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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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Since it's Dal using the ability, I would recommend asking him.  However, I am, as usual, inclined to side with Snale here and say that Soul Punch was just the equivalent of a very powerful physical blow.  As for Khaldun's "soul" flying out, we can call that a Void energy "echo" generated by the power's interaction with his Tenno physiology.  No lasting damage done.

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Holy S#&$ I went for a nap and then all this happened while I was gone?...hehe, fun. But seriously though is anyone surprised that Khaldrun got punched? I'm not.


Not surprised at all.



This is space magic of the purest form. I think one would have to ask a Nekros itself to get a decent answer for that.


Also, looking at the in-game ability in detail, it does 500 impact damage, maybe 750 with mods. That'd barely go through most warframe's shields, a far cry from a one-hit kill. High levels, I doubt that even OHKO's heavy NPC's.


Assuming no mods, a Vauban has 225 shields, 300 health and 50 armour at rank 30. 50 armour gives 14.29% damage reduction. Tenno have flesh which takes -25% from impact and their armour is allow which has no positive or negative multipliers for impact damage. Soul Punch without mods will do 500 impact damage. Impact does +50% to the shields of a Tenno. 150 of a Soul Punch's 500 damage would be required just to down shields. The remaining 350 damage would be reduced to 299.985 due to armour and further reduced to 224.98875 by the flesh multiplier. That leaves 75 health.


A max rank Redirection mod would allow the shields to absorb 370 of the 500 damage and the remaining 130 would undergo the reductions mentioned earlier. With a max rank Vigor, the shields would absorb even more and only 70 of the damage would make it through. That's before the possibility of Vitality being added into the mix comes in.


So I think it can be assumed that not his entire soul but just a large chunk got ejected from his body and he'll need to recover at worst. At best, it would be a small fragment and it will be a minor injury that he can recover from before long.

Edited by Sumika1204
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I wouldn't say the 'soul punch' is an insta-kill, besides the way he described it it felt more like a burst of energy similar to that of a soul punch. But as per the general unwritten rules of rp one should not kill anothers character without reasonable and justifiable conditions, and it should only be performed in this manner after consulting the owner of the character correctly. So I would go with, knocked out not killed as he is a scholar he probably wouldn't be able to take much of a physical hit so much as a mental hit.


Also: Given that Khaldun decided to escalate it to the point of physical contact, I'm not as surprised that force was delivered. I learned a valuable lesson from someone that was similar to, "Arguing your point will never make you right, it will only make you seem defensive and aggressive. If you want someone to truly believe you prove it through action not word." It might work with this situation given that Khaldun is only speaking his side of the argument instead of showing any physical evidence.

Edited by Astralin
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I wouldn't say the 'soul punch' is an insta-kill, besides the way he described it it felt more like a burst of energy similar to that of a soul punch. But as per the general unwritten rules of rp one should not kill anothers character without reasonable and justifiable conditions, and it should only be performed in this manner after consulting the owner of the character correctly. So I would go with, knocked out not killed as he is a scholar he probably wouldn't be able to take much of a physical hit so much as a mental hit.


Also: Given that Khaldun decided to escalate it to the point of physical contact, I'm not as surprised that force was delivered. I learned a valuable lesson from someone that was similar to, "Arguing your point will never make you right, it will only make you seem defensive and aggressive. If you want someone to truly believe you prove it through action not word." It might work with this situation given that Khaldun is only speaking his side of the argument instead of showing any physical evidence.

1. Good point. Unconsciousness seems like the way to go.

2. I know Khaldun's a really big jerk who doesn't know when to fight his battles. I can try to write him so he does less of that.

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1. Good point. Unconsciousness seems like the way to go.

2. I know Khaldun's a really big jerk who doesn't know when to fight his battles. I can try to write him so he does less of that.


Nah, as long as you're aware of that, it's fine. We'd only be pissed if you defended all of his actions as morally justifiable.

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Soul Punch does not kill in an instant hit, the initial impact of his "punch", because of how he is modded, dealt 650 damage, which would either deal shield and no health, shield and a little health, or shield and a moderate amount of health, depending on how Khaldun's modded his defenses. Besides, Dalimir was holding back, not using his full strength because this is a light retaliation to Khaldun's actions, not intent of murder. Also, I realize that I forgot to put in that Khaldun's soul returned to his body right after it hit the table, will edit that in.

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Good, I knew someone was better informed than me, I didn't want to give bad advice, but as I've seen it work, Soul Pumch forcibly ejects the soul of it's initial target, sending the soul of that initial target forward to deal damage to others. I've gotten soul punched in PVP before using a Frost, chillin' at around 12 hundred shields and got insta killed, with someone behind me taking around 600 dmg, so I always assumed that was what it did.

Hod Ram ti uPhone!

Edited by ultimatumcore
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Read the whole thing. He's referring to the two sides of Zokah: the professional and the slightly more sympathetic "human" side. He doesn't like the professionalism, but he'd like to imagine there's a sentimental side to her.

If she doesn't actually have said sentimental side, then Abra is deluding himself.

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Um.. isn't... why... uh

[but I think Zokah is slightly more sympathetic. I'll help you find Kate; there's no need to force my hand." -Achaix]

This.. doesn't seem to make much sense considering he's talking to Zokah.

Is it bad that this made me chuckle?

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1. Dalimir, Khaldun's already left. He kinda squeezed past the twins before he could get insulted further.

2. Where the hell is Winged? It's a little annoying when your to-be partner is absent.

Edited by S.T.M.P.D
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1. Dalimir, Khaldun's already left. He kinda squeezed past the twins before he could get insulted further.

2. Where the hell is Winged? It's a little annoying when your to-be partner is absent.

You're hardly one to talk STMPD. As Dal and others has been forced to wait on you to post a lot of times. And a lot of times it's been several days up to weeks between the times. Even though you have been active elsewhere on the forums.

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1. Dalimir, Khaldun's already left. He kinda squeezed past the twins before he could get insulted further.

2. Where the hell is Winged? It's a little annoying when your to-be partner is absent.

I have had a busy plate the last few days. As I've told Fish, my post is now up. Apologies for my inconsistency to post. I wish I could promise to try being more active, but I regretfully have to say that would be dishonesty on my part. If anybody is waiting on me ever, please notify me, as if I miss it, well... I just don't wish to hold others back.
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You're hardly one to talk STMPD. As Dal and others has been forced to wait on you to post a lot of times. And a lot of times it's been several days up to weeks between the times. Even though you have been active elsewhere on the forums.

I know! I know. I get that's why you enjoy it when my characters get punched in the face. I'm trying to do less of that even if I doubt that will change your passionate hate for my presence.

I have had a busy plate the last few days. As I've told Fish, my post is now up. Apologies for my inconsistency to post. I wish I could promise to try being more active, but I regretfully have to say that would be dishonesty on my part. If anybody is waiting on me ever, please notify me, as if I miss it, well... I just don't wish to hold others back.

Eh. It's okay. We all have those times.


...Speaking of which, is Tacis actually in the hangar, or what?

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I know! I know. I get that's why you enjoy it when my characters get punched in the face. I'm trying to do less of that even if I doubt that will change your passionate hate for my presence. Eh. It's okay. We all have those times.

That wasn't her point STMPD. Did you even read it?

Edited by Drakeardian
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That wasn't her point STMPD. Did you read it correctly.

No, no, I mean viper hates me because I have a tendecy to not post in long stretches despite being present on the forums. My point was yes, I'm sorry about that, and in no way does my screwup connect to Winged's. Separate things. I had a right to be annoyed, I don't now because Winged gave an explanation.
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