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Archwing Or Regular Melee Weapon Suggestion: Nodachi


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So basically, just a big katana for archwing, or a two handed katana(similar to the galatine) for normal gameplay. I think it would be neat to have a giant katana(like a nodachi) to hack and slash at corpus and grineer space stuff.


FIrst archwing melee to be wielded with two hands?



What do you guys think?

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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Some refference pics would be great, but I imagine what you mean. And I really don't think it would be THAT good...

Added a pic for reference, mostly for size of the weapon, though I don't think it's easy to visualize since the weapon would be for archwings, and archwing weapons are already really big.

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it's about as silly as a Katana is in most Video Games, but w/e.



moderate Attack Speed

large Range

99% weighted into Slash Damage, no Puncture, tiny bit of Impact.


something like that i suppose.

it can't be fast since if it's two handed, that would mean it's larger than the Archwing Weapons we already have. much higher mass means slower acceleration.




fun fact though, Katana like Swords are designed to be used on bare flesh. heavy armor and industrial machines are far, far from the intended use of such a Sword.

in other words, Katana like Swords are not very good against armored foes.



(inb4 response link to random youtube video of a Katana cutting through flimsy low density metal to say 'nu-uh')

and my response to that future response would be try doing the same with real metal made to actually be durable. such as Rolled Homogeneous Armour. good luck.

Edited by taiiat
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it's about as silly as a Katana is in most Video Games, but w/e.



moderate Attack Speed

large Range

99% weighted into Slash Damage, no Puncture, tiny bit of Impact.


something like that i suppose.

it can't be fast since if it's two handed, that would mean it's larger than the Archwing Weapons we already have. much higher mass means slower acceleration.




fun fact though, Katana like Swords are designed to be used on bare flesh. heavy armor and industrial machines are far, far from the intended use of such a Sword.

in other words, Katana like Swords are not very good against armored foes.



(inb4 response link to random youtube video of a Katana cutting through flimsy low density metal to say 'nu-uh')

and my response to that future response would be try doing the same with real metal made to actually be durable. such as Rolled Homogeneous Armour. good luck.

While the Katana was made simply for sword combat it is actually quite capable of cutting through bullets as shown in a video were a master crafted Katana was fired at by a heavy machine gun it was able to cut or deflect 3-5 bullets before breaking in half another video was shown it cut a desert eagle bullet clean in half with no visible damage to the sword itself. It has also been shown to be able to puncture through medieval plate armor so even though it was not made to go through those things it is still capable.

Edited by Archangelzz
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While the Katana was made simply for sword combat it is actually quite capable of cutting through bullets as shown in a video were a master crafted Katana was fired at by a heavy machine gun it was able to cut or deflect 3-5 bullets before breaking in half another video was shown it cut a desert eagle bullet clean in half with no visible damage to the sword itself. It has also been shown to be able to puncture through medieval plate armor so even though it was not made to go through those things it is still capable.

sorry but katanas cannot cut well made full-plate. it was even hard to thrust through those with longswords, oftentimes you had to use blunt force or short, thick daggers to bash in or pierce those armors. 


EDIT: even if a katana cuts bullets (which i highly doubt) it's not cause it's particularly sharp or deadly, it's cause the bullet hits at speeds that aren't achievable by musclepower alone. also the blade is ruined where the bullet hit the blade

Edited by MortalSin
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cutting bullets


piercing Armor

- sorry, nobody cares about being able to deflect a couple bullets or 'cut' them. deflecting them is not practical in the long run, and cutting them literally means nothing because the average ammunition that's used is copper plated lead core. 

in other words, really soft s... that is not durable whatsoever.


- you can pierce Armor a little bit with the point tip of a Katana. however this is not really particularly useful as you won't get significant damage from the piercing depth, and the metal you're facing, once again, is hardened steel at best. meaning it's really not hugely durable.



did you miss this part of my post? ofcourse you did.

(inb4 response link to random youtube video of a Katana cutting through flimsy low density metal to say 'nu-uh')

and my response to that future response would be try doing the same with real metal made to actually be durable. such as Rolled Homogeneous Armour. good luck.

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  • 2 months later...

- sorry, nobody cares about being able to deflect a couple bullets or 'cut' them. deflecting them is not practical in the long run, and cutting them literally means nothing because the average ammunition that's used is copper plated lead core. 

in other words, really soft s... that is not durable whatsoever.


- you can pierce Armor a little bit with the point tip of a Katana. however this is not really particularly useful as you won't get significant damage from the piercing depth, and the metal you're facing, once again, is hardened steel at best. meaning it's really not hugely durable.



did you miss this part of my post? ofcourse you did.

- pretty sure you can deflect bullets with all melee weapons in the game.

- since the Nikana is the most similar weapon to the real life katana in the game, it can cut through impossible armors made from insane futuristic metals specifically intended as protection from laser fire, gun fire, close range combat, and all that.

tl;dr the Nodachi is a great in-game idea for the Archwing and comparing the weapon to real life is just idiotic. 

its just a game.

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While the Katana was made simply for sword combat it is actually quite capable of cutting through bullets as shown in a video were a master crafted Katana was fired at by a heavy machine gun it was able to cut or deflect 3-5 bullets before breaking in half another video was shown it cut a desert eagle bullet clean in half with no visible damage to the sword itself. It has also been shown to be able to puncture through medieval plate armor so even though it was not made to go through those things it is still capable.

Not practical, not practical, outright lie. It can puncture thin costume grade "armor", but you're not touching a knight in full plate with cuts or stabs from a katana. That's what the mace is for.

Katanas are not comparatively sturdy. Sorry.

Longsword on Longsword:


Katana on Longsword:



Also this


Edited by DrMeowmix
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it can cut through impossible armors made from insane futuristic metals specifically intended as protection from laser fire, gun fire, close range combat, and all that.

no it can't.


that's an internet misconception.



a Katana is a fantastic Weapon against Unarmored exposed flesh.

Armored Targets? get a different Sword.


its just a game.

which is why i mentioned that i think it's a silly Weapon, but people like them, and that's fine.

and then i proceeded to suggest some example stats for inspiration.

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japanese metal is of a lesser quality than that of western metal. its one of the reasons they use the folding technique when forging katana's. also you would have to be a fool to hit full plate armor with a longsword. go for the joints where there is usually just leather or chainmail which is easier to breakthrough. 

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- pretty sure you can deflect bullets with all melee weapons in the game.

- since the Nikana is the most similar weapon to the real life katana in the game, it can cut through impossible armors made from insane futuristic metals specifically intended as protection from laser fire, gun fire, close range combat, and all that.

tl;dr the Nodachi is a great in-game idea for the Archwing and comparing the weapon to real life is just idiotic. 

its just a game.

Good lord, you must be some kind of high level black mage for necro-ing a thread like this on your first post. (seriously, I didn't expect to ever see another post in this thread since the start of December)


To anyone else who is trying to argue against a suggestion like this, or even just the 'practicality' of a katana over that of a western style longsword, I don't care about 'what a katana was really made for'. This is a game, technically everything in this game could be considered silly, so there is nothing wrong with suggesting an expansion in this category of weapons. So please try and stay on topic.


Personally, I think it would be neat to see a Galatine like katana(read: nodachi) for either archwing or normal gameplay(leaning more towards normal gameplay at this point though, as the shinyness of archwing has long worn off).

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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its a sword in the game, it cuts through futuristic armor. have you never played this game before? a Nikana is just like a katana. so why is it a stupid idea for there to be a nodachi variation in the game? "because its not realistic" c'mon.

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no it can't.


that's an internet misconception.



a Katana is a fantastic Weapon against Unarmored exposed flesh.

Armored Targets? get a different Sword.


which is why i mentioned that i think it's a silly Weapon, but people like them, and that's fine.

and then i proceeded to suggest some example stats for inspiration.


yes it can, a Nikana, as with all melee weapons in game, deflects bullets and slices through multiple enemies in the game without ever needing repair. mind you, a Nikana is entirely based off of the real life katana. so a gigantic nodachi for an archwing weapon, perhaps called the Kadachi or what have you, would be a great idea for warframe. also, archwing missions are set in space where gravity is not present, hence the reason why we are allowed such enormous weapons.

does it sound fun? yes. is it realistic? no. is it supposed to be? magical space ninjas. think about it.

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yes it can, a Nikana, as with all melee weapons in game

oh, in the game. then yes, as all Melee Weapons share that trait. in the game.

also, archwing missions are set in space where gravity is not present, hence the reason why we are allowed such enormous weapons.

that doesn't allow you to defy physics.

the size is fine considering other Archwing Melee's. but it most definitely will be average speed at best, due to how Acceleration works.

i'm not against such a Weapon whatsoever, i may not like it myself but that doesn't mean the game can't have one.

here's a short explanation.

it seems quite odd to me that Daggers would be slower Weapons.

average Speed == Distance of one swing / Time of the swing.


Force == Mass * Acceleration

Kilograms * M/s2

where most of the larger Weapons with higher Mass apparently cover the same Distance in less Time.

which is in discordance with the Human laws of Physics. higher Mass Melee Weapons can't have higher Acceleration and relative Velocity when powered by the same Force, i.e. Tenno.

Edited by taiiat
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So I saw this thread. I'd like a nodachi (amoungst other things) but I must say:


Bringing up the effectiveness of a katana against items is dumb. you're trying to be smart, but it's not a smart thing to do. I'm not using the 'It's a game' Defence. I'm using the 'It's a sci-fi game with fictional materials and we're already using swords (some of even less practical design) against enemies already. 


Also, Phobos is being treated like a planet. All arguments are null. 

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I'd actually like to see a nodachi in game. My statement was directed at AND ONLY AT the guy claiming deflecting bullets with an IRL katana is feasible, practical, and a testament to how "sturdy" katanas are IRL.


japanese metal is of a lesser quality than that of western metal. its one of the reasons they use the folding technique when forging katana's. also you would have to be a fool to hit full plate armor with a longsword. go for the joints where there is usually just leather or chainmail which is easier to breakthrough. 

If you're referring to my post, I never claimed bashing someone in plate with a longsword was a good idea either. I said:


That's what the mace is for.


But in any case, all of this is irrelevant to an in-game nodachi. I'd like to see one on foot before in Archwing, but mostly because I'm burned out on Archwing.

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oh, in the game. then yes, as all Melee Weapons share that trait. in the game.

that doesn't allow you to defy physics.

the size is fine considering other Archwing Melee's. but it most definitely will be average speed at best, due to how Acceleration works.

i'm not against such a Weapon whatsoever, i may not like it myself but that doesn't mean the game can't have one.

exactly my point.

and yes you are right, depending on its size, it would be defying physics if it were to be too fast, but the Veritux is quite large, so i think a Nodachi would be around the same speed or maybe a little faster considering the blade is thinner.

and some people may like it and some may not, but one day there will be a large selection of archwing weapons to choose from and that will make it easier for people to have a variety of likes and dislikes. it wont feel like we are being forced to use only a few weapons.

Edited by WolfThunderBlade
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Hmm, a bigger Dragon Nikana for archwing? As opposed to a big bada*s buster sword (Veritux)? I like nikana on the ground (mostly for swag factor), but I think it pushes suspension of disbelief a bit too far if we could swing that twig on heavily armored spacecraft.

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