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Melee Feedback Megathread


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I've used Excalibur for mêlée only.

I changed a couple of the ability mod slots to make him really good. But then they took the mod slots for the abilities away making him sh!7.

Hardly played the game since DE did that.


I used an RB excalibur for melee.

I don't even need that many slots.


Of course RB is now LOS, so I will probably switch over to a Furious RJ build soon.

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Most simple solution for a best melee only:  is to release a mod for melee, it used 0 stamina to block bullets, then Melee only become valid option on all Warframes, ive tested on all variable frame & weapons, even with shield flux on Rhino ony the bullet blocking destroying melee only play style, Atm is just Loki & masssive disarm, Ash & massive smoke duration or Rhino with massive range on stomp a vaible option for melee only Trin & link . Sadly the melee multipikator on Excalibur Radial blind was removed

Edited by 1N33DM0N3Y
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Not much you can do really, certain frames aren't suited to melee only combat... All I can say is use frames that might work well...

My list of frames that would work well for melee.







Maybe rhino and frost?

Maybe nyx?

you didnt even mention Trinity?

she is imo the best melee frame around


link medigates dmg and gives immunity to knockdown

enegy vamp keeps your energy up

well of life for health

blessing for the oh S#&$ forgot to use well moment


soloed 30 waves on secura without problems... only thing that can bring her down is basicly enegy leech...

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There is one big useless thing that completely devaluates melee for anything but low rank missions.

In late warframe we had no isues with it. It was almost insensible. It was utterly useless. But then DE decided to increase its influence and they made it plain annoying.

We learned to get around it with finger yoga that only "hardcore" players used before. And now everyone are using this ridiculous moves.

And now it destrys the sole core of sword-vs-gun gameplay: mobility and blocking.


Yes I am talking about stamina.


We constrained by it. We can't avoid damage from this lvl 40 gunner because she tears trough our stamina in split seconds. We can't move fast because all stamina is spended on attacking and blocking. And if you dare to try following enemy without sprinting he will just run away while shooting you in the face.

All that's left is using gimmicks like disarm and radial blind. Otherwise you will just have to facetank all the bullets.

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Another thing to add...


Melee Channeling should increase shield regeneration rate when active.  Considering the fact that you are walking into bullet hoses, they should tweak this so that you can at least survive while trying to melee enemies.  Plus it would fit visually as well, as it would make sense that the Warframe's performance increases since they are channeling raw void energy throughout their entire frame as evidenced by the frame itself glowing during channeling.


Some ways to do this...


Add shield regeneration bonus based on channeling damage.  If your damage bonus is x1.5, then you would gain +50% shield regeneration.  This would serve to give players a decent buff without making the regeneration mods like Fast Deflection and Fortitude useless.  Additionally, charge builds would benefit far more (in addition to becoming more viable) as there would be an incentive to use charge damage mods (they still seem to fall short in comparison to elemental damage mods).  Maximizing for shield regeneration, using all damage mods in addition to recharge mods would net a total increase of +310% shield regeneration which in my opinion is a rather fair trade as you are giving up 4 mod slots for the added shield regeneration.


Reduce shield recharge time by 1 second when channeling is active.  This coupled with the shield regeneration bonus would allow frames to tank more damage while meleeing and recharge quicker between engagements.  While it is less important in the lower levels, it will be more important in the higher levels where enemies deal a lot of damage (especially with the new algorithm that increased their accuracy).


Another thing to add...


Reduce the damage done to stamina when channeling.  We could also do this based on channeling damage again.


Stamina Damage = Enemy Damage x (1 / Channeling Damage)


Thus, with a bonus of x1.5 for channeling damage, your stamina would only take about 66% of all incoming damage when blocking due to the formula "1 / 1.5 = 0.66".  This would again also serve to give more incentive to charge damage mods as well as making meleeing more viable in general.

Edited by Kokurokoki
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Include a pommel strike or stun option for melee weapons, replacing the default Quick Melee key or Reload key.


What this would do is allow Warframes to inflict a low damage (10% of base melee weapon damage), fast, but short-ranged melee strike that would cause stagger to a single enemy.  Staggered enemies would prompt the counter-hit, which would allow critical hits to be performed on a wider variety of weapons, especially those whose stances do not have counter attack prompts and have low critical chance.


The issue I see with this is that it could end up making counter hits too easy. Counter hits currently net a pretty significant damage boost but it is supposed come at the cost of being difficult to pull off. If this was implemented then anyone could prompt for a counter hit without really needing to put in any effort.


Make Critical Hits entirely skill-based or include a critical option rather than keeping it entirely chance-based. 


Something I thought up of on the spot, but have them perhaps bring back charge attacks that deal 100% crit chance when fully charged (1-2 seconds charge time?).  Either that, or have it deal 100% status chance.  As it stands currently, unless the weapon can stunlock an enemy, trying to melee enemies is frankly suicide without something to help (like status chance, stun, or crit damage).  Additionally, perhaps melee weapons need a status or crit buff in general.  They need something to help them manage swarms of enemies especially on the higher levels to keep them up to par with firearms.


With higher or guaranteed status chance, melee builds would become more viable in addition to being useful on a team as they could run around and proc status effects to slow down the momentum of attacking squads and give the team more breathing room.


I understand that, currently, melee needs some adjustments in order to make crowd control a little more efficient but I can see this implementation being exploitable to a degree. Allowing players to permanently stun single enemies could trivialize enemy encounters on lower levels and non endless modes if not limited to an extent. I could see this implementation applying to grunt enemies due to their high spawn rate and low threat level. But higher ranking enemies should avoid being made susceptible to stagger locking and perma stunning if they are to provide any sort of challenge.



Add shield regeneration bonus based on channeling damage.  If your damage bonus is x1.5, then you would gain +50% shield regeneration.  This would serve to give players a decent buff without making the regeneration mods like Fast Deflection and Fortitude useless.  Additionally, charge builds would benefit far more (in addition to becoming more viable) as there would be an incentive to use charge damage mods (they still seem to fall short in comparison to elemental damage mods).  Maximizing for shield regeneration, using all damage mods in addition to recharge mods would net a total increase of +310% shield regeneration which in my opinion is a rather fair trade as you are giving up 4 mod slots for the added shield regeneration.


I don't think the damage counter lasts long enough for this to be viable. Any time you would attack to avoid the counter resetting you would end up taking damage and shield regeneration doesn't take effect until you have stopped taking damage for a set amount of time. If I'm not mistaken, I think the combo counter usually resets before shield regen even kicks in. Even in the event that it does kick in before the counter resets your shields probably wouldn't recover to a decent point before the counter resets. Especially if you have a really high shield value.


Reduce shield recharge time by 1 second when channeling is active.  This coupled with the shield regeneration bonus would allow frames to tank more damage while meleeing and recharge quicker between engagements.  While it is less important in the lower levels, it will be more important in the higher levels where enemies deal a lot of damage (especially with the new algorithm that increased their accuracy).


The only issue I see with this is that being idle while channeling doesn't cost anything so it would end up being a sort of free boost to those not currently engaged in combat. If it was locked to only provide the bonus during combat then we would run into the issue of taking damage while your shield regen boost is active again.


Also, as I mentioned elsewhere, I'm a little hesitant to link any sort of survivability to channeling since it is energy based and energy isn't readily available all the time. It could give you a little breathing room when you get into a bad situation but its not something you can fall back on reliably unless you have a surefire way to get energy.

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"Dodging" isn't really going to help you much now that Grineer are flawlessly accurate.


Maybe different blocking combos could be added. Each combo dose some kind of defensive counter of sorts. Like maybe a short charge and knockdown counter, or a quick low sweep to trip up enemies according to a range based on your melee weapon.


I tihnk the main problem is that blocking is one directional. And you mentioned directional blocking, which would be pretty nifty.


Yea, I think I'll wait until DE posts exact accuracy stats before getting on the "OMG Aimbot" train. General accuracy has NOT gone up, it has gone up at point blank distances, and for non-moving objects, so that Snipers actually tag you when you are just facing them.


DE did not "make them hit like aimbots" they made them "stop missing horribly", which made people get away with unrealistic situations, such as diving into the middle of a group and swinging wildly while nothing landed hits.

I've isolated Ballistas and watch them shoot me. If they can miss like they do, I'm pretty sure you're safe in general.


Unless you are running an Equilibrium gun-kata, this should never be possible:


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YES YES YES YOU GOT #2 DOWN. I was starting to worry I was the only one who took notice of this. Stamina is so primitive right now and needs to scale with level.

As for how to mitigate damage in melee, someone made a nice suggestion for a mod called "Swallowtail Strike" that gives you a chance to deflect damage while swinging your melee.

Maybe this could be incorporated as a standard feature of melee, with the effectiveness of this increasing with the rank of the melee weapon itself?

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I was in the process of reviewing the current state of the Dual Cleavers, when I decided to expand upon the problems I'm having lately with solo melee running on my Volt, which I've been doing for longer than I can remember.


The issues I have with melee are:

inconsistent ground slam procing, small effect radius of ground slam, base stamina drain, stamina drain increase when adding a stance (which should decrease stamina drain in my opinion), Grineer tracking through objects allowing them to shoot you immediately when slightly in view, grenades being effective through walls, loss of utility mods due to having less frame mod spots, Grineer bleed proc stacks, lack of blocking after combos leaving you open to ranged gunfire without the ability to slide or block (even with Quick Rest and Marathon).

Not all of these issues are related to every single weapon, but most of the ones that start with a higher stamina drain, should at least have a wide crowd control ground slam effect, such as knockdown or stun, or elemental procing.


If you skip past the build stuff, I get in to gameplay, paused, marked and slowed examples of how the Grineer are so much more effective now than ever. I also show how Corpus that are at least 10 levels higher, are still viable targets, as well as how the Infested are no longer the insane overlapping power monsters they were.


About minute 7:44 is where game play with Grineer starts.


Edited by Janzer
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