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Am I The Only One Who Misses The Old Dojo Style?


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back when warframe had just hit the virtual shelves in the steam store one of my close friends introduced me to it and i played just long enough to have joined a clan out of curiosity, seen the old style dojo, and then promptly left that clan to join the clan of my close friend before a long period of absence when i was only playing skyrim, since then ive become a regular player warframe and it is amongst my top three games played alongside skyrim and team fortress two... anyways point is ive been going through a small depression since my close friend-turned boyfriend broke up with me, and as with anytime i get depressed, i become extremely nostalgic. so i was browsing through pictures of warframe stuff and happened accross quite a few pictures of the old dojo style that was full of orokin style trees and vines and other stuff, and im realizing that that version of the dojo was so beautiful... i miss it and im wondering why the de's decided to change it to this flat, plain box style we have today... i want to go sit in one of those old dojos so bad but i know its impossible because theyve been eradicated... please... someone tell me im not alone in this... 

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As long as the clan haven't destroyed the old style rooms after they were replaced with the new style you can still visit them. My clan still retains the original (small) clan hall and one cross hallway. It's a pain when I have to remodel every once in a while since the dimensions don't match up well with the new boxy dojo tileset but they are still around.

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This is why my Clan built every single room before the Dojo's evolved. :)


I still have mine :D so i don't miss it :P



when do you get on warframe? maybe you could invite me to a session in your dojo sometime so i can just explore it and take it all in? im not ready to leave my ex's clan because i have a lot of other friends there who still care about me and ive contributed so much to the dojo myself, but at least maybe a small vacation to a historic dojo might help me feel better...

Edited by Alexis_Walker
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back when warframe had just hit the virtual shelves in the steam store one of my close friends introduced me to it and i played just long enough to have joined a clan out of curiosity, seen the old style dojo, and then promptly left that clan to join the clan of my close friend before a long period of absence when i was only playing skyrim, since then ive become a regular player warframe and it is amongst my top three games played alongside skyrim and team fortress two... anyways point is ive been going through a small depression since my close friend-turned boyfriend broke up with me, and as with anytime i get depressed, i become extremely nostalgic. so i was browsing through pictures of warframe stuff and happened accross quite a few pictures of the old dojo style that was full of orokin style trees and vines and other stuff, and im realizing that that version of the dojo was so beautiful... i miss it and im wondering why the de's decided to change it to this flat, plain box style we have today... i want to go sit in one of those old dojos so bad but i know its impossible because theyve been eradicated... please... someone tell me im not alone in this... 

You are not alone in this. I want you all to know...the old dojo style...that epic vintage of decorations...I miss it too. I missed it so much I opened a ticket to see if they would let my clan rebuild all the rooms just for one day...It was rejected on the basis that the old style dojos had too many bugs. I hope this helps anyone who needed closure...RIP old dojo style rooms.

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