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No Glaive Blueprint? Fine, No Support From Me.


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 You post a lot and somehow find it in yourself to say very little. In that way your posts never disappoint. I eagerly look forward to the next time you choose to resort to a strawman argument and expect others to agree.


What the "Strawman" here? Cause it is a FACT that this item is not the only sold this way.


All the excuses as to why should be available differently are pretty much different versions of ," I want this item free now. "

And that is not any sort of actual valid argument.

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 This is a bit extreme. I'm against the idea of the way this was introduced too but a total boycott over the first real problem like this is a bit unfair. They've been more then reasonable more times then they've been unreasonable.

I give you that. They were reasonable, so he supported them. Now they are not, so he won't do it anymore. Simple as that.

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Yeah. The dark empire strikes back i guess. How can they make a weapon plat only? i mean, its not like there are any other weapons you could use for free.... no.... Since I dont see any heat dagger threads around here, which was introduced in the same way, I can only laugh about this....


To be frank, I never noticed the Heat Dagger was available for platinum. Many probably also didn't notice as it's such a worthless item, I mean, it must only be of interest to collectors. It doesn't even make sense that it's available for platinum, since Heat Sword isn't, the Dual Heat Swords (which are the Heat Dagger and Sword combined) has a BP which can be adquired for credits in the market.

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I fully agree with the OP.


As far as i know.




This is the not the company i was supporting so far and i wanted to support....Its changed and so do i !


DE is now Greedy. We supported them and now they got enough money and now what... they are letting us down ?


Really if they are gona continue doing this... we have to find a new game... and thats it !


This sort of thing needs to stop.


You are overreacting. Please read through the thread start to finish, and look at what people have said (ignoring the inflammatory comments where possible, of course). If people react this way, nothing will change because nothing can change. You NEED to be reasonable in order to be treated reasonably.

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Money grabbing or not, please acknowledge the fact that - Comparing DE with other F2P company, they're doing a pretty great job.

Considering 90% of the items in game can be crafted and gained through simply grinding/wasting time. Not many other F2P games allow or provide that.


And all in all, plese DO remember that DE isn't a charity, it's a company that HIRES people. They're spending loads and loads of money to make the game better for all of us to enjoy. But there are no guarantee that there will be a steady income, they're just human, they all got family to feed.


Just because they released ONE weapon that's only Plat/ Alert Mission available, you shouldn't be raging already. 


 Sikab really isn't raging. Neither am I, in case you are curious.



 I'm doing what I feel like I owe DE playing the Beta like I am. Honest feedback.


 My feedback of this is negative - sometimes that happens. But that isn't a huge deal. Positive or negative isn't important. I'm just trying to be as clear about what I don't like and what I'd rather DE do as possible.


 It is a lot like saying "I'd rather have to spend in this environment then that one."


 And to be perfectly honest - part of it is preference. 

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Yeah. The dark empire strikes back i guess. How can they make a weapon plat only? i mean, its not like there are any other weapons you could use for free.... no.... Since I dont see any heat dagger threads around here, which was introduced in the same way, I can only laugh about this....

Destrobael wasn't being sarcastic?

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What happened to rarity? What happened to prestige? What happened to being unique? Why do people want everything spoon fed to them!

Not that I have much of an opinion on the glaive, other than I wish it was alert only, but what rarity or prestige is there in an item anyone can buy with a few dollars out of pocket? What uniqueness is there when every person willing to shell out money can have one whenever they want? Weapons bought with platinum are about as close to spoon-fed as this game can get. It seems like a silly argument. 


Maybe this weapon would have been good to add -only- as a chance reward for extremely high waves of defense missions. Then at least the prestige and rarity arguments would hold water. 

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I fully agree with the OP.


As far as i know.




This is the not the company i was supporting so far and i wanted to support....Its changed and so do i !


DE is now Greedy. We supported them and now they got enough money and now what... they are letting us down ?


Really if they are gona continue doing this... we have to find a new game... and thats it !


Ok, so you dont buy the master, so what. Do you think they make deals just because YOU dont buy it if they dont make it a blueprint xD Please, stop, thats too funny...


"greedy" xD Oh yeah. Make me a thread about the heat dagger being unfair cause he was introduced in the same way... Until that, your comment is just invalid. You are mad because you cant have the fancy new toy others play with. Thats all....


"we"... Ok, so now you speak for more than just yourself...

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This is a bit extreme. I'm against the idea of the way this was introduced too but a total boycott over the first real problem like this is a bit unfair. They've been more then reasonable more times then they've been unreasonable.

This sort of thing needs to stop.

You are overreacting. Please read through the thread start to finish, and look at what people have said (ignoring the inflammatory comments where possible, of course). If people react this way, nothing will change because nothing can change. You NEED to be reasonable in order to be treated reasonably.

Introduce 2 Throwable melee weapons. Make 1 platinum exclusive while the other one... everybody can get it. Then nobody has any problem. But making the ONLY throwable weapon to be Platinum exclusive (or RNG crap) is bit harsh !

Edited by Zyfe3rX
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I really don't want to be rude... but i have to ask.


After all the Pros and Cons we delivered in 14pages, that's the best you can come up with?


In all honesty, I didn't read through all 14 pages of this nonsense. Even with a pay to play mmo (WoW, EQ, etc..) your going to spend much, much, MUCH more money to unlock weapons and gear (depending on drop rates and what not) with the initial purchase of the game and monthly fees.


How can anyone here even begin to complain that a company is letting them play their game for free AND letting them have the chance to unlock a weapon via random BP drops, that ISN'T EVEN NEEDED to advance in the game. Maybe this would actually be a legitimate complaint, if there was some end game that you would hold an edge in, but there isn't.

This entire thread is a flat out waste of time, and I'm sorry, but it's just a bunch of people complaining about not getting something handed to them for free...like the game...which is, you know, free.

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What the "Strawman" here? Cause it is a FACT that this item is not the only sold this way.


All the excuses as to why should be available differently are pretty much different versions of ," I want this item free now. "

And that is not any sort of actual valid argument.




Read that fast so you can understand better how your posts are abusing the strawman fallacy.


As for your "All the excuses as to why should be available differently are pretty much different versions of ," I want this item free now. "", go read my thread


"And that is not any sort of actual valid argument."


Do you know what isn't a valid argument? Strawman fallacies.

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 Sikab really isn't raging. Neither am I, in case you are curious.


I have noticed this myself. I disagree with their viewpoint but I see that they're being reasonable. Despite that difference in PoVs, I'm willing to back up what they say, because I know if nothing else it's had much deserved thought put in -- and that's all we can ask for, really.


EDIT: For clarity and reasonable reaction's sake -- much deserved thought put into what someone says is all we can ask for on EITHER SIDE.

Edited by nullqasael
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Not that I have much of an opinion on the glaive, other than I wish it was alert only, but what rarity or prestige is there in an item anyone can buy with a few dollars out of pocket? What uniqueness is there when every person willing to shell out money can have one whenever they want? Weapons bought with platinum are about as close to spoon-fed as this game can get. It seems like a silly argument. 


Maybe this weapon would have been good to add -only- as a chance reward for extremely high waves of defense missions. Then at least the prestige and rarity arguments would hold water. 

Beta needs more ppl like you. Your 4th post, and being objective. Glad we have you. (No sarcasm)

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This is why I despise the "entitled" being thrown around here. Our best supporters at my company are totally free.



And I agree here. Let's be civil?


EDIT: Pooptyping is my middle name tonight. Blah.

Entitled is entitled. Free players are important but so is money, in fact, money is more important because without money there is no game or server. And no I'm not saying a paying player should get an advantage, pay2convenience is my motto and right now that's how this game is.

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Ok, so you dont buy the master, so what. Do you think they make deals just because YOU dont buy it if they dont make it a blueprint xD Please, stop, thats too funny...


"greedy" xD Oh yeah. Make me a thread about the heat dagger being unfair cause he was introduced in the same way... Until that, your comment is just invalid. You are mad because you cant have the fancy new toy others play with. Thats all....


"we"... Ok, so now you speak for more than just yourself...


 I don't know if you've taken notice - but there are more people posting in this topic unsatisfied then there seem to be otherwise.


 He isn't alone in his disappointment. In fact, there are a lot of people rather miffed. When you think of the amount of people who seem to feel that way - the amount of money DE could have made that is on an extended hold adds up.



 I don't know if you've ever heard of the term 'Boycott' or if you understand what it implies - but that is what he is talking about.

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Not that I have much of an opinion on the glaive, other than I wish it was alert only, but what rarity or prestige is there in an item anyone can buy with a few dollars out of pocket? What uniqueness is there when every person willing to shell out money can have one whenever they want? Weapons bought with platinum are about as close to spoon-fed as this game can get. It seems like a silly argument. 


Maybe this weapon would have been good to add -only- as a chance reward for extremely high waves of defense missions. Then at least the prestige and rarity arguments would hold water. 

well it's not really spoon-fed when you spend real life cash that you worked for


as I see it...


some people clock hours, some people game for hours

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You can find it in alerts or buy it with plat. THE EXACT SAME THING......

We already said several times:


Heat Dagger wasn't available in the Market for Platinum when introduced. It was an Alert exclusive Weapon, which got introduced in the market after lots of weeks.

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 I don't know if you've taken notice - but there are more people posting in this topic unsatisfied then there seem to be otherwise.


 He isn't alone in his disappointment. In fact, there are a lot of people rather miffed. When you think of the amount of people who seem to feel that way - the amount of money DE could have made that is on an extended hold adds up.



 I don't know if you've ever heard of the term 'Boycott' or if you understand what it implies - but that is what he is talking about.


because of ONE WEAPON? Ridiculous

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You can find it in alerts or buy it with plat. THE EXACT SAME THING......





To be frank, I never noticed the Heat Dagger was available for platinum. Many probably also didn't notice as it's such a worthless item, I mean, it must only be of interest to collectors. It doesn't even make sense that it's available for platinum, since Heat Sword isn't, the Dual Heat Swords (which are the Heat Dagger and Sword combined) has a BP which can be adquired for credits in the market.




Also everyone please cease flaunting this straw man where everyone who doesn't agree with the implementation of the Glaive BP are instant gratification fanatics that want it right now.


That tactic may net support for your posts, but it's not a valid argument.

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 I don't know if you've taken notice - but there are more people posting in this topic unsatisfied then there seem to be otherwise.


 He isn't alone in his disappointment. In fact, there are a lot of people rather miffed. When you think of the amount of people who seem to feel that way - the amount of money DE could have made that is on an extended hold adds up.



 I don't know if you've ever heard of the term 'Boycott' or if you understand what it implies - but that is what he is talking about.


My problem with it is that it's a kneejerk reaction when they stated they are going to do something and that they are paying attention. At this point we need to break down our arguments into coherent, rational form and lump them together so we can have it all in one place, and point the devs there when they come a-lookin'. It's the best way to get something done. Act like an angry mob and get hosed with the water cannon, act like a reasonable human being and get invited to come sit and talk.

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