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An Interesting Tid-Bit In The Alad V Quest...


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He's referring to the dev stream where they mentioned they were thinking of reworking the line because it conveyed incorrect or misleading information. They didn't really clarify that point though.

Actually the .5 Update Notes has a line that says:

"Removed unnecessary descriptive wording" or something like it.

Dont know what they did, but the comment about wearing Limbo better is a strong candidate.

It led to a number of debates about Tenno existence.

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So the Tenno are instead drawn into magical thinking rather than immature thinking? Gotcha. I'm no expert on this. :P I was saying that once they take a stand and start to fight for themselves as their own faction then they will begin to enter into enlightened thinking. 

what i'm saying is that even though i don't trust the lotus either, there is not a single piece of evidence that points toward her hiding anything from us.

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what i'm saying is that even though i don't trust the lotus either, there is not a single piece of evidence that points toward her hiding anything from us.

Oh. Very true but as a Tenno who also has no evidence other than the fact that she "saved" us, don't you think they would want at least some answers?

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Oh. Very true but as a Tenno who also has no evidence other than the fact that she "saved" us, don't you think they would want at least some answers?

Yes, i would like some answers but up to now the lotus has been a clear ally, she gives us missions, she gives us credits, she gives us catalysts, reactors, etc etc, i would love an event in which the lotus betrays us or clearly hides something from us, the only remotely possible example up to now would be those sabotage missions that suddenly become exterminations, we could think "hey lotus why do you want all this guys dead?... do they know something you don't want us to know?" but that's quite a stretch.

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The suits (Warframes) are known to be made with the Technocyte virus. So... technically they're "alive" I think... but I think Lotus was referring to the infested inside (who mind you are other organisms that have been taken over by the same virus).

No, she was referring to the frame, it's simple and basic semantics "that is a corrupted frame, corrupted by an infested, put it out of it's misery" the object of the sentence is the frame, the infested it's just the cause/agent of the frame's problem.

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I analyzed this "Warframe as a living thing" idea during my tyraids on the Rhino P Codex, in which we see what is believed to be a Proto-Rhino of some kind rampaging through the halls before being stopped by... something when entering the room housing the Zariman kids.


Now, given the idea of the "Proto-Rhino" and basically everything it does, I'd say that it was an extension of the old Dark Sector-style Infested, back when they were more metal than flesh. Basically the Orokin wanted to make a super soldier, and thus designed these Infested-style monsters to do so  (probably by mutating test subjects) - only problem, these things are UNCONTROLLABLE because.. well, various Infested reasons.


BUT, add a supposedly psychic Zariman kid into the mix who can calm them down and control them, and BOOM! You've got the first step towards the modern Tenno!


As for the hollow nature: could have just meant that it was without a Tenno pilot - hollow in the sense it was empty of a key component. That said, given what it looks like it The Profit trailer it's ALSO possible it was LITERALLY hollow, the Tenno replaced by Infested flesh. As for how we can fit into all of them: space magic, Void compression, whatever you want to say.

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Heeeey! Sorry! Hours late! Been doing unimportant S#&$.... but, hey, it's hilarious to think I'm wanted to talk about matters like this XD

He is Come! Morec0 is COME!


as for the hollow thing. i thought the same thing.


I say, this arguing over lore is amusing as hell!

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Morec0 is the official voice of the fandom for lore theory everybody listen to Lord Morec0



Although I really think that the Warframes and Tenno are both alive in the same way a horse and it's rider are alive. Except think of it like the horse has superpowers that it activates on the rider's command. And the rider kinda rides the horse by being inside the horse. 



I don't know if I'm right but if I am it's a subjectively squicky think to think about. 

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Morec0 is the official voice of the fandom for lore theory everybody listen to Lord Morec0



Although I really think that the Warframes and Tenno are both alive in the same way a horse and it's rider are alive. Except think of it like the horse has superpowers that it activates on the rider's command. And the rider kinda rides the horse by being inside the horse. 





I don't know if I'm right but if I am it's a subjectively squicky think to think about. 


Well, we know because of Arid Fear and the tutorial quest it's not just as simple as "the horse has superpowers the rider commands" - there is SOME connection between the Tenno and the Warframe that generates the powers (but in a way that the Tenno themselves don't have the powers), with the Rhino P codex pointing pretty heavily towards "the frames have the powers, and the Tenno are a battery that allows their use."



He is Come! Morec0 is COME!


as for the hollow thing. i thought the same thing.


I say, this arguing over lore is amusing as hell!


Hey, we want to know what's up.


The big issue is that we don't know what's metaphor or not, or how literal each character is being. Even IF we get flat out told what the Tenno are inside of their frames, I'm not sure 100% of the fanbase will buy it because of that uncertainty.


And, of course, there's the idea that DE is purposefully feeding us conflicting information so that we can literally have the Tenno inside the frames be whatever we want them to be, which, while noble, is a horribly flawed idea, imo.

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My theory is, and will remain:


Warframes are individual constructs of biotech and technocyte piloted by the digital spirit I call Tenno.


Switching from Excalibur to Loki for example is a simple case of data transfer.

This also covers the recurring question of Warframe gender, male or female Frame doesn't matter as they are just 'hollow vessels' to be controlled as required by the individual user, or Tenno.


Fail a mission, run out of revives? You earn no XP because this particular vessel didn't return to impart it's new wisdom. Restore from backup and try again, Tenno.


I could go into greater detail, but I'm sure you get the general idea.






This is my theory, there are many like it but this one is mine. 

This has already been disproven. Read Rhino Primes codex. Hes not in his armor. Also not gaining XP is just a game mechanic

Edited by (PS4)Fac3kick3r_lolz
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Well, we know because of Arid Fear and the tutorial quest it's not just as simple as "the horse has superpowers the rider commands" - there is SOME connection between the Tenno and the Warframe that generates the powers (but in a way that the Tenno themselves don't have the powers), with the Rhino P codex pointing pretty heavily towards "the frames have the powers, and the Tenno are a battery that allows their use."



Hm... I wasn't around for Arid Fear so I didn't know that part. But what about the Ember/ Ember Prime Codex entry? Who/ what burned Kaleen? Was it one of the children/not children, or was it a Warframe guarding one of the children? (And what was with all the denial)




Maybe it's like Kill la Kill! 0.o




I regret nothing

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Hm... I wasn't around for Arid Fear so I didn't know that part. But what about the Ember/ Ember Prime Codex entry? Who/ what burned Kaleen? Was it one of the children/not children, or was it a Warframe guarding one of the children? (And what was with all the denial)



Aye, that throws a MASSIVE curveball at us, but as someone informed me: it's more than fire that can burn.


Take, for example, radiation. Then take into consideration that if we ARE a battery for the Warframes the INCREDIBLE Void power we must contain. Then consider what might happen if, for example, a child with such power was scared, frightened, and attempted to get away from a stranger.


My thought is that when Kaleen approached the Zariman child that burned her, he/she/it reacted in fer and self-defense and inadvertently unleashed Void radiation in their attempts to flee from the strange woman most likely wearing a military uniform and potentially carrying a weapon that ended up with her losing half her face from it.


But that's just my theory on the matter.

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This has already been disproven. Read Rhino Primes codex. Hes not in his armor. Also not gaining XP is just a game mechanic


But is that a Zariman kid or just a Proto-Warframe? After all, the narrator (who I refer to as Orokin Phil) doesn't seem to have ANY idea who the Zariman kids are, yet is familiar with the Rhino he is fleeing from at the time of the story.

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The children by the hundreds were sent into the void in unprotected ships, so out of hundreds they may get one survivor touched by the void. The power is overwhelming and takes years of dedication and mastery over the abilities.

So now factor in the Lotus, a transcendent AI that cannot be harmed by the abilities of the young Tenno. At a massive dojo she teaches them, guides them and cares for them. Her purpose is the Tenno. The Orokin watch from afar on the progress.

Why are Tenno mute? Is it a choice or rendered speechless by the void? Or is it like Black Adam that even a whisper can destroy so much?

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Aye, that throws a MASSIVE curveball at us, but as someone informed me: it's more than fire that can burn.


Take, for example, radiation. Then take into consideration that if we ARE a battery for the Warframes the INCREDIBLE Void power we must contain. Then consider what might happen if, for example, a child with such power was scared, frightened, and attempted to get away from a stranger.


My thought is that when Kaleen approached the Zariman child that burned her, he/she/it reacted in fer and self-defense and inadvertently unleashed Void radiation in their attempts to flee from the strange woman most likely wearing a military uniform and potentially carrying a weapon that ended up with her losing half her face from it.


But that's just my theory on the matter.


Hm, that's possible, but I would think from the description of Kaleen's face that it had been a fire burn and not a radiation burn. I kinda googled a few pictures (I do not recommend it if you are eating/ on a large screen with family around) and the description fits the images more of a fire burn rather than radiation. 


My current headcanon Tenno-Warframe theory is still on the Neon Genesis Evangelion / Kill la Kill kind of suit-owner relationship, where both suit and owner are living. There's a physical Tenno, either male or female, that dons a Warframe of either gender and adapts their powers. Tenno and Warframe synchronize to the point that neither is distinguishable and work in perfect harmony. However, whether the powers belong to the Warframe or the Tenno is still uncertain.

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