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Mod Levels Need To Be Adjustable.


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This is something I have believed in ever since I started playing, and with these new missions that have a maximum conclave rating, it's even more of an issue.


Considering the sheer amount of time and credits involved in maxing mods, (ESPECIALLY the rank 10 ones...) it feels as if you are actually punished for ranking mods up. Sure, they get stronger, but their cost increases (thus making it more punishing to forma things, since you won't be able to equip mods as early as you could), thier conclave ranking increases, and the cost to level them up further exponentially increases.


The system as it is now requires players to farm for several copys of mods, and to level them up to all the different ranks just to have a bit of flexibility (not to mention the EXTRA set of dupes you need for sentinel weapons...). However, this is insane cost-wise, time-wise, and rng-wise.


There needs to be a way to adjust the ranks of our mods temporarily (NOT permanently. I remember one DEv said they might put in a way to un-rank mods, but permanently, and for a price... Seriously?), so we can get some flexibility in our builds without grinding our lives away.


(P.S. On a semi-related note, there shouldn't be a restriction on Sentinels using the same mods in their weapons as the Tenno. All this does is FURTHER increase grinding. Also, Rank 10 mods need to go, or the way the cost of upgrading mods increases needs to serioulsy be adjusted. Every new Rank 10 mod makes me cringe, since even the common ones take forever to rank up, and cost a fortune.)

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