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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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If you must ask, sometime while I was doing 1347 the little inbox icon disappeared and has not returned since.


Yes, I'm working on a post. If temp feels its necessary, knowing my behavior during 1347, he can redshirt me: I think I'd have done that if I were him.

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Glad to have you back, STMPD!


Real quick though, a few minor things to think about in your post.


1.  The Voskro system:  I love the liberties you've taken with the little tidbits I gave, but in this case, I'm going to ask you to replace this with "Centauri system."  Since the Tower's been drifting at sublight, I don't want us ranging too far afield.  And, I chose "Proxima" as it's name because of "Proxima Centauri."


2. Lasria and Eruditorum:  This is more Viper's correction, but you might want to think about just how much knowledge would have survived the Collapse.  If you can give me a good reason for Khaldun knowing these things, I'm fine with you keeping them.  Otherwise, I would suggest adding a little more vagueness to his knowledge.  e.g.  "he had heard rumors" or "there were stories/legends" about these things.

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I've had to edit my post due to having tossed it out while pressed for time.

May add more momentarily. I just feel slightly... Discontent with the length of it, still. Also, nothing against the other three, but I think Lusith's taken charge of the scouting party. :D

But if there are any problems with that, then we'll settle it IC, if that's alright.

(Not saying she's literally dubbed herself in command of the small party, but y'know, like, she's just kinda stepping up... You know what I mean.)

Edit; Post tweaked, and beefed up. I'm happy with its length now.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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At last, a mess that showed just how much of a bad idea it was to keep Lotus in Bloom as an "Open" RP.

Thanks for being the necessary evil Unbroken, now please get out. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

As for the rest of you...


Edited by Achaix
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Guess who just did that and got yelled at for it.

This guy!


HA! I wasn't even yelling. I was short and to the point and apparently you can't do that to some people. And yes, you were spamming. Your last post in the IC proved that as you posted it there and not in here. 

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