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Occultus, Warframe Of The Occult!


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Occultus uses his supernatural powers to banish his enemies into damnation

Ability 1: Damnation
Creates a portal under nearby enemies.They will be banished to the Underworld.

Ability 2: Claws of Death
Summons giant claws from the ground that slay enemies with a powerful slash.

Ability 3: Unknown

Ability 4: Hell's Gate
Sits in the center of a Pentagram, calling Demons from the Underworld. They will seek and tear apart enemies in a wide radius.

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1. You'll need more information for people to really get behind this.

2. Developers don't touch religion with a 10 1/2 foot pole for a very good reason.

3. Most of these abilities are copies of existing ones.

1. Idea is still developing, I'm sure it is not finished right away.

2. How exactly is this religious? The idea of an Underworld is from Roman/Greek religions, which have died out long ago.

3. I see how you might think that. I created these from the top of my head. I didnot copy any abilities, at least not conciously :/


Ability 3: Occultus Rift: Pop on a VR kit to play a game. Yo dawg, we put a game into your game.

Lol. But seriously, no.

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