (Drop rate increases with new primes added.)


Derelicts? Risk/Reward. Can be tedious but whatever.


Art Direction? Each to their own taste.


The future? Ok this is kind of where I draw the line, it's almost rude now. I can tell you one issue with the game, it's the playerbase. People rush through the levels? People don't like it. The AI get's a accuracy buff, suddenly people get salty. Can't go sonic fast without dying? Woops.


Claiming the devs don't have a clue? Maybe sometimes they don't, but that's the art of making a game. You don't know what's going to happen sometimes. This is perhaps the toughest time for them, how can they balance the game without screwing up? If anything I'd say re-work the movement and damage system. Once you acquired your "endgame" build all of the sudden, noting seems "hard" anymore.


THAT is a player issue for not giving themselves challenges, you got a wide range of weapons and frames to prat about with. Honestly if you're aiming to kill everything fast I'm not surprised you don't like what's going on. I can't tell you how to do it, you need to work this out for yourself.


If this really gets to you, go build a portfolio and apply to DE. I can assure you there are thousands of game makers who would shoot each other dead to be sitting where DE is right now. People are just entitled because they expect it to be exactly how they want it to be, just like all them bloody film critics.


To put into perspective about how I feel about this game. I have spent 500+ hours on the game and that was back around this time last year. I haven't even put so much as 3 hours into the game since then because every time I log in to check out the new stuff I'm either greeted by an ton of bugs or the blatant "why am I even playing this?" attitude of mine. That attitude comes from me genuinely not having any sort of direction to go in the game. I am mastery rank 14 and what good does it do me? I'm already strong enough to do whatever I need to do in the game. More than strong enough if you ask me. So strong in fact that the game bores me to tears.


Sure, I could go sit in a defense mission and stand around and cheese it for an hour or something with some vaubans and heavy artillery to see enemies that can 1 shot me but whats the point if they're just going to have to be dealt with in a corny cheesy manner anyways? This brings me to another point, why should I have to force difficulty upon myself by either purposefully making myself weaker or bending the game over for up to an hour in one session to get that difficulty curve up there? Once I have reached said difficulty level (survival missions I'm looking at you) then what you're greeted with are HP sponge enemies that do a crap load of damage and have exactly the same god awful AI. The AI in this game has remained completely and utterly unchanged since closed beta and the variety of enemies has grown quite a bit.


At first when they started adding in new grineer units I was like "sweet" because thats when they started changing the weapons that they were using as well. This was interesting. As time passed by we started getting crazy new mods and new extremely over powered weapons.(Dojo weaponry.) This was cool and interesting at the time because while the weapons were strong, not everybody could have them without having to do all the work with your clan to get it. Then the clan adjustments came and suddenly you could just make your own clan and do all the research yourself because everything was dirty cheap. Then you saw all these people with crazy weapons. I never really thought anything of this until a lot later down the road. 


Somewhere in the middle of all this the Damage 2.0 update came out and that turned the game on its head in terms of how strong tenno were vs. whatever they were fighting. Weapon damage practically doubled, or tripled in some cases for lots of weapons depending on their innate damage modifiers. This was very cool but in the process we lost a lot of the challenge in the game it felt like. Later on down the road they started shoving even more powerful weapons into the game like the Boltor Prime. 


Now what is there to do in warframe that I wasn't doing last year? Archwing. Thats it. Why would I want to do something that is ridiculously hard to do solo and is so abysmally rewarding? People still sit and grind the void. People still grind whatever crap mission survivals or defense missions to level up and once you get something leveled you either sell it or hoard it and never look at it again. Everything is homogenized, bland and boring to me because each update is just more of the same but with a new flavor and possibly more terrible drop rates. I will tell you right now that I will never own a hydroid because of how utterly outrageous it is to farm the beacons for them.


There are three ways to play this game currently. Run and gun or go fly around in space and get destroyed and get nothing good. I am not impressed by the last year's string up updates. The closest I was to being impressed was update 14 and while I tried to play that in the first couple of weeks it was nearly impossible because the UI was so entirely buggy that I couldn't even get a group started to go do something half the time.


Melee 2.0 is a joke. "Combo system" How can you call something a combo system when you're not inputting your own commands to get different effects out of your weapon? 


Melee 2.0 - 1 2 3 (herp derp special move)


An actual combo system:  down, forward, x               down down square          triangle triangle square


My point is that its lazy and hilarious to even call it a combo system when it has 3 pre-determined strings of attacks(period) before whatever the big thing is in the first place. Especially when you're hitting the same button to do it. It literally reminds me of some terrible cell phone game designer logic or something. 



I'm going to stop here though because I could keep going.

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To put into perspective about how I feel about this game. I have spent 500+ hours on the game and that was back around this time last year. I haven't even put so much as 3 hours into the game since then because every time I log in to check out the new stuff I'm either greeted by an ton of bugs or the blatant "why am I even playing this?" attitude of mine. That attitude comes from me genuinely not having any sort of direction to go in the game. I am mastery rank 14 and what good does it do me? I'm already strong enough to do whatever I need to do in the game. More than strong enough if you ask me. So strong in fact that the game bores me to tears.


Sure, I could go sit in a defense mission and stand around and cheese it for an hour or something with some vaubans and heavy artillery to see enemies that can 1 shot me but whats the point if they're just going to have to be dealt with in a corny cheesy manner anyways? This brings me to another point, why should I have to force difficulty upon myself by either purposefully making myself weaker or bending the game over for up to an hour in one session to get that difficulty curve up there? Once I have reached said difficulty level (survival missions I'm looking at you) then what you're greeted with are HP sponge enemies that do a crap load of damage and have exactly the same god awful AI. The AI in this game has remained completely and utterly unchanged since closed beta and the variety of enemies has grown quite a bit.


At first when they started adding in new grineer units I was like "sweet" because thats when they started changing the weapons that they were using as well. This was interesting. As time passed by we started getting crazy new mods and new extremely over powered weapons.(Dojo weaponry.) This was cool and interesting at the time because while the weapons were strong, not everybody could have them without having to do all the work with your clan to get it. Then the clan adjustments came and suddenly you could just make your own clan and do all the research yourself because everything was dirty cheap. Then you saw all these people with crazy weapons. I never really thought anything of this until a lot later down the road. 


Somewhere in the middle of all this the Damage 2.0 update came out and that turned the game on its head in terms of how strong tenno were vs. whatever they were fighting. Weapon damage practically doubled, or tripled in some cases for lots of weapons depending on their innate damage modifiers. This was very cool but in the process we lost a lot of the challenge in the game it felt like. Later on down the road they started shoving even more powerful weapons into the game like the Boltor Prime. 


Now what is there to do in warframe that I wasn't doing last year? Archwing. Thats it. Why would I want to do something that is ridiculously hard to do solo and is so abysmally rewarding? People still sit and grind the void. People still grind whatever crap mission survivals or defense missions to level up and once you get something leveled you either sell it or hoard it and never look at it again. Everything is homogenized, bland and boring to me because each update is just more of the same but with a new flavor and possibly more terrible drop rates. I will tell you right now that I will never own a hydroid because of how utterly outrageous it is to farm the beacons for them.


There are three ways to play this game currently. Run and gun or go fly around in space and get destroyed and get nothing good. I am not impressed by the last year's string up updates. The closest I was to being impressed was update 14 and while I tried to play that in the first couple of weeks it was nearly impossible because the UI was so entirely buggy that I couldn't even get a group started to go do something half the time.


Melee 2.0 is a joke. "Combo system" How can you call something a combo system when you're not inputting your own commands to get different effects out of your weapon? 


Melee 2.0 - 1 2 3 (herp derp special move)


An actual combo system:  down, forward, x               down down square          triangle triangle square


My point is that its lazy and hilarious to even call it a combo system when it has 3 pre-determined strings of attacks(period) before whatever the big thing is in the first place. Especially when you're hitting the same button to do it. It literally reminds me of some terrible cell phone game designer logic or something. 



I'm going to stop here though because I could keep going.

Preach it brother.

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80% of the auras are completely pointless?

What auras did you have in mind? I don't find them to be pointless at all, I would simply agree to more of them being included however they should tread carefully on this as it could create balance issues. Polarity bonuses also add extra mod slots which makes auras even more valuable (even though now we have a bunch of extra mod slots laying around since they took skills out from being mods... I'm thinking they have something in mind for this, I can now place anything on any warframe and the extra polarities I had are pointless.)

I would suggest some damage and shield auras (like specific cold damages dealt, slowing enemies down, engulf, or deflection from certain attacks, immunity chance to bleeds and poison etc, they already have some, like slowing infected down, armour corrosion and shield damage, so they are on a good track). I would also suggest some more dynamic auras that might be useful in certain conditions alone, such as a warmth aura or something (rendering cold stages useless to shields), or an incapacitated aura, once a member is fallen shields are added to all standing allies to help with revival.


All these like I said could really unbalance the game and make warframes overpowered if all 4 players are equipped with a set of auras that will simply kick &#!. Perhaps they could add range limitations to these to help things out. Like the incapacitation aura, that could have a really small range hence only add extra shields on the players trying to revive. Or they could add player rank requirements on them... And for some of those auras some high player ranks, even as far as rank 10, or some uber aura could have possibly rank 12 as well but no more than that I think (and no, not because I am rank 12, I am in fact rank 10). This way they become end-game auras and balance the game out for future (hopefully) added content for high level players.


But yeah, I think that this point you made was more about whining rather than giving any actual suggestions. There is nothing wrong with the auras in the game, and if you play long enough you will see that certain combinations although they seem useless are in fact quite helpful. That is the point to them really, help, not overpower, yet they do that too. More ammunition for example, sounds useless, until you go up against someone like Vay Hek and wished one of your members had one of these auras.


My favourites according to my style are Steel Charge and Energy Siphon. Do you have any idea how much melee damage can be caused with a couple steel charges stacked? I don't see what you are complaining about (on given auras) though agree more would be nice.



Nightmare is more of an end-game content as well... You know, not everybody plays this game for loot. I'm still rank because I can't be bothered with ranking things up all the time. I play warframe to have fun, and that is the point to it, gameplay service. We've reached a point with certain team-mates were there is only a small range of things to challenge us. We pop in nightmare for the challenge, not to farm.


On the contrary, all people that play this game in a whole "farm farm farm" mentality completely missed the point to a PvE centred game focused on fun hack and slash gameplay, whilst those that play it for that reason alone do not belong in warframe period in my opinion and should head back to something like WoW.


Increased drop rates and a ladder for nightmare with added mod gifts would be nice though.



This is a matter of chance, I also feel they need to increase or fix drop rates. But then again, that can end up in someone not playing stages at all to collect resources, and that is one of the main points to resources in the game. They are to be collected in the game.


Anyway, they have the 8hr extractors too with a higher chance of rare resources dropping.


I have collected probably way more than 30 orokin cells with the small extractors alone. If you haven't collected any then I am thinking I was lucky and they need to fix drop rates.


Codex Scanner

Ummmm.... this actually an awesome addition. A lot of things seem laughable to you but honestly, I don't think you are in the right place and game with these ideas being put forth from you.


The basic idea to the codex scanner is yes, a codex on enemies to see drops on enemies etc etc.... This is not its main function, use, or core reason/purpose it was added. The fact that you missed the entire point to it being added for people *@##$ing that the game had no stealth play in it and what stealth it had is completely pointless (I was among those people) says a lot.


You don't like it, don't use it. Simple. It is in no way a mechanic that actually changes the game. Obviously you are one of those people that get into a mission and think its a race to who rushes to the end quicker and who rushes to kill an enemy first. Well then for you the scanner is indeed completely pointless. So simply don't use it and move along.


You know, not everything in this game has to be added to make killing your enemies, dropping mods and everything else easier. Its added for gameplay as well.


The scanner is a really good addition for stealth gameplay. It detects through objects and walls, and also scans targets x2 when you get a stealth scan.


Your question here might be "whats the point of stealth when you can simply do more killing the enemy". The same point to killing a bunch of enemies with assault force. Its fun. Again, whoever doesn't like it doesn't need to play like this, thats the point. Its not forced on anyone whilst giving people that like stealth from time to time or even all the time, something to go on.

Sometimes for weaker frames or pushing harder stages for players on smaller levels stealth is indeed helpful. Kind of the whole point to the also extra added alarm-hack. Return the location to normal status to not be overwhelmed. Its really a gameplay style and simply awesome. The codex is like a little extra kudos to it all, making it even more useful. Meanwhile, if the codex is important to you however you find wiki to be a better option rather than actually sit there scanning enemy units day in day out, well then you are simply after quick scans, hence the solution for you is the sentinel that does it for you. You simply play and the codex slowly fills up on its own. What more do you want? Less scans? Then what would be the point to putting them at all? lol. You can almost scan a certain enemy in a location on one go most of the time if not two when in stealth.


Interception... simply don't play it.

Its a domination map. That is exactly what it is. You hold locations to win. What's not to like? But even if you do not like it, simply move on to missions you do like.

So the fact that people wanted more mission variety at that time and DE delivered with indeed a new mission type, went completely over your head? This mission type is also a great addition for future PvP if they opt for it. Its one of the basic PvP mission types ever created (like I said, its simply domination).

More to this, have you ever played an interception with a team past the first waves? lol. You are basically getting a defence mission that gets harder as it goes, adding to the fun and drops collected obviously, but even more, adding to the gameplay a defence mission adds by creating locations that you have to move to and capture rather than sit on one spot for an entire 30 waves doing the same thing.


What's not to like???? And yet, even so, you can simply move on. Interception was one of the better mission type additions they put in the game and they need more of them spread out in the game.


Yet DE delivered even more with creating more complex hostage missions missions as well with wardens and what not (which also aims for stealth play possibilities).... All this, completely over your head?


Tenno broom closet

Each to their own... I don't have any gripes with this, however, I definitely wouldn't mind if they made it look much more unique and stylish (added emblems and gold trims and a whole bunch of other stuff).


What I truly do not agree to however is your "rushed" mentality. Maybe it was rushed, because people wanted extra content in the game of the sorts, and at the same time *@##$ about content taking too long to be made... So, between the options of taking care of other new content (uuuh, I don't know, like building new tilesets which is far more important that how the damn Tenno room looks) with spending less time on something else not as important, and spend more time on something not as important and have even larger content delays, I would pick the first.


Yes, we all want more content, has anyone stopped to think how this content is even made? All people do is sit there with "moah contaaant" like spoiled brats. 1) Its a free to play game. 2) If people are going to *@##$ about more content, then they shouldn't care if it is all rushed, 3) if people are going to *@##$ about rushed content then they shouldn't *@##$ about how much of it there is, hence 4) since both sides will always *@##$, and some will *@##$ on both ends, a balance needs to be made for content to be added and also not seem rushed in the best way possible. People sound like they expect content to be made with simply clicking a button.


They always improve and add stuff. Do you even remember what the dojo started out like? Yeah, they have done a lot in it, they need to get the rest of the game done, then go back to adding changes to the dojo. Its not that important.


At this point you are starting to sound like you are nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking.


Infested zoidbergs

"They're a technocyte virus not an alien." Exactly, and they do not look like aliens. If they are aliens then they must be really sick to be so deformed.


They are what you said they are. An evolved infection. Their ends end up becoming like fungi and increase, other ends have "evolved" less with them having a hand on one end and simply slime on the other. Basically, they look like a grineer or corpus that has evolved through infection into a big slime creature. What aliens? lol.



The Void

"secret location." Its in concealed pockets of space. So yes, it is a secret location. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to look under a stone to find it. Its a secret location in the galaxy. What didn't you get?


"A giant key symbol on your HUD as soon as you logged in". Actually, it was small, and most people hadn't even noticed it. Unless you were running on a resolution under 1920x1080.... like I don't know, 1024 x 720. lol. Yeah, on smaller resolutions all buttons were right in your face.


"ultimately it turned into a nightmare" - matter of taste really. I enjoy Voids as much as any other location. On the contrary, when I want more assault like gameplay I enjoy the void much more than other locations. I enjoy its traps, hidden caches, and pretty much the feel of it too with regards to story. The fact that it has a lot of drops in it makes it even more rewarding to play.


Also, no-body can enter unless they have a key or are invited by someone that does have a key..... So as secret locations in the galaxy they aren't as accessible either and that is good. Love the way they made voids. Drop rates could be fixed.


Again, added for the two main things in the game, fun factor and loot (for me loot comes a distant 2nd at times, but it is still an important part of the game)....


You have no idea how many times we have gone into voids with friends simply to hack and slash as many enemies as possible and have fun with it. Same reason we do half the things in this game, have fun!!!


p.s, stop complaining about the amount of drops and items you need to get. If this is not an important or not a fun part of the game, don't collect it! No one said you need ALL warframes and ALL weapons. So what is the point of trying to get them all and feeling perhaps frustrated over how hard it is to get them all? You another one of those people that wants things handed to them for free? lol.


Its fine just the way it is. My foundry at the moment is stacked with something like 5 warframes and all their parts ready to build, another 5 that I have half their parts or almost all their parts to build, more than 20 weapons and weapon parts, and don't get me started on the amount of other things in there (like helmets and skins etc). My purchases weapon and warframe slots are all full (that is something like 20 to 30 weapon slots and 12 warframe slots I think?) whilst I have levelled up and got rid of another 4 warframes at least and more than 40 weapons all up................ And I am the kind of person that does NOT look for mastery ranks, farming, and collecting everything there is.


I take the loot and mastery side of things so slow because although I care I don't care as much and simply have fun. And I am still over-flowing with stuff. Its not hard at all. You want it all and you want it now without putting in the time? Then buy it. Simple. The content is so much that it would be stupid if they made it easier to collect.


"Endgame for warframe! This is it folks." And there it is. You used the magical word proving that you are indeed another WoW (or other mmo) customer... THERE IS NO END GAME in Warframe. Wake up! People like you, playing for and towards an end game, do not belong in this game.


Warframe is about the gameplay from the go. That is the whole point to it. Nothing else. They simply add the amount of things you can do of the same thing and a variety of content to keep making it interesting. It is not desinged to have endgame. Start-game and end-game are more or less the same thing. Even polarity additions reduce players back to 0 to simply have more to do (that is, build their character or weapon the way they want) to further enjoy the game.


Seriously, the more I read your post as I reply the more my brain hurts. You spend so much time to write all this down (which is mostly nitpicking about stupid things really and overseeing everything else) for a free to play game that is CLEARLY not designed for gamers like you? lol.


Endgame.... The stupidest word ever created. Thanks for that wow. Now we have a bunch of people that don't even bother with the actual game and think its all about rushing to an end (hence not experiencing the game to begin with) to play "endgame" content. The word says it itself, the game is at its end, hence, the best part should have been before this point, not after reaching it. ffs.


"Nekros warframe then good luck on getting the right things to drop" that is why everone has Nekros... lol. I got all 3 parts with 4 tries, maybe 5.


The rest is simply copy paste my void comment above, slightly changed though.


Finally the art direction

Warframes look awesome... That is a matter of taste and opinion though I guess.


"Never in the history of WF have they put something into the game that was based off of something human in appearance already" - thats the point. Its called variety and adding to that variety. My thoughts on Limbo? What in the name is THAT?! But it still has that warframe style all over it. I don't agree to all frames either, but that is good, allows me to have favourites. Hydroid looks awesome, also based of a pirate. Zephyr looks awesome, what could be perceived as eagle and vulture with some dragon features could be seen as ducks and chickens if someone looks at it biased.


Mirage is nice, Valkyr looks awesome, especially with the other helmets, and you forgot Nova, Vauban, among others that are also added before launch. All look good, some look awesome actually. The art style is great, although some of the horn stuff is a little WTF on some prime warframes. More or less they look good. Also, a lot look better in game. Take Trinity for example, I completely underestimated her looks, soon as I played in game with her I was really impressed, and banshee. Same goes for newer warframes, including Valkyr which I thought was complete bullocks at the beginning and after playing with her loved her look in-game.


"why are they treating it like its a joke?"... It was never as serious as you claim it to be, but its not as much of a joke either. Its something between the two and a blend of both.


You failed to mention locations and a whole bunch of other stuff too that looks awesome. But I forgot, this was to nitpick and point out the gripes alone wasn't it?


Overall gameplay and the future.

"The game as it sits has not really changed in terms of its core gameplay" That is a good thing. Hope it never does. Why the hell would people want to play a game that they liked being one way and ended up turning into something else. The core gameplay is not meant to change, EVER. What are you talking about? Evolution of the game is adding to the formula already created, not change it. You want something different, well, play something else perhaps???


"Melee is really the only thing thats seen a huge improvement" and even that, keeping to the core gameplay.


"Everything else really has remained the same" like I said, it doesnt need to change what it is. Melee 2.0 was added because it was too much to incorporate into the initial launch and they had been working on it for a long time. They were talking about it at least a year before it was added. Or around that long. The rest is pretty much the way it was meant to be on the go so again, why change it? They are simply adding frames and hence abilities (changing up the way you play the game) and trying to make it different as well. No point in adding frames that are the same as all already there (hence the stranger models as well) and they do have a lot of frames in it already. How many different variations can they possibly create?

They are doing the same to the weapons. You don't like them, don't play with them. You get annoyed with other players using them that like to rush and kill everything off.... well, one would be usually annoyed with that if they themselves are also trying to do the same thing. That is public games for you. Find some like minded friends and play with them. Not everyone is using the things you believe make the game wack or whatever else.


They are evolving the game with actually adding weapons with varying characteristics. And that is good. 


"We sprint towards a goal in any mission and its done." Well, perhaps you do. Meanwhile, Interception (which you had nothing good to say) takes away your "spring towards a goal" you are complaining about, as does defence and survival which are all about what the game is meant to be about, hack and slash action. Having fun killing things. Everything else is indeed sprint towards a point (or simply go towards it like a normal human being instead of rushing like half you tarts out there are doing, hence why the fun of the game is being killed and I never play public matching any more unless its survival or missions with waves, at which point there are so many enemies I actually want people to indeed rush to kill them) because that is the point of the game and ANY hack and slash game. You get an objective, and you RUN TOWARDS IT. LOL.


You are also sounding like all the new-wave of mainstream gamers of the last decade. They are simply not gamers. They play games for not knowing why to begin with and always expect something new and different and blaaaah.


What did you expect from a free to play hack and slash PvE game? Prince of Persia and Ninja Gaiden level design? Legacy of Kain story progression? Something else perhaps? lol. Ridiculous complaints really. Just another person in the wrong place at the wrong time (like a friend I knew... logged in to the last patch before archwing, the one with UI 2.0, and started to complain that there is nothing to do and no PvP and that he was disappointed in them and and and and..... I'm like dude, they said a million times that its a PvE game, you being disappointed is your problem because you obviously are playing a game expecting it to be something it isnt right now and never will be... and yet they still added PvP for whiners like you even though they initially set out for a PvE only game). Warframe is obviously not your kind of cookie. Or perhaps you have been playing that much of it you reached the point were you need a break. It happens with every game. Not the game's fault, you simply need a break. They can't keep adding S#&$ and changing the game and what it is meant to be every second day to please every different sort of whiner out there.


They set out for a certain goal, don't like it or perhaps that goal is not something that interests you? Then kindly move along.


"Its been over a year and a half and we have yet to see stealth." They added stealth elements, plenty of times. And at the same time made sure that people were not forced to play as stealth alone since this was never meant to be the core of the game but an option for people to be able to play with. There are different options to all they added and stealth has been added.


1) all stealth gameplay mechanics have been added.


2) Stealth tools have been added (the scanner) so people like you can then whine about it and later in the same post also whine that there is no stealth o.O


3) They added how to control ship stealth and no stealth conditions (alarm hack) and you get xp bonus as well as attack bonus for stealth kills. You also get xp for scans. If you like stealth, why not simply play a stage as stealth? They have put all the elements in place for stealth to be fun as well as doable.


4) They even added a mission were stealth was necessary. What, the whole "careful or the wardens will set an alarm and kill the prisoner" doesn't strike you with any hints??? But sure, when everyone simply "sprints to an objective" and doesn't give a S#&$ about anything, chances are all conditions and scenarios for stealth are pretty much non existent. Almost lost a game like that some hours ago. Everyone just rushed in like retards. The alarms were set, a force was unleashed on our &#!, and I am sitting there smoke screening to revive them after they were all almost one shot instead of finding the prisoner which was on a countdown to be killed as well.... And people like you whine about stealth? Find like minded people and play stealth, its there. I played a stealth game, hardcore stealth, with 2 other friends and most times in a group of just 2.... Its so much fun I enjoy it more than hack and slash some times (when I am bored of doing the same thing like you are.... every game needs its breaks).


5) Adding a completely stealth mission that will actually render the objective failed the moment they spot you or set off alarms will force people into playing one way, which then will have another S#&$ load of complaints. Just like when people complained about the first time wardens were added with a prisoner. Everyone *@##$ed that the traps were too many and the mission was "broken" because the prisoner died constantly. They dumbed it down to make it easier and then people rush like crazy to objectives complaining that there is no stealth. LOL. The point to those missions was taking out the wardens, then the traps, then take the prisoner. Did anyone do it? Noooope. Well, I did. And it was a million times easier. Loved that as a stealth mission and it forced people to back the fk up at last and play a little stealth. Everyone complained, they made it easier, then I was back to playing with people rushing in public matchmaking to create a mess of everything.

"They don't even bring it up in streams anymore." They did what they could and added it, they dont talk about bringing UI 2.0 out anymore either, because its here. So is stealth. They put it. What's to talk about? An explanation of how stupid people are and how stealth is actually played? No, they simply leave people play how they want.


"It used to be brought up constantly but they don't care about it anymore." Of course they don't. People are *@##$ing about everything. Why should they care? Give people stealth, they complain they can't rush/assault it. Allow them to rush/assault it? They complain there is no stealth. They simply shouldn't care. Free to Play, and its free on how people play as well. You want stealth? Its there. Go play it! Even if they added stealth missions that are strictly stealth, people would then complain that its always "do the same objectives blaaaah". Nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking. Simple.


"All they seem to care about is pumping out new content and forgetting about it and stuffing more crap into the void for people." That is actually what people care about, so they do it. Meanwhile trying to complete the game as it goes, like lets say the new Archwing update (and people again have complaints and whine).... Cry me a river guys, seriously.


"The cycle for content goes like this- Create new content > fix bugs for new content > Create new content > fix bugs> Create new content > bugs"

You obviously don't know much about games do you. Once a game is being created the way it is MEANT to be from the go, its usually just about content addition from there on. New missions every now and then. New conditions, traps, etc, in maps. New tilesets. New game modes. New frames. New weapons. That is all they should be doing. As for the bugs.... lol..... Yes, because making a game NEVER has bugs. Again, you people think you simply press a button to make a game and it is made? That is what is laughable. 


"Nothing ever really receives any polish. The only things that have received and real polish has been the melee system. the damage system and the UI." as well as maps (both graphically and with added mechanics), mod systems, balancing, enemies, stealth gameplay, drop rates, the dojo, etc. If something aint broke, don't fix it. Polish what exactly? Oh, you mean add another mechanic that people like you will complain about and every time they change it back and forth people keep complaining? lol. That is actually content addition.


All this game needs is more content, that is what they are doing. What is there doesn't need fixing. We simply want more mission types etc. (Most existing missions have also been revamped to improvement but anyway).


And the game is quite bug free for a game that keeps getting content. The bugs are quite minor.


"Everything has remained the same, but now you have more levels and more weapons and warframes" That's the point, again, how many times I will say this. The game was what it was meant to be on the go. All they need to do is add things to it. And they already done enough for a free to play title.


"Oh and we got a stamina system, boy that one SURE WAS FUN! GLAD THATS IN THE GAME!" that was actually part of melee 2.0, and we are glad it is in the game. Melee 2.0 fixed everything up with regards to melee.


"but I also hate it because I don't find it any fun" and that is the problem. You are talking about endgames and so many other things that you obviously never tried (like stealth) and the game is clearly not for you. What do you love exactly? If it isnt fun as it is and on the go from day one, it never will be. I still play with Ash all the time again and again and again even though I have 6 frames sitting there waiting to be levelled up beyond lvl 10. Why? Because I love the gameplay and when I am in the mood for some space ninja action I log in and wreck havoc with Ash as he clearly fits my personal style. End of story. The game was fun from the go and continues to be fun even now.


You started out pin pointing things like auras and specifics (although not giving any solutions to the things you think are problems) and I too you seriously. As I went on replying I see whining about things that are summed up to someone that never got the point of the game to begin with that complains about things that are actually already part of the game (like stealth among others). Clearly, this isn't the title for you.


Heck, they have even made attempts to create more story to the game as well, even included factions now (syndicates)... Polish what up? A tenno lab that I barely ever see? lol. Sorry, I vote on them spending their time for things like Archwing and Syndicates rather than waste it on a tenno lab. (people also *@##$ed about syndicates too and they tried again to balance it... all people do is whine and *@##$. simple).


"They say the game is in beta, but yet all they do is create new content without actually improving on the core of their game at all." for the last time, the core does NOT need improvement. The beta will end once enough content has been released for tilesets to occupy all planets, enough weapons and warframes are made for reaching the maximum mastery rank, and perhaps a story system is added too. That is what they are working on. The core of the game is perfect. It does NOT need any changing. They are also trying to complete the game based on feedback to make sure they have enough content for all gamer tastes out there. And people still whine.


"Whats the point of pouring sugar all over a hot turd." again the same thing.... you have mentioned the same thing again and again. Again, this game is a hot turd to you, so obviously it is NOT your kind of game, so moooooove aloooooong. The last thing we that like the game want is DE to pay any attention to all whiners like yourself and fk the game up and change it into something it was never meant to be. Soon as that happens I am outa here (like many will be). I started out this game because I liked it as it was and want it to be THAT experience. I invested time in it, and money actually, in hopes it will always be like this but with much more content. And they better keep it this way. Nothing is broken about it, you are simply in the wrong place. So move along.

"Every person that I know IRL that I have tried to get to play this game vehemently calls the game bad and asks me why I play it and I'm really starting tounderstanding why." Well, what else is new. It is obvious you don't know why you are playing it. Aint for you, move along. Simple.


Everyone I know that asks me IRL why I play this game I tell them-


"because its fast paced awesome space ninja action game that is not like other action games out there with dumbed down mechanics and cheesy combo systems and hovering cameras and S#&$. 3rd/1st person aiming action and I control the action, which is simply awesome. It also has stealth which I love. I love the whole sci-fi aspect of it and being in space on ships and going to different planets. I love the graphics and sets. I love the fact that I have an arsenal of so many weapons, warframes, and choices to customise my own play style however I see fit, with mods and ranking systems and dojos and now space battles. I love the mission types and how it allows me to go back and forth and do what I want. I love the enemy types and the action that comes from playing against those enemy types, along with all the small events and dynamic things that happen, even as simple as a stalker hunting me down because I killed a boss. More than anything, the game is completely free and it gives me all these things that I love, COMPLETELY FREE...."

See? That is the difference betwean a person in the right place (me) and one not (you). I can state a million reasons as to why I like it. And in fact, IRL, the only people (gamers of course) that didn't like it were because it was too fast for them and it made them dizzy. Meanwhile, that is exactly what I loved about it, along with other RL people I know and play it with.


So, now that we are done, you mind moving on to some game that actually suits you and you know why you are playing it? I'm not saying it as a means to tell you off or something. I'm advising you as it is the best thing for you to do, rather than log in here and make a fool of yourself with points that cannot be backed up.


There are those of us that actually wanted a space ninja PvE action game that was actually in a fast paced, controlled 3rd person manner, parkour like game the way warframe is. Exactly that. And that is why we love it. I distinctly remember thinking "fk all this crappy games that have LAME combat mechanics or are overly obsessed with PvP and more PvP..." and then bam, Warframe launches. That was it for me. They made a believer and they simply keep improving it and satisfying me. It has its shortcomings, but they are indeed short. And they always seem to fix them.


p.s, melee is one of the most basic things in this game, always was, its the core, so fixing it with melee 2.0 is actually indeed fixing the core of the game.

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Melee 2.0 is a joke. "Combo system" How can you call something a combo system when you're not inputting your own commands to get different effects out of your weapon? 


Melee 2.0 - 1 2 3 (herp derp special move)


An actual combo system:  down, forward, x               down down square          triangle triangle square


My point is that its lazy and hilarious to even call it a combo system when it has 3 pre-determined strings of attacks(period) before whatever the big thing is in the first place. Especially when you're hitting the same button to do it. It literally reminds me of some terrible cell phone game designer logic or something. 



I'm going to stop here though because I could keep going.


Its a good thing you actually stopped, you were also starting to make a fool of yourself.


That is exactly what I and the people that like this game NEVER wanted. A down down forward forward triangle square triangle cheesy lame combo system. You missed (like the initial poster) the entire point to the game. And I hope people like you stop playing Warframe I really do. If DE starts listening to all of you they will surely ruin the game and create a mainstream turd like everything else out there.


No, we do not want a Devil May Cry combo system, along with a whole bunch of other crap people that do not belong in this game keep requesting for.


The idea of the combat in this game is to be a fast paced action based on a first person shooter model. That is to hence follow the following basic rules:


1) Camera that is in 1st/3rd perspective format for quick aiming and reflexes.


2) Attack the enemy based on aiming reflex not on button combinations and/or block through again aiming and reflex.


There is no room for fleshed out combos in a fast paced game based on the 1st person shooter model of aim and reflex, especially when it is this fast! The point is not to create your Dantes super combo and other combos of the sort that end up in one $&*&*#(%& cheesy game that is even more repetitive. We have enough of those titles already.


You want such combos? Go play a game that is made for such combos, and leave warframe alone. DE should not be getting any influence from such people. The point like I said is not a cheesy combo system that has you repeating a set of attacks again and again, or a range of 3 combo strings, or 10 or whatever. The point is to control the action in a fast paced real-time manner. This implies that when you fight you are not button-bashing your way through enemies and focusing on what buttons you bash, it implies that you are acting and reacting within every half a second interval and less. It means you need your frame to be free of your "combo strings" as much as possible to be able to respond. It means that any combos available will need to be simple and fast to execute.


Again, another person in the wrong place. Half of you apparently don't realise what this game is all about and really don't belong.


There are others of us out there that actually wanted a combat system as responsive and as fast as this, and the combos in it are pushing it as much as they should already. They are also more suitable for some slower weapons (like the Jat Kittag) whilst the rest still follow the same reflex/aim concept as they should.


Lastly, what squares and triangles are you talking about? Do you realise this is a PC game before anything else? lol. Do you realise we don't have or need buttons for irrelevant stupid $&*&*#(%& attacks that ultimately make no difference like in console games? (That being, a horizontal and a vertical attack, a low and a high attack, and WOW, a juggling attack! Now lets go crazy on those buttons and see what happens. derp)


You also want to play this game right? Try playing with the full arsenal (yeah, there is even an achievement for this to hint it) switching to range and melee back and forth on the go. With so much going on, you already have so much to do and so many ways to fight and control the combat, you all need a "God of War combo" in there that doesn't belong too? lol.


Go range, switch to melee on the go to block incoming rocket (it gives you enough time) then range to fire again, or keep melee and block closing in on the enemy, or (in my case with Ash) teleport on their a$$ and kill them off. Or whatever. Its already as fleshed out as it should be.


Meanwhile all of you complaining it is too easy on end game. lol. If you play with cheese weapons put there for other whiners that found it too hard, then perhaps. You want some challenge? Un-equip your weapons and keep a melee weapon alone. Then do a high level mission and see how it goes without your freaken one-shot bazookas. Not saying it will be hard (unless you can't play) but definitely a challenge. In some scenarios, it actually is hard.


Thank you all for pointing out that you are simply playing the wrong game. Hope you move along and stop filling these forums up with nonsense requests... I only wonder what level of intelligence people have when it takes them 500+ hrs to finally realise a game is not for them >.< Something that can be determined in the first couple hours and if even that. And even more, still complain about it after 500+ hrs proving they still don't get what the game is about. Derp.

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Its a good thing you actually stopped, you were also starting to make a fool of yourself.


That is exactly what I and the people that like this game NEVER wanted. A down down forward forward triangle square triangle cheesy lame combo system. You missed (like the initial poster) the entire point to the game. And I hope people like you stop playing Warframe I really do. If DE starts listening to all of you they will surely ruin the game and create a mainstream turd like everything else out there.


No, we do not want a Devil May Cry combo system, along with a whole bunch of other crap people that do not belong in this game keep requesting for.


The idea of the combat in this game is to be a fast paced action based on a first person shooter model. That is to hence follow the following basic rules:


1) Camera that is in 1st/3rd perspective format for quick aiming and reflexes.


2) Attack the enemy based on aiming reflex not on button combinations and/or block through again aiming and reflex.


There is no room for fleshed out combos in a fast paced game based on the 1st person shooter model of aim and reflex, especially when it is this fast! The point is not to create your Dantes super combo and other combos of the sort that end up in one $&*&*#(%& cheesy game that is even more repetitive. We have enough of those titles already.


You want such combos? Go play a game that is made for such combos, and leave warframe alone. DE should not be getting any influence from such people. The point like I said is not a cheesy combo system that has you repeating a set of attacks again and again, or a range of 3 combo strings, or 10 or whatever. The point is to control the action in a fast paced real-time manner. This implies that when you fight you are not button-bashing your way through enemies and focusing on what buttons you bash, it implies that you are acting and reacting within every half a second interval and less. It means you need your frame to be free of your "combo strings" as much as possible to be able to respond. It means that any combos available will need to be simple and fast to execute.


Again, another person in the wrong place. Half of you apparently don't realise what this game is all about and really don't belong.


There are others of us out there that actually wanted a combat system as responsive and as fast as this, and the combos in it are pushing it as much as they should already. They are also more suitable for some slower weapons (like the Jat Kittag) whilst the rest still follow the same reflex/aim concept as they should.


Lastly, what squares and triangles are you talking about? Do you realise this is a PC game before anything else? lol. Do you realise we don't have or need buttons for irrelevant stupid $&*&*#(%& attacks that ultimately make no difference like in console games? (That being, a horizontal and a vertical attack, a low and a high attack, and WOW, a juggling attack! Now lets go crazy on those buttons and see what happens. derp)


You also want to play this game right? Try playing with the full arsenal (yeah, there is even an achievement for this to hint it) switching to range and melee back and forth on the go. With so much going on, you already have so much to do and so many ways to fight and control the combat, you all need a "God of War combo" in there that doesn't belong too? lol.


Go range, switch to melee on the go to block incoming rocket (it gives you enough time) then range to fire again, or keep melee and block closing in on the enemy, or (in my case with Ash) teleport on their a$$ and kill them off. Or whatever. Its already as fleshed out as it should be.


Meanwhile all of you complaining it is too easy on end game. lol. If you play with cheese weapons put there for other whiners that found it too hard, then perhaps. You want some challenge? Un-equip your weapons and keep a melee weapon alone. Then do a high level mission and see how it goes without your freaken one-shot bazookas. Not saying it will be hard (unless you can't play) but definitely a challenge. In some scenarios, it actually is hard.


Thank you all for pointing out that you are simply playing the wrong game. Hope you move along and stop filling these forums up with nonsense requests... I only wonder what level of intelligence people have when it takes them 500+ hrs to finally realise a game is not for them >.< Something that can be determined in the first couple hours and if even that. And even more, still complain about it after 500+ hrs proving they still don't get what the game is about. Derp.

Huh, I disagree with OP on 80% of his post, but combo system lies in the remaining 20%...Why?


What OP is saying isn't to add "square,triangles or whatever", it's about combining two or three buttons. Much more practical than having pauses during a combo... You are yourself saying that this combat pace needs to be fast.This doesn't go well with pauses in the middle of combos. :/

If you could use the melee + the reload button (this one is free during sword alone mode), you wouldn't have to cheat a little to be sure that you make the combo you want...(example : the "... + hold right click + ...", many people just hold the right click for the whole input. If you had to do melee + reload + melee, as a chain of input following a certain order, this would be an actual combo.)

Look at all games with a combo system : you'll see that even Street Fighter II on a Nokia 3310 needs at least one button for the punches, and another one for the kicks...


Apart from this, keep going, you have some good points.

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Huh, I disagree with OP on 80% of his post, but combo system lies in the remaining 20%...Why?


What OP is saying isn't to add "square,triangles or whatever", it's about combining two or three buttons. Much more practical than having pauses during a combo... You are yourself saying that this combat pace needs to be fast.This doesn't go well with pauses in the middle of combos. :/

If you could use the melee + the reload button (this one is free during sword alone mode), you wouldn't have to cheat a little to be sure that you make the combo you want...(example : the "... + hold right click + ...", many people just hold the right click for the whole input. If you had to do melee + reload + melee, as a chain of input following a certain order, this would be an actual combo.)

Look at all games with a combo system : you'll see that even Street Fighter II on a Nokia 3310 needs at least one button for the punches, and another one for the kicks...


Apart from this, keep going, you have some good points.


FINALLY somebody gets it.

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Aura alerts are extremely cute when 80% of the auras are completely pointless.

Remember when Artifacts became Auras and then Auras became something that gave us more points to spend on mods? Remember around last year when they introduced more aura mods from one of the events? Will we ever see a rework in how the aura system works as far as getting actual useful auras? What about making them more available to the general public. 

while having a little more variety would be good, i don't see where you want to get, the title and content contradict each other, one easy answer to your last part is "they could make them more available putting them in alerts and giving the away" but that was your original complain.



What was that game mode again?

Remember nightmare mode? Remember when they said that they were going to have leader boards for that then changed their minds? There are reasons to DO nightmare mode but there is literally NO reason to do them besides getting a couple mods that quite literally have a 1% drop rate. Do people actually ENJOY doing something this repetitive for a chance at something that is this astronomically low? 

Source: http://warframe.wikia.com 

you can built Helios and let him do that for you, also you can check weakness and drop tables which if you have them filled auto update when new mods are added, how do you think most of the drop info in that wikia came to be?



Infested zoidbergs

Why do infested ancients look like aquatic tentacle monsters with dream catcher's on their backs while everything else looks like an actual...INFESTATION? Like every other infested creature looks right besides these. It was seriously better when they were just bigger versions of the chargers. At least then they looked like something infested and not actual aliens. We know that the infested are not aliens so stop making them look like aliens. They're a technocyte virus not an alien. 

they are how the infestation manifest when it completely overrun the body, compare to RE "lickers" which were originally zombies, also reminds me of "animatrix" explanation of "the machines didn't need to conform to the human likeness and opted for a more efficient design"



The Void

Sounds like fun right? Now think for a second. Some of these drops have a 1% drop rate. Now imagine just running the same tileset over and over and over and over and over and there you have endgame for warframe! This is it folks. This is the primed version of these weapons. Slightly better copies of the original weapons. The best part about all of this is that you can't change the gold accents on any of the stuff either because of the stubborn art director. 

actually except for 5 parts or  so most are really common, i am not sure you can avoid "running the same tile set over and over" in a game with like 6 tile sets total.




These are the same tile-sets as the void but they're all overtaken by infested and run down and gloomy + they have these dragon vaults that require 4 people with proper keys to coordinate  together to get through + a big golem boss if you can scrape together the coordinates from doing all this, which isnt hard unless you want the Nekros warframe then good luck on getting the right things to drop. Overall not much to complain with here. Its not packed full of crap like its counterpart, though the mods you get from the vaults can be exceedingly rare (1% drop rates are really cool apparently)

make a game mode that requires team play? in an online game? you monsters!!!

that said i really like the atmosphere of the derelict it looks great, but most parts have difficulty and reward rates wildly inferior to, lets say T4, and this should be a way more dangerous and rewarding game mode.



i am not gonna comment on your art tastes because the game also has things i like and don't like and that wont affect game play anyway.



so lastly

Nothing ever really receives any polish. The only things that have received and real polish has been the melee system. the damage system and the UI. Everything has remained the same, but now you have more levels and more weapons and warframes and bland modes of play. Oh and we got a stamina system, boy that one SURE WAS FUN! GLAD THATS IN THE GAME!

so the ONLY polished, the damage system, the melee system, and completely reworked the UI... isn't that like  40% of the game?


by the way you are forgetting the Rescue 2.0, which while not my favorite was a great improvement over the previous one.

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Melee 2.0 is a joke. "Combo system" How can you call something a combo system when you're not inputting your own commands to get different effects out of your weapon? 


Melee 2.0 - 1 2 3 (herp derp special move)


An actual combo system:  down, forward, x               down down square          triangle triangle square


My point is that its lazy and hilarious to even call it a combo system when it has 3 pre-determined strings of attacks(period) before whatever the big thing is in the first place. Especially when you're hitting the same button to do it. It literally reminds me of some terrible cell phone game designer logic or something. 



I'm going to stop here though because I could keep going.

while different buttons would be great, (perhaps even a simple right-left click for fast/strong and move guard to another button) this was never meant to be Street Figther or Tekken


(btw combos in most fighting games are already predefined too i still remember how much i needed to master "yoshimitsu"'s combo on tekken 3).

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I disagree on some things, more specifically the "beam cannons". It looks awesome and it doesn't particularly feel out of place in the game, however parrot and all those other things I can agree on as a being a tad bit past the boundary. It just feels more lazy because the other frames have this influence over them but modeled into Warframe whereas magician and pirate design are kind of obvious which isn't too exciting :/


I agree on most other things though, so much potential and so little achievement. Unless DE does something amazing the Void will never feel rewarding as it should feel, nightmare mode will be a nuisance for some double stat mods and the codex will be for completionists only.


It is a shame, I mean even with AW. Feels so great but it just isn't there with the amount of issues it has at the core.


Not to mention the modding system, I am a veteran but moving onto AW and Kubrows I just kind of gave up on levelling mods because it stopped being exciting and it is just boring. "Hey let me drop 1mil credits and 1,500 cores into this mod that does the exact same thing that this other mod does on my frame but is just more expensive and weaker"

It is slowly pushing me away, especially when other games with less content but more grounded in itself show up, quite a shame. I do like this game, a lot.

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I agree with the OP, many feel the same way.

The whole game is full of bugs and unfinished features. Instead of finishing one thing, the devs introduce new, unfurnished features. This was the very reason I put Warframe more or less on ice, at the Excalibur mess. Minimal games time and no money from me until they clean up the game

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Saying a player doesn't belong here because there isn't an endgame is a horribly short-sighted thing to say. It's like you /want/ the game to lose its playerbase. People have been wanting an endgame for a while, and it hasn't been just a couple people.


While I don't agree with the tone of the OP, I certainly understand the frustration. I was convinced this game would be awesome, but every update does more to convince me that it won't happen. More systems thrown on top of an increasingly hobbled foundation.

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Melee 2.0 needs more polishing. Right now, 80% of people I've talked to say they don't even try for combos, they just button-mash. DE needs to find a way to make Melee more integral, easy and exciting, or all those badass animations will go to waste. 


Furthermore,what about Parkour? This has gone ignored for so long it's ridiculous. 

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Melee 2.0 needs more polishing. Right now, 80% of people I've talked to say they don't even try for combos, they just button-mash. DE needs to find a way to make Melee more integral, easy and exciting, or all those badass animations will go to waste. 


Furthermore,what about Parkour? This has gone ignored for so long it's ridiculous. 


Thats all I do with the new melee 2.0 as well. Lol it seems to work the same either way.

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Huh, I disagree with OP on 80% of his post, but combo system lies in the remaining 20%...Why?


What OP is saying isn't to add "square,triangles or whatever", it's about combining two or three buttons. Much more practical than having pauses during a combo... You are yourself saying that this combat pace needs to be fast.This doesn't go well with pauses in the middle of combos. :/

If you could use the melee + the reload button (this one is free during sword alone mode), you wouldn't have to cheat a little to be sure that you make the combo you want...(example : the "... + hold right click + ...", many people just hold the right click for the whole input. If you had to do melee + reload + melee, as a chain of input following a certain order, this would be an actual combo.)

Look at all games with a combo system : you'll see that even Street Fighter II on a Nokia 3310 needs at least one button for the punches, and another one for the kicks...


Apart from this, keep going, you have some good points.


Maybe it simply ends up being a matter of preference.


I personally don't like that whole combo approach for the following reasons.


As we both said, it needs to be fast. Speed does not come down to how fast a combo can be executed (at which point, melee + reload + melee would be way faster and you are right about this) but how fast the brain interprets functions. When I refer to speed I refer to the player input with regards to reflex. This is what is important for my style at least.


Lets take some examples-


I'm on PC and I have a controller and play SSF4 along with MK9 often. I personally have all the combos I need there. In such systems, reflex is based on the combat system alone, it needs to be fleshed out like crazy, with chains and supers and what not.


Then we have games like (one of my favourite old timers) the first reboot to Ninja Gaiden on Xbox. That has 2 attacks if I remember correct, jump, block, and "function" (throwing Ninja Stars and what not). Again this game uses a floating camera like an adventure game, whilst it is all based on this melee system above all else. Not having combos and juggles in that would make it stale and boring.


Coming over to Warframe, the game has ranged combat in it as well (just like a shooter does) and unlike the other 2 examples it has mouse-aim. This element changes things up a lot. If it was melee alone I would probably opt for some extra combo buttons in there (like the reload button as you said but also the zoom button which is also not used). However attacks are not meant to be strings of chained combos and enemies are not to be juggled and bashed into a corner with a combo. The mentality is more react, strike, kill, react, etc. You don't spend your time on most enemies besides bosses to even need combos for them.


The player response at this point is not all about creating combos alone and blocking in a melee environment, its about quickly moving through the field, and possibly if need be switch between range and melee when need be as well. This is already too much to master and most people simply go one way or another. I tried playing with the full arsenal once and although I managed it and it felt awesome, it was quite taxing as well. Kind of like a fighter game. And all this, without the need of adding extra buttons for you to try and reach.


Lastly, since it is based on a first person shooter model, pressing any buttons beyond the mouse for me is completely ruining the movement. I need my fingers free to be able to control my strafes and directional attacks, strafe and tapping shift to roll out of the way and dodge, then move back in, etc. Having to press the reload button at this point as well will simply make it a disaster with regards to reflex playing.


That is why I agree to short combos that depending on the weapon favour faster or slower attacks. It changes things up just enough however keeps my mind on one melee button so I can focus on everything else. Adding zoom as a second melee attack could be a nice thing. However we already have channelling in there too. And channel toggle is not possible with all our frames since we don't use energy siphon and channelling efficiency on each layout, meaning that the channelling button is usually best used simultaneously and not as a toggle button.

At which point, for my layout, I already have left click (channelling) which I am holding down on and off (more on than off) at the same time as me pressing the two side mouse buttons (MB4 and MB5) to differentiate between block and attack. Imagine now holding down the channelling button, and differentiating between MB4 and RightBM for combos o.O


I just think it will create a mess of things and take focus away.


Personally, I would probably not use combos period if they add it. Whilst others wont be using reflex-based combat and combat movement period. Its one or the other at this point, it simply becomes too much and takes away from the initial FPS/3rdPS mechanic it is meant to follow.


Anyway that's just my take on it all. Personally I had been waiting for a FPS based game with melee combat of this style, and making it into SF and NG combo systems again will ruin it in my opinion :(


Edit: In the end, people only button mash because its too much for the rest. I button mash too, because I am too busy to figure out what combo is what, not because its the same button, but because I can't be bothered with combos to begin with. Way too much for my playstyle. At some point, I get used to the pauses and holds and stuff, and I end up playing with combos too. Which is a good evolution based on the same model. I go from reflex fighting alone, to reflex fighting with some combos. More buttons will end up in a different playstyle.

Edited by HazaRD-WARRIOR
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