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The Legend Of John Prodman


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Since Frost's globe allows no punch-through whatsoever, and if John here were to hit his globe...


Then an unstoppable force hits an immovable object....


Oh god.

Oh my God... The beginning and end of a new and old era or power and destruction! John Prodman will destroy and create the universe at the same time... what can't he do???

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John also can use dispel on the stalker and stalker can`t use dispel on John... how?

John blocks dispel with his prova... and dispels the stalker with the other hand!


John can flicker lights and hunt the stalker in his sleep! Stalker is tasting his own work out here guys!

Edited by Bizzaro21
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Although John Prodman is rarely sighted, he is so famous that you don`t need to scan him (no one can bear him until the scan is done anyway), he can even kill you with the scanner! It can be more lethal than Penta in the hands of an expert! (Or the hands of John for that matter)


It was believed that John managed to -one shot- the Stalker with a codex scanner...

Edited by Bizzaro21
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