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Do I Keep The Grakata?



18 answers to this question

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It's pretty good for status/crit builds. It procs constantly, and is one of the few good physically-based status weapons. So, sure, go ahead if you like it. Ammo consumption is a bit of an issue, though, and it could still use a buff. Regardless, I wouldn't sell it just yet if I were you. I sold too many weapons early on and sorta regret some of them.

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"Hakuna Grakata...  Such a wonderful phrase...  It means no ammo...  For the rest of your days..."


I still rock my Grakata from time to time.  It's a very good status chance monster.  Build it with Viral combo element and de-buff enemy HP all day long, or Blast combo element to keep knocking down enemies for CC.



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Grakata is far more fun and unique than the Soma, and at least as effective. However it requires all sorts of modding, formas and status/event mods to get there.


So, if you have the goodies, go for Grakata. If not, well, the Soma and it's brutish cousin the Boltor Prime are always there.

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i am Mrank 14 and i believe Grakata is still after 1,5 year playing

Warframe one of the best weapons and far more enjoyable than Soma

mine has a crit build with 4 formas


It ´s a little bit long journey to MR6. If you build Grakata ^that^ way, during that journey you forget that Soma exist.

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I agree about Soma being better for criticals, but I just leveled mine for mastery points and sold it. 


I have my Grakata catalyzed and forma'ed (using status build by now) and it's really fun watch Corrupt Heavy Gunners being covered by numbers and trying to stand up.


Try both and make your choice later. 

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With the new introduction of +%status duration mod, I made grakata into an utility gear for support in high end mission with a high dps secondary weapon. Radiation + other elemental combo + Saryn venom spore make a pretty solid support build. Close to MR18 for bragging rights. 

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Keep it.


If you don't, you're throwing away one of the better guns to use late game--not to mention one of the more fun ones.


The key is getting a catalyst in it and three or four forma. This will allow a status/crit build and the gun flat out rocks. The recoil is vicious, but some trigger discipline goes a long ways and helps to preserve your ammo (which can disappear distressingly quickly otherwise).


The gun is capable of easily hitting 14k dps, and can top out around 20k for HC builds. It's my own Valkyr's favorite weapon at present and she doesn't leave the Liset without it (though, she is fickle about these things...).

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I just finished levelling my Grakata and I really want to like the gun but it's been rough.  It's got some decent stats but due to the lack of polarity slots it's been tapering off for me in effectiveness.  I'm holding on to it in hopes of pumping it up with formas and a potato to turn it into a beast later on.  Judging from a few posts here it looks like it'll be worth the wait!

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Do you enjoy using it?

If yes then keep.


People are too caught up in numbers.

Grataka is a great crit or status weapon.

This.  I posted a thread (now buried onto page 3) about whether the Seer pistol sucks.  And what it boils down to is that one player (master-ranked) loves it and thinks it's a great pistol.  Another player (also master-ranked) said that they can't stand it for various reasons.


I hate using the Seer pistol, so regardless of what those two players (with opposite opinions) say, I will never use the Seer pistol again.  As such, I'm going to be selling it tonight.


If you don't like using the Grakata, then sell it.  If you do like using it, then mod it differently using the suggestions in this thread, and you'll see marked improvement in your rifle, no doubt :)

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