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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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Not dead at all.  Just break not being very restful.  My apologies for my absence of late; please don't bring up words like "dead" just yet.  It tends to be rather disconcerting.  I'll be back in action as soon as I can steal some time from job applications.

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I've been bussy with work for a coupple of days and will stil be bussy untill sunday, after that I'll be back in action. And I am working on a post when I have some moments to spare, so it will be up soon. 

Good luck until then!

Edited by Drakeardian
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Achaix, I wouldn't say dead, I'd say grid-locked. at least Lusith, and the two of Temperance's Tenno, as well as the Orokin Tower's progression itself, are held up by STMPD, whereas Lady Viper's business also means slow replies, gridlocking whoever is busy on that end. Temperance and Atlanta I believe. It's really just a lot of being stuck keeping us from advancing... And I think some people are held up by Zokah as well, but to be honest, I have no real clue.



Edited by WingedCrusade
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I've been wondering the same thing. I havent seen sumi in ages. He hasn't been in the chatango lately and the last thing I can recall him posting was Heckel sitting down to watch the duel between Lanselot and sahjey...and I'm quite sure I misspelled that...

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I've been wondering the same thing. I havent seen sumi in ages. He hasn't been in the chatango lately and the last thing I can recall him posting was Heckel sitting down to watch the duel between Lanselot and sahjey...and I'm quite sure I misspelled that...


Heckel didn't do that. That was Dalimir. Heckel went to her room to sleep. Also, I have been so busy with university stuff. I have three tests, two lab reports, an assignment and a project to get through before study week. Study week is the week after next.

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Heckel didn't do that. That was Dalimir. Heckel went to her room to sleep. Also, I have been so busy with university stuff. I have three tests, two lab reports, an assignment and a project to get through before study week. Study week is the week after next.


Eep.  Best of luck, Sumi.  We look forward to having you back when everything is finished.

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The thread is closed.  We're on a bit of a pause while some of our key writers attend to Real Life, but even if we weren't, our setting is now outside the Origin System, were we are far less likely to encounter new Tenno.  Hence, we have no real way for new OCs to be introduced.

Edited by Temperance000
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Well he wrote the 27th, if I remember correctly, that spring break was just "hours" away so posting wouldn't be a problem. But now it's been days, and he still hasn't posted anything or been in contact with anyone to my knowledge. This happened back in the 1347 thread too. Everyone waiting for STMPD to post.


But now it's someone else's turn to go kick on him to hurry. Every time I take matters into my own hands to remind him he always go "AhhhViperhatesmeahhh!!" And it's really starting to get on my nerves.

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