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Limbo Makes Me Uneasy; It Feels Uncomfortably Close To Jumping The Shark.


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Give him Kimono and Kasa....Something like that :  [   http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/270/f/4/komuso_by_dunesand-d4b5kxs.png  ]


Just imagine this in "warframe style" . Same black and white theme with fancy hat. Void-monk-ninja > gentleman-troll-magician.



Right now his looks are "out of bonds".

Boy, that link sure is useful (broken.)

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Yet the Mirage blowing a kiss is exactly what you wanted.


DoublestandardFrame strikes again.


What are you talking about, mate? Not liking Limbo does not preclude a dislike of Mirage. That's just not precisely what we're discussing.



3.a hidden mechanical device by which a magician works a trick or a gambler controls a game of chance.


That doesn't serve your point as well as you think it does.

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That doesn't serve your point as well as you think it does.



What purpose did you think I had? I was pointing out that there were other definitions of that word. And one of them just happened to be magician related. I just thought it was a nice coincidence. Lighten up.


Also, it was to point out that everyone and their mom uses the term gimmick to describe something that they personally don't like. It's not a real argument of anything, it's merely a buzzword.

Edited by EetNotErn
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What are you talking about, mate? Not liking Limbo does not preclude a dislike of Mirage. That's just not precisely what we're discussing.



It was more of a Rhetorical point. Just saying it's hard to understand what makes Limbo so over the top when other frames are equally as "out-in-left-field".


So far all I'm hearing from everyone is "Personally I don't like these frames aesthetics." but when those thoughts reach the keyboard it turns into "hnng this frame shouldn't exist it breaks lore and artstyle."

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What purpose did you think I had? I was pointing out that there were other definitions of that word. And one of them just happened to be magician related.

Yeah, words can be funny like that sometimes.


Also, it was to point out that everyone and their mom uses the term gimmick to describe something that they personally don't like. It's not a real argument of anything, it's merely a buzzword.

I don't. English is not my native language, and so I used "gimmick" as it's defined in dictionaries.

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Besides, I have no problem with Limbo being a "magician". Heck, he can be a fairy, for all I care - I just think his design (especially the tophat with that tipping idles) is stupid. IMO, of course

That's the most honest opinion I've read here so far. And as long as you are fully aware of the fact that it doesn't have to suit you (because pleasing everyone is literally impossible) then you're fine.



Postnote: (I.e. not related to whom I quoted)

There's a big difference between, "I don't like this frame's style, what were they thinking?" and "Dis duznt eev'n belawng n da gayme beecuz it brakes mah emurzhun and loar!"


Not saying that anyone arguing against Limbo is that stupid, but your reasoning makes you sound like that. Mirage's ridiculous kneeplates are more distracting than Limbo's tophat and coattails, but I've learned to look past them. I recommend everyone else do the same or get his alt helmet and a new animation set.

Edited by Kestral9999
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So far all I'm hearing from everyone is "Personally I don't like these frames aesthetics." but when those thoughts reach the keyboard it turns into "hnng this frame shouldn't exist it breaks lore and artstyle."



Exactly. When they try to justify their opinions with arguments about lore and such or other rationalizations, that's when I take issue.

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Yeah, words can be funny like that sometimes.


I don't. English is not my native language, and so I used "gimmick" as it's defined in dictionaries.



Ok fair enough. I just thought you might have been trying to use the word as some sort of argument. I guess I jumped the gun.

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So far all I'm hearing from everyone is "Personally I don't like these frames aesthetics." but when those thoughts reach the keyboard it turns into "hnng this frame shouldn't exist it breaks lore and artstyle."


I just wanted to say that I can accept that people don't like Limbo. Just say so. But don't try to justify it as though your opinion was fact, i.e. "Limbo doesn't belong because he's wearing a suit and a hat and Warframe doesn't have that stuff."


Exactly. That hat tipping idle is just too much for me. Thankfully we can swap animations now, but still, 75 plat just for that?


Besides, I have no problem with Limbo being a "magician". Heck, he can be a fairy, for all I care - I just think his design (especially the tophat with that tipping idles) is stupid. IMO, of course


Never said anything about "not belonging"

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I wonder if the people complaining about Limbo's tux also realize James Bond wears a tux. As for the hat you got me there, personally it doesn't bother me, but if a frame's aesthetics are SO displeasing to you then just master it and get rid of it.

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So far all I'm hearing from everyone is "Personally I don't like these frames aesthetics." but when those thoughts reach the keyboard it turns into "hnng this frame shouldn't exist it breaks lore and artstyle."

Compared to the earlier frames, it really doesn't match the established artstyle too well. I'm aware that a game's established "style" can change over time, but still.


Aesthetically, he's my least-favorite frame by a mile. I know a lot of people gave Zephyr flak when she first came out, but she's gorgeous in comparison. It's just really hard to take a "void sorceror" seriously when he's got a tailcoat and top hat, and his noble animation while dualwielding consists of making the pistols float and making "bang bang" motions. That's not a joke either.


I wonder if the people complaining about Limbo's tux also realize James Bond wears a tux.

...and? I'm really not sure what kind of point you were trying to make with this.

Edited by Vargras
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Vauban gets away with being a Jumpsuited Engineer/Mechanic, Mirage is a clown, Oberon is a goat, Zephyr is a bird, Hydroid is a pirate, and Saryn is a Sexbug or something...


and you people have a problem with Limbo not looking ninja enough?  Personally I love the fact that they're breaking away from "Skin-tight Colored Elemental Suit" and going for crazy unique ideas, which is what Warframe is supposed to be about.


I mean, When was the last time you had a chance to explode people as a Gentleman in a top hat? ...TF2 Doesn't count, Those people are far from gentlemen.




(Nobody is thinking about Idle animations either, in that regard Ash is the only one with a proper "Ninja" animation, Considering everyone else is too busy flashing or flexing or just being non-ninja.)


Who said anyone is getting away with anything?

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Compared to the earlier frames, it really doesn't match the established artstyle too well. I'm aware that a game's established "style" can change over time, but still.


Aesthetically, he's my least-favorite frame by a mile. I know a lot of people gave Zephyr flak when she first came out, but she's gorgeous in comparison. It's just really hard to take a "void sorceror" seriously when he's got a tailcoat and top hat, and his noble animation while dualwielding consists of making the pistols float and making "bang bang" motions. That's not a joke either.


...and? I'm really not sure what kind of point you were trying to make with this.


Technically, it does match the games art style. Sleek suits of unknown origin that have a few bits and bonnets attached with flashy lights and 'void' powers. You're not looking at the ARTSTYLE, you're looking at the design, which is a magician. It's the same arguement for TF2; the cartoony pixar look never changed, but the style of the items changed from 1940's to...what it is now, whatever it is.


Again, we start with the opinions though. You say Limbo looks like a joke, I say Zephyr has too much crap on her and is an eyesore, and Mirage blowing a kiss to nobody on her ship is equally as joke-worthy.


Edit @ EgoSerpentis: Your posts were great examples of things brought up on recent pages. Beats quoting the whole OP.

Edited by Vincyn
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Compared to the earlier frames, it really doesn't match the established artstyle too well. I'm aware that a game's established "style" can change over time, but still.


Aesthetically, he's my least-favorite frame by a mile. I know a lot of people gave Zephyr flak when she first came out, but she's gorgeous in comparison. It's just really hard to take a "void sorceror" seriously when he's got a tailcoat and top hat, and his noble animation while dualwielding consists of making the pistols float and making "bang bang" motions. That's not a joke either.


A simple change in animation and helmet would mitigate most of your issues then, aside from the coattails of course (which Limbo is not even the first to have.)


Who said anyone is getting away with anything?

Don't see many threads making a big deal about their aesthetics these days, do you?

Must not have been enough meddling kids. They got away with it.

Edited by Kestral9999
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Yet both of you directly quoted my posts.

I guess you just missclicked then.


Now you're being dishonest. Both of my posts that you reference were not in reply to you at all. It's not hard to check, you know. 

Edited by EetNotErn
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Compared to the earlier frames, it really doesn't match the established artstyle too well. I'm aware that a game's established "style" can change over time, but still.


It's not a big enough deviation to warrant the freakout over him either. 


If the first promo image of him hadn't been the hat tip one, I bet there wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem. Everyone's issue seems to be the hat, the rest of his design is weird but otherwise appropriate. 

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