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Warframe Story Ending


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Hopefully not ME3's ending.


Do you want a red beam, a blue beam, or a hard-to-achieve green beam?

hells nah X)


I was gonna say first of all : not a JRPG ending 


it's cool and all but most of the time it's either the power of friendship /love/family , or you end up trying to kill god for some reason and the planet blows up

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I'd hope for a happy one.


Tyl Regor succeeds, and the newest generation of grineer are without genetic defects. No longer addled and overly aggressive, they swiftly over-throw their corrupt government, and look to live in a more peaceful state, considering themselves more important than mere tenno bladefodder.


Darvo succeeds, and Darvo's corporation drives the corpus out of business. With the grineer out of the war efforts, weapons sales plummet, and Darvo starts turning a profit on cakes and school supplies instead. With no major arms dealers left, the availability of heavy assault gear vanishes, and the systems settle down.


Alad V succeeds, and the infestation is finally understood enough to be brought under control. With the lack of war efforts ongoing, he turns to using them as buffed up construction labor, and without the constant threat of them killing everything, research ensues that eventually cures it, eventually making it a voluntary growth enhancement that's mostly used by celebrities for looking buff in movies.


The Lotus succeeds, and the tenno completely restore balance to the system. The tenno, without anything in need of slaughtering, spend some time amusing themselves with their conclaves, but eventually grow bored and decide to head back in to cryosleep to wait for a time when they are once again needed to run rampant through masses of evil that needs to die.


With the system finally at peace, the worlds flourish and spread out to the stars, in a new era of hope that lasts generations.

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"The old war never ended, Tenno. We simply... put it on hiatus."

"Now, the time has come again, for a new Orokin age. You, Tenno, shall be the first to be removed."

-The Neural Sentries, those senile AI's who seek a new age of Orokin - but by their twisted minds.


"You saw what I did, Tenno. You saw what I made you do. But you saw what the empire had become.

Make your choice. You know what it is."

-The Lotus.

We can all agree a harem ending would be kinda wierd and awful?

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