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Death Particles Overload + Draw Distance Bug


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Since i believe 15.0.8 there is a very CPU intensive death effect on every thing.

Corpses disintegrate into an absurd amount of particles and what looks like alloy plate sprites.

This halves my fps each time a corpse gets de-spawned, from 60 fps to 31-45 each time a corpse disappears that way.

Its like playing the game with the Youtube buffer getting stuck every 2 seconds.



2ndly a while back around up 14.x.x.x

There was a draw distance issue and reflection that tanked fps.

There was a patch to fix it but it didn't really do much about the draw distance issue.



By draw distance i mean, When you move a certain distance from an object it loses its texture , glow maps , effects , details , reflections and so on. It used to be very long to the point of me never noticing it but since that 14.x.x.x hotfix

my draw distance is super short i can see things pop in and out of existence constantly with details vanishing left and right its a real eye sore.


I saw some DE people noticed the issue in a thread a while back.

i wonder if any progress has been made about the issue?
Edited by TisEric
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Yeah I recently turned off Physx because it was causing me to much trouble.  Although I noticed it mostly only when fighting grineer, or maybe it was just more noticeable.  Also even though I would guess that Physx is less present in Archwing, I also have noticed more performance drops when playing against grineer there as well.


Just from what I have experienced, I would guess there is something wrong with the game when the grineer faction is present, even though that sounds kinda sketchy to me(seems odd that a faction would be the cause).

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Having the same issue with it, it was after the latest hotfix these explosions of particles on enemies death happened. In a small scale it does not affect that much, but i can see my frames still drop. In large scale this might become a huge problem, and even now must be problem for some. Because that is just a huge amount of un needed particles.

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yup, can confirm this too, even without physx (never enable physx either) the particle amount when enemies desintegrate is big, and my fps cut by half even more when more enemies desintegrate together, normally i play between 30-50 fps and when this happen i go down to 20 or even 15 fps.

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I am glad to see this is actually an occurrence.

Since today's hotfix I am experiencing random over-particles not only with death and de-spawning, but many effects such as Frost's Ice Wave particles and shards being over used and audio cues being aggressively multiplied. On my monitoring software it has shown a spike in heat signatures and promptly shutting down now five times in one evening every time these over-multiplied effects appeared.

I also had my Phys-x turned off but it did not help.


I up this thread as a thing that is indeed happening.

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Having massive FPS drops on enemy death particles. Looks like an insane amount of them popping out and it murders my framerate too. Never had a problem before. Should I just turn of PhysX for now? It was especially apparent in the void.


Until they adjust it, yeah. Its brutal when I lay waste to squads now on my FPS.

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I have the exact same problem with the excessive amount of particles on the corpses, and my settings (they were on low before the update) didn't change.

The maps  - grineer and corpus only, didn't seem to have this problem with infested missions - get foggy in the distance. The screen shakes a little and the image gets blurred when I fire an automatic rifle (this option is disabled as well in my settings). 

The game is prettier now, but this comes with the price of fps and for the lower end machines this is a big price to pay. 

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I currently have the same issue. Since the last hotfix, dead ennemies pop up too much particles and dead bodies's part, which cause lags, most of the time. I've never had problem or lag with warframe. Always the graphic features on the max. Now, like other players, I had to switch off the PhysX.

The game bring less fun with these lags.

I hope this issue will be fixed soon.

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Since i believe 15.0.8 there is a very CPU intensive death effect on every thing.

Corpses disintegrate into an absurd amount of particles and what looks like alloy plate sprites.

This halves my fps each time a corpse gets de-spawned, from 60 fps to 31-45 each time a corpse disappears that way.

Its like playing the game with the Youtube buffer getting stuck every 2 seconds.

It seems like this issue seems to be a bug of some sort. If the devs haven't already were on it, the issue seems to be like this:

Before the update there were at tops 2-3 emitters spawning for each corpse for the death animation, which emit the explosion. This time it seems to spawn 20 thousand of these emitters, that or they spawn, don't get removed on time, and spam the animation again and again, but the incredible displacement suggests that the former is true. Also when a body is downed, and stays there, doesn't collide with any terrain, it will not spawn any emitters and just *DELETE* gone in a frame later with no animation like a cheap power point presentation.

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I posted to this topic before, but I want to reply again for certainty. Since the patch with the release of the Halloween Alert, this over-multiplication of particle effects are often happening with de-spawning and even with certain weapon/ability effects and casts. It is so aggressive it overheats and shuts down my computer each time I am actively looking at these effects when they happen. This is dangerous to the PC user-base and should be removed as soon as possible.

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I can't tell you how happy I am to find that this isn't just an issue with my computer (I was assuming that there was something wrong and my CPU or GPU were overheating due to particle effects or something, and was pulling my hair out trying to find the solution... Should really have just tried a simple google search first!)

I can confirm that the game runs fine on max settings (and did so flawlessly up to this point) until a body disappears at which point bodies will explode into an obscene number of particle effects which cause the game to stutter and lag. Not sure if it's just coincidence, but I seem to notice this happening significantly more frequently in Grineer missions... Particularly Interception, though this might just be related to the FPS drop being much more noticeable when there are 10 or 15 corpses all exploding in-front of me at once. I'm running a GTX 660 ti and have 8 GB of ram... Done several checks while playing to see if there's any sign of overheating, but I haven't recorded any high temperatures.

So until this issue is patched, people are suggesting playing with PhysX turned off? Assume it is an issue that needs patching and my rig isn't just starting to show its age... ;) 

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