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C Rotations Are Downright Abusive To Players.


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So you get yourself a void key. You've got an item you want at a C rotation. 


It can't drop at 5

It can't drop at 10

It can't drop at 15. 

It can drop at 20, but it probably won't, and you're probably bored of playing the same thing for 20 minutes. By this point every enemy that will appear already has. The game won't become more interesting. But let's say you don't have many keys. You need to get your moneys worth. More waves? Of course. 

It can't drop at 25

It can't drop at 30

It can't drop at 35

It can drop at 40. By this point you're more than bored. Chances are you're going to turn off warframe when you're done. You've spent 40 minutes... and you probably didn't get it. This is also usually the turning in point.You might be able to make it to 45, but getting to 60... 


Now, as an added bonus, because you were planning to get to 40, you bought really good gear. Your gear might have been so good that the first 25 waves were really boring because they offered no challenge (generally around 35 is where it's good). Great level scaling at it's finest. 



Anyhow; It's incredibly off-putting to find that thing you want has an item on rotation C. Because if you really want that item (even just to make some plat off it, because everyone else gave up on it) you're going to have to do those 40 minutes several times. You're going to be in RNG hell for literally hours. It already feels less like play and more like work. 


AABC doesn't work. ABC would be slightly nicer. ABCBC is an option. ABCCCC is great.ABBCCBB would be an improvement. AABBCCCC would be an improvement...


Just... Jane,matty and Josephine get rid of this abuse. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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I wouldn't mind if it was AABCA+BCA+BC

C would still be appearing at 20 and 40, unless you shortened the time for survival rewards. So... is that a joke?



Edit: read it wrong. It's an Improvement, but still very terrible. 


How bad is it that something very terrible could be considered an improvement?

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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AABBC+ this way wave 25(defense), round 5(interception), and 25 minutes(survival) would just repeat the C rewards table forever. Most people don't have an issue earning things from rotation A or B so just have them repeat twice in an endless and never again there after. All of the good stuff is in rotation C anyways, and this would reward players for actually staying longer.


Harder content should mean better rewards, so staying longer should increase your chances at what you are actually going for.

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Not having a specific way to get the tower key we need is the real abusive part...

agreed..farming t4sab is near impossible..20 missions of round 4 intercepts gave 1 key..


i would like it if rotations were removed entirely..you have a list of parts that drop for the mission and they drop every 'x' mins..it would be nice if 'x' was a lesser value too (maybe 3)..


also, i think RNG is weighed too..i don't have any proof but by observation, 5 missions of T4Sab gave 4 dakra p bp..that can not be RNG unless dakra prime was given higher weightage (drop chance)

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C would still be appearing at 20 and 40, unless you shortened the time for survival rewards. So... is that a joke? 


Uh, you're not counting properly.  AABCABCABC would give you C rewards at 20, 35, 50 rather than 20, 40, 60.  A bit of an improvement, if not a huge one.

Edited by BhruicDearg
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they gotta make those ACTUALLY hard nightmare missions with maybe conclave limits like tactical alerts, varied and challenging enemy spawns (pls no exploding meat fest) finally useful. Put specific keys on specific high level nightmare missions or something and everyone is already having more fun and are happier.


It's not hard to figure out, by now I think they are leaving booring RNG based, unchanging grind on purpose.

Edited by Aure7
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Yeah, i realized i don't care about primes at all at this point, not dropping money to get one. tower anything has become so mundane and boring and you don't get anything for it if you're an end game player. They are so $&*&*#(%& hard to get it's not even funny. Not only do you barely have the chance of getting anything you actually want at 20 in t4 you have to deal with the enemies 1 shotting you at anything higher than 30 it's not even fun. it just turns into how many abilities can you spam out.

Starting to see why most of the players on ps4 that i talk to about warframe say it's boring.

I'm a pc player btw, but i really do agree the shooting mechanics and derpy animations for enemies really does become empty and boring because there is no weight to the combat and almost no really good feeling feed back. The only thing as far as feedback is the blue haze of numbers which really does become obtrusive to actually witnessing the combat.

then on top of that when you disable damage numbers and affinity there is no hit marker. LOL

i don't see why they can't just make it so when you kill an enemy a small number appears next to your crosshair saying +50xp or something and then make the cumulative so if you kill 2 enemies that are worth 50 in a 4 second period it would +100xp as to not clutter up the screen with a blue haze and thus reduce visual feed back and graphical fidelity also the blue haze of numbers poops on low end players frame rates. 

Edited by Satinpuppies
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I'm a pc player btw, but i really do agree the shooting mechanics and derpy animations for enemies really does become empty and boring because there is no weight to the combat and almost no really good feeling feed back. The only thing as far as feedback is the blue haze of numbers which really does become obtrusive to actually witnessing the combat.

then on top of that when you disable damage numbers and affinity there is no hit marker. LOL

i don't see why they can't just make it so when you kill an enemy a small number appears next to your crosshair saying +50xp or something and then make the cumulative so if you kill 2 enemies that are worth 50 in a 4 second period it would +100xp as to not clutter up the screen with a blue haze and thus reduce visual feed back and graphical fidelity also the blue haze of numbers poops on low end players frame rates. 

I apreciate the response... but this part of the post is WELL off topic. 


OH, Unless we change it so that racking huge bodycounts in survival is what gives us prime drops rewards, rather than minutes. 

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I apreciate the response... but this part of the post is WELL off topic. 


OH, Unless we change it so that racking huge bodycounts in survival is what gives us prime drops rewards, rather than minutes. 

Sorry about that, it's just a gripe. Just trying to be a little bit more constructive instead of just feeling like i'm whining, i know it's just feedback but i feel like i'm whining xD

I mainly said that because you said that it gets to the point after like wave 20 you just wanna turn the game off.

I've had that feeling way to often.

Edited by Satinpuppies
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ABC is much better than AABC mainly because this game is really not very stable, especially as the game goes towards 20 minutes/waves. Many weird problems occur, such as program not response, network disconnected,  mission fail with no obvious reason. DE please improve the stability or lower the time required to do the mission. The game will turn itself off just before giving meaningful reward!!

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So you get yourself a void key. You've got an item you want at a C rotation. 


It can't drop at 5

It can't drop at 10

It can't drop at 15. 

It can drop at 20, but it probably won't, and you're probably bored of playing the same thing for 20 minutes. By this point every enemy that will appear already has. The game won't become more interesting. But let's say you don't have many keys. You need to get your moneys worth. More waves? Of course. 

It can't drop at 25

It can't drop at 30

It can't drop at 35

It can drop at 40. By this point you're more than bored. Chances are you're going to turn off warframe when you're done. You've spent 40 minutes... and you probably didn't get it. This is also usually the turning in point.You might be able to make it to 45, but getting to 60... 


Now, as an added bonus, because you were planning to get to 40, you bought really good gear. Your gear might have been so good that the first 25 waves were really boring because they offered no challenge (generally around 35 is where it's good). Great level scaling at it's finest. 



Anyhow; It's incredibly off-putting to find that thing you want has an item on rotation C. Because if you really want that item (even just to make some plat off it, because everyone else gave up on it) you're going to have to do those 40 minutes several times. You're going to be in RNG hell for literally hours. It already feels less like play and more like work. 


AABC doesn't work. ABC would be slightly nicer. ABCBC is an option. ABCCCC is great.ABBCCBB would be an improvement. AABBCCCC would be an improvement...


Just... Jane,matty and Josephine get rid of this abuse. 


You already know how and where the "item" you want is. Yet, with the knowledge that it only drops randomly, you do the mission anyway, then complain it did not drop, fully knowing it might not.


This was set up like this from the start, yet, because at the start you were missing EVERYTHING, then ALL drops were meaningful, but now that you are missing only a handful, "it's a hassle".


So basically "please make it easier for me, I'm bored".


Your "idea" would create EXTRA saturation on the market of all the drops, just to please you, and your missing 4-5 parts to finally have everything in the game.


How about you make some friends, and trade the massive amount of duplicates you must now obviously have, and get the ones you are missing?

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So basically "please make it easier for me, I'm bored".


Your "idea" would create EXTRA saturation on the market of all the drops, just to please you, and your missing 4-5 parts to finally have everything in the game.


- Yes, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that assessment, unless you think being 'bored' is a great gameplay mechanic. 


- The market would suffer? Please enlighten me on how, and how this is such a terrible thing. 

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More like D'Spiteful 

As lovely as it is to see him waltz in with abuse and little reason, and then get abused in kind, he could really improve his argument capabilities. I've agreed with him before, so it isn't like he's a complete troll, but most of the time it does seem that way. 



But really, The market is an evil place; many enemies. You can't over-saturate something like that, the buyers and sellers will evolve, or the market mechanic will. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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I just want to ask for a mode where I want say the Boltor Prime Receiver, play through 20-30 minutes of an extremely hard mission (T4 Survival or Defence or MD) and be able to get what I want. I wouldn't even mind if I don't get the other drops. It'd just be nice to set a target and be able to get it consistently without relying so heavily on luck. As it stands at most you can only get at most 2 drops from the C rotation with one key. On your next key you aren't even guaranteed to get 2 different items from the C rotation. Please DE, give us the SmartRNG.

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I just want to ask for a mode where I want say the Boltor Prime Receiver, play through 20-30 minutes of an extremely hard mission (T4 Survival or Defence or MD) and be able to get what I want.


I'm not entirely sure why we can't do stuff like that. Pick what we want, the game tells us what we must do in order to obtain it, we go get it.


For Instance:

Right now, Nova Prime parts are the most sought after things in the game. Have their required missions be set to 15 30-minute T4S-like missions (without requiring 15 T4S keys, obviously, unless you could buy a BP and build them) and then you just get it. Whereas something like the Latron Prime, which has been out for a long time and despite its power, is very cheap and not too hard to chase down a set of, be a few T3Cs or something.


It would remove the RNG element, up the grind element (which I don't think too many people would mind if they knew they would get what they want), and make the playerbase a lot happier, even the Marketplace bigwigs. They can still run tons of missions to get valuable parts and have a stock of them constantly coming in, rather than relying on RNG to get their wares.

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