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A Heartfelt Song, Minigun


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If only I could make DE understand, I just wish for one thing in my arsenal.

I dont see how a world that has such wonderful things, could lack...


Look at warframe, isnt it neat? ♫
Many weapons to kill the grineer! ♫
Wouldn't you think that we have, enough to kill, anything! ♫  
Look at these guns, shine under the sun! ♫
How many wonders can one liset hold? ♫  
Looking at this arsenal you'd think, Sure, he has everything! ♫  

I've got rifles and pistols aplenty ♫
I've got melee weapons to slice and to chop! ♫  
Wanna know how many formas this've got? its got twenty! ♫
But who cares? No big deal! I want a miniguuuuuuuuun! ♫  

I wanna hold, it in my hands ♫
I wanna see, the grineer dying! ♫
Being grinded into chunks of, what'd you call it? Oh, Meat! ♫

Using one gun, you wont get too far ♫
Barrels are required for shooting, mowing ♫
Laying wasted along, whats that word again? Streeeeeak! ♫

With a minigun, its barrels hot! ♫
being soothed by that spinning sound! ♫
Bullets flying free, slaying grineer, with my minigun! ♫

What would I give, if I could rain, bullets at the stalker! ♫
What would I pay, to spend a day, with that gatling gal! ♫

Betcha DE, they'll understand, and give us that rotating wonder! ♫
Full of bullets, barrel's spinning, ready to staaaaaaaaaart! ♫

Im ready to go, and kill some foes! ♫

Press the trigger and fire the barrels! ♫

As it fires watch everything, whats the word? Buuuuuurn! ♫


When's it my tuuuuurn? wouldn't I loooooove! ♫

Love to kill everything with a miniguuuuuuuuuun! ♫


DE, please..♫ >Sad Gasp<  Wish I could keep.... ♫

A mini...guuuuuuuuuun ♫

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Mi...ni..gun, minigun! How I love minigun! ♫
Love to shoot and to main little grineer! ♫

First I rip off their flesh and I purverize ze bones! ♫
With ze bullets from ze rotating barrels! ♫

Minigun, minigun, HEH HEH HEH HOH HOH HOH! ♫
With ze bullets, I hacks zem in two! ♫

I spill out whats inside to serve the Lotus' cause! ♫
God, I love miniguns, dont you? ♫


If you have to kill all ze bastards! ♫
Do it in ze classic technique! ♫

First your tear through their armor with ze bullets! ♫
Then you shoot through the skin, make them bleed out all nice! ♫
Then you rub some salt in, cuz that makes them scream nice! ♫


Zut alors, I have missed one!


Sacre bleu, what is this? How a grineer did I missed, with the bullets from my minigun? ♫

Quel dommage, what a loss! here we go! more minigun! ♫

Now some bullets to kill you dead! ♫


Now I stuff with lead, it dont hurt, cuz you're dead! ♫

And you're certanly lucky you are! ♫


Cuz its gonna be hot on the other end of my minigun! ♫

Toodle loo, mon Grinneer, Au revoir ♫

Edited by ChaosMatrix
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Let's bump this thread constantly (like the "Buff Braton Prime" thread) so that one day DE may realize that the world peace cannot be achieved unless they put a glorious rotating barrel, hip mounted, big @$$ minigun in the game. 


But I sometimes think DE really HATES miniguns. I mean, we have a rotating barrel gun (Cestra), we have three wind-up guns (Supra, Gorgon & Soma), we have a big @$$ hip-mounted gun (Archwing Imperator), but we still don't have a traditional, real minigun. 


I want to cry. 

Edited by elele
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Let's bump this thread constantly (like the "Buff Braton Prime" thread) so that one day DE may realize that the world peace cannot be achieved unless they put a glorious rotating barrel, hip mounted, big @$$ minigun in the game. 


But I sometimes think DE really HATES miniguns. I mean, we have a rotating barrel gun (Cestra), we have three wind-up guns (Supra, Gorgon & Soma), we have a big @$$ hip-mounted gun (Archwing Imperator), but we still don't have a traditional, real minigun. 


I want to cry. 

Dont worry, I still have more little mermaid songs to use!

Edited by ChaosMatrix
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Gotta keep! ♫


One bump, ahead of the post line! ♫

One reply, to get eyes on my post! ♫

I wish, only for a minigun! ♫


That's everything! ♫


One bump, over the last one! ♫

That's all, and that's no joke! ♫

These guys, don't appreciate a good post!


<<Riftrat! screw that!

Down vote! Take that!>>


Just a minigun guys! ♫

<<Take the post down, vote it out guys! ♫>>


I can take a hint! Gotta fact the facts! ♫

Still a minigun would be pretty cool! ♫



Oh its sad ChaosMatrix making a post now! ♫

He's become a one man rise in spam! ♫


I'd blame parents, except tenno haven't got'em! ♫>>


Gotta post in here ♫

To catch the eye of DE ♫

Tell you all about it when I get the gun! ♫


One bump, ahead of the upvotes! ♫

One post, ahead of my doom! ♫

Next patch, hope the minigun goes through! ♫


One quote, ahead of the deadline! ♫

One hit, ahead of the folks! ♫

I think, I'll post more about the minigun! ♫


<<Stop him!


Ban Him!



Let's not be too hasty! ♫

The minigun will kill things easy! ♫


Gotta post in here ♫

To catch the eye of DE ♫

To get the miningun! ♫




One bump, to get at DE! ♫

<<Vandal! >>


One quote, ahead of the mods! ♫

<<Screw that!>>


One trick, to get what Im after! ♫



Guns are quick, but minigun's much faster! ♫

<<Down vote that!>>


Here goes! To get the minigun in, Gotta get DE to note this! ♫

All I gotta do is pooooooooost! ♫

Edited by ChaosMatrix
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Lets get down to business, to get a minigun! ♫

All thats its needed now, its simply to upvote! ♫


This forum's got some tough game, but you can bet before we're through! ♫

DE, I'll, get this gun, out of you!



Spinning multi barrels, shooting fire at grineer!♫

Once this is in warframe, the tenno are sure to win! ♫


DE, you've added quite a lot, But you havent got a clue! ♫

Somehow I'll, get this gun, out of yooooooouuuu! ♫




<<I'm never gonna use anything else! ♫


Say good bye to anything I'm shooting! ♫


Boy, the grineer are about to have it grim ♫


This gun's about to kill Alad dead! ♫


Its bullets will shoot right through him! ♫


Now I really wish that I had it to kill him with! ♫>>




Minigun! ♫

It will be shift as it tears through livers! ♫


Minigun! ♫

Barrels spinning like a great typhoon! ♫


Minigun! ♫

Feeling great as the weapon fires! ♫


DE you need to add this in sooooooooon! ♫




Time is racing towards us, till the patch arrives! ♫

With a minigun in order, the tenno might, survive! ♫


This is undisputed for, the rage of war! ♫

So gear up and just shoot through! ♫


How could I, get this gun, out of yooouuuuuu? ♫




Minigun! ♫

It will be shift as it tears through livers! ♫


Minigun! ♫

Barrels spinning like a great typhoon! ♫


Minigun! ♫

Feeling great as the weapon fires! ♫


DE you need to add this in soooooooooon! ♫




Minigun! ♫

It will be shift as it tears through livers! ♫


Minigun! ♫

Barrels spinning like a great typhoon! ♫


Minigun! ♫

Feeling great as the weapon fires! ♫


DE you need to add this in sooooooon! ♫

Edited by ChaosMatrix
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I wish upvotes could bump threads up, I fear I will defile this thread with my post but what must be done, must be done.

Oh great OP can I make a request? Any Hunchback scores with Latin to match? Or Colors of the Wind?


You think I'm a ignorant savage. ♫

That wants guns with barrels, I guess it must be so. ♫


But still I cannot see, if the savage one is me. ♫

How can you kill things without minigun? ♫

Without miniguuuuuuun. ♫



You think your gun's better cuz its a rifle ♫

A minigun its not really all that great ♫


But I know that rotating minigun barrels ♫

Without strife, can kill all thats there! ♫




You think the only tenno, who are tenno ♫

are the tenno who shoot with one barrel like you! ♫


But if you shoot a hundred bullets at Vay hek ♫

You'll learn fun, you never knew, you never knew! ♫




Have you ever heard the minigun shoot at speeds full? ♫

Or asked the dying grineer how it feels? ♫


Can you shoot with all the bullets of your barrels? ♫

Can you spill all the blood of the grineer? ♫


Can you spill all the blood of the grineeeeeer? ♫




Come run the crafting plans with ordis! ♫

Come put all the formas in your inventory there! ♫


Come roll in all the bullets that your gun spews ♫

And for once, never fear putting more mods! ♫




Serration and split chamber are my chosen! ♫

Shred and speed trigger are already there! ♫


And we are all killing the corrupted, in a barrel, whose rotation never ends! ♫




How high can your killing streak go? ♫

Without minigun, then you'll never know! ♫




And you'll never heard the minigun shoot at speeds full! ♫

Or whether you can mow down all the grineer! ♫


We need to shoot with all the bullets of our barrels! ♫

we need to spill all the blood of the grineer! ♫



You can own a gun and still, all you've got is gun until, you can shoot.....with multi barrels at grineeeeeeeeeeeer! ♫

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I must say the thought of Mesa with that giant revolving destruction is pretty great. Someone get this man a minigun, just make sure it's not of grineer faction I would hate to see the new actual Heavy units running around with that kind of badass

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I must say the thought of Mesa with that giant revolving destruction is pretty great. Someone get this man a minigun, just make sure it's not of grineer faction I would hate to see the new actual Heavy units running around with that kind of badass

Grineer Commander Commander pls

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We need a minigun this S#&amp;&#036; is so important. I mean minigun's are all "manly" and S#&amp;&#036;, and here we have a bunch of men singing disney to get one! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM US DE? How about this... if we get a minigun, as a thank you, i will post a video of me tap dancing to disney music?

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