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What Is This Stat On Some Of The Mods From The Syndicates? Justice, Truth, Entropy, Sequence, Blight, Purity


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So these mods are "equalizers" of sorts, yes?


Then why do they cost a bleeding arm and leg to get? If their purpose is simply to buff crappy weapons they should be some of the first rewards available!

For the little compensation they provide, the effort to get them is incredible. "The profit numbs the feels" my @ss! This profit is too far out of reach.

Edited by Institute-Marksman
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yes they are confirmed in game of course. interesting sequence is actually a bit different, but shield restoration is a bit undershelming imo.

I wonder if Suda and Perrin's effects were mixed up. I hope so :( EDIT: Actually it seems a lot of them are a bit different. I wonder if this is intentional.

Edited by CitizenV
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It's not percentage base. It's a flat +5% status chance given. Up to +20% when the mod is maxed. So your Supra won't end with 3% status or something, but 22,5%.


I'll be funny with more proc mods IMO. :]


well the tooltip doesnt explaine that at all, then all mods could be either multiplicative or additive... how can we know FOR SURE what's the truth?


anyway bonuses like that shows how clueless was the choice...

not a single person asked for that kind of buff to make supra viable... Supra needed more dmg/accuracy and hella faster reload time yet we get a total random bonus out of nowhere that doesnt address any problem at all, it's just a slight bonus on a feature that none were interested about on that weapon.


(would like to know how does it interact with other status mods now... it is added before or after all the calculations?)

Edited by Phoenix86
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Some of the mods are okay, but most don't justify losing a slot just to rebalance a weapon (which in many cases, they don't).

My point is: using the mod isn't free, it takes a slot that a better weapon would (usually) use for more raw damage, so these "equalizer" mods should be very, very powerful (like the Hek one).


eg: +20 status chance doesn't make the Supra as effective as the current top weapons. Considering the alleged objective of the syndicate mods, and how much it takes to get them, it should.

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My problem with the jaw sword is that A. its a alert weapon, making it harder to access and B. they made this weapon like every other sword in melee 2.0 and moved its damage from puncture to slash, making it bland instead of letting it be unique.

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confirmed ones:

justice: blast aod+heal

truth: gas aoe+heal

entropy: magnetic aoe+energy restoration

blight: viral aoe+energy

there are two still unknown, but i think it's obvious:

sequence: radiation aoe+energy

purity:corrosive aoe+heal


Now sequence is confirmed to be radiation aoe + shield.

I have a feeling that purity would probably be corrosive aoe + shield.

So there would be 2 energy, 2 heal, 2 shield.

I hope I'm wrong. I joined New Loka, but I don't want shield.  :(

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Was the 'blast aoe' for Justice from Demeteri's thread here? While it originally did say blast somewhere, it seems we misinterpreted what he meant. He just meant it was AoE damage, not the damage type. I'll be trading for one later so I'll try to reconfirm it unless you guys already did that.

Edited by CitizenV
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Those Mods seem like the perfect stuff for longer runs/Survival/Interception/Defense which means that they give you a bonus in high tier grind.

I am so looking forward to trading Gilded Truth against Toxic Blight.

Because I use weapons that I like. For example: I formad the Standard Boltor 3 Times because it looks good.

But like everyone else, I want to have a Mod for every Weapon. There shouldn't have been discrimination.

They should implement a tool which can be used by the Faction Members to Vote for the next Weapon that gets a mod from that Faction.
(From a list.)

BTW: Those Buffs seem kinda random.

PS: Warframe is still in its Beta. Remember?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not far enough along in my Syndicate to get my weapon mod, but I certainly am looking at the following scenario:


Weapon A is not as good as Weapons B-Z.

Weapon A receives unique mod that gives it unique AOE property resulting in a good affect.


If the given AOE affect is 'good', Weapon A now becomes equally desirable to B-Z though this unique system.


I would disagree that "No matter how good the temp bonus is, no one will use the XYZ" is the absolute end of this story for every player. Ideally the end result of these mods is that they are used and enjoyed, and if that doesn't happen then I suspect dev will hear about it :).


How bout just buff up weapon a b c and d and e and f and all the alphabets :D

I think more mods and easier rep accumulation should be considered.

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How bout just buff up weapon a b c and d and e and f and all the alphabets :D

I think more mods and easier rep accumulation should be considered.

Well to be fair...


1 - If weapons are buffed outright, their MR and such should likely be increased to account for that.  But that can cause imbalances if it's not done (ultra-powerful weapons available really early to newbies) or even if it is done can leave gaps (if everybody's favorite weapon was buffed outright and had their MR requirement increased then there'd be less choices for upcoming players still at lower ranks).  Providing specific buff mods that are hard to reach is sort of a compromise idea, where weapons can get buffs but you can't access those buffs until later.


Though I don't really agree with this method due to the downsides of the mods being way too targeted (like the Bolto mod won't even go on the Akbolto) and them taking up a mod slot reduces their efficiency, etc.  It's at least something though.


2 - More mods are reportedly coming, and in the timespan between the last post and now update 16.2.2 happened, which literally increased standing gain by 10x.  So getting the mods is now a feasible goal, it no longer takes the insane numbers that were posted earlier in this thread.

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