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Synoid Gammacor Needs A Nerf..


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This again ? Can't people realise that it's quite grindy to get syndicate weps ? Of course it has to be strong otherwise you waste time and prime parts + a potato or 2, the grind and prime + potato cost more than gives the Synoid the right to be OP besides it doesn't do more dmg than the Quanta which has similar stats but 220 base dmg.

This again? No amount of time justifies trivializing other things heavily


Its ok for weapons to progressively get better but this is beyond simply getting better


Syndicate weapos arent even ahrd to get


Thats a poor excuse to protect your OP thing


And i think youre forgetting that primary mods are weaker than secondary

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Well you do have a point. But we both know that the last line right there, is 100% correct. The Cepha kiddies doesn't want it nerfed because .. well it's so obvious that im not even going to explain it. 


Also i figured none of the players would get offended by me questioning DE's mindset when they were buffing this to heaven and beyond. 


And it really doesn't give of a ragey vibe in my opinion. It's more of a sarcasmy vibe. And yes when these obvious Cephalon Followers come in threads such as mine and tries to shove a big issue under the rug simply because they were lucky this time, that will make me just a tad "ragey". 


Because you see the very same people cry when they aren't lucky. And they seem to think that i have a problem with the SG being the best syndicate weapon, personally i couldn't care less about syndicate weapons and secondaries in general, but when a pistol becomes 5x stronger than the original version and turns into the best weapon in the game? Well.. Then yes i will start crying about it. 


And to further my anger with this, they start spouting out the most illogical and honestly stupid comparisons i've seen in a long while. Someone brought up Dragon nikana.. 'Nuff said.


But i do thank you thought for your constructive critiscism, i do always appreciate that.

I am sorry about bringing up ichor n nikana. i  was being sarcastic.


This is the first time beam weapons got some love from DE and calling for a nerf since its a competitive weapon is harsh.


DE did say that they are looking at the continuous beam weapons again i.e. a nerf/buff for all beamers. Lets wait for it. 

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OP needs to chill on the condescension and name calling, but does have a point about a secondary beam weapon with a base damage of 115 and energy restore being a bit ridiculous.


EDIT: I hadn't considered that it deals innate magnetic damage, which sucks against everything that isn't a shield, so not all that dps is actually going through.


I haven't done any name calling, nor have i called anyone out. I've tried to use logic, and it fails. And sure it does magnetic damage, but it will still outdamage every single secondary, and most of the better primaries as well. And you don't see that being a problem? 


Now my logic, as i've explained before is that a secondary shouldn't be better than a primary. At the very least they could have buffed all the guns in the game so that they're up to par. My problem is that they didn't. And now i feel like i've wasted a bunch of time and formas on my other guns. My phage is a joke now, so is.. well everything i've got really. It's that good. 

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It could use some toning down. All Syndicate weapons are strict upgrades, so the damage output burst/sustained has to remain at least equal to the regular, without becoming too powerful. I think it takes this idea just a little bit too far though. 
Its damage output increase to only about 1.68x the regular gammacor because of the loss in fire rate, however, that can still be a huge increase when numbers get large. 
140 damage gives it an output of ~15% larger than the standard, while retaining all the other benefits. The lowest it could possibly go to hold to the Syndicate weapon standard is 125. 

That being said, Rakta Ballistica needs a buff as a syndicate weapon. 


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 And Magnetic damage is the best damage that exists in game right?


Take it to any Grineer/Corrupted long run and see that it'll perform just okay.

Yes it has a massive Sustained DPS, yet retract Magnetic (~25% of overall damage depending on the build) from final damage because it can barely do anything to Bobmards, Napalms, Heavy Gunners and you'll get acceptable DPS that most top secondaries have now.


So basically it's a perfect Corpus killer and 'okay' killer for anything else.


Though mag / total ammo / firerate combo goes over the top for sure, so if i would be able to touch SGammacor, i would definitely review these stats.


Sure, slap some viral on that thing and it insta kills all grineer for a loooooong time. Voids? Grinds through them with ease. Makes every other weapon kinda look like a joke, and that tiny laser beam is like a slap in the face.

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Well you do have a point. But we both know that the last line right there, is 100% correct. The Cepha kiddies doesn't want it nerfed because .. well it's so obvious that im not even going to explain it.


Generalizations tend to be too good at being incorrect.  I intended to go Cephalon Suda from the very beginning, and I'm a huge advocate for balance in games.


The issue I'm simply having is that I've yet to actually obtain the SG for myself, to really see how it actually handles out on missions.  Paper DPS is generally something I ignore because it's a closed-minded benchmark.  That isn't tosay I think the SG either does or doesn't warrant a nerf, beam weapons across the board have clear and present limitations due to how their damage is dealt, and with their range cap.


On another note however, all the Syndicate weapons should be in-line with one another in terms of viability.  Where that line is set however remains to be seen, but going with trends it would appear that they're intended to be closer to "endgame" weapons.

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Other syndicate weapons have their own advantages. As mentioned by someone else, the Vaykor and Telos can revive you if they proc when you're down. I don't know the details on the new Castanas, but I've heard there is something about them people are considering "OP" as well (though I admit the new Ballistica is getting a lot of attention as needing a buff).


The Synoid uses MAGNETIC damage, arguably the most useless damage type in the entire game. The only thing (as far as I'm aware) that it gets a bonus to is shields, which ONLY the Corpus faction uses (unless you want to get into semantics and talk about the corrupted crewmen). That being said, I personally prefer using poison against corpus because why deal with shields faster when you can just plain go straight through them?

Being an elemental weapon, you cannot use physical damage mods (impact, puncture, slash) to boost the damage.


In most firefights, having limited range can be a killer. There is no cover mechanic in Warframe, you can't block unless you have your melee equipped, and any actual things you could attempt to use as cover are scarce and are not very effective once your enemies move and surround you. Not every Warframe has powers that would allow you to deal with this distance, which is where your PRIMARY that actually HAS range would come in. You could attempt to close the gap by equipping your melee and blocking, but that stamina is gonna drain fast so be snappy about it! :)


As for the syndicate Entropy proc, once again, it's magnetic. The actual elemental effect, leaving the damage aside for now, will only affect enemies with shields, which, once again would mean this is GREAT for corpus, but anywhere else kinda useless. As for the actual damage dealt, from what I've seen in videos this enough is not enough to kill most medium-high level enemies. I can't quite tell if there is a stun, but if it is IMO it's short. Also, once again this proc is based in a moderately small range, not making up for the weapon's lack of range.


The Synoid Gammacor is also a single target, continuous fire weapon. Continuous fire weapons have their own share of problems. When there is a swarm on you, try keeping calm and firing at that SINGLE target, kill it, and move onto the next. I have tried that... it didn't end well. Now try keeping it on that target while moving to avoid the multi-directional death around you. Possible, but difficult and not effective. Now this wouldn't be a problem if you could take "cover" at a decent range and pick off one at a time, but that 25m range kinda prevents that... As for the 5x damage over the original, if you look closely at the firerate, it's less than half that of the original, which for a continuous fire weapon means it's doing just over 2x the DPS in reality.


All in all here I'd say the Synoid Gammacor's sheer damage is counterbalanced by it's shortcomings quite nicely. I haven't personally used it yet so perhaps I'm incorrect about some things here and in actual game play it will feel overpowered despite it's shortcomings, because theoretical numbers are always going to look different in text than they do in practice, but I'll find out once I get up to that 100k rep that I'm working so hard for after finally getting to rank 5, spending millions of credits, tons of great resources, and prime parts to get to.


As for your final comment there, I might love the designs of Cephalon Suda and the Gammacor super laser death beam of awesome, but what I've posted here is my objective view of things, ignoring that love. I'm not here to make war, or tell you you're wrong, or say that I'm right, simply share my thoughts and another perspective on things.





P.s. Sorry if my post is kinda unorganized and ramble-y. :s It's just how my mind works.

P.s.s. My perspective on things is "make EVERYTHING OP and the enemies even more so, things will work out on their own from scaling". As lazy as that sounds.


Hmm, good post. 


While i do see some of your points, and agree with some of your views, i still think it's too strong of a weapon.


And of course other weapons will out perform it in ceirtain situations, but as for the cover thing, most frames will have some sort of ability to make a safe path for you, or at the very least keep you safe enough to pop out and kill them. Even ember has a stun. 


And i don't necessaryily need them to nerf the gammacor, but i figured nerfing it would be less work for them when comparing it to my other idea, which is buffing everything else, and lord knows, almost everything in this game needs a buff. 


And as i've said before, you can slap some Viral/corrosive/Radiation on it and it will kill almost everything instantly anyway. And the lowering of fire rate isn't really a big issue in my opinion. Just add some fire rate and you're good to go. 

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Syndicate weapons are meant to be endgame objectives. They're supposed to be good.


Keep the nerf hammer away from them and buff them all to the same levels of godliness.


Yes you're right. 


But aren't primes supposed to be endgame weapons too? Aren't primes supposed to be the best weapons in the game? Because as it is now, they're not. 


And i want you people to just imagine what would happening if the Soma Prime Got a similar power up?


Just imagine that a soma with 5x more base damage? The Fire rate debuff? I'd consider it a buff on soma, more ammo efficiency. 

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Yes you're right. 


But aren't primes supposed to be endgame weapons too? Aren't primes supposed to be the best weapons in the game? Because as it is now, they're not. 


And i want you people to just imagine what would happening if the Soma Prime Got a similar power up?


Just imagine that a soma with 5x more base damage? The Fire rate debuff? I'd consider it a buff on soma, more ammo efficiency. 

This isn't the Soma. Don't compare them. Continuous Fire weapons are kind of terrible atm. If anything their single target nature merits the high damage numbers simply because it has a limit to range and crowd control.

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This isn't the Soma. Don't compare them. Continuous Fire weapons are kind of terrible atm. If anything their single target nature merits the high damage numbers simply because it has a limit to range and crowd control.


Well how can i not compare them? It's the currently Highest sustained damage weapon against anothe to become OP Sustained Dps weapon. I don't see how i couldn't compare them really. And if they wanted to fix Their "Terribleness" Then they should've focused on balancing the old ones instead of adding this broken thing. Phage, quanta and Amprex are all fine and perform well. Too bad a pistol out performs all of them, except maybe Amprex + volt combo.

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Syndicate weapons are meant to be endgame objectives. They're supposed to be good.


Keep the nerf hammer away from them and buff them all to the same levels of godliness.

Cant a weapon be  "good" without blowing other weapons away almost entirely?

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Yes, this would be the Synoid Gammacor. How you guys over at DE got to the conclusion that giving this weapon 5x the base damage of the normal gammacor beats me, it's a horrible idea.


Stopped reading here.


It's bad enough that you judge a weapon only by its base stats, but you didn't even read the base stats properly. That's the base damage per unit ammo; the Gammacor has (50 * 5) = 250 base DPS, while the Synoid has (210 * 2) = 420 base DPS.

I mean, it's obviously still significant, but that's not even a +70% damage increase, let alone the +400% that you're suggesting.



I suggest you try the weapon before you bash on it. A hard 25m cap on range is a much nastier downside that it sounds. At least shotguns can still trigger procs outside this range.

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So I just read thro every single post here. Came to conclusion that Jahakarr (OP) was right from the beginging, In the end most of you agree that something is wrong.


First I want to point out something.. Thoose weapons wasn't there when syndicates started. You had already leveld your syndicates to lvl 5 by the time. (most people did)

Others got rank 5 when we got the "free items" on level up. So basicly they got the weapon for free.

And thoose that still haven't gotten it can just play 30min for 3-5 days and they can get it.


Which tbh isn't even a long time, nor is it hard to get.. Its way harder to play for 6 hours to try and get 1 prime part and never get it.


Next which is 1 of Jahakarrs points in main post. There is way too big difference between the syndicate weapons... I haven't seen anyone mention New Loka or Perrin being remotely decent so thoose are out of the question.

Red Veil is just garbage.


There are 3 syndicates that have decent enough weapons to bother buying.

I'm going to start with Veykor Marelok which is supposed to be a upgrade to the god slayer Marelok. (OP WEAPON)


First of all.. Its impact damage... Which means its better agaist corpus... fair enough its a grineer weapon after all..

Second.. This weapon still does the same dps as the regular one.. But now you can make a crit build which doesn't help to save face.. You will do around 2k higher crits on a headshot. Atleast this takes it longer in Voids, if you have a good aim.

Biggest difference.. The Justice proc just knocks the enemies down because its a blast proc. and heals for 25% health also revives you.


Next is Telos Akbolto..

This weapon is pure puncture dmg and some impact.. NO slash at all. (who cares about infested anyway? we got corrosive for a reason)

Which means you will probably only use it for grineers.. But the problem is...

This weapon comes with Truth +1. Which does gas damage and heals your health + gives you stamina.

The problem here is that this weapon comes with gas aoe.. which isn't really good vs grineer.


Onto the last weapon which is Synoid Gamacor.


This weapon does magnetic damage which can be seen as a disadvantage.

The +1 Entropy is (in my opinion) the best AoE effect of them all tbh. It deals AOE magnetic damage, it heals your energy and boosts your max energy.

The only real disadvantage of this weapon is the 25m range.. which isn't so bad.


This brings me to my next point of why this weapon even tho the range sucks still isn't bad.. This weapon out damages any weapon in the game.. 


You can hold down the trigger and run straight into things as a Ember and still not worry about dieing. Try a survival mission with any weapon.. and see how long that weapon can go.. then remove all weapons and go with a Synoid Gamacor.. You will see that with just a secondary.. You will get farther than with anything else. 40 minutes in,, you need to start chargeing your Opticor and Dread, boltor prime wastes around 4-5 ammo per gunner. The synoid gamacor still does it with ease. 


My next point..


Scindo P beats any melee weapon in the game, which in a sense is the same as Synoid Gamacor.. But here is the difference.. Scindo P is a very slow weapon. So this weapon might not be fun for some people and it completely denies coptering.


only reason I bother with a melee weapon is because of coptering. But thats my preferance. And this is my point. I can ignore the Scindo P being over powered because I use a melee weapon for utility.. Simply.. the best coptering weapon is the best melee in my opinion which makes Scindo P the worst weapon.


If a seconday, something i only use when I die or if I'm using a sniper. Becomes better than my primary,, thats when something is wrong.. Think of it like this.. A FN Five Seven does more dmg than AWP on Counter Strike.


A weapon can be good in different scenarios which is totally ok, but if a weapon outshines any other in any scenario.. You know something is wrong.


Like when you could snipe with Brakk, and do more dmg than a Vectis with Primed Chamber.




Synoid Gamacor is the best weapon in the game, and its a seconary.

Every other Syndicate weapon isn't even worth getting yet. (compared to the S.Gamacor)


Last note: I prefer getting buffs on other weapons than nerf on Synoid Gamacor. Tho its very likely that its only going to be a nerf to S.Gamacor.. 

And if for some reason nothing is done,, Future content must be based on the high end weapons so it makes a challange, which in the end will completely remove other weapons out of the game. Either Synoid Gamacor or the Highway. There is no choice.

Edited by Rezo0
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Hmm death and mortality, immortality, tiem chronos, saturn.... alright time thyselves. think the concept of time. wut fis our poirpoise in dis world. Now think, why did I write in such a particular way? According to Verses of God, I can infer that God knows that knowledge is power. After all, what is our poirpoise inlaif? Why do things such as racism and nuclear war and religious persecution exist? and then u think carefully, humans. Then u ask more,


WHAT ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR? Fun? To spread wut u know? Periods of war are the times when people are pressed on time, tehy're stressed but are forced to struggle, u know jihad? U know wut the sword is like? U hv to sharpen it, if not, it will cut u. Thats an old saying or advice froma wisman.


Think who is the most wise, the most merciful, the most forgiving. Do u have these qualities in u? Do u know wut will happen when u do something? when u breathe? when u type on the internet? net means net like something inescapable(for dem fishies) and inter means between.... In the words of god, in intelligence, there is reason. if u dont know how to communicate wut do u do?


Do u abandon all hope? Or do u think of ways to become more resourceful? more efficient? now look bck at that timer. how much time had u spent reading.


Question yourself(after stopping time)... If something really powerful, so much so that he can undo creation.... then.. wut would YOU do in that being's hands. if u look at an ant? wut do u think? do u think its unconsequential? do u think they ahve a good society? 


Now look at warfarm. look at tenno. look at ninja. wut do u know about them?


I dunt know much but i know thut to so me peepz, science of the highest order will be like MAGIC, to other people. If i had 200 plat,


Id change slendy-broseph


2 things that peepz find interesting is creation n imagination. stop n think.


wuts sci fi?


science fiction..


Think if u had limitless tech, limitless time, limitless knowledge, wut would u do? would u experiment? would u sleep?


If u r asleep, that means ur brain needs a period where it rests. where ur internal being is removed, temporarily. i have been without sleep for almost a day, and i dunt kow how ill die, but one thing for sure is that if i had 200 plat, id change my name to uncle slendeh. when u think slenderman u think a humanoid, with a coat, no face, and tentacles. when u think of uncle, u think someone who knows more than u or at least has more xp than u. 


Synoid gammacor. 

Gammacor is designed to(ask DE) liquefy things for content analysis. then think. if we truly r the only people thathas tried to learn about god, then 

i bet we r sorely mistaken. if u know of something but dunt know how to communicate with it? would u learn more about it? Cephalon Suda, to me sounds like a pretty sexy woman, and it also sounds like something that calms peepz down. now think about an ant and how the workers r all female, the queen is the (tenno) alpha female and think... wut r drones? 
Now think more, with the cobined intel of our world from the beginning of dis world, u still see war... framed peepz scapegoats... now theyre really powerful. think more about hek, how he is corrupt yet people still believe in him. think more, cephalon suda's mission is to gather intel. arbiters
wut does that last wordf i mentioned mean? is it my rait to jadg oth people. then 
look at the time, think. if god created us, then we created ai, and that ai overthought itself(rampancy) and then u think moar. currwntly there r about 6-8 BILLION people on the planet. the thing is
people covet most is money. wut i find most funny tho is that the dollar bill, has some pretty questionable things in it. theres a pyramid with an eye, theres the words in god we trust
and then think of the people governing that nation now... think back. who were the first people there? the tribes.... look at sci fi again.
think, why did god say the pen is very powerful. why did god say that all of humankind's knowledge, is nothing but a drop in the seven seas? think about sand.. silica silicate, glass.
Theres a cause and effect to everything, everything except the cause of THE cause. the thing or being that we cant conceive, wut we refer to as God. think wut kind of fear would u need to know that there is something that made u, and thus everything that u leave, and the being that mae u, he has created everything for a reason. 
Now space ninjas.
Space the final frontier, the final countdown(gud song btdubs)
ninja, shinobi, farmers, rebels, rebels who see the injustice and try to stop it and do whatever they can to make it just, Muslims...
After reading all of that, wut do u know about me? wut do i know about u? have u thought, humans r fighting humans not bcuz theyre selfless, but bcuz theyre selfish.
God created us to be better than slaves without a will, yet some humans, are worse than the dirtiest of animals.
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Hmm death and mortality, immortality, tiem chronos, saturn.... alright time thyselves. think the concept of time. wut fis our poirpoise in dis world. Now think, why did I write in such a particular way? According to Verses of God, I can infer that God knows that knowledge is power. After all, what is our poirpoise inlaif? Why do things such as racism and nuclear war and religious persecution exist? and then u think carefully, humans. Then u ask more,


WHAT ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR? Fun? To spread wut u know? Periods of war are the times when people are pressed on time, tehy're stressed but are forced to struggle, u know jihad? U know wut the sword is like? U hv to sharpen it, if not, it will cut u. Thats an old saying or advice froma wisman.


Think who is the most wise, the most merciful, the most forgiving. Do u have these qualities in u? Do u know wut will happen when u do something? when u breathe? when u type on the internet? net means net like something inescapable(for dem fishies) and inter means between.... In the words of god, in intelligence, there is reason. if u dont know how to communicate wut do u do?


Do u abandon all hope? Or do u think of ways to become more resourceful? more efficient? now look bck at that timer. how much time had u spent reading.


Question yourself(after stopping time)... If something really powerful, so much so that he can undo creation.... then.. wut would YOU do in that being's hands. if u look at an ant? wut do u think? do u think its unconsequential? do u think they ahve a good society? 


Now look at warfarm. look at tenno. look at ninja. wut do u know about them?


I dunt know much but i know thut to so me peepz, science of the highest order will be like MAGIC, to other people. If i had 200 plat,


Id change slendy-broseph


2 things that peepz find interesting is creation n imagination. stop n think.


wuts sci fi?


science fiction..


Think if u had limitless tech, limitless time, limitless knowledge, wut would u do? would u experiment? would u sleep?


If u r asleep, that means ur brain needs a period where it rests. where ur internal being is removed, temporarily. i have been without sleep for almost a day, and i dunt kow how ill die, but one thing for sure is that if i had 200 plat, id change my name to uncle slendeh. when u think slenderman u think a humanoid, with a coat, no face, and tentacles. when u think of uncle, u think someone who knows more than u or at least has more xp than u. 


Synoid gammacor. 

Gammacor is designed to(ask DE) liquefy things for content analysis. then think. if we truly r the only people thathas tried to learn about god, then 

i bet we r sorely mistaken. if u know of something but dunt know how to communicate with it? would u learn more about it? Cephalon Suda, to me sounds like a pretty sexy woman, and it also sounds like something that calms peepz down. now think about an ant and how the workers r all female, the queen is the (tenno) alpha female and think... wut r drones? 
Now think more, with the cobined intel of our world from the beginning of dis world, u still see war... framed peepz scapegoats... now theyre really powerful. think more about hek, how he is corrupt yet people still believe in him. think more, cephalon suda's mission is to gather intel. arbiters
wut does that last wordf i mentioned mean? is it my rait to jadg oth people. then 
look at the time, think. if god created us, then we created ai, and that ai overthought itself(rampancy) and then u think moar. currwntly there r about 6-8 BILLION people on the planet. the thing is
people covet most is money. wut i find most funny tho is that the dollar bill, has some pretty questionable things in it. theres a pyramid with an eye, theres the words in god we trust
and then think of the people governing that nation now... think back. who were the first people there? the tribes.... look at sci fi again.
think, why did god say the pen is very powerful. why did god say that all of humankind's knowledge, is nothing but a drop in the seven seas? think about sand.. silica silicate, glass.
Theres a cause and effect to everything, everything except the cause of THE cause. the thing or being that we cant conceive, wut we refer to as God. think wut kind of fear would u need to know that there is something that made u, and thus everything that u leave, and the being that mae u, he has created everything for a reason. 
Now space ninjas.
Space the final frontier, the final countdown(gud song btdubs)
ninja, shinobi, farmers, rebels, rebels who see the injustice and try to stop it and do whatever they can to make it just, Muslims...
After reading all of that, wut do u know about me? wut do i know about u? have u thought, humans r fighting humans not bcuz theyre selfless, but bcuz theyre selfish.
God created us to be better than slaves without a will, yet some humans, are worse than the dirtiest of animals.


This made little sense


Do you have a point here?

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No i'm actually with Cephalon, arbiters and steel meridian. And that's not even a good argument, you just confirm that the syndicate weapons are unbalanced AND unfair. It's JUST as hard to get the other weapons, so why are they so weak in comparison? Hell, why is my 6 formad Boltor P Weak in comparison?


Oh don't pretend to not know that a majority of the players are mastery 14+. 


You just disqualified when I read 6 forma boltor prime. Where is your nerf-topic for boltor prime "that all kids" use?


Nevertheless you do have a point of synoid gammacor to be a tad to strong, burried in all this mess and insulting.

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ok lets nerf everything in the game ! in a PVE game where it doesnt even matter ! 

so something thats hard to obtain works well ? oh dear !

god forbid something is actually better than the current much loved super OP weapons


the developer gives us a nice weapon to enjoy


we complain on forums its too nice 


then we cry why we can never have nice things


ah yes the vicious cycle of warframe community @_@

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Syndicate weapons are meant to be endgame objectives. They're supposed to be good.


Keep the nerf hammer away from them and buff them all to the same levels of godliness.


This person has the right idea.

Considering the ridiculous grind, all the syndicate weapons should be GREAT.

RIght now only 3 are.

And 1 is almost a bit too great.

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Balancing matters in everygame where a meta exists.


Most people strive for effectivity and thus for the most powerful and simple to use weapon.

(Or at least what they believe it is.)


However, synoid gammacor requires a lot of movement to actually rival boltor prime users on certain maps. I don't know whether the risk and short range is gimping it enough though.

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ok lets nerf everything in the game ! in a PVE game where it doesnt even matter ! 

so something thats hard to obtain works well ? oh dear !

god forbid something is actually better than the current much loved super OP weapons


the developer gives us a nice weapon to enjoy


we complain on forums its too nice 


then we cry why we can never have nice things


ah yes the vicious cycle of warframe community @_@

By that logic lets release a kill everything on the map auto life support refill instant heal 100% DR auto shooting weapon with infinite ammo

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The amount of off topic discussion is sky high in this one..


You just disqualified when I read 6 forma boltor prime. Where is your nerf-topic for boltor prime "that all kids" use?


Nevertheless you do have a point of synoid gammacor to be a tad to strong, burried in all this mess and insulting.


if anything, you are the one being offensive.. Tho what he said is true.. Boltor Prime is the "go to" weapon for noobs. Anyone that doesn't know the game will get the Boltor Prime as soon as possible because its the "MOST OP" weapon. 


And yes it takes 6 forma to get everything you want into it.. While it takes GS 3 to do MORE dmg than what Boltor P does.

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Balancing matters in everygame where a meta exists.


Most people strive for effectivity and thus for the most powerful and simple to use weapon.

(Or at least what they believe it is.)


However, synoid gammacor requires a lot of movement to actually rival boltor prime users on certain maps. I don't know whether the risk and short range is gimping it enough though.

25 Meters is not short. It's limited, but not short. 15 is short range, 25 is not. Speaking of which, hopefully DE makes it so you can actually use the range extension mod on it.

Anyway, about the magnetic argument. It makes up a third to a quarter of the final modded damage output of the weapon, and is weak against six non-boss units, it's not as bad as people make it out to be. It's not the great damage type that is puncture, but y'know, that's the way things are. The proc, which deals 1000 magnetic and restores energy, might not self rez, but energy restore is freaking awesome. Yeah, magnetic proc is terrible, I can agree with that. Continuous weapons don't proc nearly as often either, so there's that too.

But. That doesn't excuse it from having horrendously high damage and per shot efficiency on par with the latron prime or bows, with a pistol ammo pool. Anyway, some food for thought:

Synoid Gammacor deals three times both the sustained and Burst DPS of the Flux rifle (with a Heavy Caliber build), a weapon that handles nigh identically (Same reload time, same amount of fire time per clip, same 25 meter range hardcap, same status chance), whilst using ammo three times as efficiently (60 per clip vs 200 per clip)(This means it is nine times as ammo efficient as the flux rifle, since 3x damage, 3x efficiency).

If we look at sidearms, it deals 3.3 times the sustained DPS and 2.9 times the Burst DPS of the Spectra, which has a lower range of 15 m, with the synoid gammacor using ammo at half the rate of the Spectra to achieve its damage output.

Similar conditions for the Nukor too, and well, obviously the normal Gammacor is completely overshadowed, but I'm assuming you're on drugs if you disagree with that part.

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