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Ps4 Dying Out?


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Went through all the regions on almost all the ports checked the different tabs and it seems like east coast has the most players overall, but I log into west and so on I se maybe 30 to a hundred players at a time and the numbers are dwindeling. Now I know the reason for it all but honestly it brings us to a complete stop because clans need people running and these new guys get on try the game once, see no ones on and quit. Hopefully archwing gets the hype to bring players old and new to the game. Right now its just s boring no one is motivated.

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Went through all the regions on almost all the ports checked the different tabs and it seems like east coast has the most players overall, but I log into west and so on I se maybe 30 to a hundred players at a time and the numbers are dwindeling. Now I know the reason for it all but honestly it brings us to a complete stop because clans need people running and these new guys get on try the game once, see no ones on and quit. Hopefully archwing gets the hype to bring players old and new to the game. Right now its just s boring no one is motivated.

You think archwing will save this game? Bro, You have seen nothing.

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archwing wont save much, truth is ps4 players are occupied with destiny and advanced warfare. Well every other game on ps4 but those 2 taking most warframe players it seems. Makes me somewhat regret migrating to console now, because if it falls through, than I lost all the progress I made, all the money I spent etch etc because there wont be enough players to carry the game and ill have no way to transfer my progress back to my PC (thanks to Sony's contractual decisions) . Of course this is something of a worst case scenario (doubt it will happen) but its a looming thought in my head and always will be until something reignites a flame in our community

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I mentioned in another thread that it would've been nice to get 14.10 update out first to give console owners a little something extra to do, but DE seems intent on bundling everything into Update 15, so we just have to wait longer.


Also, I believe it is almost the 1-year anniversary for the PS4 Warframe release.  I don't expect anything from DE, but I'm hoping to be surprised, even if it is something small like a weapon skin.

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The game isn't dwindling, there are far more players playing than you may see. 

The chat tab only displays people who are active in the chat now, where it used to display everyone.


Yeah and the majority are just people on the chat trading or talking about weird things. I have noticed the Recruiting channel seems to be a bit slower on pc though. May look like a lot of people. But there aren't really all that many actually playing.

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I mentioned in another thread that it would've been nice to get 14.10 update out first to give console owners a little something extra to do, but DE seems intent on bundling everything into Update 15, so we just have to wait longer.


Also, I believe it is almost the 1-year anniversary for the PS4 Warframe release.  I don't expect anything from DE, but I'm hoping to be surprised, even if it is something small like a weapon skin.


Yup , been meaning to call DE Steve out on that one as he publicly admitted they messed up for U14 with bundling too many updates together. Cue U15 and even a more prolonged wait. Empty promises sure help a declining PS4 community. I have been to these post before and I have been the one posting "come on guys, it is just the new chat system, lots of people are on" etc etc.


I used to play several hours each day but now I login in for the rewards and that is about it. Truth be told PS4 is a bit of a ghost town. Not even any alliance members on and recruting is not really happening. You get a steady stream of new player so the first 2-3 planets are always easy to get into squads. Anything later than that you will most likely have to clear most of the nodes solo.


It is also time to stop blaming Sony and their certification process. There has to be something to certify before anything gets into Sony's hands. Their factor is a given each time and a little week should not warrant the lackluster support for PS4. PC master race get's excited when each wednesday is closing in because they know something is coming. No matter how minute.


Seriously, 14.09 Tiberon, 14.10 Excavation return, Blind Justice Stance, 14.10.2 Shifting sands tactical alerts for a week with a 3 day affinity booster as reward would keep people occupied for quite a bit. Now instead we get another gigantual bundle of updates. Would it actually kill DE to push out more frequent updates for consoles? .............. I guess we will never know.

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Lol , Archwing and hype ... It's cool to play a few time , but where the type , first time you play archwing , you are in space , have to kill stuff that kill you very fast , you have to find mods to your archwing , but you know RNG ... so Who really hype for more RNG and the worse way to die ? and let's not talk about every kind of bug we could have notice even if they get some fake hotfix (ie: invisible ennemy , getting inside of random item  they got fixed so many time...)

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You think archwing will save this game? Bro, You have seen nothing.


Boosted average online player count by a couple thousand on steam, and those numbers are still holding.


OP, come over to PC. We've got more players than we know what to do with.

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Yup , been meaning to call DE Steve out on that one as he publicly admitted they messed up for U14 with bundling too many updates together. Cue U15 and even a more prolonged wait. Empty promises sure help a declining PS4 community. I have been to these post before and I have been the one posting "come on guys, it is just the new chat system, lots of people are on" etc etc.



I tried, but there have been no official responses:



There is probably some business decision on why they are doing this (save cost, console development cycle impact, etc), but we will never know.


With a slew of titles coming out this and next week for console (AC:Unity, GTA V, Far Cry 4, etc), I predict lesser console participation until U15 arrives.

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I tried, but there have been no official responses:



There is probably some business decision on why they are doing this (save cost, console development cycle impact, etc), but we will never know.


With a slew of titles coming out this and next week for console (AC:Unity, GTA V, Far Cry 4, etc), I predict lesser console participation until U15 arrives.


Most likely saving cost by having fewer certifications I would guess. Ninjas play free.....(at least to some extent)

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It only takes so long for ps4 to get an update because sony rushed it, its the child with potential but doesnt know what he wants to be. So DE has to help them figure out how far they can push it before it crashes. Im good on all that and I do agree that DE shouldnt have bundled updates. It distracts players from event. Plus extending the events is what really makes me upset. There is no need to extend events unless servers are down like in breeding grounds. Not only does waiting for bundles affect gameplay but also the bugs between, and the market we still get that till the update after the bundle. The market sucks right now its a Wts fest. And prices for a loki set you guys would get mad. 60 p for the set

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Archwing is going to frustrate the PS4 people way more than the PC players. Those first few mission were you are trying to figure out 3d movement on a 2D map is going to confuse and annoy so many people. Especially when Ordis drops in and picks you up to fail the mission.

Makes me chuckle when I run trench missions and AW interception as I keep thinking. Damn I used to play Elite and Elite Frontier and they had way better UI radar\scanner than this game does.

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archwing wont save much, truth is ps4 players are occupied with destiny and advanced warfare. Well every other game on ps4 but those 2 taking most warframe players it seems.


^Agree with this completely.  Plus AC, GTA, FC4, etc. will continue to drive players away, but hopefully a nice influx of players that get a new PS4 on Black Friday and/or Christmas will drive many back early next year.


My recommendation to OP and others is to stay on East Region, because the others suck, especially for recruiting/trading.


The market sucks right now its a Wts fest. And prices for a loki set you guys would get mad. 60 p for the set


^ This is so true.  You talk to 5 people and get 5 wildly different prices for items.  It's a mess of jerks trying to rip others off for plat.

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I've been playing warframe on PS4 since Feb. It seems like there are a lot less people, but I still have fun. Also, there are a lot of new players as is evident by their desires to sell a mag p bp for 25p lol. I've helped quite a few in the past months get oriented, and now they are helping other new players. I like warframe so I'm alright with less players. 


People aren't coming back for archwing that's ridiculous. If they went to new games and really like them they will be gone until they wear it out. Then they might come back to warframe if nothing else new peeks their interest, and even then most of them will just dwell on how it warframe used to be, blah blah blah, and move on again. Maybe I'm wrong, but from what I've seen only in a few instances do people revisit old games for any significant peroid.


Things change and numbers dwindle over time thats just how it is. Now if Fallout 4 would come out already...

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I think the main problem is people who are new to warframe are having trouble getting started, and those who have been on for a while have trouble finding people to play with through the middle missions. Honestly, I think it's the matchmaking that's scaring people away. If you can't find people to play with, it becomes difficult to progress, and then people just quit. It doesn't help that the uninformed assume that because theres only a handful of people on the chat that the game is empty. And those who try to get help largely get ignored. If we see a new matchmaking system alongside the old one for easy matching instead of having to painstakingly check every node for players, I think we could see a large increase in player numbers.

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Sometimes I think I should suit up with crappier gear and run lower planets to help out.  There's definitely a pretty regular (and what I'd assume is "newish") crowd on the earlier planets.  I'm not sure what the higher crowd does, though I assume I'm running into some of them when I do Sechura.  Anecdotally, it seems harder to field groups on some levels some times.  I don't always keep good track of time zone or if it's the weekend when I'm playing though, and I imagine that's a large factor.

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