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Continued Exclusive Gifts To Founders Makes Us Feel A Bit Left Out


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No particle effects on founders badges.
But they are metallic looking and shiny.
They look just like our forum badges as well.

Not as fancy as some of the hunter sigils IMO.
Even the mastery symbol looks a bit better with how its outline pulses with your frames energy colour.

You can see the grand master sigil that I coloured gold here:

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Yes, we get it already. You feel undervalued and unwanted because Founders content exists and when, from time to time, fixes and expansions become necessary to this content and it's put into patch notes you're reminded how terribly inadequate as a human being you feel and thus you wish to have Digital Extremes devote money and manpower to permanently strike it from your purview to spare your feelings.


Oh and also the existence of Founders content negates the copious number of times members of Digital Extremes has utterly lavished comments and feelings of praise, contentment, and general warmth towards the community at large nearly every Dev stream, or the few times they've thanked people for having good sales on Prime Access bundles. S'not like they brag about that kinda stuff every chance they get, or anything.


Truly, these people undervalue you.


I'm so glad to see that you edited your snarky, enjoyable post to be both rude and patronizing. Others have already commented on my obvious feelings of inadequacy and my need to be shielded from anything that might cause me the slightest emotional discomfort so I'll tell you the same thing that I told them: I will not continue to respond to those who choose to bring nothing constructive to the conversation but who choose instead to insult my personal character. Strangely enough, most of the attacks on my seeming frail nature have been almost exclusively from Founders. Fancy that. 

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EvE "Founders" got given state of the art, $1000+ video cards. I remember there was cheering from everyone involved.


And THOSE guys has already spent god knows how much cash in the game (in EvE you can eventually reach a stage you can pay for the monthly fees via in-game acquired currency)


I think this is all about jealousy or envy really?


Why am I supposed to care that some guy I never met is getting stuff in a game when I will probably never meet him, and that even if had better stuff then me, all he could do with it is help me run my missions maybe 10% more efficiently?


It's pretty crazy dwelling on this when EBOLA IS SWEEPING ACROSS THE EARTH LIKE A VIRAL SUPERNOVA.


Just saying.



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EvE "Founders" got given state of the art, $1000+ video cards. I remember there was cheering from everyone involved.


And THOSE guys has already spent god knows how much cash in the game (in EvE you can eventually reach a stage you can pay for the monthly fees via in-game acquired currency)


I think this is all about jealousy or envy really?


Why am I supposed to care that some guy I never met is getting stuff in a game when I will probably never meet him, and that even if had better stuff then me, all he could do with it is help me run my missions maybe 10% more efficiently?


It's pretty crazy dwelling on this when EBOLA IS SWEEPING ACROSS THE EARTH LIKE A VIRAL SUPERNOVA.


Just saying.

Perhaps if my post was requesting the re release of the Founders pack or was claiming that the Founders Pack was in any way unfair to the rest of us, I could see your point in assuming that the motivation of the post was that of envy. However, considering my post is not suggesting either of those things, I don't see how it could seem envious to someone who truly understood it. It is of no consequence whether or not one individual does or does not care about the subject and the idea should not be discounted simply because you feel that it doesn't affect or bother you personally. I'm not against opposing arguments but when you include 'Ebola' in your argument... Well it makes it a bit harder to take you seriously. 

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If you think that one Founders sigl is the issue, then you don't understand the point of the post. 

What I gather is that you consider a simple and warranted gesture by DE to be willful alienation of access buyers that don't have a badge or symbol to be translated (for now). You want appreciation for founders to be obscured unless it's mentioned in the same breath as PA buyers. I have trouble finding merit in your post.


It's over-complication of a non-issue. Players are not in a competition for DE's affection or recognition. DE recognizes all players on their journey with them.


If I missed something, enlighten me. 

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Personally, as a founder, I do mind it if rewards meant for us are being omitted.

About Sigils, they are just tokens like the emblems given to us. As for Bright Purity, DE wouldn't release a mod specifically for Skana Prime becabuse you can't get it outside of Founders. Also Skana Prime doesn't have a significant advantage over Skana.

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This hardly seems like an unreasonable request.  We're basically talking about a small bitmap image.  Limit it to the upper tiers of Prime access, so it does require spending some money, and give an artist an hour to come up with a logo for each particular prime access pack.


I wouldn't go as far as to say it's necessary, but it would no doubt be a good relations move for not a lot of effort, and give some extra motivation to buying access vs grinding out primes. 

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This hardly seems like an unreasonable request.  We're basically talking about a small bitmap image.  Limit it to the upper tiers of Prime access, so it does require spending some money, and give an artist an hour to come up with a logo for each particular prime access pack.


I wouldn't go as far as to say it's necessary, but it would no doubt be a good relations move for not a lot of effort, and give some extra motivation to buying access vs grinding out primes. 

The post is about founders being obscured. While asking for a badge and sigil would have been simple, that's not what's being argued here. Are you responding to someone specific? 

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People are starting to show up and attack the OP about how he feels there should be some consideration for older players of the game.  Why do you care?  Most of you insulting him actually have the Founder's Pack and if you feel this thread is about stopping your gifts, I don't think that is what we are going for.  We are mostly asking for a dedication pack that could be possibly paid for for our years of service to show our dedication to the game (And if it came with free stuff everyonce and awhile, that would be cool too).  I doubt a dedication pack would hinder anything in the game and no matter what, the founders stuff would still be envied more.  It's just at least us old time players would have something to be proud of and to flaunt at the newer players.

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People are starting to show up and attack the OP about how he feels there should be some consideration for older players of the game.  Why do you care?  Most of you insulting him actually have the Founder's Pack and if you feel this thread is about stopping your gifts, I don't think that is what we are going for.  We are mostly asking for a dedication pack that could be possibly paid for for our years of service to show our dedication to the game (And if it came with free stuff everyonce and awhile, that would be cool too).  I doubt a dedication pack would hinder anything in the game and no matter what, the founders stuff would still be envied more.  It's just at least us old time players would have something to be proud of and to flaunt at the newer players.

The post is about founders being obscured. A "dedication package" would alienate those that already paid for other packages, those that contributed in other ways, and those who haven't played for over a year apparently. That's not what's being argued here. Are you responding to someone specific? If you want something to "flaunt," try your exclusive event weapons and badges. Your idea would create problems.

Edited by Seanjuju
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The post is about founders being obscured. While asking for a badge and sigil would have been simple, that's not what's being argued here. Are you responding to someone specific? 


I misunderstood the OP.  Figured that was what he actually wanted.


The requested obscuring is obviously unworkable on many levels.  Could make a list, but after 8 pages I expect that's it's already been said more then enough.

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The problem with event items is that new players just have to have been on at the time to get them, I know we haven't had an event that gave weapons specifically (I guess the Sheev, but I don't think anyone is impressed with it)  The pack I have in mind would be available to players after a certain amount of hours played, it would contain items less often than the founders pack, and it could be provided to founders for free as well while everyone else pays for it.


The items contained wouldn't be as enviable as the items in the founders pack, due to it being available to everyone after a certain amount of hours, but it would still give the players that do make it that long something to have that couldn't be obtained through timing or luck.


EDIT: When I was referring to people attacking the OP, I figured you could print a list of names on this thread, take a dart and blindly toss it at the list and you'd find a player I was referring to.

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People are starting to show up and attack the OP about how he feels there should be some consideration for older players of the game.  Why do you care?  Most of you insulting him actually have the Founder's Pack and if you feel this thread is about stopping your gifts, I don't think that is what we are going for.  We are mostly asking for a dedication pack that could be possibly paid for for our years of service to show our dedication to the game (And if it came with free stuff everyonce and awhile, that would be cool too).  I doubt a dedication pack would hinder anything in the game and no matter what, the founders stuff would still be envied more.  It's just at least us old time players would have something to be proud of and to flaunt at the newer players.


While it is reasonable that Veteran players be acknowledged for being veterans and showing dedication, were Digital Extremes to simply hand out a reward willy nilly to veterans, that'd alienate a tonne of the playerbase.


The best I can think up is a Veteran System (Patent Pending) in which days played in tiers of 100x2 (So 100, 200, 400, 800 etc) get a neat-o little cosmetic or something, that everyone given enough dedication can earn. Kinda like the Veteran system in Star Trek Online. Either way it would have to be open to everyone, unlike Founders which was limited time and required monetary contribution.


Regardless, that's not what the main focus of this thread appears to be about, to my understanding the main idea is that by giving Founders Sigils, Digital Extremes are neglecting and undervaluing the entirety of the player base that are not Founders because they don't get one too. The OP then goes on to assert through the Flagship post and further conversation that to rectify this, he feels the existence of Founders and Founder content therein should be minimized so he doesn't have to feel envy, regret, desire, or equate those feelings mistakenly with the concept that he is undervalued or otherwise inconsequential to the Development Team, despite repeated proof to the contrary, a la DERebecca saying she loves us all any chance she can get and the like.


It's ridiculous, it's silly, it's childish, it's narrowminded, and it's plain ignorant. And after repeatedly having evidence presented that refutes baseless opinion, he continues on with the idea that Digital Extremes is devaluing him, and that my status as a Founder does so as well. That is what is in contention.


Honestly, I'm fine with DE rewarding staunch supporters with stuff. Throw em a party, give em a statue, burn their names among the stars for all I care. But don't sit around and spout crap about a non issue. You want a PA Sigil? You got my vote. You want my name struck from the records because DE appreciates my contribution to Warframe and that makes you feel bad? Get stuffed.


Edit: There is also a difference between passionate disagreement and actually attacking someone. Has the thread gotten mildly hot? Yup. Have the fires of Armageddon burst forth to consume the souls of the enraged and the righteous? Well. Not yet, anyway.


Double edit: But seriously I actually think people who've played 1000 hours should get a statue. I mean. That's some S#&$, dude.

Edited by Sylaenius
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I'm a non-Founder and I don't feel left out or anything even remotely close to it when I read or see DE's thanks to Founders. I fail to see why anyone would feel enough "DE doesn't like me as much as Founders" to dedicate a rather convoluted thread about it and demand DE's concern over it. I guess there really isn't an answer other than "get over it"? 

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@Sylaenius I like how the first half of your post goes, but near the end you start insulting the OP again, just because there is a call for a little discretion when it comes to unobtainable gear being passed around, doesn't mean it is ridiculous, silly, or childish.


We can work a system that rewards hours played with gifts,  but I still like the idea of having something inside (At least) a plat wall of maybe 100p.  I figure if you have hundreds of hours in the game, you probably have utilized the trading system to earn some plat at some point or another.


The hour-based loyalty system just doesn't sound as prestigous as something where you have to play for so many hours AND shell out some cash, whether you paid for the cash with real money or traded for enough, that is up to them.


And at the same time, the plat wall would help keep the devs fed, as someones concern was it wouldn't be worth DE's time to create free content for a game that more than likely has scored them some serious dough without the (More or less) monthly updates that add free content.


And if someone opposing a "Dedication" pack can come up with something other than "Deal with it", I'd be greatful.


EDIT: Questions for previous posters

@Phatose: And I just got to your post Phatose, but could you avail me of a couple of your reasons a little discretion is impossible?  I mostly been through the thread and could tell you why what you might say doesn't hold water, or if we haven't even talked about it at all yet.


@Seanjuju: Could you tell me how my idea would create problems?  I obviously think it would work out but all I am getting is vague messages of horror, will I somehow unleash Kuthulu with my request for something veteran players could show off to newer players that couldn't just be obtained by playing the game on a certain date?



The post is about founders being obscured. A "dedication package" would alienate those that already paid for other packages, those that contributed in other ways, and those who haven't played for over a year apparently. That's not what's being argued here. Are you responding to someone specific? If you want something to "flaunt," try your exclusive event weapons and badges. Your idea would create problems.



If the other packages involved is the Founder's Pack and the Other Prime Packs, they could either recieve them for free, or at a discount after they hit the amount of required hours, and we (Or I at this point, seem to be carrying the discussion on this side in the wee morning hours) aren't saying you need a years worth of hours of gametime to unlock a package.  I can tell you I have almost a months worth of gametime (500+ hours) stacked up and I feel some type of recongnition would go a long way in a game where the devs have been recognizing smaller part of the community for its entire running.

I understand why they feel like having exclusives made for the people who supported them when the game first started out, but it does alienate other players more and more the longer they play.


You say the dedication pack is not what we are arguing about, and then go on to insult my idea without a solution or a reason.

It is only becomes an arguement when we stop talking about things and start randomly insulting each other.  I am not going to bring it down to that.  After saying that, I am willing to return insult with snark, but not without explaining what I believe would help improve the thread/game/player relations/ Founders against the world dilemma in an organized and civil manner.  I know the post was originally about how players were feeling left out when it came to "Founder Only" updates, and I am trying to come up with a solution instead of just attacking people who go against me.


@Traybong111: Even though you might not care about silly little things as titles and emblems, us mortals do appreciate the sparkly things in life.  Feel free to live your life free of their shiny grasp, but do not tell me to "deal with it" and then expect me to move on.  Give me a good enough reason, and I'll drop the whole thing.

Whoever tells you ignorance is bliss, has obviously never have had questions go unanswered.

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I mean. I don't feel I'm insulting him. I feel like I'm being blunt, and I'm sure he feels insulted, but I'm not doing it to insult anyone, and I'm doing it because that's what it is, whether it's comfortable for anyone or not.


I payed money to support Warframe in it's infancy, my awesomeness for doing so has been recognized, your discomfort with that is stupid, your want for recognition for your own contributions is not stupid and is in fact extremely valid and I support it, but your desire for my recognition to be lessened because you don't feel you're receiving recognition  is stupid.


You want recognition? Ask for it. I'm with you. Don't ask for me to be swept away because you feel like you have been, whether your feelings are valid or not.


I feel they aren't, DE thanks everyone all the time. That's why we like our Founders stuff in the first place, it's the symbolism, not the item. Doesn't mean rewards wouldn't be nice for other people, Veterans and high spenders more than Prime Access buyers, since you're buying PA and that's.. well that's your reward. But I digress.

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And if someone opposing a "Dedication" pack can come up with something other than "Deal with it", I'd be greatful.


@Traybong111: Even though you might not care about silly little things as titles and emblems, us mortals do appreciate the shiny things in life.  Feel free to live your life free of their shiny grasp, but do not tell me to "deal with it" and then expect me to move on.  Give me a good enough reason, and I'll drop the whole thing.


Whoever tells you ignorance is bliss, has obviously never have had questions go unanswered.

Yeah, no. You have to get over it. Nobody is obliged to give you any reasons either. Accept that some exclusive shinies will always be exclusive and you will never have them and you will be sometimes reminded that you don't have them and move on with your life, instead of demanding DE to cater to your jealousy or other feelings of inadequacy. I'm not sorry about telling this because I fail to see why it's so hard to get over not having shinies and being reminded from time to time that others have them.

And it's cute how you think something like a "Veteran/Dedication sigil" will ameliorate OP's or your percieved problem. There will always be veterans--OP's issue, as he stated previously, is that there are categories of Founders and non-Founders and DE seems to overly favor one over another. As long as the very word Founders exist OP and those who feel similar sentiments with him will never cease to feel underappreciated, because Founders are a select and extremely small group compared to the playerbase Warframe has now. Just the fact that DE recognizes Founders will always be a source of such jealousy.

I can live with all of that. I think it'd make your life a lot easier if you could too.

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Are you not getting tired of making the same argument?

Well, considering that the post you quoted was asking you direct questions instead of raising an argument, the answer would either be no, or what argument? The question were fairly direct, but I'll try to simplify.

Soon or later, non-founders will learn about any new founder exclusives. It's going to happen, and can't be prevented. So since hiding the information is futile, how far do you think they have to go to prevent non-founders from learning about that information? If a solution satisfies you, but not someone else, what then? Should they go further, or is the next person the one asking for an unreasonable solution to a problem that doesn't need solving?

It's probably unintentional, but you've given the impression that you really haven't thought this through, despite numerous posts. Regurgitating the same arguement over and over without addressing reasonable questions others have raised about your idea isn't very compelling. And believe me, I've done you the courtesy of reading every word of every post you've written in this thread. You have a habit of writing responses that don't relate to the posts you quote.

Many in this thread have asked very basic questions about your idea that you don't seem to have answers to. If you refuse take your idea seriously enough to answer them, then I see no reason DE should take the idea seriously, especially since they will definitely want those answers before they consider a change how they do business.

Not saying they won't, but I wouldn't bet on it. After all, if you can't convince someone in the same situation as you of the need for a solution, what chance is there of convincing DE?

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I mean. I don't feel I'm insulting him. I feel like I'm being blunt, and I'm sure he feels insulted, but I'm not doing it to insult anyone, and I'm doing it because that's what it is, whether it's comfortable for anyone or not.


I payed money to support Warframe in it's infancy, my awesomeness for doing so has been recognized, your discomfort with that is stupid, your want for recognition for your own contributions is not stupid and is in fact extremely valid and I support it, but your desire for my recognition to be lessened because you don't feel you're receiving recognition  is stupid.


You want recognition? Ask for it. I'm with you. Don't ask for me to be swept away because you feel like you have been, whether your feelings are valid or not.


I feel they aren't, DE thanks everyone all the time. That's why we like our Founders stuff in the first place, it's the symbolism, not the item. Doesn't mean rewards wouldn't be nice for other people, Veterans and high spenders more than Prime Access buyers, since you're buying PA and that's.. well that's your reward. But I digress.


Once again, I like how you started your post, but seem to need help with the difference between being blunt and just insulting.


The following answers the above paragraphs in order.


If you honestly didn't mean to insult the OP, then I don't take too much offence to your original post.  Understand though, a lot of people have been commenting similar to you and they undoubtably do so in an insulting manner.


I am glad you supported Warframe when it was pretty much still in Alpha, the game deserved the cash and even though I spent money too late to be brought into the Founders group, I don't have any spite towards the Founders.

I was going to save this for later, when I rested a bit, but I was going to suggest that if a Dedicated package was made, and it did supply little items to the dedicated as the founders did (And once again, the items wouldn't be as enviable but still prestigious) everyonce and awhile, it could be clumped up with the Founder's Updates every Hotfix.  That way, dedicated people could feel like we are part of the same group as the founders, instead of with all the casual players that make us balk.


I don't need you to be swept away, the thread is free to post to and you don't need to have an emotional investment in it.


We know DE appreciates its players, it is obvious on how much they update the game with hotfixes.  Alone in the time of Viver grinds, there was around 4 updates just trying to balance the game, Syndicate points were buffed, and a free emblem and potato were given out to players on at the time.  I haven't payed for Prime Access, ever, but that doesn't quite cut it with being Dedicated.  It just means you had cash at the time and you spent it when the thing was available.  Even though this is basically what the founders pack was, you don't see new items for all the Prime Access people every big update.




Yeah, no. You have to get over it. Nobody is obliged to give you any reasons either. Accept that some exclusive shinies will always be exclusive and you will never have them and you will be sometimes reminded that you don't have them and move on with your life, instead of demanding DE to cater to your jealousy or other feelings of inadequacy. I'm not sorry about telling this because I fail to see why it's so hard to get over not having shinies and being reminded from time to time that others have them.

And it's cute how you think something like a "Veteran/Dedication sigil" will ameliorate OP's or your percieved problem. There will always be veterans--OP's issue, as he stated previously, is that there are categories of Founders and non-Founders and DE seems to overly favor one over another. As long as the very word Founders exist OP and those who feel similar sentiments with him will never cease to feel underappreciated, because Founders are a select and extremely small group compared to the playerbase Warframe has now. Just the fact that DE recognizes Founders will always be a source of such jealousy.

I can live with all of that. I think it'd make your life a lot easier if you could too.


I am glad you can move on, you obviously don't need to look at this thread anymore.


I am trying to devise a solution to the whole "Founders and the rest of us" issue that plagues the threads every so often even though players will always be enamored with the Excaliber Prime and the sigil (Whoever made it did excellent work) having another exclusive group that recieves items on a regular basis that non-founders could get in would help alleviate some of the jealousy.


Welcome to the thread Mister Ultimate, I'd like some new blood to bounce ideas off of and hopefully get some constructive ideas back.

Edited by Wyldbill
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This hardly seems like an unreasonable request.  We're basically talking about a small bitmap image.  Limit it to the upper tiers of Prime access, so it does require spending some money, and give an artist an hour to come up with a logo for each particular prime access pack.


I wouldn't go as far as to say it's necessary, but it would no doubt be a good relations move for not a lot of effort, and give some extra motivation to buying access vs grinding out primes. 

I can't say that adding a set of PA sigils would the best Idea, but I don't know exactly what the best idea would. At this point I just hope DE can find a solution that doesn't bother Founders too much. I had no idea that some Founders respond in such a volatile fashion toward someone with no pull making a suggestion, but now that I've seen it I feel that beyond the idea of being appreciated, the divide between Founders and others needs to be addressed. Even some Founders who disagree with me have done so in a respectful manner as yourself, providing feedback that they think might solve the issue, but a large percentage have responded in nothing but ugly insults. 

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What I gather is that you consider a simple and warranted gesture by DE to be willful alienation of access buyers that don't have a badge or symbol to be translated (for now). You want appreciation for founders to be obscured unless it's mentioned in the same breath as PA buyers. I have trouble finding merit in your post.


It's over-complication of a non-issue. Players are not in a competition for DE's affection or recognition. DE recognizes all players on their journey with them.


If I missed something, enlighten me. 

The idea is simply that these new items being viewed immediately in patch notes implying new access for all players when in fact the new items are Founders exclusive, can make some non-Founder supporters feel a bit underappreciated. I'm going to start asking that people remember that I personally do not have any pull in the community. Any post I make is not any more likely than any other to actually make a change so those who are scared that I'm maliciously intending to usurp the Founders should maybe understand that they probably just don't understand my concern. It's a very simply one about feeling appreciated and I thought I had made it very clear up to this point that I am not demanding change. I've suggested an idea and if DE even sees this, it's up to them to decide whether this is an issue at all. 

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Holy S#&$, people will complain about anything.


First off, everything and I mean everything should always be in the patch notes. So far that has been numerous times DE has left stuff out of them. Nothing should be hidden, if you're feelings are hurt because the patch notes contain the words 'Founders', you've got some serious problems.


Secondly one would think with all this bellyaching, that DE is breaking into your house and stomping on your puppy an destroying your house if you aren't a Founder. And that on the flip side DE is sending Founders dump trucks full of gold, driven by sex slaves for us on a monthly basis.


This whole thing is a non-issue. Could PA have badges and sigils? Sure, it's surprising that there isn't something like that already.


This really boils down to a jealously issue, nothing more, aside from a demand that DE stops a imagine spitting and S#&$ting on non-Founders.

This is rude simplification of the entire suggestion. People have already suggested that removing these items from the patch notes would be a bad idea because there are some seriously suspicious Tenno who believe that DE will take any chance they can to pull one over on the community. I do not feel as though we've been disrespected and I don't think it's appropriet for you to attack me instead of simply addressing whether my concerns are valid. I have absolutely no pull in the community so this entire post will most likely be buried under many others before monday and DE won't ever see it. If that's the case, then you won't have to worry about the unbridled envy and jealousy that all non-Founder Tenno apparently innately posses.  

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Personally, as a founder, I do mind it if rewards meant for us are being omitted.

About Sigils, they are just tokens like the emblems given to us. As for Bright Purity, DE wouldn't release a mod specifically for Skana Prime becabuse you can't get it outside of Founders. Also Skana Prime doesn't have a significant advantage over Skana.

I wish the last seven pages were filled with posts like yours that actually address the topic. I suggested that Founders might not mind a relocation of the patch notes pertaining to them and you, as a Founder, have said that you actually might mind. People have suggested a spoiler section of the patch notes pertaining only to updated Founders items or even a private message to all Founders items in game or on the Forums. I can't say whether either of these would prove to be an acceptable compromise but I'd appreciate your feedback. 

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People are starting to show up and attack the OP about how he feels there should be some consideration for older players of the game.  Why do you care?  Most of you insulting him actually have the Founder's Pack and if you feel this thread is about stopping your gifts, I don't think that is what we are going for.  We are mostly asking for a dedication pack that could be possibly paid for for our years of service to show our dedication to the game (And if it came with free stuff everyonce and awhile, that would be cool too).  I doubt a dedication pack would hinder anything in the game and no matter what, the founders stuff would still be envied more.  It's just at least us old time players would have something to be proud of and to flaunt at the newer players.

Please do not attempt to place words in my mouth. I have very clearly said many times that I do not want anything extra. I appreciate the support you're showing the thread by commenting but If you would like to suggest that both you and I are asking for the same thing, that's simply not the case. I disagree that DE should offer exclusive content solely based on time played unless it's part of a system that has been publicly discussed and decided on with the help of the community. While it seems we differ on ideas to solve our concerns, it seems that we agree that at times we can feel underappreciated. If you feel strongly enough about what you think is a solution to this problem, It would probably be seen more easily in a new thread, but please do not confuse my message any further by suggesting that I want something for veteran players simply because they are veterans. There are already too many people on this thread who seem to be missing the point and who are angry at the small change that I am suggesting, please don't give them the idea that I want a larger change. 

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The post is about founders being obscured. While asking for a badge and sigil would have been simple, that's not what's being argued here. Are you responding to someone specific? 

Founders being obscured? This gives me quite the chuckle as I can imagine a lone Tenno sitting atop a throne of Grineer corpses, with Founders gathered below, shouting "Remove these shiny things from my sight! They displease me..."

I can assure you that I'm not asking for Founders to be obscured but rather more privately addressed and thanked for their support in some way that will continue to make everyone's support feel appreciated.  

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