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Return Of The Braton Vandal?


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I dunno, I'd kinda like to see what a Skana Vandal would be like. Make it a end-of-open-beta thing if you so fancy, but I foresee everyone downvoting this thread to hell because the uniqueness of their precious is threatened.

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Wouldnt you agree though that its the skin that shows the uniqueness of the gun? No one else sees the stats. I would hate to ruin the exclusivity of the skin, but the stats... the braton is my favorite gun. 


Would you be opposed to a braton mk ii with the same stats as the vandal, but no cool skin? Because that's what i want. Throw the stats on an ugly rusty steel uncolorable POS called the "I Didnt Play OBW Cause I Suck Braton". But put the vandal stats on it!


To say it was a one time thing would be different if the gun was more cosmetic than useful. I played this game as soon as I heard about it, and turned a lot of friends onto it, a bunch of which put money in. I was late for the vandal. When i see the skin, i think, damn that would cool. When i see the stats and polarity, i think damn thats too far. Im trying to ramp up to solo some of the later bosses, and that polarity and efficiency would really help. I feel like ive supported this game as much as i can have, and that i deserve to be rewarded with an upgrade to my braton, but not with the exclusive skin for those who caught on earlier. I dont think thats really asking too much, or whining. 

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I would love it if they gave out a different looking gun but had the same stats as the Vandal. Right now it is simply the fact that there is no other weapon that can fill that exact spot as well due to the fact that it is a straight upgrade over the Braton and M1.

I do not think they should reissue the same skin.

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Wouldnt you agree though that its the skin that shows the uniqueness of the gun? No one else sees the stats. I would hate to ruin the exclusivity of the skin, but the stats... the braton is my favorite gun. 


Would you be opposed to a braton mk ii with the same stats as the vandal, but no cool skin? Because that's what i want. Throw the stats on an ugly rusty steel uncolorable POS called the "I Didnt Play OBW Cause I Suck Braton". But put the vandal stats on it!


To say it was a one time thing would be different if the gun was more cosmetic than useful. I played this game as soon as I heard about it, and turned a lot of friends onto it, a bunch of which put money in. I was late for the vandal. When i see the skin, i think, damn that would cool. When i see the stats and polarity, i think damn thats too far. Im trying to ramp up to solo some of the later bosses, and that polarity and efficiency would really help. I feel like ive supported this game as much as i can have, and that i deserve to be rewarded with an upgrade to my braton, but not with the exclusive skin for those who caught on earlier. I dont think thats really asking too much, or whining. 


If the "prestiging" system they mentioned in (I think) Livestream 3 works as it sounds like it will, the polarity of the Vandal will become less relevant. Other than that? Sure. The alternative (Which others have suggested and I have no objection to) is to offer the same or similar stat changes in the form of a new skin, since the Vandal is essentially a skin anyways.


Yeah, that seems fair to me. The thing that bothers me, and which I hope you can sympathize with, is if they brought back what they said would be a limited-time, exclusive skin, just because some obsessive collectors missed their chance and complained about it.


I would love it if they gave out a different looking gun but had the same stats as the Vandal. Right now it is simply the fact that there is no other weapon that can fill that exact spot as well due to the fact that it is a straight upgrade over the Braton and M1. I do not think they should reissue the same skin.


Just to be nitpicky, it's not a straight upgrade, as the fire rate is less than the regular Braton (And assuming the prestiging system works like they suggested, the polarity won't be as relevant once you've prestiged a few times). Apart from that your point is fair.



Here's the post that Venarge is referencing, which seems pretty cut and dry to me.


I think it'd be good to get something official added to the FAQ about this, because otherwise these threads invariably degenerate into people calling each other greedy or elitists or whatever, and bla bla bla it's ridiculous. One side's got a pretty definitive answer from Rebecca, the other has a PM from Steve which could easily be interpreted either way. We're going nowhere without a DE statement.


Does anyone else feel like the multitude of threads on this could really stand to be consolidated?

Edited by Thor
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I would love it if they gave out a different looking gun but had the same stats as the Vandal. Right now it is simply the fact that there is no other weapon that can fill that exact spot as well due to the fact that it is a straight upgrade over the Braton and M1. I do not think they should reissue the same skin.

they nerfed the vandals to nolonger be upgrades they are now weaker dps last I checked

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any existing vandal weps most likely wont be added again. This is because they are trophies to those who were a part of WF in the early days. Like how when they stop selling founder packs.


As mcuh as I would love to have a super unique item, I'm sorry to say it just wont happen. Sorry guys.

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TBH I'm amazed at all the greedy kids out there downvoting everyone who wants items to remain exclusive. We just had the same discussion in Blacklight: Retribution, people got mad that their rare stuff was re-released, and others were happy to get it.


To generalize:


People who have it don't want it re-released.

Those who don't have it want to get it.


My response:

If I don't get something because I didn't qualify for whatever reason, that does NOT mean that those who got said item should get slapped in the face by having their "thank you" gift devalued by giving more out.


Stop calling people selfish/entitled just because they don't want their rare stuff devalued.


Stop asking for stuff because you missed it, just because it's a game doesn't mean that you can whine until you get your way.


I'll prolly get downvoted because people want what they want.


I happen to have the Braton Vandal and the Lato Vandal. But I also have missed plenty of rare items in other games (Blacklight: Retribution for example). I'm happy with what I have, and more power to those who have what I don't. Maybe I'll have better luck and get an exclusive item next time they release one.


Until that time comes, please don't ask for stuff that you missed. It is what it is, and life isn't always "fair" (I put fair in quotes because fair is relative to the definition that an individual chooses, implementing their own bias).

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If the devs said the weapons were exclusive, then they need to stay that way, otherwise what is thier word worth? If the devs never said they were exclusive, then we have a whole other set of considerations.


So all the folks who want the gift to stay exclusive, need only post the official declaration that the weapons were exclusive, and that ends the whole debate.


Thread over.

Edited by Xtorma
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I love all this "I want to be a unique snowflake in this sea of snow!" posts that want it to be exclusive and the other half being "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" How about we all just agree that the devs will do what they want to do and not complain about what they do in a free-to-play game, eh? If they release it they aren't "liars" or killers of your special little uniqueness, they just released a weapon in a game they develop and decided eventually that it was time to dust off the thing for the general public. If they don't release it then there are so many great weapons already available that who really cares?

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I'd like to get a reskinned version of them with the same stats. That way those who have the original still have the exclusivity, but new players who want to play with them kind of get what they want.


So what do they do when even newer players come along and see not just one but two different unique braton weapons that they can't get? Make a third one? Then a fourth?


Now, I'm sure they will give out new timed exclusive weapons in the future but asking for repeats of older one just because older ones exist to be "fair" doesn't make a single bit of sense.

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So what do they do when even newer players come along and see not just one but two different unique braton weapons that they can't get? Make a third one? Then a fourth?


Now, I'm sure they will give out new timed exclusive weapons in the future but asking for repeats of older one just because older ones exist to be "fair" doesn't make a single bit of sense.

New players will get the non-exclusive re-skinned Vandal. What is asked for isn't Vandal per se, it's a weapon that mirrors it's stats, but is widely available, as opposed to the exclusive, 1cr, "I opened the game in a two day period" Braton Vandal.

Edited by Panzermeido
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people are complaining a lot for something they get for free, you didnt anything special to get the Vandal just to be in the correct place and in the correct time.


Downvote if you want but the devs already confirmed the return of the vandals in "some" events.

Edited by Dasmir
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people are complaining a lot for something they get for free, you didnt anything special to get the Vandal just to be in the correct place and in the correct time.


I'm not seeing your point. Is it "I missed an opportunity and am upset and think that I deserve the reward anyways"?

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people are complaining a lot for something they get for free, you didnt anything special to get the Vandal just to be in the correct place and in the correct time.


Downvote if you want but the devs already confirmed the return of the vandals in "some" events.


and that's all the special we needed

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Simple answer (well, "simple"). Make a rank locked Braton Mk-2 blueprint (Rank 3-4?) with the Vandal's stats but not its appearance.


Let people craft it with their old Bratons.

Exactly. That's all what needed.

The same should be done with Lato Vandals.

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