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Braton Prime Buff, An Outrage And A Half.


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I'm a bit torn, on one hand I've never really had issues with the ammo capacity in the first place, and throw on an ammo mutation and you've got yourself a never-ending hose of bullets. And now that you kill stuff with less bullets, I honestly don't think the reduced ammo max will be that big of an issue. On the other hand, the Boltor Prime and other, stronger rifles don't have a reduced ammo max, so the "nerf" seems like a bit of a curve ball.


Overall, it seems like an unnecessary change, not because it's a bad tradeoff, just... pointless.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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I was using it on high level Grineer last night. It does fine on them with corrosive damage. It can debuff their armor quite quickly with around 60% status and a 21.1 fire rate--which is entirely in the realm of the Grakata.


I think my Valkyr will finally completely give up her Grineer loadout now. It started with the Scindo Prime and now the BratonP can supplant the Grak. Secondary is still a bit up in the air, but I'm sure she can work something out.

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If you only fight Infested, sure.

Base dmg type doesnt matter. at all, it consists of less than 25% of total weapon dps.


Without any elements

Raw Damage Per Second :: 3607,178

4 non event elemental mods added

Raw Damage Per Second :: 16593,018


Sure you may say its dps boost if you get matching dmg type but lets check it.

standard braton build with mag/gas

Damage Per Second to Shield :: 21363,511

same build but base dmg type set to 35 impact

Damage Per Second to Shield :: 23266,298

Whole 2k dps gain, which is 11% dps gain, certainly not worth condemning a weapon for such tiny dmg boost.

Edited by Davoodoo
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I was expecting a thread of people complaining about the Braton Prime being too good now.

Personally, I haven't felt the ammo nerf so far. Eight spare magazines seem plenty enough for a gun that packs a lot of punch in one bullet.

me neither, tested it in a survival just now didnt run out of ammo once


awesome buff imo, feels like an actual prime weapon now

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I've run it out of ammo, but that was in some lvl25ish infested defenses on the grineer mining base and that particular map magnifies ammo issues.


It's performance, however, is what we've been waiting and asking for. More really--considering this gun can reach 23k+ dps and has Grak level status effects.


It's most definitely a prime's prime now. I suspect its ammo restriction is to balance it against the BurstonP and LatronP which it just surpassed in damage output.

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As the title says.  

Braton Prime has been in need of a buff since damage 2.0 if not longer and to those of us who admire straight up Rifles. We get a lie told to us in the form of "Buff" when in reality it did nothing more than spit in our faces. 

For a mere TEN Damage, 10 base status and an increased fire rate. We lost more than 100 rounds. How is that worth in anyway? 

"But we got an increased clip size!" When we also lost more ammo in the long run? 

"But Status!" You mean when we got a 30% status chance which is a proc every 2 shots before this supposed "buff"? 

"But fire rate!" You mean that thing that wasn't an issue in anyway because shred existed? 

Honestly, this is the worst case scenario. DE, Just revert it.No buff is worth losing that much ammo. 



DUDE. There is this lovely thing called a dual stat mod. With 3 dual stat mods this gun proc's like the grakata. Meaning... I can strip enemies of armor, I can continously chop there health in half, i can proc SO MANY @(*()$ SLASH procs (its kinda funny actually) that all i need to do is get them to half health and then watch the fun. THIS GUN IS AMAZING NOW. Sure i wouldnt mind 5 more damage. BUT I DONT NEED IT. I HAVENT HAD AMMO PROBLEMS, AND I AM RUNNING VILE ACCELERATION ANNND SHRED. ITS CALLED "BURST FIRE" revolutionary I know. This gun finally got an amazing buff, and i dont want to see it go. This gun is exactly what i want it to be now. Its what i have been waiting for another status gun that isnt the grakata. (I have a 5 forma grakata the innaccuracy gets to you after a while). Please DE dont take away my new born (Braton Prime). I love him....

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So...what exactly is the point of even having different base physical damage types if that is indeed fact?

Slash procs are hilarious?

Mostly because it affects about a fifth of your procs, which is a big deal on guns that can't reliably proc every two shots. Impact procs are pretty useless, slash procs vary depending on the base damage of the weapon, and puncture apparently reduces damage output of enemies, but I don't see much difference ever.

Also, for people who don't have 4 element builds. I mean, by the time you get braton prime, it doesn't matter, but for earlier players, its actually quite a visible effect.

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How dare you talk about my baby braton prime like this! Death to the heretics!

No seriously they are right mate, look at all the numbers, they tell that the braton prime is drasticaly changing, and all the numbers say it's a plus for it, hell it may be even viable for end game, i dont know much full auto rifle hitscan viable in end game.

Edited by lightini
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Braton Prime just became one of the best rifles in the game when it got that buff, it has a place, it has a purpose, it does something right.


People are looking at it right now saying Boltor Prime is better and stuff, Braton Prime is a hit scan weapon, it has 20% status Chance, the majority of the damage is slash, which is amazing, it´s basically a weapon that every single bullet will have 44% Status Chance if you use 2 elemental mods with increased status chance, you can mod it to be a Status chance weapon that has 68% Status Chance!!! with 4 Elemental Mods.


This is the God of Status Chance.

I thought the God of Status Chance was Tysis? still braton prime is amazing now, unless you use it like a bullet hose. which is probably the problem why most of the people saying it is bad think it is bad.

Time your shots in short bursts, Don't spray and pray.

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