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I've Never Felt More Rude, Or More Accomplished.


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The scene:  Sechura, Dark Sector Defense in favor of the ever-persistent Orion.


The team:  Myself (Limbo), an Ember, a Vauban, and an Excalibur.


It started like every Sechura defense I've played.  Find some energy, find the pod, Vortex up and shoot the cluster.  Easy enough.  Vauban really is a boon to Infested defense, and with an Ember to back us up, we basically roasted Infested marshmallows stuck in a black hole.  Occasionally I'd use Cataclysm with the team's permission for added damage at the end of a wave.


Then, Mr. Excalibur decided to head off and do his own thing about Wave 4.  He ran ALL the way to the other end of the map (you know, the big map with the huge dam in the background and the massive expanse of snowy nothing, alongside 2-3 conveyor platforms) and took to repeatedly spamming Radial Javelin on spawning Infested.  He did this until Wave 7 when we finally asked him to bring the enemies back.  We weren't actually getting affinity for his distant kills.


No answer.


Vauban:  Hey, can you fight closer to the pod?  I have Vortex, it's easymode.

Nothing.  Excalibur kept using Radial Jav and obliterating anything near him.


Me:  Dude we're not getting XP with you all the way over there.  Bring it in a bit?


Still nothing.  Still more Radial Javelin.  Still no affinity save for the few enemies that spawned from other areas.


Ember:  Hey ****er, get your dumb *** back here for ****'s sake!  NOW!


Wave 9 starts, still no replies.  So I run over to Mr. Excalibur and Banish him.  Suddenly, the silent antagonist speaks in a tapestry of profanity so thick and tightly-woven it's probably still floating through the atmosphere of Pluto.  He yelled, he caps-locked, he swore, he called me a few sexually derisive names, and each message said "STOP BANISHING ME" in one form or another.


Me:  I'll stop banishing you when you stop being a hallway hero and help us get XP.


Here's the kicker:  Even though he was banished, and even though he couldn't hit anything, he kept attacking and using Radial Jav.  Over and over, as if one attack might break through the Rift and get him his sweet, sweet affinity.  All he had to do was come back and I'd unbanish him.


He was &!$$ed.  He kept cursing and tossing f-bombs and even a few more colorful terms I hadn't heard since my drill sergeant grandfather passed away in 2012.


Vauban:  lol just keep doing it.


Excalibur has disconnected from the game.


It was then that I realized that Limbo is very, very powerful indeed.  And with great power comes great responsibility.  The Rift, as Excalibur found out, is the great equalizer.


EDIT:  I realize Frame abilities work through the Rift.  Maybe he was also using weapons, and due to distance I could only see when he used Radial Jav.  The truth of it is, however, that his killing stopped as soon as I banished him.  And man, he was ticked off either way.


A buddy and I will test if Banish messes up Radial Javelin later tonight.

Edited by Vince613
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I have a buddy with Excal.  Later tonight once I'm home we're gonna check to see if Radial Jav's projectiles are messed up by Banish.  He stopped killing stuff as soon as I banished him, so who knows.  Maybe he was also firing willy nilly and I was seeing it as a power cast.  Either way, he got real bent out of shape.

Edited by Vince613
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WTB abuse of mechanic.

Needing a team majority(So 3/4 saying yes) would help against the abuse.  Unless a group of 3 people are willing to go out and troll/abuse the mechanic.  In which case, you report them.


There are too many times where a votekick would've really helped my friends and I, and I can only think of a few where it could be abused.  The good far outweighs the bad(Said bad already being present).


Edit:Also, to be on topic, as an Excalibur user, I'd like to give you a good applause for stopping a mindless drone.  ..That sounds sarcastic, but I do mean it, not a fan of people who do dumb stuff like that.

Edited by UFOLoche
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There are too many times where a votekick would've really helped my friends and I, and I can only think of a few where it could be abused.  The good far outweighs the bad(Said bad already being present).


Like when a Frost keeps using a HUGE Snow Globe on an Infested Defense?

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Damage abilities work through the Rift. Energy regen makes abilities more spammable. It takes a LOT of radial javs to kill the Elder on Sechura.


Maybe he was using energy restores to refill energy and I don't know if banish could mess up using the restores.

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