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Continued Exclusive Gifts To Founders Makes Us Feel A Bit Left Out


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my thoughts on the matter: at one point in my time on warframe i saw a reason for exclusivity, however in time my stance has shifted.


My solution has been, and will be very simple in this regard: allow founders the option to breakdown into blueprint format any founder items that they wish (this is not mandatory in any way) to be allowed to be traded to other players, non founders as well, for a modest hardcapped plat plat limit(max amount that any founder item can be traded for in regards to plat).


in this way, since i have tired of my prime toys long ago, someone else would be able to enjoy them. I have my badge, my sigil, name in star chart. i KNOW i'm a founder, and i don't need an excal prime to convey that.


as for the sigil, as it is mere cosmetic i'm on the fence about it. I see it as a nice surprise, but i could live without it. i DO feel that each prime access should have a sigil included into the puchase pack though.

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Sorry OP but after reading your post... even if you put a long text playing with words, I see the main problem is entirely subjective.


As you can see I'm a "disciple" which was the lowest tier of Founder pack (money in 3rd world doesn't come by easily) and just as many other people I missed excalprime, latoprime, 'kanaprime and many other shiny stuff, including event weapons that I missed during a long inactivity and even the new PA exclusives. Does that trouble me? used to , but not anymore. There's a lot of good gear available and cool cosmetics available if you're willing to pay for them.


You feel left out because of the bling given to people that arrived first, but think about how your demand for blings for people that arrived before the future players will only start another cycle of bling complaints. There will always be someone unhappy about this kinda stuff.


My humble opinion, we need to get over these small things.

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LOL, then a part of the Founders community will start a rage as well. Once you start going down the path of no return, there definitely is no returning. Such is the issue with exclusives and 'limited time access' things.

There are other solutions that benefit everyone but of course there are those who dont see it that way on both sides

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This whole argument is silly. Founder perks were exclusive to Founders to persuade people to buy into the game in the early stages of development when it was just getting off the ground. Allowing other people to buy them now might make you feel good but completely devalues all the Founders out there. I guess you don't consider that though, me me me me me.

It is very clear that you didn't read any of the post at all. Literally the first line of the entire post says

This post is in no way asking for Founder exclusive items to be re released or asking that Founders stop receiving exclusive items.



Sorry OP but after reading your post... even if you put a long text playing with words, I see the main problem is entirely subjective.


As you can see I'm a "disciple" which was the lowest tier of Founder pack (money in 3rd world doesn't come by easily) and just as many other people I missed excalprime, latoprime, 'kanaprime and many other shiny stuff, including event weapons that I missed during a long inactivity and even the new PA exclusives. Does that trouble me? used to , but not anymore. There's a lot of good gear available and cool cosmetics available if you're willing to pay for them.


You feel left out because of the bling given to people that arrived first, but think about how your demand for blings for people that arrived before the future players will only start another cycle of bling complaints. There will always be someone unhappy about this kinda stuff.


My humble opinion, we need to get over these small things.

As I've said many times, this post isn't about the past Founder items. It's about the possibility of non-Founder supporters feeling overshadowed by Founder support. 

I'd like to preface the remainder of this thread by saying we know and have accepted the reality that the Founders items are exclusive and will never be redistributed as is the case with the ever rotating Prime Access packs.



my thoughts on the matter: at one point in my time on warframe i saw a reason for exclusivity, however in time my stance has shifted.


My solution has been, and will be very simple in this regard: allow founders the option to breakdown into blueprint format any founder items that they wish (this is not mandatory in any way) to be allowed to be traded to other players, non founders as well, for a modest hardcapped plat plat limit(max amount that any founder item can be traded for in regards to plat).


in this way, since i have tired of my prime toys long ago, someone else would be able to enjoy them. I have my badge, my sigil, name in star chart. i KNOW i'm a founder, and i don't need an excal prime to convey that.


as for the sigil, as it is mere cosmetic i'm on the fence about it. I see it as a nice surprise, but i could live without it. i DO feel that each prime access should have a sigil included into the puchase pack though.

I understand that you personally believe that prime items from the Founders pack should be tradable, but for clarities sake, I'm going to have to re state that this is not the reason for the thread nor do I advocate the idea of tradable Founders exclusives. 


Can't believe this thread is still going (and now I'm contributing to the problem!)


I say this as a non-Founder that I'm impressed with DE for continuing to show their appreciation to them and am in no way bothered by founder exclusives.  I'm somewhere between annoyed and offended that anyone *would* care.


This is probably "ageist" to say but  I strongly suspect people that are bothered by this are of a certain age group who were brought up to believe that everyone should get a trophy for everything.

I have said many times that I am not bothered by the fact that Founders are receiving thanks for their support of the game. The leap of faith they took is what allowed the game to grow into what it is today. Many people, instead of reading the actual post and considering that this might be a unique idea and not the same recycled topic, seem to believe that I:

A) Am asking for Founders Items to be re released

B) Am suggesting that it is unfair that Founders items won't be made available again

C) Am simply furious by the prospect of Founders receiving an Founders sigil

D) Want a Prime Access sigil because otherwise the Founders getting one is 'not fair'

I believe none of these things. 

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Like I said above...


No good business man forgets his customers.


Founders helped funding the game in its earlier stages. All the others do it now and I'm sure a lot of founders still do.


The whole game (Except primy excal and his gadgets :D) is for everyone.

Don't forget that, people.

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Not sure why you needed to write a wall of text, OP.

I see your point... But honestly, the founder sigils are ugly and poorly rendered compared to any other (I have one, trust me). And the Skana Prime is almost as S#&$ty as its little brother.

We're not getting anything to be jealous of, bud. Haha.

Every event weapon has been light years better than anything a real Founder has ever been given!

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Not sure why you needed to write a wall of text, OP.

I see your point... But honestly, the founder sigils are ugly and poorly rendered compared to any other (I have one, trust me). And the Skana Prime is almost as S#&$ty as its little brother.

We're not getting anything to be jealous of, bud. Haha.

Every event weapon has been light years better than anything a real Founder has ever been given!

Not jealous and don't want the Founders items. 


That's about it. Someone will always be unsatisfied.

You can please all of the people some of the time.

You can please some of the people all of the time.

But you can't please all of the people all of the time. 

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So sensitivity is sensitivity no matter the setting, its all the same.


I called my local newspaper and asked them to possibly omit the details in peoples obituaries. I informed them that reading how when a complete stranger passed away and left behind all kinds of relatives and achievements, that made me feel inadequate when compared to my own family and felt its unwarranted to my feelings.


I also contacted my Congressperson and informed them that when they hold award ceremonies for military personal as a group event, its not fair to other recipients who were not awarded a high ranking award when compared to theirs. I reminded them its not fair to flaunt such things and that maybe a more personal thank you should be handed out so those other soldiers did not feel inadequate.


I also contacted those responsible for the Grammy and Oscar awards on the same basis as stated above.


I then, as a last effort for the day, contacted the National School Board and informed them that Valedictorian speeches and public recognition was in fact, making other students feel inadequate and as such, should be omitted or conducted in a more private manor other than a public setting.


I think those were all fair requests with all due respect. Tomorrow I plan on calling all the professional sports leagues to offer the same advice on how awards are presented.


This getting goofy yet? C'mon already.

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You can please all of the people some of the time.

You can please some of the people all of the time.

But you can't please all of the people all of the time. 

Exactly what I'm pointing out. By pleasing you and those with you, others will be displeased, this is why I don't see this going anywhere. The path of no-return!

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Exactly what I'm pointing out. By pleasing you and those with you, others will be displeased, this is why I don't see this going anywhere. The path of no-return!

I can't claim to know exactly what would happen if this change, or something similar, was put into effect. All I can do is suggest what I think might happen, something beneficial, and then it's up to DE to make the call. Also, I only created the post because I'm confident that this is a problem that others have as well, not simply because I have a problem with it. 

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I have said many times that I am not bothered by the fact that Founders are receiving thanks for their support of the game. The leap of faith they took is what allowed the game to grow into what it is today. Many people, instead of reading the actual post and considering that this might be a unique idea and not the same recycled topic, seem to believe that I:

A) Am asking for Founders Items to be re released

B) Am suggesting that it is unfair that Founders items won't be made available again

C) Am simply furious by the prospect of Founders receiving an Founders sigil

D) Want a Prime Access sigil because otherwise the Founders getting one is 'not fair'

I believe none of these things. 


Then what is it that you "believe"?  If you aren't in a snit that Founders get rewards then what by god is your point?  It makes no sense whatsover.

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Then what is it that you "believe"?  If you aren't in a snit that Founders get rewards then what by god is your point?  It makes no sense whatsover.

If you don't understand my concerns, I suggest you take the time to read and understand the original post. If you've gone through and given it your best effort, I'm not sure what else I can do for you. 

I'll mark you down as 'not in favor.'

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Hello, I have one thing to say here. I am a founder, not a full founder but a hunter level founder. I all to well understand the agonizing pain off longing for gear that I will never have. You might say, hey u have excalibur prime, and a nifty sigil to wear with pride, but the truth of the matter is I started playing too late to buy the temporary market items braton vandal and lato vandal. I was always midly ok with this, after all, having exclusive rewards makes a player feel great. The thing is I'm not very wealthy and I couldn't afford the 200+ dollar founder pack with the lato/skana primes. These very handsome weapons taunt me occasionally, but I also feel mocked by the absence of mastery I would have gained from these weapons. To make things worse, I missed the event that gave the machete wraith because my brother was in the hospital and I wanted to stay with him. Yet another exclusive reward I will never have a chance to acquire.

I am a bit of a completionist so these things bother me to no end. We all hhave to taste the bitter denial of exclusive rewards. It stings, I know. But that's just the way the cookie crumbles...

Thanks for reading my rant brothers and sisters.

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Like I said above...


No good business man forgets his customers.


Founders helped funding the game in its earlier stages. All the others do it now and I'm sure a lot of founders still do.


The whole game (Except primy excal and his gadgets :D) is for everyone.

Don't forget that, people.

Did people not buy anything except founders pack back then or something?

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At the very beginning Founders was the only way to guarantee an invite into closed beta.
You could sign up to wait and hopefully be chosen to get in, or buy a founders pack and get in with a few extra invites.

So at the beginning a decent amount of people bought founders to get in day 1.
And for a decent number of weeks you couldn't buy plat outside of the founders packs and potatoes were *much* more important than they are now (before you couldn't use your warframes ultimate if you didn't potato it).

So for a decent amount of time in the closed beta testing the founders were pretty much the entire funding source for things.  No one bought the plat packs when they first became available, only upgrading their founder status or buying a low level if they were invited by a founder or randomly made it in.

So petty much in the beginning of CBT that is pretty much the only thing that was really making money.

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Hello, I have one thing to say here. I am a founder, not a full founder but a hunter level founder. I all to well understand the agonizing pain off longing for gear that I will never have. You might say, hey u have excalibur prime, and a nifty sigil to wear with pride, but the truth of the matter is I started playing too late to buy the temporary market items braton vandal and lato vandal. I was always midly ok with this, after all, having exclusive rewards makes a player feel great. The thing is I'm not very wealthy and I couldn't afford the 200+ dollar founder pack with the lato/skana primes. These very handsome weapons taunt me occasionally, but I also feel mocked by the absence of mastery I would have gained from these weapons. To make things worse, I missed the event that gave the machete wraith because my brother was in the hospital and I wanted to stay with him. Yet another exclusive reward I will never have a chance to acquire.

I am a bit of a completionist so these things bother me to no end. We all hhave to taste the bitter denial of exclusive rewards. It stings, I know. But that's just the way the cookie crumbles...

Thanks for reading my rant brothers and sisters.

The topic isn't about exclusive items of the past. 

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Did people not buy anything except founders pack back then or something?


Sure, they did at a certain point. But just because someone spends money on other things, doesn't mean he/she automatically has the right to claim things he/she didn't buy.


I thought it was obvious. Whatever people spent... they didn't spent it on founders package. And it's not like those people spend money for nothing. Remember, there is a whole game you play (and fund).


Founders got the sigil they already had as a badge. It's just a gimmick and a nice touch.


You life in a country you didn't build up. Yet you life in it and pay taxes to sustain its structures. And yet history remembers not you, but the first pioneers who set the first stone or those who had a great impact.


And yet you benefit from it.


This is the difference between a founder and a non-founder in a nutshell.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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  Please allow the Founders access to new items in such a way as to not make the rest of us feel that our contributions are not appreciated. The request is to omit the addition of said items from public patch notes.


The request should and will be denied.  There becomes a point where someone's ludicrous oversensitivities become a tool to wield against others.


As minor and ridiculous as this whole idea is this is one of those times.


Congrats socks, you at least earned the highly coveted(?)  Master Troll sigil.    We hope you won't gloat too much when it appears in the next patch notes.

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The request should and will be denied.  There becomes a point where someone's ludicrous oversensitivities become a tool to wield against others.


As minor and ridiculous as this whole idea is this is one of those times.


Congrats socks, you at least earned the highly coveted(?)  Master Troll sigil.    We hope you won't gloat too much when it appears in the next patch notes.

I can only say that it's unfortunate that you have to call someone names if they don't agree with you. Many people have suggested a Founders dedicated Spoiler section instead.

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I didn't call anyone any names.  Though it may have been implied.


It's a shame that you require perfect interpretation of your posts but do not offer others the same courtesy.



[yeah, yeah, who's trolling now.  :)]

Edited by Don_T_Shoot
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