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Good Game Design Unexpected Effect On Lore.


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You should consider bio-mechanical constructs before writing off that machinery or biologically-generated materials lack blood or a circulatory system.


As far as we know, aren't tenno entirely biological?


It was said that the sentients could control Orokin tech, and the Orokin soldiers in the Mag Prime codex were wearing "zero-tech" suits and using primitive firearms. Since the tenno are the ultimate anti-sentient weapon, it stands to reason they probably wouldn't have any technology in them. 


You poly Tenno people come out of the woodwork 0.o why can't I be a lone Tenno gathering weaponized suits to fight me enemies with (the whole revive thing is how much of a beating that suit can take before it needs repairs, yes I can fight with a damaged suit but there are dire risks "dieing" in battle)


I don't know, why can't you? And why can't my tenno be a unique character? Why do we feel the need to force our theories on other people?


Having a theory is good, expecting everyone else to have the same one as you is not. Especially with how ambiguous the lore is. 

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You can be. I suppose I may have come off a little strong in this topic x) I think that's why DE has yet to confirm or deny any theory on this. They want it to be open ended.


I suppose this could be. I still think it's poly-tenno. To each their own! :D


Its reasonable standpoints like this that make my day feel better.


Nothing is certain. Nothing is set in stone.


Headcanon is Bestcanon

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Tenno are confirmed to be humans. Steve said so in a devstream a while back. Must likely they are terrible mutated or semi-Infested freaks and we should all count our blessings that we can't actually see their faces under their helmets.


Vor is obviously speaking metaphorically when he describes the Warframe's function/relationship with the Tenno inside.

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Tenno are confirmed to be humans. Steve said so in a devstream a while back. Must likely they are terrible mutated or semi-Infested freaks and we should all count our blessings that we can't actually see their faces under their helmets.


Vor is obviously speaking metaphorically when he describes the Warframe's function/relationship with the Tenno inside.

Well I just assume all bosses are a bit nutty

You realize we haven't celebrated halloween in a millenia, right? 

~Tyl Regor


You ever get hammered in that suit?

~ Lech Kril


Fashion victims about to become murder victims!

~ Nef Anyo


Then again Vor is currently high off of void energy XD

Edited by Zakharon
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Grineer bosses in particular. Genetic degeneration does that to you. Vor's already unstable sanity is also in question as he is obviously, if not under direct control of the Orokin Neural Sentry already, (channeled through his Void key) at the very least influenced by it at the time you fight him for the first time.



It is his.... preeeeeccciouuusssss.....

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As far as we know, aren't tenno entirely biological?


It was said that the sentients could control Orokin tech, and the Orokin soldiers in the Mag Prime codex were wearing "zero-tech" suits and using primitive firearms. Since the tenno are the ultimate anti-sentient weapon, it stands to reason they probably wouldn't have any technology in them.


Being a biomechanical construct powered by void energy could have been too much. I think when they discussed about turning technology on the Orokin, it was more in relation to things used by modern military; drones, satellites, missiles, those kind of half-intelligent, unmanned weapons of war the world seems to be steering towards.


Thats why these warrior gods were trained in the old ways of gun and blade. Analogue weapons that could not be hacked and possessed. Same thing with engineered biological materials. Something much more powerful than vanilla humans, and - if you subscribe to the Mono-Tenno transhumanist theory (like me) - basically modular and disposable. Hence why the Grineer could pull an infinite amount of 'corpses' out of pods, but with no void-powered Tenno possessing it, it was basically a useless biological shell they didn't understand.


That is just my headcanon however. Possessed constructs could still bleed and die and depressurize.Hence why the Tenno never truly asphyxiate... perhaps the Vacuum without the Archwing attachments boils the fluid in the body making it very weak and susceptible to attack (at 5hp). Without intervention, you just stand there. Not choking to death.


Again, this is just my personal thoughts. Poly or Mono Tenno alike.. I love all you guys who talk lore.

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 Are we thinking too far into it? 



 pretty much, we hunger for lore so that we see things that possibly aren't real/exist. though it gives a sorta imagination to others and DE sees such ideas and decides if they want to actually use it in already exsisting lore or that lore doesn't exist yet and us as a community are inadvertently helping them  i think

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I love all you guys who talk lore.




I love this. It pretty much sums up why I love delving into lore. There are no new continents on Earth; we're still too scientifically weak to make going to the Moon or Mars a regular thing...so looking into lore is kinda like exploring a new world. That's what makes a game good.

Edited by (PS4)NearlyDedicated
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Its reasonable standpoints like this that make my day feel better.


Nothing is certain. Nothing is set in stone.


Headcanon is Bestcanon

Considering how much it'd mess with the different headcannons people have invested in over time, I think it's best DE leaves things ambiguous because if either 'side' is 'confirmed' a lot of people would be pissed.

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I love this. It pretty much sums up why I love delving into lore. There are no new continents on Earth; we're still too scientifically weak to make going to the Moon or Mars a regular thing...so looking into lore is kinda like exploring a new world. That's what makes a game good.

thats whats fun about games with partial lore ^_^!


all you can do is speculate and actually possibly nudge it in a  direction. but those bits we don't know can change all the time cause we just don't know what they are, its sorta like schrodinger's cat. its nither dead or alive in warframes since with lore it's nither fact or false yet. 

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Considering how much it'd mess with the different headcannons people have invested in over time, I think it's best DE leaves things ambiguous because if either 'side' is 'confirmed' a lot of people would be &!$$ed.



But the uncertainty of not knowing is what pisses me off the most...

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But the uncertainty of not knowing is what &!$$es me off the most...

what if DE chooses the third answer?


then everyone will be &!$$ed :D


( third answer: the answer that is not the first or second, and will change to the fourth answer if someone figures out the third )

Edited by ropefish98
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Well I just assume all bosses are a bit nutty

You realize we haven't celebrated halloween in a millenia, right? 
~Tyl Regor


You ever get hammered in that suit?
~ Lech Kril


Fashion victims about to become murder victims!
~ Nef Anyo


Then again Vor is currently high off of void energy XD


It is important to note that those are the lines from placeholder bosses, not the "2.0" srs ones. IMHO those should not be taken in any serious way while discussing lore based off of the new writing.


The oft-referenced line is Vor's line from the prologue where he mentions something to the effect of how he understands that the Warframes are "a lens to focus your power". Some folks take this literally to mean that the Tenno are light (or light-like, a.k.a. energy based), and that the Warframes are the only thing that contain us. Seems to be supported by the Gradivus Dilemma trailer, where the cut Excal seems 'hollow', visually. 

Which is often countered by quoting Sargas Ruk's "what flesh is within that Warframe".

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The biggest problem is that DE are far too excited and eager to be expanding the lore rather than fleshing out the existing lore. I can't really blame them for that; it is how you make the game grow. But I wish they'd just not simply ignore all the existing questions in favour of creating new answers for new questions...



Seems to be supported by the Gradivus Dilemma trailer, where the cut Excal seems 'hollow', visually. 




That's because the Tenno was extracted(or more likely vaporized by the laz0rs) from the Warframe leaving, fittingly, just an empty suit.

Edited by Brimir
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But the uncertainty of not knowing is what &!$$es me off the most...

Understandable, but I find this to be an opportunity to be creative. Who needs an official statement? Use your creativity, and come up with your own story. Steve has said time and again (although out of context) he wants each player to come up with their own story.


While this may not be for everyone...I certainly enjoy the open-endedness.

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Being a biomechanical construct powered by void energy could have been too much. I think when they discussed about turning technology on the Orokin, it was more in relation to things used by modern military; drones, satellites, missiles, those kind of half-intelligent, unmanned weapons of war the world seems to be steering towards.


Thats why these warrior gods were trained in the old ways of gun and blade. Analogue weapons that could not be hacked and possessed. Same thing with engineered biological materials. Something much more powerful than vanilla humans, and - if you subscribe to the Mono-Tenno transhumanist theory (like me) - basically modular and disposable. Hence why the Grineer could pull an infinite amount of 'corpses' out of pods, but with no void-powered Tenno possessing it, it was basically a useless biological shell they didn't understand.


That is just my headcanon however. Possessed constructs could still bleed and die and depressurize.Hence why the Tenno never truly asphyxiate... perhaps the Vacuum without the Archwing attachments boils the fluid in the body making it very weak and susceptible to attack (at 5hp). Without intervention, you just stand there. Not choking to death..


My guess was based on the reference to Orokin troops carrying no technology and using mechanical firearms, that portrayal makes it seem like even the simplest devices could be subverted.


My interpretation here is that anything that's not purely mechanical or biological can be taken over, and the tenno and the warframe are both made up of only biological components. 


Again, this is just my personal thoughts. Poly or Mono Tenno alike.. I love all you guys who talk lore.


We love you too.

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It is important to note that those are the lines from placeholder bosses, not the "2.0" srs ones. IMHO those should not be taken in any serious way while discussing lore based off of the new writing.


The oft-referenced line is Vor's line from the prologue where he mentions something to the effect of how he understands that the Warframes are "a lens to focus your power". Some folks take this literally to mean that the Tenno are light (or light-like, a.k.a. energy based), and that the Warframes are the only thing that contain us. Seems to be supported by the Gradivus Dilemma trailer, where the cut Excal seems 'hollow', visually. 

Which is often countered by quoting Sargas Ruk's "what flesh is within that Warframe".


I assumes the Tenno are flesh bleed off (radiate/generate)  pure energy and the different suits channel them differently 

Edited by Zakharon
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My guess was based on the reference to Orokin troops carrying no technology and using mechanical firearms, that portrayal makes it seem like even the simplest devices could be subverted.

Robots, bro. Orokin Robots. The Corpus got their robotics technology from the Orokin (their Shield Ospreys are obivously their take on the Orokin Drone) so I think it would be safe to assume that the Orokin had a lot of robotics fighting for them as well. The Sentients probably pulled a SkyNet on them and took control of their robotics.

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1. A giant ship for us=/= us having tons of more Tenno in there.

2. Yes, exactly. Our ship can only hold so much... if we were actually to have so many other Tenno, then why can't they hold everything for us?

3. Yep. The Arsenal Module holds tons of weapons for us. I understand that, again. If there are so many other Tenno though, then why can't they hold said weapons for the person currently in the mission?

4. Wouldn't someone such as the stalker still: Not target the Tenno in said mission because they would be innocent? They didn't kill the boss, the other Tenno did. The Nekros supported the Grineer, silly harvester. Not the mag "character".

5. Having the ship incomplete is not an excuse. If we have enough room for our ships to hold something such as an ARCHWING, and we have the areas for the codex, market, announcements, etc... why can't we even GLIMPSE at another Tenno in our ship? Also explain the tutorial, where we are ALONE in OUR cryopod, and have to escape to our crashed, EMPTY ship? If we "buy" characters why don't we ever see them? How do we obtain these "different characters" if the Liset was empty at first? Does this mean we build characters? Why does Ordis refer to us as Operator and not Operators or one of many operators? If there are other Tenno in our Liset because the big ship isn't complete or even mentioned really (could even possibly be the player hub... did you ever think of that?) then how do we switch between them?

6. I completely understand and have known that the Evolution writing is a huge reference to Evolution Engine. I'm not completely blind to info. Also, assuming DS is cannon, which it most likely is, then why can't our single Tenno just generate our weapons like Hayden did with his glaive? Why can't we just generate the different warframes around us like how Hayden had his Excal "grow" around him? Why do our Warframes have the words Model # _______? If we generate our warframes around us, why is it that our warframes are just models/designed? We don't grow something that's built.

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But the uncertainty of not knowing is what &!$$es me off the most...

Honestly I see that as pushing players to use their imagination. I understand the feeling of needing something set in stone but again, more people will be pissed if anything gets said that 'confirms' either side.

But I think it is indeed the lack of general lore more than that one aspect, in fact they could very well tell us more about the Tenno, like their ways, their culture and their past, without stepping onto that very volatile and sensitive territory.

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Can I inquire on how you came across that tidbit? Like anyone who cares for the lore, I'm also quite excited for the official stance, but (IMHO) it does seem to lean towards "Player as Tenno".


Hmm probably should of put the source in the original post. This is from the most recent AMA on reddit.

"2) -You are kind of close but not quite and as coincidence the Rhino Prime entry gives more hints.

-Its often the most popular wallpapers but no one will admit. A saw a New Loka one that made me spit coffee on the screen."




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This is all wild speculation but w/e. What do you think? Are we thinking too far into it? 


The thing is, it's just as likely that dev has made the UI decisions it has with the game's lore as a core consideration as it is that it has made them only based on practicality and gameplay convenience. There really is no evidence that they've painted themselves into a corner on the tenno issue rather than having made these moves after deliberation, so as you said yourself, this is just speculation that won't really go anywhere until they make concrete statements.

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