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Mesa Grind Is Just Obsurd


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You seem to forget that everyone is not a hardcore farmer and people have this thing called a life. So when I say it is unavailable it means that any normal farming within Warframe with the exception for Vauban can be done at your own leisure. You really think everyone has the time and place to wait for and do the invasions?


Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible.


My argument is very valid and infact it is yours that is not. People do not live their lives according to warframe invasions.

I personally havent been able all the much since i have summatives I miss the invasions cause im asleep or at school i get like an hour or 2 to play a day so even then if I were to have the key ready on that day I'd get one run and then a nav cord or two if im lucky

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I know I am one of the lucky RNG people, got all parts in 3 runs, got two of the parts from a keyshare with another person, and last piece from someone who wasn't looking for keyshare, and just wanted to do the mission.


But that being said, who cares if its a grindwall? like many people have said, you probably don't enjoy grinding anyway, so don't grind, don't burn yourself out looking for something that you aren't willing to pay real money for, and therefore probably isn't a necessity in your eyes, and just do them whenever you have a key.


You're more likely to be more frustrated and hate the game by relying on hour after hour of trying to get something, and even when you do get it you'll probably hate the game too much to enjoy the frame.

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I farmed Mesa at my own leisure just fine.


The only people complaining about Mesa are those getting screwed over by RNG. 


Its funny that this entire game is about grinding and doing missions over and over again in order to obtain things, and yet when people dont get those things straight away they complain. 


If you got everything you wanted first try, what would be the point in continuing to play?

theres usually satisfaction to a grind but mesa's grind is different and is RNG ontop of RNG. Like i said when I farmed for my other frames I always felt like I was making progress and the grind never felt to extreme I was always coming out with something even if it was a piece I already had I could go back and try again but mesa isnt nothing like that mesa the grind not only feels like your progressing but you have to grind to grind. you have to grind for nav cords just so you can grind a boss and it takes so much time that getting systems 3 times in a row just makes you want to say F*** it. When I farmed oberon I could get how ever many of any piece as much as the game would like to throw it at me and I wouldnt care but spending two+ hours to get one key just to get one part you already have doesnt make the grind feel like its worth it at all

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I myself am with the challenge crowd man, but challenge is different from randomness... :/

I heard there was a big grind and there were missions and all this stuff so i thought "Oh maybe this isnt completely rng based other then boss part drops and it'll just have challenging missions that will lead up to the replay whenever you feel like it boss fight" Ive never been so wrong

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I heard there was a big grind and there were missions and all this stuff so i thought "Oh maybe this isnt completely rng based other then boss part drops and it'll just have challenging missions that will lead up to the replay whenever you feel like it boss fight" Ive never been so wrong


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You mean like everything else in the game? Literally what the loot system in the game is based around? Yeah. Quite an issue there. Maybe that's something that should have been thought about BEFORE you started playing the game. I mean. I remember when people absolutely went apeS#&$ about how "hard" nekros was to get. And now? Easy. Not for  newbies to get maybe but for literally everyone else, it's just fine. Honestly.

Hey I was there when killing a boss didn't guarantee a frame part man. (You could even miss the loot if it fell down the map! Stoopid Frost systems...)


Nekros grind was harsh at the beginning, but fortunately they toned it down a little bit. I hope the same for Mesa, because right now if you want to solo this, it would take a lot of time...Moreover : key bosses are sadly only played for frame parts and once you got the 3 elements = bye bye Vay Hek/Mutalist Alad V. :/

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That is true, but we could at least run 100 bosses to grind a part and hope for a drop. Not to wait 1-2 days to make one key if we are luck to be online when invasion hits.

And with people making Mesa frames, less and less people are doing alerts. What happens when people stop making runs at it? Guys that were not lucky to get 3 parts can kiss it goodbye, or pay 350(whatever) plat.

It's not that i didnt put in an effort, farming all coordinates i can get with my guildmates, and guess what...none of us made Mesa, all of us are missing systems. Frustrating as hell.

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So many people hate waiting. You'll burn yourselves out trying so hard to get something like Mesa immediately.

You do know that she's not time limited. You have so much time, ideally infinite, to get her. Who knows, DE might decide to nerf the grind in the future so why not get her then?

I started playing when Hydroid came out and only got him when it's almost U15. But still I got him and enjoy using him.

My point: Please, don't join the hype train and play in a pace that does not spoil the fun. If u feel that mesa is worth that much hassle, then i believe u won't complain. Right now, you think it's a pain so I suggest to take it slow and go with the flow.

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Absurd? nope.. 

sheer dumb luck on RNGeesus.. yes..


i forgot how many nights (cuz i can only play at night/after school) I've spent on farming the coordinates..


but played salad V 3 times solo - no keyshare because my internet is slow most of the time.. and there it is.. built Mesa already..

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Well, they finally validated buying a frame with platinum. And I haven't done this since the very start when I've bought 75p frames. Most of times before buying a frame felt just dumb, since anyone could get it fro free in 2 or 3 days tops. Now with Mesa it was finally worth to buy it.

Now, in the grand scheme of things it's not too bad - when it comes to player starting the game. She's like Vauban, you can get her within a month or two.

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Its not unlimited time, at first the alerts were done in like 30 mins tops, now they last for hours. Meaning, a lot of people gave up or got Mesa parts and are not running that anymore. And as more people get her, less people will be playing that invasion. In 2-3 months you can expect one alert to last 8-12+ hours since people just dont need it anymore. What are people that are farming her gonna do then? Solo the invasion till it reaches 0%?


And Vauban is by no means the same grind. What stupid comparison is that? You get an Vauban part alert, run the mission, get a part that is 100% sure drop and you are done. I made my Vauban in less then 2 weeks.


For Mesa you need to wait a Alad V alert, three of them to be precise, then make a key, and kill Alad V for a part, and i honestly doubt that helm/chassis/systems are 33% chances to drop each since i got 10 chassis and 15+ helms and 0 systems.


If it was same as Vauban, i would just wait for a Mesa systems part alert for a week or two, or three and run mission once and get a sure drop on part i need. As it is now, if RNGjesus hates me i wont get Mesa systems as long as i live no matter how much I play.

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Hey I was there when killing a boss didn't guarantee a frame part man. (You could even miss the loot if it fell down the map! Stoopid Frost systems...)


Nekros grind was harsh at the beginning, but fortunately they toned it down a little bit. I hope the same for Mesa, because right now if you want to solo this, it would take a lot of time...Moreover : key bosses are sadly only played for frame parts and once you got the 3 elements = bye bye Vay Hek/Mutalist Alad V. :/

I still play vay hek from time to time, and I still play Lephantis even now. There's quite a few more reasons to go back to them, it's just the majority of the community overlooks these because the main focus is the grind. I will grant you that the inital grind for mesa is a bit harsh, but it gives more of a reason to pay attention to the infested invasions that happen across the galaxy.

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Community : Make it harder

DE : Okay


If you want it, go for it, if not stop whining.

I bet you'll get it for a month or so. It's not impossible.

Grinding =/= difficulty.


Nullifier crewman are a great example of the difficulty of the game increasing in a good way.

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So many people hate waiting. You'll burn yourselves out trying so hard to get something like Mesa immediately.

You do know that she's not time limited. You have so much time, ideally infinite, to get her. Who knows, DE might decide to nerf the grind in the future so why not get her then?

I started playing when Hydroid came out and only got him when it's almost U15. But still I got him and enjoy using him.

My point: Please, don't join the hype train and play in a pace that does not spoil the fun. If u feel that mesa is worth that much hassle, then i believe u won't complain. Right now, you think it's a pain so I suggest to take it slow and go with the flow.


I don't mind waiting, it's the RNG of waiting for the Invasions that might not pop up (and so far, I've seen none pop up for me) + the gamble for Mesa's parts.  If Mesa's quest was like Mirage's, I'd have no quarrel since Dragon Keys are easily made and take almost no time at all to craft, not to mention you can see if anyone in your party has them.

Edited by hijinks_the_turtle
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I don't mind waiting, it's the RNG of waiting for the Invasions that might not pop up (and so far, I've seen none pop up for me) + the gamble for Mesa's parts.  If Mesa's quest was like Mirage's, I'd have no quarrel since Dragon Keys are easily made and take almost no time at all to craft, not to mention you can see if anyone in your party has them.

I'm pretty sure they do pop invasions once or twice a day depending on how fast the previous one ends. This is no problem for pc players since we can end one infestation in less than 12hours.

Also, if u didn't notice, there are two types of invasions, the regular one that rewards a resource or 10kcreds and the mutalist one that rewards navs, 2 resources and 25kcreds. The second kind of invasion has a guaranteed 1 mutalist nav alert and from what I have seen can spawn 2. A short time after one kind of infestation ends another will pop up.

I seriously doubt and disagree with what u said that the mutalist nav alert is rng. Your availability is rng - technically it isn't as long as u are in control of ur schedule. Thwn again, I still believe that it's a matter of waiting for another chance to get a nav.

The only rng for me is the mesa part.

I suggest u download Warframe Utility if u have a smartphone to check invasions or visit the alert website.

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