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De : Countering 2.0


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Hey guys 


so parrying.....yeah I know it's terrible , and usless in its current form. flashy indeed bur only useful against single melee mobs charging straight towards  you ...which you could have finished by jump attacking , ground slamming , knee slinding , all the ranged weapons, just run from it etc.....


Imo it's not very well designed:  it slows down the pace of combat too much and is too time consuming. Sure it's flashy , but too pointless.



here''s my idea for parrying 2.0 :)



First of all , remove the parrying chance mod. No one uses it, it's suffering the same fate as maglev intruder   and co. So upon chanelling , w got 100% chance of countering ( it's intentional , why would it be rng  in the first place???)



Then ; parrying should'nt  function with finisher prompts ( press X to ninja) . those should stay within the stealth department. it should be a counter attack that function the same way as the fire emblem counter attacks in smash bros!.




The  tenno blocks : and if he is hit by a melee attack whilst blocking+channel , he will unleash a counter attack that isn't restricted to one enemy and would vary depening of weapon type and stance.No need to press X to ninja, the attack  would go on by itself and hit one ormultiple enemies + It would consume energy and stamina at the same time.  



here are a few Ideas . feel free to suggest more.





Tranquil CLeave : Kanran Kikyou  counter ( PSO2 inspiration for the name I think haha) : the tenno upon counter  performs a  blindingly fast 360° slash attack by holding the sword in one hand scabbard in the other  bleed procs and staggers enemies for an instant : enough to get away  or dodge other incoming attacks.  Medium range counter. 

>consumes 25 energy and 30% stamina


Found a video with the example



Blind justice:  flash attack. YOu know like the 1 hit kill trope where ninjas can just dash through an enemy , . pause for a second , holster their weapon and the poor foe is split in half? it's about the same thing.

Extremely fast Forward dash while holding the sword in reverse ( like in one of the BJ combos) that deals bleed procs, to the enemies. no pause thing :) 25 energy 30% stamina



Decisive jugment : Scabbard attack. basically ; hits the closest  front enemies with a scabbard attack and quicly follows up with 2 forward slashes  and another scabbard attack that cause knockback. 20 energy : 35 stamina.



Crimsong dervish. 

Jump flip attack. something like this with less distance and less being cut in half  by your master



allows you to get away from crowds and deal headshot damage with your melee weapon.

conumes 25 energy ; 35% stamina


iron phoenix : counter Rising blade attack = , jump + attack. knocks enemies back and deals oderate damage. a perfect counter for beginners to get used to the system.


Cost: 20 energy and 30% stamina.




AXes , claymores.


Cleaving whirlwind : Same animaton as the old charge attacks  , causes stagger + (bleed procn or ragdoll, or knockdown) depending of weapon used.


consumes 40% stamina; 30 energy.



Got any more ideas guys ? let me  know


hope you read this DE? I believe if that something like this is implemented , melee would be truly close to completion ;)

Edited by Deidaku
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I've survived many a mission thanks to the saving graces of the current parrying system. I've played with some new players in my clan and have taken them on a couple missions that may have been too high level. Parrying was crucial to their survival and allowed them to keep up without getting down by gunfire.

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I have gone in survivals with Vauban using just a nikana against many mobs and survived easily with using blocks.

Wait! which faction? because it is vauban....

even so it's not about surving ; it's about being fast and efficient, adding more skill based stuff in the game you know?

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I've survived many a mission thanks to the saving graces of the current parrying system. I've played with some new players in my clan and have taken them on a couple missions that may have been too high level. Parrying was crucial to their survival and allowed them to keep up without getting down by gunfire.


i'm talking about  the couter attack parrying! the ones that does finishers and stuff.....block +channel against incoming melee mob = do X to ninja!

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I wouldn't say it's pointless. Remember that performing finishers makes you invincible while the animation plays, and you can trick gunners into trying to swat you with their elbow if you get right up in their face, which can be parried to open them up to a finisher. Do not remove finishers from my parry plz.

I agree that it's silly we need a mod to parry more effectively. The timing required to perform parries without the mod is near PERFECT, and then if you max out the parry mod it requires no timing at all, which makes the parry mechanic not actually require skill (you can literally just hold block and channeling the whole time and get parries always).

I do not agree that we should remove finishers, though.

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Would this be affected by things such as channeling efficiency, such as with Reflex Coil and Focus Energy, or would it be affected by simple energy efficiency, such as Streamline and Fleeting?


Other than that, cool idea~

I'm guessing channeling efficiency : no need to add new mods to dilute the drop table even further

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Why not? they're too time consuming for what they are.....and don't even finish the enemy every time!

Invincibility frames. And it only fails to kill enemies that are of a significantly higher level than you.

Honestly, that's not a problem with the parry system itself so much as endgame content, which has always needed retuning.

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Wait! which faction? because it is vauban....

even so it's not about surving ; it's about being fast and efficient, adding more skill based stuff in the game you know?

All factions.  The last one I did, the day before, was against corpus for over 40 minutes.


...and I know it's about being fast and efficient, which was a given, and I felt need not be said.

Edited by VampirePirate
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It's Gekka Zakuro, not Gekkan.


Also it would be quite difficult because now DE would have to flip through every stance and give them new unique finishers. Go count how many stances we have. Maybe if we used the stealth attack animation it would be easier.

Not really


And 1 animation per weapon type isn't that big ( yes i'm not an animator) but it's not like asking a whole new stance. 

and the stealth attack animation should be used....they're stealth attacks not counter attacks

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