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So, ever since Limbo released he's been getting some mixed feelings from everyone due to his overall design, but Limbo isn't the only one that received this mixed feedback I remember people felt sorta the same when Oberon came and kinda(not as much)the same thing happen with Zephyr/Hydroid.



I know most Frames have that 'look' that they own, like Ember's chicken traits, Loki's hammershark head, and Booben's weird eye, but in your opinion are Frame designs getting too 'weird'? or is DE doing fine with these new designs?


I personally don't mind these design's, new Frames for me just collect dust in my inventory, I main Ash and I doubt ill move to another Frame(maybe?)




Also, will there ever be a Grineer crafted Frame? or are they too primitive to craft such thing?




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But Oberion was simply considered bad.


Limbo goes beyond that by actively working against his fellow Tenno with his abilities.


P.S I am also hoping for a Grineerframe. Both the Grineer and Corpus are interested in crafting their own Warframes (that's their main motivations to capture us - to reverse-engineer our suits in order to get an edge over the other) so there could be an event where we, like, steal the prototype blueprints for a Grineerframe.

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people should just not take looks so seriously, I play hydroid and ember basically everyday and I enjoy the hell out of them, because they're fun warframes to play, to me, ember is love, life and my wife <3 
as for hydroid, that helm with his noble.......just bad@$$, pure bad@$$, and people who think that he's @#$ual should really keep away from these gross things that they watch 

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They're getting too silly. This game is already free-to-play, so some ignorant people already consider it "not a real game" just because of that. I know some people like that, and it's ridiculous. But we don't want the designs of the frames to begin to get too weird or else it will just reinforce that idea and make more people take this game as a joke. I don't take it as a joke, it's my favorite game, but some people may start to if we get anything sillier than Limbo.

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people should just not take looks so seriously, I play hydroid and ember basically everyday and I enjoy the hell out of them, because they're fun warframes to play, to me, ember is love, life and my wife <3 

as for hydroid, that helm with his noble.......just bad@$$, pure bad@$$, and people who think that he's @#$ual should really keep away from these gross things that they watch 


I love Ember a lot,(I have her as my personal bodyguard specter :3) and Hydroid looks pretty damn cool, I like his base helmet a lot, I was just curious to see what the community thinks about the new Frame designs lately, like Mirage.

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I love Ember a lot,(I have her as my personal bodyguard specter :3) and Hydroid looks pretty damn cool, I like his base helmet a lot, I was just curious to see what the community thinks about the new Frame designs lately, like Mirage.

mirage??? please don't start, she's my GF (yes, I have a warframe wife and gf.....so what?) she gives me kisses all day, I'll never get bored with her :3 plus I really love her standard helm, and her lady-like stand, it's just perfect <3   I do think that her noble with kunai-weapons is a little weird though O.o

EDIT: and I'm glad to see someone who agrees with me and loves those 2 frames.....but ember is mine

Edited by Kenshin98
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They're getting too silly. This game is already free-to-play, so some ignorant people already consider it "not a real game" just because of that. I know some people like that, and it's ridiculous. But we don't want the designs of the frames to begin to get too weird or else it will just reinforce that idea and make more people take this game as a joke. I don't take it as a joke, it's my favorite game, but some people may start to if we get anything sillier than Limbo.


I kinda agree with you here, I mean I know this isn't 100% a ninja game I mean.. look at the Archwing and how 'NOBODY' uses stealth to do missions(I stealth on rescue missions, makes it more intense for me) but by the end of the day I got this game to play as a badass space ninja so I understand when people say that Limbo kinda throws that out the window.


Let's hope it doesn't become too 'silly' like you said, I don't mind a few jokes here and there, like the mustaches, but I hope Warframe doesn't become just that, a joke.


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I don't mind new frames, yes, some need tweaks, like limbo's unability to take objects while on rift. - but other than that, variety is welcome, sometimes the result is better, sometimes not, but in the end, I rather have different kinds of warframes.

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I have absolutely no idea what game you're comparing the aesthetics to.


The base theme and stated goal is that there is no "perfect" frame--they all look "cool", but all have "weird" features. They're meant to look somewhat strange and bizarre.


I actually find Limbo's design rather fascinating. Even if he did thrift shop his hat from the grineer surplus store.

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As i've said elsewhere, I think Limbo has really keeled off course severely, aesthetically. I am not yet ready to throw in and say DE is going off course overall yet, however. I've always seen tenno less "Historical" ninja and more "Mystical" Ninja in inspiration which fits given each warframe has thematic powers so I get the loose ninja concept they have going. The last few frames have seemed ... quirky, yes. But only the limbo frame seems to have pushed the envelope and really broke it, IMO.


My beef with Oberon was he didn't really seem 'paladin' and more 'druid' to me, both aesthetically and in terms of abilities but it wasn't too weird when compared with say ember and frost, whom were there when I started playing in update 7. Hydroid's pirate theme was a bit awkward in a game with ninja (yay, internet), but his powers meshed pretty good so it didn't bother me that much. But that all changes when we get to trolling limbos that have the silly top hat, and contrary to the 'polite gentlemen' look they tried to pull off I am to the point I don't want to play with them. I was in an exterminate yesterday and a limbo kept banishing me the whole time to hog kills. (At least, pretty sure that's what happened. I couldn't pick anything up and seemed like I couldn't kill anything either, doors opened fine so do not think it was lag)

Edited by Ahzagothis
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Yeah in the rift you can't even pick up loot. :D Sort of ridicolus but I've experienced this too. I built Limbo and tried it cause I wanted to see why the hatred is. I totally understand now. It really felt uncomfortable to play as him, separating enemies only for myself seemed a little bit selfish. Even though I understand that it meant to be help te team by taking out ancients and heavies so they can be easily deal with later or something.


The problem is that his powers need too much hassle, like 


-putting soemthing/someone into the rift

-stepping into the rift in order to deal damage on it

-damage increase that works ONLY!! on the rift

-and finally that Globe, the energy support is not that good and its range forces your teammates to g upclose against enemies. 
(I've tried a corrupted range build on it, that kinda worked but the rift effect boy!!! It hurts my eyes really. ) 


As I wrote too much effort and combining powers, while with for example Ember, Frost or Volt I deal damage directly just fine and helping teammates with shield, globe, or just electricity stun etc..

Again I love warframe and DE's doing pretty great job but this guy, Limbo really need some second thought in my opinion. Cheers



(Sorry If this was off, I've just realised the thread is about design. Anyway it's desig is weird too :) But I don't mind I main Excal all the time)

Edited by 000_Briarius_000
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I have absolutely no idea what game you're comparing the aesthetics to.


The base theme and stated goal is that there is no "perfect" frame--they all look "cool", but all have "weird" features. They're meant to look somewhat strange and bizarre.


I actually find Limbo's design rather fascinating. Even if he did thrift shop his hat from the grineer surplus store.


I didn't mean 'weird' in a bad way, though.

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I like how people consider formal wear to be silly in a universe where we have GOAT FRAME AND HIS ALTERNATE HELMET DEER FRAME, A KITTY, A BIRDY, A FATTY, A TRAIN-FACE AND HIS ALTERNATE HELMET FRENCHY.
Top hat is not the most ridiculous helmet design out there.

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I like how people consider formal wear to be silly in a universe where we have GOAT FRAME AND HIS ALTERNATE HELMET DEER FRAME, A KITTY, A BIRDY, A FATTY, A TRAIN-FACE AND HIS ALTERNATE HELMET FRENCHY.

At least all of the ones you listed look more designed for actual combat (alright, maybe except for a few bits and pieces of protrusion that might end up getting snagged or highlighting one as a rather juicy target to pump a few bullets into his/her skull). 

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The animal frames don't bother me at all. Animals have been incorperated into warrior motifs since... forever. While a goat might be odd, when I put on Oberon's alt helm I absolutely love how he looks. Almost dragon-like... and I don't exactly stare at his feet while playing. Oberon looks fine IMO. As for kitty/bird. Those are predatory creatures, and in the case of ember it's a freakin pheonix! I don't have an issue with those at all. Vauban... I don't know what to say. Maybe it's the fact my grandfather and uncle work for the railroad and so I have unique perspective while growing up... but vauban's face is only vaugely train like to me. I kinda like the look honestly. But a top hat, coat tails? let's not even discuss the troll nature of his power set. But only in anime do you really see someone in that getup wading into the thick of a fight in warframe style. It's rather absurd.

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The animal frames don't bother me at all. Animals have been incorperated into warrior motifs since... forever. While a goat might be odd, when I put on Oberon's alt helm I absolutely love how he looks. Almost dragon-like... and I don't exactly stare at his feet while playing. Oberon looks fine IMO. As for kitty/bird. Those are predatory creatures, and in the case of ember it's a freakin pheonix! I don't have an issue with those at all. Vauban... I don't know what to say. Maybe it's the fact my grandfather and uncle work for the railroad and so I have unique perspective while growing up... but vauban's face is only vaugely train like to me. I kinda like the look honestly. But a top hat, coat tails? let's not even discuss the troll nature of his power set. But only in anime do you really see someone in that getup wading into the thick of a fight in warframe style. It's rather absurd.

Real world woodcut of a dude in tux, tails, and a hat, getting ready to fight someone:


Behold! Limbo makes sense.

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Nothing will divide me from my love... Zephyr... Although the one alt helm with the thing coming out on top... Thats just plain weird...

I don't like the modeling and design of limbo, I get it in james bond/houdini type of thing but... His modeling just.. Destroys that image... He is more a clown than a ninja

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