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Ramifications Of Despoil


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Simple change. Health cost instead of Energy cost. Energy Efficiency suddenly becomes irrelevant, mod space can be given instead to duration and power strength for more ability to cast with his remaining 2 abilities (yeah, I still massively dislike Soul Punch). Will this make him 'viable' and to what degree?

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I'd like to remind everyone that there's a 2 hp orb exhange for a single cast of Despoil. in large rooms or number of enemies, it'll be a massively effective cast, I've had up to 8 hp orbs drop in a single cast. also can help with a trinity for inherent damage reduction on a team. I'll do some testing and update the thread.

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Despoil + equilibrium.


What are energy costs again?




Problem is for the mod to work he has to take a hit in health and energy to activate 

Nope. By spending health to desecrate, then picking up the health orbs it creates, he gains energy.

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This mod is really good for Nekros, as a whole.


Desecrate spam build requires Nekros to build Fleeting, and thus lower Duration. This change means that Nekros no longer has to gimp both Terrify and Shadows of the Dead for his main purpose.

So we can actually Build Power Strength Now while having a spammable Desecrate  this mean natural talent and rage maby quick thinking now time to test.

Edited by LurkenLurker
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Despoil allows to spam Desecrate without consuming energy. So we can drop Rage and Fleeting Expertise for other 2 mods.
Equilibrium shines with this mod, it synergize really well and won't make you ever be energyless.

I went from a full Energy gain build with -which allowed me to run everytime with full mana and spamming Desacrate-  to a more balanced build, and I felt no energy problem at all.. Just losing vitality makes you even squishier than before, but it's a matter of getting used to.
Life Strike becomes mandatory.
Rejuvenation Aura becomes a possibility to consider.



PS: I know the Efficency hard cap is 75%, on the previous build will only result in a single rank less on Fleeting Expertise, raising the power duration by 10%.. forgettable numbers.



PS: The screenshot have been made with an additional Intensify, so Shadows are 11 instead than 13, enemies terrified are 18 instead than 22 and Soul Punch damages drop to 700 about.

The real improvement comes from having from 7 to 11 shadows that lasts from 30 to 48 seconds. Which allows to rely more on Shadows of the Dead as an indirect crowd control and survival utility.
The damage on Soul Punch is anyway forgettable.
The duration on Terrify and the number of targets hit are going to be more effective, but the fact you won't have it for other 40 seconds and the core issues the skill has (target moving away, hard to hit, detrimental to cooperative play, ...) doesn't get fixed by this change.

The real problem is.. Now that we are 90/100 full energy, what are we going to do with all this Energy?

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Despoil allows to spam Desecrate without consuming energy. So we can drop Rage and Fleeting Expertise for other 2 mods.

Equilibrium shines with this mod, it synergize really well and won't make you ever be energyless.

I went from a full Energy gain build with -which allowed me to run everytime with full mana and spamming Desacrate-  to a more balanced build, and I felt no energy problem at all.. Just losing vitality makes you even squishier than before, but it's a matter of getting used to.

Life Strike becomes mandatory.

Rejuvenation Aura becomes a possibility to consider.




PS: I know the Efficency hard cap is 75%, on the previous build will only result in a single rank less on Fleeting Expertise, raising the power duration by 10%.. forgettable numbers.




The real improvement comes from having from 7 to 13 shadows that lasts from 30 to 48 seconds. Which allows to rely more on Shadows of the Dead as an indirect crowd control and survival utility.

The damage on Soul Punch is anyway forgettable.

The duration on Terrify and the number of targets hit are going to be more effective, but the fact you won't have it for other 40 seconds and the core issues the skill has (target moving away, hard to hit, detrimental to cooperative play, ...) doesn't get fixed by this change.

The real problem is.. Now that we are 90/100 full energy, what are we going to do with all this Energy?



I havnt been able to use it except for QT


And with trinity theres perma god mode

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Ramifications? It further cements Nekros' role as a Desecrator. Just what he needed. And now he's potentially a masochist battery for Blessing.


And no, his other abilities won't get more use because they are decidedly mediocre. They won't get more use anyway because what is Nekros supposed to do in a group? Desecrate.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Equilibrium for what? My energy is always full because the rest of nekros skills are just plain garbage.

To gain health back from energy orbs necros terrify can lorwer a targets armor By u to 40 to 45% corrosive projection on top of that lets nekros see high lvl game play and his shadows even though they have stripped down AI Can still body block and protect him the fact the shadows come back with the exact same armor stats as a target killed means there also are viable living shields in late game. Not to mention  desecrate itself can use use as party support and for just plain better loot drops.   just think out side the box at what this single mod allows nekros to do and we haven't even gotten the augments for the res of his ability's.

Edited by LurkenLurker
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Simple change. Health cost instead of Energy cost. Energy Efficiency suddenly becomes irrelevant, mod space can be given instead to duration and power strength for more ability to cast with his remaining 2 abilities (yeah, I still massively dislike Soul Punch). Will this make him 'viable' and to what degree?

Lolno, max efficiency still outweighs whatever you're gonna do without it.  Why jump through hoops with Equilibrium and w/e when you can just use a health/energy restore for the odd drought?  This mod will open an alternative but ultimately irrelevant playstyle for Nekros.  Nekros needs polish on his abilities, not trivial augments that don't even bandaid anything, let alone create good gameplay.  The instant revive augment is alright, though. 

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