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Further Syndicates Customization Please?


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Funny though. Druid paladin goat satyr man is liked by New Loka, yet a paladin is a knight. Eh em Sangheili Arbiters eh em.

Problem is, DE really thinks they are not made of fabric. Take a look at this collar. There are words "worn plastic" which, I guess, is a name of used material/texture.



Nanomachines, son!

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something more than just their logo


Hmmm. Look at swords. Now, look at  the Arbiters' logo. They seek truth through trial and discipline. Experimentation and punctuality, in a way.

Now, look at Excalibur... He likes swords. Excalibur is Arthur Pendragon's sword.

Arthur is a knight-king. Like Siris/Ausar.

Code of chivalry.....

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I get the distinct feeling that I'm going to get to the top of the syndicate, get all their things, Fight for a rival syndicate to get their things instead... Only to find out that the syndicate I betrayed now has new awesome cometics/weapons. 

That'd offer more mind game between syndicates & cause interesting situations... :)

(Not too grindy situations,hopefully!)


something more than just their logo


Hmmm. Look at swords. Now, look at  the Arbiters' logo. They seek truth through trial and discipline. Experimentation and punctuality, in a way.

Now, look at Excalibur... He likes swords. Excalibur is Arthur Pendragon's sword.

Arthur is a knight-king. Like Siris/Ausar.

Code of chivalry.....

Yup,makes sense...A sword skin maybe?

Edited by unknow99
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Why not? >.> Not everyone got time to max out all the syndicates <.<

Because there should be a few things (sigils, other cosmetics) that you can only obtain if you gain enough standing with that particular syndicate. Those things don't affect your weapons or warframe, they are only for the looks. So if you want to get that sweet Steel Meridian hood but are Partner of the Perrin Sequence ... well, you'll have to think again if you really need it that badly that you'd abandon and betray your current friends.

What's the point of having to make a choice if it doesn't change anything, if there are

? You can't do the same invasion for both sides, neither can cosmetic rewards of previous events be traded. Not tradable syndicate cosmetics would just be another variant of this. Edited by Bibliothekar
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If Steel Meridian got a beat up scarf (w/ hood being even cooler, but probably much more complicated to implement), I would be extremely giddy. I just hope that PBR allows them to make frames and accessories stop looking like they are made of rubber. Syandanas would be more appealing if they looked more like actual fabric.



Also, all the frames seriously need a PBR rework. They all look like they're made of plastic.

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Megan replied to one of my threads?! Ohmagad whatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdo


Hm Hm...Glad my idea has been acknowledged. I'll try to make more customization accessories as soon as I get other ideas.



DE-senpai noticed you, congradulations. \o/



I can't be the only one who wants to be a spacerogue instead of a spaceninja.


+1 for hoods

Nope, I'd love to have a rogue look for my warframes.


Just Imagine, Frost Prime wearing a hood, without the gold 'crown' on the top of his prime helmet of course. It would look uber bad@ss!

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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