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Themed Runs


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When support for the Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer ended and the game entered it's final life-cycle, the developers also ceased to provide "Weekend Challenges". Since many people enjoyed those, people began looking for new challenges.

The result were so called "Themed Runs". People would choose specific characters, weapons to use on a specific map against a specific enemy.


ME3 Example: Only Turian Characters with Turian Weapons on Firebase Condor against Reapers.


While Warframe isn't even close to reaching the point Mass Effect 3 reached (at least I hope so), I think that Themed Runs could work quite well in Warframe, so I've tried to convert the concept to Warframe standards.


The point of this is to give people with high mastery ranks something to do. Basically player-made endgame.

The limitations placed on loadouts also limit the powercreep, since you can't take the Soma or Boltor Prime unless permitted, and hopefully lead to some other weapons being used more often.


Basic Rules:

  • Endless Mission Types are used. While this can also be done on normal mission types as well, I personally don't see any real point to it. Endless missions also allow performance to be measured (in the form of Waves/Rounds/Minutes/Points completed/achieved).

  • Archwing wasn't a thing when I began converting the concept. Because of this, it is currently excluded from Themed Runs. Once it is in a better state, I or maybe someone else will probably come up with something for Archwing.

  • The Objective is to go as far as possible with the Loadouts you are permitted to use. Note that you can extract early if you care about rewards. However, if you fail the mission, the amount of completed waves/rounds, minutes survived or points achieved counts. So if you don't care about rewards, you can take risks without being punished for it.

  • You can polarize and supercharge the equipment you are going to be using as you like. Actually, this is supposed to be about bringing weapons and frames to their limits.

  • Themed Runs can be completed Solo, in Teams or both, depending on the Theme. Check the individual Themed Runs for more info.

  • Additional rules and exceptions for rules stated above can be found in the description of the individual Themed Run.


"Valkyrs Vengeance":

After being rescued from the labs of the Zanuka program, Valkyr intends to exact revenge on her torturers.


Number of Players: Any

Permitted Warframes: Valkyr and any alternative Version of Valkyr to be released in the future.

Permitted Weapons: Any Corpus-made weapon may be used, including most, if not all weapons from the Dojo energy lab.

If you are in doubt, the wiki and in some cases the codex can tell you if a weapon is corpus-designed. From what I know all weapons from the energy lab are. This includes the Prova Vandal!

Permitted Companions: Helios with Deconstructor. However, if DE decides to release a Zanuka-Kubrow, you are free to use it.


Map: Any endless mission on Jupiter that puts you against the corpus (are there even Grineer missions on Jupiter? I think not.)


"Not to shabby":

To motivate the newly awakened Tenno and frighten the Grineer and Corpus, the Lotus asks Veteran Tenno to showcase the true potential of standard Tenno weaponry.


Number of Players: 3 or 4 (in the case of 4, one Frame must be present twice. Each frame must be present at least once.)

Permitted Warframes: Starter Warframes – Prime versions are NOT permitted.

Permitted Weapons: Starter Weapons – This includes all weapons with the MK1 prefix as well as the Lato and Skana.

Permitted Companions: None


Map: Pluto, Outer Terminus – Faction does NOT matter


"Elemental Damage Squad":

Number of Players: 4 (each Frame must be present once)

Permitted Warframes: Volt, Saryn, Ember, Frost + any alternative versions of them.

Permitted Weapons: Warframes may use weapons that natively have the same damage type as them. This means that you can put the Amprex on Volt and the Ignis on Ember, but never the other way around. You may mod the weapons as you see fit, including elemental mods, but the native damage type has to match the Warframe you are using it on.

Combined Elements DO NOT count, meaning that for example Radiation DOES NOT count as Fire or Electricity, so you CANNOT use the Nukor on Ember or Volt.

Permitted Companions: Any


Map: I have no Idea. Go where you wish, but remember that high scores on high level planets are much more impressive than high scores on Mercury.


"Paladin and Necromancer":

Oberon and Nekros. Life and Death. Polar opposites, and usually rivals. But in combat, Tenno always remain loyal to each other.


Number of Players: 2 or 4 (each Frame must be present once or twice, depending on the amount of players)

Permitted Warframes: Nekros, Oberon + any alternative versions of them.

Permitted Weapons: Silva & Aegis for Oberon – Hate/Reaper Prime for Nekros

Permitted Companions: Any, but I suggest Dethcube for Nekros, for obvious reasons.


Map: I have no Idea. Go where you wish, but remember that high scores on high level planets are much more impressive than high scores on Mercury.


"Prime all the things!"

Number of Players: Any

Permitted Warframes: Any Prime Warframe may be used

Excalibur Prime may be used, however, as I don't want to put non-Founders at a disadvantage, the normal Excalibur may be used as well. Ideally, those who use Excalibur colour and decorate him in a way that he looks as primish as possible, as not to break the Prime Theme.

Permitted Weapons: Any Prime Weapon may be used

This includes the Skana and Lato Prime. From what I heard, they are not match for current primes anyway, so no disadvantage for non-founders.

Permitted Companions: Any Prime Companion may be used

Now I really want Kubrow Prime...


Map: Any endless mission in the void. The higher the difficulty, the more impressive.


"V for Vendetta" by IkariWarrior83

Note that I made a few changes

Number of Players: 1-4

Permitted Warframes: Any Warframe that starts with V (Vauban, Volt, Valkyr)

Permitted Weapons: Weapon: Any Weapon that starts with V, including Dual and Akimbo versions (Dual Vipers etc.)


Map: Venus (Venera)


"Code Warframe: Lotus of the Rebellion" (Beta, may be unbalanced, let me know what you think)

After seeing that Anime recently, I always wanted to command people to die with Nyx...

Number of Players: 4

Permitted Warframes (one of each):

Nyx / any alternative Nyx (Lelouch)

Nova / any alternative Nova (Rolo)

Excalibur / any alternative Excalibur (Suzaku)

Ember / any alternative Ember (Kallen)


Permitted Weapons:

Nyx - Nukor (I don't think anything else in the Warframe Arsenal fits Lelouch or the Knightmare Frames he uses in the Anime)

Nova - Any single Pistol, as well as Knives and Daggers

Excalibur - Opticor, Any Sword and Dual Sword (I think this fits the Lancelots weapons best)

Ember - Ignis (I cannot think of anything closer to the radiant wave surger)


Map: Any, but I find the Void to be the most fitting because:

only open if you have seen the anime or don't care about spoilers

Void Towers look a bit like the Damocles


"Masters of the Elements" (Beta, may be unbalanced, let me know what you think)

Since there is no Earth Frame at this point, I decided to go with Rhino. Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp put him closest to Earth.


Number of Players: 4


Permitted Warframes (one of each):

Zephyr / any alternative Zephyr

Hydroid / any alternative Hydroid

Ember / any alternative Ember

Rhino / any alternative Rhino


Permitted Weapons:

Zephyr: Any thrown weapon (regardless of type), excluding the castanas.

Hydroid: Glaxion No watergun, so he borrows Frosts Ice ray. I'm sure Frost won't mind.

Ember: Any weapon with innate heat damage

Rhino: Fist and sparring weapons


Map: Any endless map, but I would suggest ones on Earth


Let's Play Dark Sector by IkariWarrior83

Number of Players: Any (one for Authenticity)

Permitted Warframes: Excalibur (no Prime)

Permitted Weapons: Braton, Lex, Lato, Sicarus, Glaive (no Primes)

Map: Any Dark Sector Map


Mark of the Ninja(s) (Beta)

Number of Players: 2 or 4 (each Frame must be present once (2 Players) or twice (4 Players)

Permitted Warframes: Loki, Ash (includes alternates)

Permitted Weapons: Bows, Crossbows, Thrown weapons (Glaive, Hikou etc.), Daggers, Nikanas

Map: Any


One true pairing (Beta, feel free to suggest more pairs and other adjustments)

Number of Players: 2 or 4 (no pair may be present twice)

Permitted Warframe pairs (either both or none must be used): Ember and Frost, Loki and Mirage, Excalibur and Nyx. This includes primes etc.

Permitted Weapons:

- Ember: Weapons with innate fire damage

- Frost: Weapons with innate cold damage

- Loki: Bows, Crossbows, Thrown weapons (Glaive, Hikou etc.), Daggers, Nikanas

- Mirage: May use anything

- Excalibur: Glaive, single swords, Rifles, Pistols and dual pistols

- Nyx: Nukor


Map: Any





- Added "Let's Play Dark Sector" based on a suggestion from IkariWarrior83

- Added "Mark of the Ninja(s)"

- Added "One true pairing"




- Made adjustments to weapons permitted for "Masters of the Elements"



- Added "Code Warframe: Lotus of the Rebellion" Themed Run

- Added "Masters of the Elements" Themed Run



- Added "V for Vendetta" based on a suggestion from IkariWarrior83

- Added this Changelog

- Added a special Excalibur rule for "Prime all the things".



Feel free to come up with your own Themed Runs and share them here!

Edited by UltimateSpinDash
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Love all of them! Excellent and well thought through, this would help with the whole "overkill all the time" problem with level 8 and up (the Dragon Nikana, which requires level 8, can one shot the Stalker on certain occasions). Only one request though... The Paladin and Necromancer would do well if the Oberon could wield the Magistar mace, and particularly the Necros being able to wield the Dual Kamas, as those are very "Grim Reaper" weapons...


Otherwise, keep it up!


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Love all of them! Excellent and well thought through, this would help with the whole "overkill all the time" problem with level 8 and up (the Dragon Nikana, which requires level 8, can one shot the Stalker on certain occasions). Only one request though... The Paladin and Necromancer would do well if the Oberon could wield the Magistar mace, and particularly the Necros being able to wield the Dual Kamas, as those are very "Grim Reaper" weapons...


Otherwise, keep it up!


I'll think about it.


I think Trinity of life then Oberon.

True, but I think that if Nekros has a rival, it's Oberon.


Always wanted to do Golden Newbie build - Excalibur Prime, Braton Prime, Lato Prime, Scana Prime and roll over Mercury screaming in chat "OMG WHY AM I SO GOLDEN, HALP". But I didn't have money at time to purchase that.

Well, you are a master, I think the only one you are missing is Lato Prime? Maybe use Lex Prime as a substitute?

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Well, you are a master, I think the only one you are missing is Lato Prime? Maybe use Lex Prime as a substitute?

I thought about Sccarus Prime, but without Lato Prime it miss some spice.


Also, an idea to themed run - Sniper group: 2 warframes, one with only sniper rifle and another only with secondary weapon (also, would be nice to be fast).

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At first when I saw the topic I was excited then I read this and now im disappointed. Btw when I heard themes I thought of corpus lover booben with penta or amprex with prova vandal or paladon broberon with Silva and aegis with sybaris not "prime all things"

The Prime one was just one I came up with, and I think it may be interesting to do, since Trinity, Nekros, Nova etc. are not available, requiring players to think of other strategys than deleting entire rooms with MPrime.


As I said though, feel free to add you own ideas. That's actually the point.

What did you expect from it though?


They could also do special weapon alerts that require a specific weapon.


While I do see ways in which DE could use and extend this idea, I believe that what made the Themed Runs so unique and fun in ME3 was that they were designed purely by players. Due to the fact that Bioware had stopped supporting the game, players could no longer rely on the developers to add new content, or at least weekend challenges like they did earlier.



Idea to add to the Theme:


"V for Vendetta"

-Players: 1-4

-Frames: Valkyr, Volt


  -Vulkar (primary)

  -No Vectis (would be too easy)

  -Viper Secondary (or Duel Vipers)

  -Venka Melee

-Map: Venus (Venera)


And it's a defense mission!

I might make some changes to it. If I get you right you want people to use Warframes/Weapons (there are no Companions that follow that rule) that start with V.

Did you just forget Vauban or did you not include him on purpose?

Edited by UltimateSpinDash
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Edit: <snip>

I might make some changes to it. If I get you right you want people to use Warframes/Weapons (there are no Companions that follow that rule) that start with V.

Did you just forget Vauban or did you not include him on purpose?

I forgot Vauban (almost forgot Volt, lol).  That said, Vauban might make the game too easy, but since you changed my idea to any V weapons including Vectis, then hey, do your do, man.  Other folks can follow your version or mine if they choose to do it at all :)

Edited by (PS4)IkariWarrior83
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I forgot Vauban (almost forgot Volt, lol).  That said, Vauban might make the game too easy, but since you changed my idea to any V weapons including Vectis, then hey, do your do, man.  Other folks can follow your version or mine if they choose to do it at all :)

The only reason you didn't want the Vectis because you say it makes it to easy. I never used that gun, but at wave 50, easy doesn't exist, and these runs are supposed to bring you to your limits.


RE: Masters of the Elements - What, no Frost?  Granted, ice is just frozen water (Hydroid) but a lot of RPGs call ice its own element.  Same with Volt.

Don't mess up elemental damage with elements. THere is a run for that (Elemental Damage Squad).

Elements for me are Air, Water, Fire and Earth. Except fire, non of these are represented as damage types. Which is why I had Hydroid borrow the Glaxion (had him use the Phage first, cuz Tentacles).

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Some suggestions for a Themed run:


"Knife to a gun fight"


Permitted Frames: Any

Permitted Weapons: Only singel daggers, like Dark Dagger, Sheev or Ceramic Dagger

Enemies: Grineer


"Drop the Base"


Permitted Frame: Banshee

Permitted Weapons: Phage, Nukor, Jat Kittag/Fragor

Enemies: Any


"For Sience"


Permitted Frames: Nova, Limbo, Vauban, Saryn, Mag or Volt

Permitted Weapons: Only weapons from the Energie, Bio- or Chemestry Lab

Enemies: Any




Permitted Frames: Any

Permitted Weapons:

Primary: Gorgon (Wrath), Grakkata, Soma

Secondary: Twin Vipers (Wrath), AkFuris (Dex), AkZani, AkStiletto

Melee: None

Enemies: Grineer

Edited by Raptorator
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Some suggestions for a Themed run:


"Knife to a gun fight"


Permitted Frames: Any

Permitted Weapons: Only singel daggers, like Dark Dagger, Sheev or Ceramic Dagger

Enemies: Grineer


"Drop the Base"


Permitted Frame: Banshee

Permitted Weapons: Phage, Nukor, Jat Kittag/Fragor

Enemies: Any


"For Sience"


Permitted Frames: Nova, Limbo, Vauban, Saryn, Mag or Volt

Permitted Weapons: Only weapons from the Energie, Bio- or Chemestry Lab

Enemies: Any




Permitted Frames: Any

Permitted Weapons:

Primary: Gorgon (Wrath), Grakkata, Soma

Secondary: Twin Vipers (Wrath), AkFuris (Dex), AkZani, AkStiletto

Melee: None

Enemies: Grineer


Bulletstorm sounds like it will work well if the announced Gunslinger Warframe.

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