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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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... What? Oh. I probably worded it funny. It wasn't meant to be said as a way of Lusith knowing it happened, it was just a general statement of how everybody else seems to know stuff about them and the Orokin. The Corpus definitely know, as they're moreover Orokin worshippers, whilst referring to the Tenno as the Betrayers.

I don't remember where I've seen it, but I know I've seen somewhere that the Corpus have a very in-depth respect and interest in the Orokin. Should I re-word my statement? Sorry for the confusion.

If anybody feels otherwise, I could also rewrite it.

Edit; For now, I have added a simple "supposed" into the sentence.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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... What? Oh. I probably worded it funny. It wasn't meant to be said as a way of Lusith knowing it happened, it was just a general statement of how everybody else seems to know stuff about them and the Orokin. The Corpus definitely know, as they're moreover Orokin worshippers, whilst referring to the Tenno as the Betrayers.

I don't remember where I've seen it, but I know I've seen somewhere that the Corpus have a very in-depth respect and interest in the Orokin. Should I re-word my statement? Sorry for the confusion.

If anybody feels otherwise, I could also rewrite it.

Edit; For now, I have added a simple "supposed" into the sentence.


And this is why I like RPing with you Winged.  Thanks :)

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One day, after the Malfunction arc is done and the crew knows each other a bit better, I want to see an epic confrontation between Tacis and Abra.

A battle that would forever change Lotus In Bloom...

A cooking duel.

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I um.... *leans close to viper* it's cute not qute.. *clears throat and goes back to calibrating the main cannon*

Gods damn it Astra! That one was for Fish! I wanted to see how long it would take for him to notice or if I could actually get away with it >:(

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I don't believe Garrus spent the entirety of his time back there just doing callibrations 24/7. Still haven't found the Fornax stache back there, though.

Also, I'm going to wait until Temp's post goes up before I put up mine. Don't have much to go on to write with at the moment.

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Of course he's not calibrating 24/7. He's also out kicking arse, shooting his way through gardens and classy antique shops...When he's not taking a detour to my (the commander's) quarters :3


See?  Everyone loves Garrus.


Also, should have a post up today.  Apologies for the delay.

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My god. I love you people. Anybody hoping that the new Mass Effect to come out next summer will have a co-op for campaign, AND choice of race like Dragon Age? I want my Quarian already! It's just too bad that the old cast won't be there for the most part. Tali's up there on my list of favorites, if not being the top. She's an absolute badass! So is Mordin, but... *Sniff* I won't bring it up.

Anyway, if anybody has a 360, LIVE, and Skype, we should play multiplayer sometime.

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There's a new Mass Effect? I thought they'd given up after that colossal disappointment of an ending.

Hey, you can't have all happy endings. I was fine with it. And yeah, but it's with a new antagonist and not during the events between 1 and 3, so no shepard, no familiar crew, different story. Very little's known about it, but it IS confirmed that we'll be riding a new version of the Hammerhead hover tank!

No but seriously, who has an Xbox 360 with LIVE? Skype, too.

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... that "ending" made every choice I'd made over the games boil down to:

-Green explosions!

-Blue explosions!

-Red explosions!

Forget happy, sad or bittersweet endings, that illusion of choice p¡ssed me off. I'd be okay with Shep dying to save the galaxy, but the endings were just... neh. Just "No" and "Meh" combined.

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