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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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For study? Why the S#&$ would a clan be doing that kind of research? My general assumption was that it was to produce material gains, not tech study.

Just because a clan hired a scavenger crew to salvage things doesn't mean that it's going straight into greed and material gains. We know NOTHING of the situation of the clan. Assuming that their only cause was greed is rather... rude. Even if it isn't for study, that salvage could still be used for repairs and such.

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Isn't clan research a really big deal? Those resources and information comes from somewhere. Not sure where else Tenno would find the designs and materials to rebuild solar rails besides from Orokin ruins.

Edit: Edited my post to include a reply to lusith.

Edited by SnaleKing
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Okay so to avoid misunderstandings and/or confusion in the future can people please post in the OOC to tell the rest of us when they've made an edit to an old/previous IC post? and not just say that they left a message because that really doesn't say anything about your IC activities. Most people doesn't go back to read posts again unless they're relevant to the one they are about to write and they have to go back and look at the details if they're not sure they remembered them correctly.


That was all, thank you.

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I feel as though I need to clear something up in regards to what Sahjey was doing so I know how to respond to Dalimir, since everyone seems to be taking Sahjey's side: What was the exact nature of her contract with that clan? I mean, most clans build Dojos out of alloy Plates and Forma, right?


What good does stuff like that do?

No I can't tell you what her intents were in the Ooc because that would be meta as hell, I'd also like to ask others from saying what they know because again meta.. The other reason is because it gives a much more realistic feel when your character makes mistakes or ya know you actually display what they make of the situation, so if he feels like he's misunderstood well then you should know what to do to correctly go about this.


Edit- Also Temp Sahj is waiting down in the foundry for... well whatever, reading posts now.

ps- I don't think spaceships really shake when in zero g seeing as they produce their own gravity and that would be what's shaking.. but since.. ah heck science mumbo jumbo aside I don't think the ship will shake, but it might lurch when the punch is first initiated...

Edited by Astralin
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Okay so to avoid misunderstandings and/or confusion in the future can people please post in the OOC to tell the rest of us when they've made an edit to an old/previous IC post? and not just say that they left a message because that really doesn't say anything about your IC activities. Most people doesn't go back to read posts again unless they're relevant to the one they are about to write and they have to go back and look at the details if they're not sure they remembered them correctly.


That was all, thank you.

To be fair, I edited my post not long after having put it up. To be honest, I'm surprised Snale saw it before then, so my post was meant to be more a reminder than to just say I did it...

But I'll keep this in mind for the future anyhow.

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To be fair, I edited my post not long after having put it up. To be honest, I'm surprised Snale saw it before then, so my post was meant to be more a reminder than to just say I did it...

But I'll keep this in mind for the future anyhow.

You underestimate my enthusiasm for RP, then! :D

Glad all that's sorted out

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Hey Temp, how far out would people hear the 'explosion' that happened in engineering?


And in which Engineering room also?


Most people would just feel the ship lurch as it transitioned out of FTL.  Sector 4 is a bit too far away from the rest of the ship for them to hear anything.  The incident itself would probably occur somewhere on deck 4 or 5.


As for what exactly happened, I strongly recommend that everyone wait for Viper before posting.  She controls Atlanta, and thus will be the one to determine the exact placement and scale of the incident.

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Question o' the day: Why isn't there some kind of CPID notification that lets the crew know when the ship is about to punch in/out?

Think about it. What if a crewmember was doing a delicate task, like clipping toenails? If the ship were to punch at that time, bye-bye toes, hello pain.

The more I think about it, the more obvious it becomes. What benefit could come by not warning the crew?

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Question o' the day: Why isn't there some kind of CPID notification that lets the crew know when the ship is about to punch in/out?

Think about it. What if a crewmember was doing a delicate task, like clipping toenails? If the ship were to punch at that time, bye-bye toes, hello pain.

The more I think about it, the more obvious it becomes. What benefit could come by not warning the crew?


You make a good point though I doubt someone could cut their toes off with a toenail clipper. That is unless they use hedge trimmers to cut their nails like Eustace in Courage the Cowardly Dog.

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Okay, what about the archeology section? Ancient artifacts have a tendency to break easily if poorly handled. Chemical experimentation? One "bump" can turn a container of detonite into an impromptu bomb. Bonsai? One bump can ruin the plant if you're working on it!

There really should be a notification, dammit. We're on a futuristic top notch spaceship going boldly where no man has gone before!

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Okay, what about the archeology section? Ancient artifacts have a tendency to break easily if poorly handled. Chemical experimentation? One "bump" can turn a container of detonite into an impromptu bomb. Bonsai? One bump can ruin the plant if you're working on it!

There really should be a notification, dammit. We're on a futuristic top notch spaceship going boldly where no man has gone before!

Technically it's "Boldly going where no human, Tenno, Corpus, or Grineer have gone before"

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Boldly bonking brains on bulkheads where no buffoon has bumped before!

Hey, guess this is just one more nuance of space travel that the bold pioneers get to deal with. This is uncharted territory, and sometimes that manifests in mundane ways. You could have a character talk to the captain about it.

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