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Fanarts By Yuikami [Updated 4/12/17 55 more Warfame Emoji]


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All we need now is a grineer mistress. Latex goes great with implants.


Since they ARE ruled by sisters and such. I wonder, how does corpus indoctrinate people, though.


Probably mind control devices and lots of situational training and behavioral discipline to let them in.


So basically your average SIster of Battle coven. Dammit, why is all the far future cults more like frat parties with their entry hazings?

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Yuikami it would be darn near impossible for me not to love anything you draw. All of your art styles suit my my tastes. It wasn't often you would see real talent on this forum thread but I feel you really brought this place to life with your amazing art. For that thank you. (I am not implying that noone on the fan zone had no talent I am just saying it was rare to see it.) I am and will continue to be a fan of your art from now on. Even if I am broke and can't afford to buy any of it I know I can always go to the fan zone, and get a good laugh from your comics or truly appriciate an unmasked warframe master piece.

                                                                  Your fan forever,


P.s. I am not a stalker.  (you know they don't exist)


Stalker-1.jpg What was that?!? Oh I am going to murder the HELL out of you...

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Probably mind control devices and lots of situational training and behavioral discipline to let them in.


So basically your average SIster of Battle coven. Dammit, why is all the far future cults more like frat parties with their entry hazings?


Your imagination isn't perverted enough.

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Hey why are my lights flickering? Oh well it is probably nothing......

ANYWAY I'll bring the popcorn yuikami since I am nice like that.

We shall sit down and watch anime together on a large comfy sofa and not worry about NON EXISTANT BEINGS.

tee hee

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You know I would say something like "something that doesn't exist can't be nerfed" but I won't. Insead I will just microwave this popcorn and go to yuikamis place for fun times with her and Unicorn frame.  ^ω^

Edited by PureBeurre
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You know I would say something like "something that doesn't exist can't be nerfed" but I won't. Insead I will just microwave this popcorn and go to yuikamis place for fun times with her and Unicorn frame.  ^ω^

We got Piñata that exploded rainbow and flower and Trix and LUCKY CHARMS! :D

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Stalker does need support ever since he got nerfed

Anyway, got any details on this?? o-o I think I may have missed that update details. Thanks!



I got umm cookies and umm a tiara and and a BIG bowl of jello!! That's what I got. 

JELLO!!!!! YES!!!

Edited by yuikami
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Just did this out of love love love love love love HNGGGGGGGGGGG


Url: http://yuikami-da.deviantart.com/art/Warframe-Captain-Vor-Smirk-371354608


I got way too excited for the upcoming Grineer expression! So I did this XD

Plus my old wacom finally died so I'm trying to get used to a new one...

Hour an a half in PhotoshopCS5

This...... frightnened me..... in a good way. The greneer (at least I think) were supposed to be frightening and this proves it. THAT ISN'T TO SAY THEY ARE NOT UNLOVEABLE (please don't kill me yuikami *cowers in corner*)

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This...... frightnened me..... in a good way. The greneer (at least I think) were supposed to be frightening and this proves it. THAT ISN'T TO SAY THEY ARE NOT UNLOVEABLE (please don't kill me yuikami *cowers in corner*)

talk_zpse121dee9.jpg  UNICORN FRAME I choose you! Use your touching attack!

Edited by yuikami
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This.. this thread is amazing 0.o I even saw your artworks in another site before bumping in here
How did I miss this?I usually lurk around the forums just but by god I lurked for good tonight.(Stalker getting to me it seems =P )

Now where's the Ecchi hidden side stash *w* ?
Please do Saryn if/when you can ,she looks a lot alienlike, but those curves.. I've crashed into less tighter curves with my bike.
Nyx my favorite that you did so farm,truly a great looking piece.
Stalker can be scary but the unicorn frame,my god If it ever showed up I hope we'd have an ember on the team,kill it with fire!!! xD he's too OP
Showed this to some of my ingame m8s, you got a lot of young men's imagination going that I can guarantee ^^
Keep on the great work ,loving it .
By the way, yui as in the singer? yui goddess?

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