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Enough Is Enough, De. Fix Dark Sectors Already.


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To name a few:

Balancing issues with weapons

Balancing issues with frames (lolember/limbo/banshee/ect.)

Balancing issues with difficulty (Too hard up front, too easy once you get that "uber loadout)


Once again, though, Scott's the only one allowed to make decisions to address these issues, so moving other employees away from their current project would not help these things at all.

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The problem is not the PvP itself, but the Solar Rail System, that is easily exploited for example with the bug mentioned by the OP, that alliances force the mission to crash, making it impossible to attack it. Another problem is the Alliance Cartel that controls most of the Dark Sectors by blocking the Rails, a problem not related to the PvP itself, since it happened when the Conflicts were PvE too. 


Just for the record, i am a big fan of the Conclave PvP. As an avid Conclave player, i say that the problem is not the PvP itself, but the Solar Rail Conflict System. Most of these problems mentioned here happened when the system was the PvE sabotage mission. 

Edited by RexSol
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The problem is not the PvP itself, but the Solar Rail System, that is easily exploited for example with the bug mentioned by the OP, that alliances force the mission to crash, making it impossible to attack it. Another problem is the Alliance Cartel that controls most of the Dark Sectors, a problem not related to the PvP itself, since it happened when the Conflicts were PvE too.


Do you like the MOBA styled PvP in rail conflicts?

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Do you like the MOBA styled PvP in rail conflicts?


No, i have absolutely no interest in the Conflicts, i think its an utterly broken and unbalanced game mode, with barely any skill involved, just ability spamming and exploiting cheap tactics. 


They should have fixed the PvP before implementing it on the Dark Sector Conflicts. On the Conclaves there is some kind of unspoken fair play rules, regular conclavers (that plays every day) knows what is broken and refuse to use it, for example Reflex Guard, Explosive Weapons, and certain unfair Abilities. But that's because the Conclaves have no rewards, we play there for fun and to make friends. The Conflicts however, people are not there to make friends, they will use every dirty trick available to win. It's DE's job to fix those broken things, they can't expect players to play fair when there is a Dark Sector node on the line.

Edited by RexSol
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While I agree that Dark Sectors are broken, can we please quit with the whole "this is a PvE game remove PvP" thing? We can have both. The two modes are balanced separately, the game is fine for PvP, and saying that it was never meant to have PvP is patently untrue.


I agree with this entirely, but most of the community gets their panties in a bunch when anyone mentions PvP. It's more toxic than some of the people I meet in MOBAs.

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While I agree that Dark Sectors are broken, can we please quit with the whole "this is a PvE game remove PvP" thing? We can have both. The two modes are balanced separately, the game is fine for PvP, and saying that it was never meant to have PvP is patently untrue.


We could have both, I agree, but we shouldn't have both because it has largely been proved that the community isn't neither mature or ready for PVP.


The game may be fine for PVP but it seems that the players are not.

Edited by Branwyn
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Well considering I know of 100 guys just in my clan that love the pvp and would likely quit playing if they took it away, and hundreds more in our Alliance I think removing it is heavy handed. You are speaking mainly about how things are unfolding on PC, which is more a problem with the users and less the system.

Abusing exploits and game mechanics for unfair advantage is cheating, not a broken PVP system. The problem is there is no way to stop friendly deployments, and by the time they fix whatever dojo thing you are speaking of it will have served it's purpose already. Honestly if it bothers you so much play the 99% of the game that is PVE and let us have our PVP Dark Sectors. Nothing drops on rails that force you to play them in or out of conflict.

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We could have both, I agree, but we shouldn't have both because it has largely been proved that the community isn't neither mature or ready for PVP.


The game may be fine for PVP but it seems that the players are not.


That's not a good reason either.


The conclave community in Warframe is one of the nicest parts of the game. Compared to some of the pugs I run, it's fantastic. Don't get me wrong, I've had more nice pugs that bad ones, and I've seen my fair share of nasty conclave players. There's really very little difference in the amount of nasty and nice players, even in dark sectors. 


Bad behavior is inevitable when people interact anonymously over the internet. By that logic, we shouldn't have online play at all.

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Bad behavior is inevitable when people interact anonymously over the internet. By that logic, we shouldn't have online play at all.


It's one of my strongest beliefs, that Digital Divide is actually a good thing and many people shouldn't be allowed near the internet.


That said, the core of this game is about PVE, conclaves were good as they were before. As in free areas where players could fight each other within some limitations to prevent things to get unbalanced. A place where they could play their PVP and not affect at all the experience for PVE players.


As long you try to merge the two things, have PVP affect the PVE players, things go bad.


Because the PVPers will always try to either impose their view on PVErs or insult them for being casuals. (PVE had been largely shown about not caring...) If DE wants to give us a +20% boost node, it should be a PVE thing and not being related at all by PVP. Because the game is, as I said, PVE at its core. 

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I'm not interested in Dark Sectors either, but c'mon, be reasonable; some people do.


If you don't like it, don't play it. Simple.


They should keep it, develop it, and fix any glitches/exploits, for the sake of those people who do play it, who are just as deserving of a good quality product as any customer.

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Personally I think a big Tenno Colosseum would be neat, every week clans sign up in their categories from single person ghost to the mega clans, buy in for competition could be credits or Ducats, with the winning clan gaining resource & credit rights to a given planet system, values determined by a general consensus from within the community as towards what's deemed fair, I'd say 5% maybe less as your clan, or a badass individual, would be receiving a percentage from the planet nodes as a whole for a week, keeping the 2 DS nodes and allowing clans the option to change the nodes rewards to include stuff the clan has in a Vault collection as top prize for people who've contributed to the Clans earnings in any given week, Prime parts, fully crafted weapons & gear even.

As for world PvP, I always wanted to raid other dojo's myself, break everything, loot valued items and research instead of having to grind for it allow clans to sack others IN THEIR BASES! and allow clans to establish defenses based on whichever factions or syndicate the clan may be affiliated with, with spectres & all clan players receiving notice that they're under attack, time limits between attacks being generous of course.......or up to player choice?

See I also played that S#&$ty little FB game battle pirates, and that kind of base attacking system kinda worked, had a timeframe to cause as much damage as possible, more damage yields more rewards, but after enough you get bubbled & can't be attacked for awhile, pop back into the game, click repair, spend resources in said repairs, review the attack, improve base defense, I watched 4 people in concert pick peoples bases apart, one performed recon with a fast ship, the next went and kited the defending ships until they were destroyed, the 3rd had a fleet specialized for base defense killing, with the last being the unstoppable Juggernaut that finishes everything off, no one of these guys could take this single player, but a team, coordinated, robbed the poor schmuck blind.

Anyway just some food for thought.

Edit: Just now thought that if people could cause these clans that do this kinda BS to hemmorage money and resources for acting like A******s, they might be less likely to be so flippant with their choices, every action has a reaction, and in the hands of angry gamers with time on their hands, that reaction can be a lot of fun!

Edited by PureMalice
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While I agree that Dark Sectors are broken, can we please quit with the whole "this is a PvE game remove PvP" thing? We can have both. The two modes are balanced separately, the game is fine for PvP, and saying that it was never meant to have PvP is patently untrue.

You are My hero

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Alot of condescending trash talk in here


PvP would be fine if De invested time into instead of letting more players use it as an excuse as to why it wont work


But since DE doesn't seems interested in spending too much time on it, people should just accept this and resign to PVP being scrapped off...

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"Change to dojo detected, Please wait..." then it host migrates, even though i'm the host, and our squad gets forever stuck flying in space in our Lisets. Only way out? Alt+F4.



hmm. this bug should be fixed since yesterday as far as i know.

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I think DE simply doesn't have the resources to flesh out PvP. Since Warframe becomes bigger and bigger, not only do they add more content but they also try to find out what direction this game is actually going. Because 2 years before there was nothing like that. Now they have the man-power but it's simply not enough to also work on a truly satisfying PvP content. It was added because why not. Another feature for marketing to use even if it's half-assed (sorry).

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I think DE simply doesn't have the resources to flesh out PvP.


DE just got an absolutely massive cash infusion. Their website even said that they were hiring. 


So let's hope at least one of those people they hired can do game balance and is assigned to PvP.

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