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A Way To Make Enemies Smarter (Other Than Having More Defensive Abilities, Or Squads And Such)


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Hello all,


This thread will be detailing another way to make enemies be smarter, by using the environment to their advantage. The content is below: 


In the game, the enemies are somewhat smart, as they could take cover (although their choice of cover is sometimes questionable), move around, know that hiding behind a shield would prolong their lives etc.. However, the enemies in Warframe are relatively simple (not that it is bad, but it leaves something to be desired), meaning that they do not really offer much uniqueness and challenge towards the player. While there are threads about improving enemy AI to be stronger against players, most, if not all, of them, are talking about improving the enemy itself, or with the enemy's allies. 


And so, from this, and playing a few missions, the suggestion to improve enemy smartness (or AI) is to make the enemies be able to interact with the environmental objects. 


The reason for this suggestion to appear is because enemies can use control consoles (to raise the alarm and to initiate lockdown) or zip-lines (to transverse areas), two environmental objects, but that is the extent that they could do with regards to interacting with the environment, and this aspect could be expanded upon to make enemies be able to better handle against the players. 


For instance, an enemy within a group of enemies could panic when said group of enemies has one or two members be killed, and rush off to the elevator. If the player does not catch the rushing enemy in time, then the enemy will travel up (or down) using the elevator, and have the chance to prepare a surprise attack at the area the enemy is now in.


Another example would be that enemies could use the big control consoles, when they feel that the situation is too much to handle for itself or a small group, and call in elite reinforcements to aid them in trying to turn the tide. 


This enemy mechanic addition would allow more use of the environmental objects in maps, while making enemies look a bit smarter with using them to their advantage.


Please take the time to read this thread, and provide constructive criticism and feedback.



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I really like the idea of enemies using the consoles to summon reinforcements. The fact that they only use it for alarms has always bothered me. I also think that they should use the grenades more while behind cover although grenades would have to be balanced first since they are stupidly powerful right now.

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Part of the problem is the game's modularization--there's a lot of chances that the enemies may, for example, use an elevator that is *not* central to mission's path, in which case they've merely fled from the tenno and hid.

but it has a potential to make AI more "alive", imagine a corpus dude running away and hiding cuz u know, he just does data entry.

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Would be interesting if enemies, particularly snipers, could take actions to harry us by shooting explosive containers or the like. Perhaps hitting panels to kill the lights...or in Alerted Status, attempting to jam elevators, leading to need to hack it to get it running again.

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Part of the problem is the game's modularization--there's a lot of chances that the enemies may, for example, use an elevator that is *not* central to mission's path, in which case they've merely fled from the tenno and hid.

Which actually makes the game look better, and make us feel more powerful.

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Which actually makes the game look better, and make us feel more powerful.

Downside: It the room they flee to has to load, as does any connections, and then the game has to track their movements once there.


As no actual tenno have gone there, this creates unnecessary machine process power, which, in turn, lags players badly.


Also, consider the flipside: You're trying to do missions to rank stuff up, and the enemy keeps running away and hiding.


Does it make sense? Yes, you're a mystical space ninja from beyond the veils of time and space.


Are you getting any affinity out of this? No.

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Downside: It the room they flee to has to load, as does any connections, and then the game has to track their movements once there.


As no actual tenno have gone there, this creates unnecessary machine process power, which, in turn, lags players badly.

In which it would not be as bad. 


DE(L) could have the enemy stay in that room so that it would only load up that room (or maybe two rooms). It would not cause that much extra processing power to the point where the player would lag. 


Also, consider the flipside: You're trying to do missions to rank stuff up, and the enemy keeps running away and hiding.


Does it make sense? Yes, you're a mystical space ninja from beyond the veils of time and space.


Are you getting any affinity out of this? No.

Not every enemy is going to flee and such. That would be maddening in game terms. 


One or two (or maybe three) at one time would be enough to make it feel that (some) enemies are smart. And besides, you do have those Warframe powers, so if you really want to kill the fleeing enemy, but dealing with something else and/or the weapon ran out of bullets in the magazine, then use Warframe powers. 

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For instance, an enemy within a group of enemies could panic when said group of enemies has one or two members be killed, and rush off to the elevator. If the player does not catch the rushing enemy in time, then the enemy will travel up (or down) using the elevator, and have the chance to prepare a surprise attack at the area the enemy is now in.

heh the only problem would be me mashing the 'Action' button on the elevator so when it comes back down... ;)

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