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So... Worst Weapon Ever?


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What do you guys think is the worst(or most deserving of a buff) weapon in warframe? 

My vote is for the Miter. It's the worst weapon ever... Of all time. 

Miter, you mean the one that has 250 base Slash damage and near 100% slash proc with mods? yep, its totally crap lol

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Miter, you mean the one that has 250 base Slash damage and near 100% slash proc with mods? yep, its totally crap lol

If you can actually use it to the same effect of even a Braton... More power to ya. In my opinion, it's pretty not great. 

Edited by DarkenedThimble
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Have you tried burst weapons besides the Tiberon since they changed them to not be framerate dependent? Because all the burst weapons became much better since that change.

I used the Burston yesterday so i can lvl it and sell it but its mainly the recoil l dont like and the whole burst trigger type. I like the Tiberon cause its accurate.

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Skeev, Machete Wraith, and Ankyros Prime.


Both the Skeev and Machete Wraith just plain suck. Their stats are bad, their stances are pretty bad, and they're limited weapons which makes it worse.


Ankyros Prime is also crap. It requires 5 parts, with all of them being generally rare. It also requires 10 orokin cells on top of that. For all that work that you did you get a very short range melee with pretty slow stances, very little fun-factor, and pretty low damage. I can safely say that the Kogake and Obex completely outdo the Ankyros prime, yet aren't a pain to build, do more damage, and are actually very fun.

Edited by Grascen
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Ankyros Prime is also crap. It requires 5 parts, with all of them being generally rare. It also requires 10 orokin cells on top of that. For all that work that you did you get a very short range melee with pretty slow stances, very little fun-factor, and pretty low damage. I can safely say that the Kogake and Obex completely outdo the Ankyros prime, yet aren't a pain to build, do more damage, and are actually very fun.

Seismic Palm (doesn't fit the polarity but idgaf) makes Ankyros the better wep.


Holding block while meleeing causes the enemy to stun and lets you do an innate finisher, insane damage IF the enemy lasts through the first 2 blows.


Though I'd still really like to see a boxing stance on the glove weps...

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I think you guys should define more the meaning behind words like 'worst' or 'needing a buff'.


Skana could surely be considered inferior to Dakra prime, but the first is your starting melee while the second is a prize from void.


Having them doing the same damage or being even remotely comparable makes little sense to me...

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Seismic Palm (doesn't fit the polarity but idgaf) makes Ankyros the better wep.


Holding block while meleeing causes the enemy to stun and lets you do an innate finisher, insane damage IF the enemy lasts through the first 2 blows.


Though I'd still really like to see a boxing stance on the glove weps...

I tried your suggestion, before. I put a potato on it, I tried multiple ways of modding it, and I've used both stances. I sat down and tried to like it.


Nothing I did could convince me that I didn't waste a potato, 10 orokin cells, the plat/items spent on the parts, and the time leveling it to 30. It's just too short range, too slow, too low of damage, and is just completely outdone by melees that aren't nearly as expensive.

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Aklato. Hands down.

I tried to save this weapon, I really did. In an attempt to make it usable, I put a potato and three forma into it before I finally gave up in disgust.

I've soloed sechura with an unranked mk-1 furis, so when I call a weapon unusable, I mean it.

At a minimum, the aklato needs to be buffed up to the same damage as the single lato.

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AKLato and Machete top the list as most useless.  Most everything else people have mentioned here falls into line as "opinion" because I (and as proven by others for other weapons) find things like the Sheev to in fact be fun and satisfying to use.  No, they're not top tier - they don't need to be, they just need to get a player through Ceres/Pluto/T3 void, which they do admirably.  No, they might not last into a 40+ wave T3/T4 defense but you know what?  If that was the balancing point seldom few weapons would be worth a $#!% at all.  Fortunately, it is not the balancing point DE references for weapon power.


The AKLato and the Machete though?  Worthless garbage.  Even the Lato and Skana can serve in the mentioned locations with a fair bit of effort, and mostly only in regards to Grineer do they show their age, but the AKLato and Machete?  With hornet strike/point Strike and barrel diffusion, it's like stripping the core damage mods from the Lato and Skana.  No amount of skill will make the AKLato and Machete at all useful for the content, which means they desperately need a buff.  Bare minimum would be Lato damage levels and Skana damage levels, respectively.

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I can agree the aklato. I loved the lato and aklato when I started the game around the u8-9. Those weapons not need to be top tier weapons but the aklato is really teribble after the devs decided to nerf with the lato but then later in dmg 2.0 and a little bit after they balanced the lato but forgot do with the aklato. At least they need to buff to the actual damage level of lato for low and mid level weapon.


I saved my aklato for the future.

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