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Update 7.9.0: The Glaive


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I understand that as a F2P player, I don't really have any rights, and I'm okay with that since I haven't payed any money to deserve it. You know what bothers me about this whole Glaive situation? DE didn't bother to say that the Glaive was going to be plat and alert only.


I've waited for the patch until 4 in the morning so that I can craft the Glaive. I've wasted 4 hours, in which I could've slept, for nothing. I really wish they would have told me from the start that it won't be available for credits.


DE, your bad move wasn't you making the Glaive available for plat only, but you not bothering to mention before the update that I won't be able to get it. My hype for future patches is gone.

Edited by Kohira
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While that's true, sniper rifles are meant for distances up to several miles.


All the current maps in real life would be well within the effective firing ranges of shotguns.

real sniper rifler dont have a 100% accuraty... so, not really, not several miles, 1000 meters is acctually mutch, and a mile is ca. 2,5k meters...

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Ok holy S#&$, just tried to use my Hek, unless I basically put the barrels down the enemies throat it does next to no damage (It' level 30 with a catalyst and all 60 taken up) I put 16 shots into a level 20 ancient, it didn't even drop to half life. This nerf is a bit too extreme, the Hek is now completely useless.

BS. you must either be lying or you have it modded completely wrong. I still 1-2 shot ancients up to level 30..

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ok.. BUT gorgon should be a mid range weapon.. how the hell is it supposed to be a mid range weapon if i have to shoot like 4 times to destroy a camera, the accuracy is AWFULL, this machine gun is like a shotgun now, if i shoot an ancient on mid range i miss half of the bullets, i have taken this weapon because i do not like to go in the middle of infested and shoot around, i like to stay at distance, gotta get a more accurate weapon that still has a decent damage.. hmm, how about boltor? i've heard that shotguns got nerfed too

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is that just me or there are some issues with the Foundry system? I'm trying to build the Ankyrus but keep getting "Unknown error"

Programming intervention to prevent you from spending credits and mats on a crap weapon. Seriously it could have used a buff.

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Before playing with the updates I said nice. Now, I'm sorry, but the Hek is absolutely useless, NOT the best weapon anymore and for those who would like to buy a Hek, don't because it became NOTHING. Make it back. With the "up"dates the game became laggy, death animations: WHY. Losing my hopes, waiting for next update.

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