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So... How Many Of You Have Gotten The Fabled 75% Off?


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Just want a wider picture of truly how rare that god-forsaken 75% plat discount is. I've been resetting my login rewards every second day in because apparently it increases the chances (I'm well aware that there's 0 proof to the theory), but no luck. And I'm willing to splash some cash on this game, I've really been enjoying it so far. But I absolutely 100% refuse to do so without a discount, possibly even a 50% if I get desperate enough.


So far, I've gotten one 20% discount, nothing else but credits and affinity. Most of you guys will have been playing for well longer than I have, so in your experience, how rare is it to get the 75% off?


Hopefully I can get it soon :P

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In all my time since starting warframe i've only gotten 75% off once and that was when i didn't have much cash to spend =|, several clanmates have gotten it 2-5 times and they started a good deal later than me.

Edited by kiteohatto
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since U10 I have recieved precisely 2 of these. the first time I had money, but not on a card that I could spend from, and the second time I had no money at all, it made me sad... on top of the 75% off's I have also recieved free platinum 4 times (30 every time, I think), one of them today. It makes me happy when that happens.

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I got it just earlier today when I logged on, that being said I have more than enough plats to last me a lifetime so I don't really need it... You're right though, it seems kinda rare, but probably RNG-based like everything in this game.


PS: long time player, this is only my second time getting it.

Edited by CapricaSix
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I've never gotten 75% after quite some time of playing. I'd say 9 months. My boyfriend however used to play on two warframe accounts and got 75% on both of them on the same day. Pure luck?


Obviously this chance is very low, how else are DE supposed to generate some money if not through platinum. In order to not loose too many sales, the chance for 75% has to be appropriatly low. 

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So either it's actually not that rare and some people just have really rotten luck, or only the people who have actually gotten the discount (particularly recently) are posting here. Not a great case study on my part, seeing as the sample space is completely unknown, lol

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