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Do You Guys Just Farm Stuff Or Don't Care And Have Fun?


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I usually play for fun when I'm solo and with pugs; I pull my weight in the latter case but I know what I can deal with with what I have. When I group up with friends and clanmates, then I put on the serious cap unless we actually intend to have fun. If I end up farming something, I usually run the required missions 3 or 4 times then go to something else. Helps prevent burning out.


Also, it depends on the kind of missions. Alerts, I usually run for credits or Infestations for ressources. Run a few MD, Defense or Survival for kicks too. Fun times. I mean, at MR18, I decided to revisit some older weapons I had. Had a blast running an infested defense with a well modded Gram and experimenting with aerial attacks.


Just as an example : there's something truly enjoyable in launching yourself into the air high with an aerial attack then perform a ground slam with Gram in the middle of a group of infested then going to town on them. And I can hear you wondering "Y no Galatine, n00b?". Simple, I wanted to play with my great plasma tube sword. So I did. And fun was had.

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Never done intensive grinding, I take my time, and like you said I don't get up to latest new things, though it's actually what I've done on purpose since the beginning since I wanted to avoid most being in those veterans situations where you have everything and just consume updates.


As for the amount of grind, as usual someone said there are worse in others games, there is still something specific to warframe is that most grind are associated by mission results (I never thought someone would talk about it, but someone did make a thread for that actually some time ago).

In old MMOs you'd go somewhere and you just repeat some actions like farming mobs, if it were like that in Warframe even playing more horribly on the drop rates I think there wouldn't have as much complaints (And myself personally would be grinding like hell, but in Warframe, like this not really.).

It's something of a convenience over the control of your grind, or maybe just that format of gameplay for grinding is better like that, rather than mission per mission.

Edited by Mokkania
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As for the amount of grind, as usual someone said there are worse in others games, there is still something specific to warframe is that most grind are associated by mission results

as far as im aware, this is the only free to play game that offers farming, instead of pay2win, which honestly is nice

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Not into farming that much nowadays; I have no goal at the game atm.  I just usually get invited by friends and end up getting stuff doing runs with them.


For now I'm quite satisfied with just blowing away and cutting off redshirts to pieces.

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I still pretty much enjoy Void stuff, cuz I'm not all that established to be all that picky about what I get. Only things I farmed for were the Paris Prime and the Soma Prime (which I still can't use cuz I'm only MR5) but it wasn't too bad. I pretty much just wanna see what stuff can do. I'm leveling a Boltor Prime and a Rhino Prime but that's actually kinda boring (..ok, not the Boltor, it's OP and it's fun) cuz Rhino doesn't interest me.

I don't like doing low level missions, that feels grindy, but considering hour long T4 survival still sounds like a challenge to me, you can see I'm new enough to not be tired yet.

My current goal is to get to MR6 and get enough plat to buy palettes, cuz I need moar colurz.

When I get all the frames I'll prob be bored. But maybe not, idk

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I never TRY to farm, I just end up doing a much of missions with friends or randoms or doing syndicate dailies or events or whatever, which usually ends up giving me similar rewards to farming.

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Farming is fun so long as it's challenging. The entire game is really about farming anyway, so you best be good at having fun with it. As such you'll almost never see me in a void defense map. Watching everyone spam CC moves and plink away at enemies with absolutely zero fear of dying or even being so much as scratched is about as far away from fun as I can think to be. Much prefer survival. 

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Farming is fun so long as it's challenging. The entire game is really about farming anyway, so you best be good at having fun with it. As such you'll almost never see me in a void defense map. Watching everyone spam CC moves and plink away at enemies with absolutely zero fear of dying or even being so much as scratched is about as far away from fun as I can think to be. Much prefer survival. 

i prefer both def and surv

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i was always somebody who plays for fun, i don't need this 1337 crap and E-sports stuff.


I have most fun when i am an Overpowered powerhouse so i can safely play around, of course i like a challenge, but after all i play for fun.


Also, i am a collector, i hate it when i miss something, so i craft and collect all the weapons i can get my Hands on.

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