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I Figured Out What The Rhino Prime Codex Was Talking About! Update: Regarding Tenno "physicality"


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Now, as I'm sure someone's thinking "aahhhh, but the Arid Fear and Vor said we were the source of the powers... if the Rhino in the thing WASN'T a Tenno, how did he use those-"






We're the energy that give them a boost, and we're the pilots that can control them!


Remember, Arid Fear Vor didn't just say "maybe the Tenno is just a battery" - he ALSO said that when the tore the Tenno FROM their "metal womb" (their Warframe) they could find nothing [iN THE TENNO] to explain the power!!! This is supported by the following statement about the scientists he has working on the project talking about "energy dissolution"


That energy dissolution is the Tenno power - lost on death! That's why they can't find anything! Vor was killing us before we could awake - on the orders of the Queen! THAT'S WHY HE WANTS YOU ALIVE IN THE OPENING QUEST!!!!!


The "divine light" Vor talks about is our innate power, fueling the frame's innate abilities to godhood, and our conciousness that keeps the technocyte monsters of the Warframes in check and controls them - as is shown in Rhino Prime's codex when the Proto-Rhino enters the room where the Zariman children are being kept!


Now, we are STILL very much physical - because we have physical bodies for Vor's scientists to pull from the Warframes - and although we don't know what we look like, we do know what our relation to the Warframe is.


The rest is covered in my quoted post.


For "ahhh, but why do we change genders!!!!" - because those Technocyte Warframes ARE the Genders!

Also, See Dark Sector's Nadia Sudek


As for the "burning" in Ember's codex - burned BY our incredible powers! More radiation than ACTUAL fire!


You make an interesting case, however, the 'metal womb' may also refer to the cryopods, especially as the Queens themselves refer to them as 'eggs' when lecturing Vor on his requests. Furthermore, the possibility still remains that the Warframe is a whole-sale physical body, and Tenno still merely animate them. Killing the body snuffs out that animating energy, perhaps dissipating into the void.


A stretch, but one case that could support your argument is the fact that when you build enough Warframes, you earn the achievement 'Building a stable'. A bit of an odd turn of phrase, don't you think, considering these are just armours, right? Furthermore, the achievement 'Each tool it's own purpose' implies that a Warframe is arguably disposable as needed.


The fact of the matter is that Warframes as a life-form seems more of a plausible circumstance then previously considered (by most people at least). Additionally, if the Tenno are prevented from acting in public in their real bodies, be it because they either no longer have them or are dangerous, then it's effectively the Orokin way to impose superiority over them again; you can come outside, but only if you wear that particular outfit we gave you. Especially interesting if they disposed of the Tenno's 'real' body in some manner to enforce their servitude.


After all, what better way to enforce the notion of Tenno as only warriors when you give them only technorganic battle bodies to reside in, incapable of anything but combat? Leading to the fact that Tenno are stuck in an eternal 'out of body' experience, only having the Warframes they favour to be their true bodies.


Food for thought, but in this interpretation, Tenno are both Post Human and definitely clinging to Humanity only as an ethical basis. Even if their bodies are disposable, variable and limited, their spirituality is significantly potent. Also, justified considering that if the Warframe is merely a vessel to be occupied, their real bodies are very much lost into time, if the Orokin didn't destroy them in the first instance to leave Tenno forever shackled into their armours.


Tenno as Warrior indeed...


I still don't quite understand the physical aspect, so we're saying that Rhino and Nova both somehow fit the same body? 

The Tenno as a raw energy to fuel the Warframe I've believed in for months now.


The Warframe is a being in it's own right, potentially. What appears to be up for debate is whether Proto-Rhino's implied 'Possession' due to Zariman proximity (if that's not an effect, it should be) is how all Warframe-Tenno links function.


Ergo, we have two ways this could go:


Tenno are merely the Anima that inhabits a Warframe to use it. Our real bodies never actually enter a Warframe physically, only the 'consciousness'.


Alternatively, the Tenno 'wears' the Warframe, using either shapeshifting or hammer space to inhabit it as people would normally think.


Personally, I am of a mind to favour the Eclipse Phase sort of view; consciousness is moved between Warframes, the 'frame built around them' simply Orokin metaphor/propoganda for creating a battle-body for the Tenno to be forced into. To quote the tagline for Eclipse phase: 'Your body is just a shell...change it'.


And I'll be honest, this interpretation actually eliminates the possibility for there actually being anything 'underneath'. A Warframe is a whole organism, built to fulfil a purpose, the combat systems inbuilt into whatever organic structures are necessary to make that particular host body operate. Engineered evolution. Better, in fact, as Evolution is 'good enough, keep doing it that way'. This is more akin to selective breeding and eugenics.


One thing I would like to know is just how much of the 'ferality' Proto-Rhino exhibits is a true trait of all Warframes, or if the ones we use currently have not even that before a Tenno occupies it? In the event that the Warframe has mental faculties, hypothetically, then, could the Warframe and the Tenno have a symbiosis, whereby they become a manner of gestalt entity beyond merely Tenno-in-Warframe, but they become Tenno-Warframe.


This could be why we build Affinity with our Frames; we get to know them. We get to understand, synchronise and not resist each other. Acclimatising ourselves to a new 'place'. Warframes we don't particularly like are ones we have weak resonances with.


Don't mind me, just sitting fond of my Trans/Post-human stuff, to say nothing of transformation and symbiosis. 

Ugh, i wish we had seperate terms for Tenno as a Race, and Tenno as a Culture.


Currently, the best I can offer you is we preface the Tenno as Race with the Tenno-R moniker, and we preface discussion of Tenno Culture with Tenno-C.


Cumbersome, admittedly, but it could help debates keep focus.



In regards of the Revive Systems:


I am of the mind that the Revive system as we know it and confirmed by the Lotus during Hidden Messages to actually exist, could be both an automatic feature of the Warframe, and something that can be 'surged' by outside sources with sufficient access.


In the former case, sufficient damage triggers a 'stasis' effect, whereby the Warframe and Tenno draw in high quantities of Void energy to restore the Warframe to operational standards. This is a trait for when a Tenno is beyond the Lotus' reach, however it may be unable to resist high orders of damage, as Mirage's death is caused by her inability to surge her revive systems. However, it should be noted that each Warframe gets 4 revives in game, ergo the system has a limit.


Meaning Lotus' belief she was too far away not only has validity, but it could be she'd already surged the systems/the systems had already surged 4 times, so her 'hitting the button' is desperation because she's literally powerless. Mirage, being the crazy awesome that she was, went out stoically and tried to give the Lotus some measure of 'not your fault'.


The Revive system is potentially the Lotus' most direct way to help her Tenno in adverse conditions, because she cannot afford to lose them; whether this is because the Lotus has nothing in her life beyond the Tenno in her charge, or simply because she's more concerned than her words suggest...is open for debate.


It's admittedly this interpretation of the Revive system I used in part of my most recent fanfic I wrote. I may be wrong, but it served the purpose I had in mind.


Edit: Tidied a bit of grammer

Edit 2: Huh, didn't know ( R ) or ( C ) bracket gave ® or © respectively. Not quite what I had in mind.

Edited by Blakrana
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Man... Your virginity is stronger than The Lotus.

But this is cool man! thats awesome. :D


Hey, I like thinking about fictional worlds - my own or someone else's, I just find it fun.


Here's a thought, with all of the people mentioning fitting stuff, including nekros arms and all, what if Tenno are actually in fact smaller than normal people- child sized even?

I agree that they're not energy, but at the same time, couldn't it be possible that they're pretty small people.

A result of void exposure and all that, not just having some kind of scarred body or whatever else, but stunting growth.

Which could maybe go through generations too, depending on how new Tenno come to be.

Not even necessarily going into Nekros' legs? ...Hmm, probably not that small simply by being children (Though maybe they're smaller than your average kid, too) though maybe not fully touching the ground anyways, hmm..

Not sure how all fitting would go all around, but if they were infact rather small that'd further support fitting into frames that aren't as beefy as rhino.

Nice stuff man. I'd been thinking of a sort of similar direction for everything, but you put it into words, refined the ideas, and made connections far better.


I'd be a bit weirded out if we were still children, but the thought's crossed my mind. One of my earliest ideas for the Tenno that piloted Nekros (back when I thought it was just one Tenno-per one frame) was that he was this tiny little frail thing (gollum if you will) balled up in the chest cavity, and the rest was nothing but Technocyte.



wow this thread is cool.

now i understand that we're just some kind of the soul of warframe.

i have a question though,

so without tenno, is the warframe gonna run wild (since its an infested) or is it just laying there waiting for another tenno to fill it?


I don't think we're just a soul - again, Vor's statements about "ripping us from our metal womb" DEFINITELY imply that there's something physical inside of Warframes. The Grineer don't seem to have anything that would suggest such a power. Sure, Vor has his Janus key, but he's never demonstrated the ability for it to rip souls out before - you'd THINK he'd use something like that against us, especially when the Void super-charges him.


At this point, though, I think the Warframes themselves have sort of been "neutered" (or more accurately lobotomized) - because the Tenno are there to pilot them they don't need to be AS active or AS violent as that Proto-Warframe Super-Soldier thing was. So, I think that it WOULD just lay there in storage, waiting for us to come back to them.

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I wouldn't take Achievement names as actual lore - they're a cutesy challenge title is all.


And I'd agree that if we walked around naked, someone would get hurt - look at what happened to poor Kaleen, and that was while we were children! IMAGINE what happened as our powers matured with us!


I'll forever argue against us being anywhere else than inside the warframe - whatever we are - because of the Excalibur codex line "we built a frame around them". AROUND them. We're inside those things, whatever the Void or Orokin turned us into, we're there.


And I'd agree with the your assessment of the Revive system. It's pretty much a defibrillator of Void energy, with a 100% success rate until it just wears us out too much to work.

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and what about Nekros? Those skinny arms skinny legs odd shaped body. how from bulky rhyno we can fit into nekros :D


The Tenno turns into energy and then reforms himself in a physical body fit to fill the warframe. Maybe the warframe provides the Tenno with the genetic informations needed to create such a body in the shape of the one around what the Frame has been created.


@Morec0: Your theory is interesting.


I believe that the Rhino in the Codex Entry was the original one, after all every codices for Primes refers to the 'First' of the lineage. One of the Zariman children who had gone crazy after manifesting some unique powers thanks to his 'Tenno Energy'. The Orokin created the Warframes around these first ones so that other Tenno could learn to use their energy, by attuning to a frame, by manifesting these powers.


Some of the 'Primes' kept themselves sane but maybe others, like Rhino, went crazy. If you look at Rhino's abilities you see: 



Iron Skin




All of them are pretty much 'instinctive' compared to the abilities of other Warframes, it would make sense that Rhino was a pseudo mindless brute. Or at least aquired his abilities by reverting to a much feral state. The cannibalism event could be referred to explain why we can get life and energy from the fallen enemies. Warframe would simply absorb it, Feral Rhino was feral enough to eat the corpse.


Nekros' crazyness maybe had been more akin Sadism. Excalibur was the one that more than everyone else got able to keep his sanity. (And got a sub-par set of abilities for it.) That somewhat explain why in the Void Tower there is his statue. To set an example for the Tenno to be and help them maintain control over their mind. Because I think that to control a Warframe, the Tenno needs to 'touch' the mind of the 'First' to learn the abilities and how to move such a body. And probably it's easy to find themselves lost in the process.


That's why I think Rhino was the original one, not just a soulless frame, but again your theory is solid too.

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Staph i'm still confused


So we are clones of children who  were exposed to void energy  survived , captured ,engineered to live in symbiois witht he warframes and pilot them to harness their power?


I don't know what our relation to the originals are. I know the "ones from the Zariman" ARE implied to be the originals, though. Whether we're them, their children, their clones, whatever, we don't know yet. We'll have to wait for the Codex entry after the next Codex entry for that.


@Branwyn: Where is Nekros implied to be crazy?

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Tenno are Void moтsters in special armor, which mad from infested and boost their powers.


Tenno are not energy.

"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place." - you aren't call energy beigns or souls "twisted".

"We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction." - you aren't build frame around energy, you build it for energy.

"These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors." - you aren't call ghost "rejected", this is word for monsters.


And Tenno are not hobbits - bcs i don't like it.


Case closed

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Tenno are Void mosters in special armor, which mad from infested and boost their powers.


Tenno are not energy.

"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place." - you aren't call energy beigns or souls "twisted".

"We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction." - you aren't build frame around energy, you build it for energy.

"These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors." - you aren't call ghost "rejected", this is word for monsters.


And Tenno are not hobbits - bcs i don't like it.


Case closed


I like you.

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@Branwyn: Where is Nekros implied to be crazy?



He punches the soul out of people... (And back in after a lot of grinding.)


He scares the hell out of stuff like battle hardened grineers and mindless infested...


He does something that's not so pleasant and people summed up with 'Desecrate' to get extra loot out of the enemies...


He raise said enemies to fight for him...


Sounds a little sadist to me, and sadism (While being a fetish I can't really argue about.) is usually associated with 'not being right in the head'.

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This whole arguement is predicated on the tenno not having their own power essentially being batteries. Ember Prime's codex entry directly contradicts this. The frames did not exsist at that time to generate the fire, it came in an uncontrolled form from the newly minted Tenno. That had to have been Proto-Rhino or some sort of failed clone. 


In the end we are once again left with nothing definitive and notheing that can't be interpreted equally plausibly for the mono and poly camps.

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This whole arguement is predicated on the tenno not having their own power essentially being batteries. Ember Prime's codex entry directly contradicts this. The frames did not exsist at that time to generate the fire, it came in an uncontrolled form from the newly minted Tenno. That had to have been Proto-Rhino or some sort of failed clone. 


In the end we are once again left with nothing definitive and notheing that can't be interpreted equally plausibly for the mono and poly camps.


And Limbo's questline directly contradicts that each Tenno only has one power when Ordis asks us to be careful while using the frame, and Vor talking about the Warframes being a focus for our "divine light".


As someone pointed out to me: it's not only fire that can burn. If we ARE these massive batteries, then it stands to reason whatever power we have could just as easily burn someone's face off. Radiation and all that.

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I wouldn't take Achievement names as actual lore - they're a cutesy challenge title is all.


And I'd agree that if we walked around naked, someone would get hurt - look at what happened to poor Kaleen, and that was while we were children! IMAGINE what happened as our powers matured with us!


I'll forever argue against us being anywhere else than inside the warframe - whatever we are - because of the Excalibur codex line "we built a frame around them". AROUND them. We're inside those things, whatever the Void or Orokin turned us into, we're there.


And I'd agree with the your assessment of the Revive system. It's pretty much a defibrillator of Void energy, with a 100% success rate until it just wears us out too much to work.


The achievement title is mostly just for my own amusement. It's not the first time I've known a game to sneak a bit of lore into a game achievement, especially the obtuse ones, however.


As for the Excalibur Codex, that honestly depends how you think about it. The whole 'building a frame around them' can be taken two ways; either literally building struts and what have you around an object, or providing context to an idea or concept. Nothing in any of the stated entries can be taken as talking straight, after all. It's all in-setting biases, words given by people with agendas. The Excalibur Codex is quite good propaganda, especially in light of the potential terrible truth of what a Warframe+Tenno really is.


The latter idea, a conceptual framework implication, can explain why Warframes are so disparate in design. The Orokin were out to evoke ideas and notions, to better direct a Tenno's powers to being that which the Warframe is known for. Obtuse, perhaps, but that could turn the Warframes from not only battle armour structures, but also lead to an amusing matter that the Orokin resorted to making war with ideas given form. In a way, the Warframes become a physical mnemonic.


Every Warframe pays homage to something in the human collective history, but they're always somewhat distinct to the simple matter of the obvious. Considering, then, the militarisation of these abstract ideas, shackled into flesh and steel...leads me to an interesting hypothesis that the Sentient War wasn't just fighting physically, it was striking them with the expression of ideas contrary to their nature.


Things that, as the Excalibur codex states, they couldn't comprehend.


Regardless, I wish you luck in formulating a coherent hypothesis that can explain the interchange between Warframes. I just find these debates all too interesting to not entertain all angles of debate as much as possible.

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And Limbo's questline directly contradicts that each Tenno only has one power when Ordis asks us to be careful while using the frame, and Vor talking about the Warframes being a focus for our "divine light".


As someone pointed out to me: it's not only fire that can burn. If we ARE these massive batteries, then it stands to reason whatever power we have could just as easily burn someone's face off. Radiation and all that.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the devs say they might change that line?

Honestly, I don't like the mono-Tenno theory, so I have to ask. If we inhabit the frame or switch out, why are we able to play our other Warframes when one has been taken by Harvester? If you don't know what I mean, when you get captured by Harvester and fail the escape mission, you're brought back to the Liset, but unable to use the weapons and frame that were captured.

The explanation? Soul jumping, or energy jumping? But the whole energy thing is ruined by Vor's quotes, so I would go with soul jumping. Or the poly-Tenno theory, though there is evidence against poly-Tenno.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the devs say they might change that line?

Honestly, I don't like the mono-Tenno theory, so I have to ask. If we inhabit the frame or switch out, why are we able to play our other Warframes when one has been taken by Harvester? If you don't know what I mean, when you get captured by Harvester and fail the escape mission, you're brought back to the Liset, but unable to use the weapons and frame that were captured.

The explanation? Soul jumping, or energy jumping? But the whole energy thing is ruined by Vor's quotes, so I would go with soul jumping. Or the poly-Tenno theory, though there is evidence against poly-Tenno.


They did, but the context of it seemed to be in regards to "are you breaking the fourth wall with this" to which the response was "we don't like breaking the fourth wall, we're going to change it."


I'm still waiting for word on what, if anything, HAS changed.


And that IS a fair point on the Harvester, and I can't account for that. Maybe we DO switch consciousnesses? Maybe just game mechanics? The future will make things clearer, currently this seems to be the more logical.

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Wait a minute, that still don't explain why they change genders. The Nemesis theory, well, It's easier to fit in a suit bigger than you, than fit in one a lot smaller than you (Rhino-Nekros)

Changing genders physically is one thing. However, we actually ROLE-PLAY the gender that the warframe possesses. How can one person act manly in 1 suit (Rhino, Ash) and then all girly and kissy (Ember, MIRAGE) in another???

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I'm afraid I don't really buy it, for the simple fact that we build warframes at a foundry, mostly out of inorganic components. Not only that, we build them in three separate pieces and then need to combine them. Why would a lifeform, an organic lifeform, be assembled in such a way, from inorganic components? And why does that make more sense than: "it's a suit that focuses and contains our innate powers, and the 'monster' in the codex entry was in fact rhino the Tenno, not rhino the Frame, going on a rampage that ended when confronted with the presence of 'the others'."


Edit: Should have thought of this earlier; we are also able to equip different helmets. And the "monster" in the codex entry is specifically mention to have both a mouth and eyes, and if it is indeed a warframe I would assume those are located on the head. So, what, we just rip off this creature's head, skull and all, and attach another one? (ignoring for now that the majority of warframes, and rhino definitely, lack a defined "face")


Edit 2: There's also the point that the names of the warframe components suggest a suit, rather than a lifeform. Helmet, rather than head, Chassis rather than skin or body, Systems rather than neural network...


It's a cool theory, don't get me wrong. But the makeup and nature of the frames in-game contradict it. And in this case the gameplay and the lore are intertwined, because we are dealing with the names of the components.

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I'm afraid I don't really buy it, for the simple fact that we build warframes at a foundry, mostly out of inorganic components. Not only that, we build them in three separate pieces and then need to combine them. Why would a lifeform, an organic lifeform, be assembled in such a way, from inorganic components? And why does that make more sense than: "it's a suit that focuses and contains our innate powers, and the 'monster' in the codex entry was in fact rhino the Tenno, not rhino the Frame, going on a rampage that ended when confronted with the presence of 'the others'."


Edit: Should have thought of this earlier; we are also able to equip different helmets. And the "monster" in the codex entry is specifically mention to have both a mouth and eyes, and if it is indeed a warframe I would assume those are located on the head. So, what, we just rip off this creature's head, skull and all, and attach another one? (ignoring for now that the majority of warframes, and rhino definitely, lack a defined "face")


Edit 2: There's also the point that the names of the warframe components suggest a suit, rather than a lifeform. Helmet, rather than head, Chassis rather than skin or body, Systems rather than neural network...


It's a cool theory, don't get me wrong. But the makeup and nature of the frames in-game contradict it. And in this case the gameplay and the lore are intertwined, because we are dealing with the names of the components.


Well, as I said this is a PROTO-Rhino - it was NOT designed to be a Warframe, but a weapon all to itself. It was to be a super-soldier or a war-dog or whatever you want to equate it to, NOT, as it would later become, a frame for the Tenno.


And that raises into consideration: how "alive" or concious ARE the new frames in cmparrison to this Proto-Rhino?


The rest of your questions all fall under that: what was once meant to be a lifeform-weapon all to itself became a living suit for us. The names of the frames are classificaitons, maybe even codenames for the first to wear them (those codenames then being adopted into classifications for the suit design in general - which is my thinking on the alt helmet names at any rate).




THIS SAID! I have taken into consideration A LOT of what people have said and decided upon the following:


The Tenno are indeed energy beings, and that is how we can rotate from frame to frame seemlessly. ALL the physical characteristics are just the frames (the powers as well originate from the frames, but I've already covered that).


HOWEVER! I don't think we were energy beings when we FIRST came back from the Void - no, Kaleen would probably have been a BIT more suspicious about the Zariman kids if they WERE energy beings (though I still believe we were infused with enough raw void power to burn someone's face off via radiation if they got too close to us).


No. I think the OROKIN DID THAT TO US.


Does anyone remember a comment Steve made about the "Brain the a jar" theory not being QUITE correct? I think he WAS suggesting we were energy beings - not EXACTLY a "brain in a jar" but the same principle. I think that when the Orokin realized we could control and pilot the Technocyte creatures they made, they also realized "hey, we don't need the FULL kid for this!" and so - somehow - ripped our conciousness and power OUT of our physical bodies and put us into frames that they BUILT "AROUND" THE IDEA of having this "Tenno Conciousness" pilot it.


Of course, that also means the Warframes don't need a mind of their own - so whatever brains they originally planned for them to have in order to receive and carry out orders were scrapped - lobotomized out, but retaining all the physical properties that give us the powers we then enhance via our Void Power.


Lephantis isn't talking to anyone but us with "we are your flesh" - BECAUSE TECHNOCYTE IS LITERALLY THE ONLY FLESH WE HAVE NOW!"


Of course, this also means that Vor was being COMPLETELY LITERAL! Crazy, even I didn't see that coming.


"But what about the "ripping us from our metal womb"" I now hear you asking. "you made SUCH a big deal out of that!" Well, I was WRONG. The metal womb IS the Cryopod! Which fits EVEN BETTER with the Lotus-as-mother theme I mentioned... somewhere in here!


Remember: it is the Lotus that awakens us from a dormant state and PUSHES US OUT of the Cyropod into the dangers of the world. It's kinda creepy, but... Anyway, it ALSO fits with what people reminded me of the Queen's saying "don't wake the Tenno up! kill them BEFORE they hatch [before they get out of the cryopod]"


So, picture, if you will, a Tenno cryopod, Grineer gathered around it, and then the commander yelling "FIRE!" and EVERYONE unloading two or three clips into it. They then pull the Warframe out of the Cryopod-womb but - surprise, surprise - because they killed us our energy has dissipated and there's nothing left to power the frame. So, all that "energy dissolution" and whatnot.


Or maybe I'm STILL COMPLETELY wrong. Who knows? But either way, my original points about what that monster in the Codex entry is still stand.


EDIT: Something I realized I forgot: that whole "Orokin Ripping our conciousness and energy from our physical bodies" ALSO explains why we would turn on them. They didn't just rob us of our humanity by trying to turn us into weapons, they robbed us of our humanity by LITERALLY ROBBING US OF OUR HUMAN BODIES. Then they have the GALL to try and say "you're our heroes! Welcome back from the war!"


The rest is Stalker's Codex.


EDIT2: ALSO forgot to mention: this is why the Warframe's bleed and need oxygen: the Warframes themselves bleed and need oxygen. They're a at-least-semi-living creature.

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From what I understand of the Prime Codexes is that the Warframes were always meant to be suits for the power of the Tenno, I don't think they were ever meant to have consciousness. Nor does Rhino particularly have a mouth or a need to ingest gore, I don't even think the infested do at all either so even being made of technocyte virus it still probably wouldn't eat.
I think that proto-Rhino was the Tenno the Rhino frame was designed for. 

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From what I understand of the Prime Codexes is that the Warframes were always meant to be suits for the power of the Tenno, I don't think they were ever meant to have consciousness. Nor does Rhino particularly have a mouth or a need to ingest gore, I don't even think the infested do at all either so even being made of technocyte virus it still probably wouldn't eat.

I think that proto-Rhino was the Tenno the Rhino frame was designed for. 


Clearly you haven't spent enough time around Lephantis' ancient head.


And this isn't the modern, Grineer-revived probably-Sentient-tampered Infestation that was designed as a Bioweapon - this is a deliberate, as "Phil" said, CRAFTED Infestation. They didn't just throw a guy and a virus into a tank and say "go nuts" - they had this thing under the scalpel, shaping it and molding it into what it needed to be.


But here's the question (though one I'm sure you'll find an easy way to deflect): if that Rhino WAS a Tenno himself, WHY did "Orokin Phil" only have a faint idea of what Davis was talking about?


Funnily enough, I just spent the last few hours writing up a theory on what Post-humanism actually meant for the Tenno as a people.


Great minds think alike, or fools seldom differ?


Either or, as long as kindred spirits unite nothing can possibly go wrong!


EDIT: and I made the edits that I made to that one post like.... 4 above this one into the OP as well. Enjoy.

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My other concern:


Every other Codex entry about a Frame involves directly, or indirectly, the First. 


Why this one should refer to a prototype who wasn't even the first Rhinoframe?


There wasn't any frame in Ember's codex. Only a child.


Nor are we certain that Mag in Mag's codex was the first Mag.

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