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Update 7.9.0: The Glaive


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I have never said shotguns don't have any range in real life. I stated shotguns become incredibly inaccurate in real life, since their pellets spread. The way most developers balance shotguns in video games while keeping other weapons viable is to make them extremely powerful short range, average strength mid range, and extremely weak long range. What part of this simple way of balancing a weapon do you not get? Either way, I'm fine with this "nerf", but the majority isn't, so more than likely DE will change it. Hopefully just raise the fall off range a few meters, so people can still happily blast their way through the game while not also just using a shotgun to do it.

I didn't say you said they have no range in real life. But others have and it is also the way the devs are trying to rid the Hek of its OPness and its a bad way to do it. They Hek's tight spread screams 'mid range weapon', yet it does so little of its dmg at that range now. I mine as well use a Strun. The Hek was great for putting huge dmg to big enemies or a couple enemies at mid range while the Strun and boar where better for crowds of enemies up close. Eliminating Hek's mid range ability eliminates its purpose. Its insanely long kill range was a problem that need to be fixed, it made snipers almost pointless but the current nerfed range is to much. The whole point of beta is to find problems and also balance. We are simply pointing out that the nerf is too extreme.

Edited by Gezus
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Its about time gorgon was nerfed. I found it too op. Now i may consider getting a latron and twin vipers/akfuris or a lex.


And Ash looked really silly while hitting cameras in mid-air.


My friends named spots at defense lvls where enemies would get stuck "cursed corridors". Really nice it got fixed.


Anyway, the developers really show their concern, im sure everyone is really thankful!

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I'd just asked for more gore and hit decals and stuff! It's like Christmas up in here :D


Any ETA on the optional reset though? I love this game to death but it's a little unfilling when you know you're planning on having to redo everything again from scratch :/


Many people have been asking about information about the optional reset pretty much daily since it was first discussed, but the questions asked have been overlooked for the most part by the devs. I haven't seen any concrete details outside of what's on the FAQ, so I think for all of us waiting for the optional reset to hit, we might unfortunately be stuck waiting till the game finally goes out of open beta before we even have an option.


Not the answer we'd want to hear after putting money into a game we wanted to support, but we might as well face reality. It seems like most of us waiting are slowly losing interest in the game which is unfortunate. Worst part for me is that my friends who aren't planning to reset are waiting for me, and now it's gotten to a point where we've gone from six active players to only two.

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(Just kidding, that makes it even more special to acquire!)


No no, it's not special.  Think about it.  When the alert comes up (keep in mind the alert reward is the same for every player), everyone who can play the game at the moment will get it, easily.  There's nothing special for those who acquire it, just being off work/school/sleep/generally free at the right time.


Now imagine those who are not on/cannot play when that alert pops up.  What did they do wrong to be so "not special"?  Nothing.


It's arbitrary and a terrible system.

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Oh my god.... the legendary weapon of the first Tenno. Hayden Tenno. If only Hayden Tenno was also frozen in the cryopods along with the others. He probably was the founder of all the Tennos and i wouldnt be surprised if the Lotus was somewhat related to him.

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- New melee weapon: The Glaive.*

- Added new damage deformers for enemies, meaning more ways to dismember your foes.

- Added Dual Dagger stealth attack (was sharing dual sword stealth attack).

- Added new Grineer death/fall sounds.




- Frost power mods moved to common pool, increased chance for drops.

- Increased base Crit Chance and Damage on Grakata.

- Trinity and Mag's helmet effect now works with "energy" palette color changes.

- Moved Objectives to later part of missions so the route to extraction is shorter after objective is complete.

- Toned down lighting/flare on most melee weapons.

- Added damage fall-off to all shotguns--no more shotgun sniping.

- Revised sounds for security cameras.

- Revised sound for Trinity's Link power.

- Multiple improvements to various sounds events (mixing, attenuation, surface materials).

- Removed pit under Jackal spawn to prevent any accidents.

- Gorgon accuracy adjustments while aimed.

- Fire rate adjustments to Akimbo and Semi-Auto Pistols.




- Fixed Saryn's Miasma power not awarding XP or kills.

- Fixed Saryn's Miasma power not being affected by Continuity or Focus mods.

- Fixed Saryn's Venom power not being affected by Continuity mod.

- Fixed the linking of Loki's Decoy and Switch Teleport powers that was causing avatars to sometimes fall outside the level.

- Fixed Trinity's link ability that was affecting/destroying her Sentinel.

- Fixed Rhino Charge and Slash Dash powers framerate dependencies, powers now consistently work as intended.

- Fixed Banshee Soundquake power that was causing visibility issues for other players (not the caster).

- Fixed Ember's Fire Blast power that was causing visibility issues for other players (not the caster).

- Fixed Apex particles that would remain on ragdolls after using Nyx's Mind Control power.

- Fixed Mag's Shield Polarize power playing sound twice.

- Fixed Frost's Freeze power not being affected by Continuity mod.

- Fixed Frost's Snow Globe power not being affected by Continuity and Range mods.

- Fixed Ancient Healer power that was not healing surrounding Infested.

- Fixed Nyx's armband FX showing up with projectors.

- Fixed some Defense mission issues with enemies spawning in areas they can't get down from.

- Fixed host migration during Spy missions where objectives would reset for clients after a host migration.

- Fixed Slash Dash not dealing appropriate damage on clients.

- Fixed login rewards clobbering your current loadout.

- Fixed Long Range weapons not consistently hitting targets at 50m or greater.

- Fixed visibility of "BACK" button on color customization screen.

- Fixed various bugs and nav mesh issues in reported levels.

- Fixed common matchmaking issue where users would receive a “Disconnected” error.

- Fixed Sentinel death affect that was causing frame rate issues.

- Fixed Ash’s Bladestorm power, it will no longer target turrets or security cameras.

- Fixed Login reward handing out "0 Shotgun Ammo" boxes.



*Glaive blueprints are part of the Alert system.

loki switch teleport not working like it used to anymore

please fix 

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Thanks for all the bug fixes, I was actually waiting for some of them.


Too bad for the other changes, though.


- Gorgon accuracy adjustments while aimed.


Adjustments? What was the term for this... oh, right. "Euphemism". Here's an idiom, right back at you: "bite the bullet". Unless you (as in, the developer team) want to come across as thinking us players are complete idiots who will not realize what is going on after trying out a gun we're very much used to, then bite the bullet and say it like it is. You reduced the accuracy on the Gorgon so much it is now as inaccurate as a shotgun. At more than ten meters, half the shots miss the mark completely.


As for the Hek, I couldn't even try it. I was excited to finally get to rank 4, did so right before the update, and now I'm afraid to even craft it. So much for mastery ranks, now getting past rank 2 is rather worthless beyond bragging rights.


I'll be a nice person and say the blame for the disappointment that was the Glaive being the new rare falls completely on myself. I shouldn't have gotten all hyped up on it. I hope I'm awake and in front of my computer when the alert pops up.


Yeah yeah, beta beta. As I said, at least we got some good bug fixes, and at least I can now colour the galaxy on my Mag's face. Here's the feedback you're due from your beta testers: you overdid the "other fixes".

Edited by Guest
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Sci fi is centered around real life. It's meant to be be believable to some extent. The nerfs to the shotgun range is unrealistic. And stop trying to silence people who have an opinion that differs from yours. Shame on you.

Yes sometimes things need small tweaks or balances, yeah yeah, I get it..   But when my Hek now does 72 damage at approx.  6 feet and my AK lato does 83 at the same distance...  something is  far from  RIGHT !!!

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